Orgasm Control

redelicious said:
I was trying to explain the concept of orgasm control to a friend and realized, with my limited experience, that there was no way I could do it justice.

Can anyone define this for me? What is it used for? Is it something that you have practiced?

I actually did this for 32 days, purely for exploration purposes. A Dom friend agreed to control my orgasms and touching for a set period of time....I wanted to see how it would affect me. Would the orgasm be better when I finally was allowed? Did the thrill of having someone control it make it better?

We went through many phases in that month. Sometimes he would allow me to touch/touch me but not orgasm. Bring me to the edge over and over and never allow me to quite get there. Sometimes I would go days without being touched at all in any way. For us, it wasn't so much about control as it was about discovering how my body reacted and even teaching me new ways to be sexually stimulated. Before this experience, I used to be able to orgasm one way and one way stimulation on my clit. After that month, during which the only ways I could get ANY stimulation was when he allowed it and in the ways he allowed it, I 'trained' my body to react to more indirect forms of arousal. It was a wonderful discovery.

I loved the constant feeling of arousal. If my panties would wedge themselves up into my asscheeks during the day, what would normally be an annoyance suddenly was a very erotic little moment of stimulation. I thought about him more often during my normal workdays when we were not talking, then I usually heightened desire made me more focused on him, more willing and wanting to please him to be allowed to touch or to be stimulated. It was a very nice submissive place for me to be in.

For him, it was very thrilling to know I was in such a deep state of desire when he hadn't actually done anything to arouse me directly....the simple fact that I wasn't allowed to touch myself without permission was making me beg him, throw myself at him, wanting to please him in hopes that I would be rewarded. It had to be a very powerful feeling for him as well.

When I was finally allowed to orgasm, I was almost dissapointed that the days of pushing myself like that, of re-discovering something I had taken for granted for so long, were over. (well, that dissapointment admittedly didn't last long once my ass was plugged, my thighs switched, my nipples clamped and climaxes wreaking havoc...)

BUT....I did find that after such a long period of being so constantly aroused, for far more often and longer periods than I was used to, that once I was allowed to be touched or touch myself again, it was almost like I was worn out from it all. It took me quite awhile to get interested in orgasms and arousal again, although I had no trouble climaxing. Just my interest level was down for awhile.

ah well, I'll wrap this up, I could go on forever with what I learned from it, after all, 32 days is a damn long time.
A good techinique that my Mistress practise on me is edge-training.

During a chastityperiod, Mistress brings my to the edge everything between 4 to 15 times in a row, about once a week or once every second week without letting me orgasm, or release, then put back into chastity.
This increases the sexual frustration BIGTIME, and makes me more attentive to Her needs.

Sexual frustration increased by edge training, is much worse then a whipping scene, for me as, the pain from a whipping scene goes away pretty fast, but the sexual frustration will be there constant, 24 hours a day and keep me reminded constant of Who is control.


suffers proudly for

Mistress Marlene
iam4Her said:
A good techinique that my Mistress practise on me is edge-training.

During a chastityperiod, Mistress brings my to the edge everything between 4 to 15 times in a row, about once a week or once every second week without letting me orgasm, or release, then put back into chastity.
This increases the sexual frustration BIGTIME, and makes me more attentive to Her needs.

Sexual frustration increased by edge training, is much worse then a whipping scene, for me as, the pain from a whipping scene goes away pretty fast, but the sexual frustration will be there constant, 24 hours a day and keep me reminded constant of Who is control.


suffers proudly for

Mistress Marlene

Ohhhhhh I know exactly what you mean.

And, serijules, 32 days? Oh my ... that I cannot picture. Well, I can picture it ... just don't want to ... ya know?
WillowPuss said:

And, serijules, 32 days? Oh my ... that I cannot picture. Well, I can picture it ... just don't want to ... ya know?

giggle, yeah, I know what you mean, every time I look at the number I'm thinking to myself "how the hell did I manage it"

I'm one that loves the tease though...almost to an obsessive point sometimes....I just looooove to be teased and held on edge.

Admittedly though, I have a new definition of "forever"...

32 days :rolleyes:
Well we don't play quite that way. First of all because I have this little problem and it is hard for me to orgasm.

Himself likes to keep me excited and doesn't want me to masturbate for several days before we are together. He does this to increase and heighten my need. It seems to work for me because it is easier to orgasm when we do this.
cellis said:
Well we don't play quite that way. First of all because I have this little problem and it is hard for me to orgasm.

