Ordinary Things People Don't Believe You've Never Done

I've never...

... struck another person, though several have deserved it.

... smoked pot.

... seen "A Christmas Story" ( I know, right?)

... felt the need for speed

... eaten Rocky Mountain Oysters. Why would anyone?
I've never...

dunked a doughnut into a cup of coffee

never blown a bubble using bubblegum

never taken my hands off the handlebars while riding a bicycle
I've never worn a strapless dress.
I've never shoplifted.
I've never watched any of The Terminator movies.
I've never tried chewing tobacco because I never wanted to spend the rest of the day puking my guts out.
I've never worn a strapless dress and
I've never ridden a motorcycle either.
I never believe in myself

I never stop missing

I've never been to a drive in theater
Never liked The Beatles
Never saw The Godfather
Never did drugs
Never been drunk (though I sure did try for my 21st... drank a lot, but apparently not enough)
Never deliberately flirted with anyone IRL
Never hated my parents, or had a bad reputation with them
Never broke a bone, or had stitches (outside of the mouth, anyway)
Never NOT had a pet
Never liked a single American reality show (Survivorman and Mantracker ftw)
I have never...

Eaten sushi, or anything involving fish which wasn't deepfried
Gotten a ticket (well, I have gotten one for not wearing a seatbelt, but that doesn't count)
Backed down when I knew I was right
Had a broken bone
Actually stopped loving anyone who was at any point important to me
I have never gotten an ulcer (those in the inside of the lip/mouth)

My friends totally didn't believe me, lol.
I've never kissed anyone other than my boyfriend

I've never been skiing

I've never left the country- besides on Niagara Falls

I've never been in a relationship, other than the one I'm in currently
I've never had a dog.
I've never never changed a tire.
I've never made a souffle.
I've never been able to snap with the fingers on my right hand.
I've never....

eaten a bagel. A friend was horrified about that the other day.

Handcuffed or bound a girl :(

Been traveling on my own...

However I plan to fix 2/3 of the above as soon as I can. I wonder which? ;)
I've never...

bungee jumped
seen a ghost
(received) anal
had a boyfriend that's actually from the place i live.