Ordinary Things People Don't Believe You've Never Done

I've never driven my car through a carwash. I hate to admit it but, they sort of freak me out!
Never liked a single American reality show (Survivorman and Mantracker ftw)

They are the best! Les Stroud and Terry Grant Fan here!!!!

I have never failed a test, except for algebra grade 8. I never actually studied.(the combination of both pissed off a lot of my friends :p)
I have never watched most of the classic movies that "everyone has seen". Name a classic; it's an 80-20 shot I haven't seen it. (no ET for me either)

I have never gone camping. (but I don't think I'm missing anything)

I have never joined a social networking site.
I've never broken a bone or been stung by a bee or bit by a wasp.

I've never skiied... and I live in Canada.
So you never read a book?

This one takes the cake, doesn't it? Even I was a little surprised when I thought about it, but it turns out to be true. Basically, all my reading material now comes from the internet (mostly short stories), and every lit class I've ever had involved either anthologies of short stories or fiction books that were always under 200 pages. Had a few that came close, but I can't think of any single work that broke 200 pages for sure. Although there's more to the world than fiction, you know. :p

I've never written a work of fiction over 3 pages long. (Unless you count my BS'd research papers from high school.)
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I have had many ER visits, a few broken bones, but never had stitches. I have a couple scars showing that i should have had stitches.

Hope I didn't jinx myself.
I've never had stiches

I've never had an entire "drink" (I've had sips here and there, but never a full alcoholic drink)

Obviously I've never been drunk
I live in Southern California and have never been to Disney Land.
How is that possible? Did you not read any assigned reading in High School english class?

Who said I went to high school? :p just kidding

I don't know how it happened, but we were never assigned to read any novel-length books (that I can remember) in any english class, high school or college. My high school was more fond of short stories and plays; same for the only lit class I had in college. If there was supposed to be a long book assigned in some year, I may have missed it because I got shifted around the english classes (essentially took junior level twice) due to my involvement with the vo-tech school.

I've never smoked pot.
I've never smoked pot either.

I've never read an erotic/romance novel.

I've never had anal sex.
I have never been south of the US border even tho I only live several hours away by car.
I've never been to the statue of liberty (less than an hour away). Never had a one night stand or picked someone up in a bar. Never tried anal. Never ate a brussel sprout. etc.