Himself likes to keep me excited and doesn't want me to masturbate for several days before we are together. He does this to increase and heighten my need. It seems to work for me because it is easier to orgasm when we do this.

I have this problem too cellis. Maybe this is something I should try.

Thank you for your post.
This is a very interesting topic to me. I have no practical experience in Orgasm Control. Would love to give it a go sometime.

Does it take a longer time to get to orgasm after a denial period? (forgive me if this has already been asked)

Does orgasm control help a female that has a difficult time getting to orgasm? Meaning getting to the edge but not actually getting to climax or release.

Thanks for the thread Red.

dixicritter said:
This is a very interesting topic to me. I have no practical experience in Orgasm Control. Would love to give it a go sometime.

Does it take a longer time to get to orgasm after a denial period? (forgive me if this has already been asked)

Does orgasm control help a female that has a difficult time getting to orgasm? Meaning getting to the edge but not actually getting to climax or release.

Thanks for the thread Red.


dixi, I did not want to ignore you, cause you are asking some very valid questions. Perhaps some of the others can answer them.

I can't, cause I do not have female subs.

Thanks Ebony. I know most of your experience is with males on this end of the issue. I suppose the first question might also be valid for a male sub, I don't know. What do you think on that?

dixicritter said:

Does it take a longer time to get to orgasm after a denial period? (forgive me if this has already been asked)

Does orgasm control help a female that has a difficult time getting to orgasm? Meaning getting to the edge but not actually getting to climax or release.


In my experience, it DID take longer for me to orgasm after a denial period, but more so because I had learned to love that heightened sense of arousal so much that I was almost reluctant for it to end. My own experience included a lot of stimulation to the edge, and I found that it was much easier to get me to that edge, easier to stimulate me. So for me, yes it did take a longer time to reach orgasm, but it was because I wanted it that way and wasn't really trying to climax....I wanted to savour the buildup.

I think it is an excellent way to explore your orgasms and arousal and to find ways to better control them or make them do what you want them to do (I'm talking like orgasms are pets or something here...:rolleyes: ) I learned so much about myself and my body that I had taken for granted before trying this. For women that have difficulty achieving orgasm, perhaps that old "you never know what your missing till it's gone (or in this case, denied)" saying would apply here *grin*
Not something to fool around with

Orgasm control and denial is a very powerful experience for a sub. It creates an incredibly tight bond bewteen a sub and dom, however, there can be intense side affects. That same withdrawl of orgasmic relief can cause intense feelings of anxiety when the sub is "withdrawn" from the dom. The sub can get so totally fixated on the dom, that they forget how to function normally.

Go slow.
Re: Not something to fool around with

PlayDoe said:
Orgasm control and denial is a very powerful experience for a sub. It creates an incredibly tight bond bewteen a sub and dom, however, there can be intense side affects. That same withdrawl of orgasmic relief can cause intense feelings of anxiety when the sub is "withdrawn" from the dom. The sub can get so totally fixated on the dom, that they forget how to function normally.

Go slow.

Thank you for that advice. I am in a 24/7 relationship, my Master is my husband as well. We've been married for 14 years now, known each other over 20 years, but out D/s PE relationship is just starting out formally...we've been at this for 6 months.

I can understand how a sub could really get into trouble with this tho.

seri (hope you don't mind the shortened nick there)... Thank you for your input as well. This isn't something that my Master has expressed a desire in, although I have. Time will tell if we get into this area or not.

Re: Re: Not something to fool around with

dixicritter said:

seri (hope you don't mind the shortened nick there)... Thank you for your input as well. This isn't something that my Master has expressed a desire in, although I have. Time will tell if we get into this area or not.


don't mind at all, everyone either calls me Seri or jules.

Good luck in fulfilling that desire :)
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dixicritter said:
Thanks Ebony. I know most of your experience is with males on this end of the issue. I suppose the first question might also be valid for a male sub, I don't know. What do you think on that?


Does it take a longer time to get to orgasm after a denial period?

In my experience it is not an issue. Most of the subs I come in contact with get hard and stay hard the whole time they are serving.

And if anything it is just the opposite reaction. It is hard for them to keep from cumming before they have permission to.

Ebonyfire said:

In my experience it is not an issue. Most of the subs I come in contact with get hard and stay hard the whole time they are serving.

And if anything it is just the opposite reaction. It is hard for them to keep from cumming before they have permission to.


I kinda figured that was the case actually.
