Orgasm Denial....

Re: Exactly!! But this is a sweet torture.

Mr. Bootie said:
You know what they say Dixi. " Be careful what you wish for, You just may get it." ( Or in your case. Might not get it. ;) :p :D )
For some of us, that is exactly what we are wanting... ;)
dixicritter said:
Great discussion everyone.... Thank you.

And OMG AngelicAssassin....... That sounds really good to me! :D Thank you!
You're quite welcome. Hope you hear the sounds of ... never mind.
cellis said:
In a psychological sense, there is something about being denied... you know if I am told not to do something that just makes it more attractive to me and wants to make me do it more... so if I am told not to masturbate or not to have an orgasm... for me anyway... it just builds my level of anticipation and anxiety and makes me want to do it.

I won't do it until I am given permission... but it will be on my mind all the time... I will hyper-excited... There is also the fact that I could do it and He would never know, but I won't because that is part of what I like about the whole thing... knowing I could go ahead and do it... but not doing it until He says it is okay.
i agree cellis!!

i know that i could do it at any time, but i've never been a big masturbation person... It just never excited me, til i first started talking to Him. He brought an element in, that i had never experienced before, and now i don't ever want to do it without Him.

Now... about the denial. At the time that it happens, yes, i get frustrated and plead with Him to let it happen. Him telling me no is commonplace now, and i do expect it. It seems that when He allows me to play on my own, without Him directing my actions, that i go for the gusto... try to excite myself as much as possible in a very short time, so i can feel that orgasm rising and knowing that He will deny me. Short break, then right back at it again, until i've reached the top of the peak atleast 3 times, all without orgasming... then we are done for that time. i absolutely love it!! Because i know that the next time that He allows me to cum, it is going to be so intense from all the buildup to it!!! :D
I don't come easily or often; it's a good day if I get one in. My body is just not wired for multiples or quickies. Hoping that'll change in another 15 years or so, but until then, I accept this as a limitation that is beyond our control and try to move on.

That said, I also find it harder to come if I have had an orgasm in the preceding day or so; I'm less interested and less sensitive. So orgasm denial is ideal for us. For the past month or so, I have had to earn every orgasm--and he doesn't always give me things to do TO earn it! Usually these are exercises, physical or writing, or else accomplishing something that I've been putting off for a few days. As a reward, I get to come. I never want to come as badly as when I know I'm not allowed to, so this is something I don't take for granted. Plus it installs positive feedback on getting things done. o)

In person, I don't know how often we will do this. Probably much the same. And I always have to ask him if I can come when he is listening to me get off--but since it's so damned difficult for me to get there, he wants me to ask him as a formality right before I do, not with the intention of delaying me at all. Usually. Again, this probably will change in person.
Quint said:
I don't come easily or often; it's a good day if I get one in. My body is just not wired for multiples or quickies. Hoping that'll change in another 15 years or so, but until then, I accept this as a limitation that is beyond our control and try to move on.

Quint I do understand this... and at one time when I was first with Himself we were lucky if I had an orgasm at all... even after an hour or more of stimulation...

Now however, I can come at almost the drop of a hat... and it is not unusual for me to have multiple orgasms.... as many as 7 or 8 in a very short period of time... and this is just usually from masturbation.
I emailed this thread to Himself the other day in hopes that it would open a dialogue between us. This is usually how I approach Him. If there is something that I find erotic or interesting, I usually send it to Him. If He is interested in pursuing it He will bring it up, if not then we just don't discuss it much.

So the bottom line was that He called me today and said that He read the thread and that He had assignment for me.

He told me that I was to go home after work and insert an egg in my ass and pussy, use clothes pins on my nipples (not for the whole 2 hours of course just off and on) and after 2 hours I would be allowed to masturbate. But I was only allowed 1 orgasm. He told me this around noon, knowing that I would not leave work until around 10pm.... so what do you suppose I have been thinking about all day.... yep... I just sat there at work, rocking back in forth in my chair... nipples hard and pronounced... waiting for the time to come when I could leave....

Part of my assignment was I had to sit here in front of my computer and write about this assignment while I was on edge and share this assignment.... *big sigh*

It is way too hard to concentrate right now... and it has taken me way too long to write this....

Of course Himself knows how I am and when I am excited to this point, I loose the ability to hold a conversation or make sense.... so I am stopping for now....

Oh and the other thing is that I am to masturbate in the morning and bring myself close 3 times but I am not allowed to come.... and after I have completed that portion I am to shower and go straight to work.... well won't I just be a mess tomorrow too!
Quint said:
I don't come easily or often; it's a good day if I get one in. My body is just not wired for multiples or quickies. Hoping that'll change in another 15 years or so, but until then, I accept this as a limitation that is beyond our control and try to move on.

That said, I also find it harder to come if I have had an orgasm in the preceding day or so; I'm less interested and less sensitive. So orgasm denial is ideal for us. For the past month or so, I have had to earn every orgasm--and he doesn't always give me things to do TO earn it! Usually these are exercises, physical or writing, or else accomplishing something that I've been putting off for a few days. As a reward, I get to come. I never want to come as badly as when I know I'm not allowed to, so this is something I don't take for granted. Plus it installs positive feedback on getting things done. o)

In person, I don't know how often we will do this. Probably much the same. And I always have to ask him if I can come when he is listening to me get off--but since it's so damned difficult for me to get there, he wants me to ask him as a formality right before I do, not with the intention of delaying me at all. Usually. Again, this probably will change in person.

Quint, i have a hard time reaching orgasm also. in the 3 years plus i've been with Daddy, i've had 3 orgasms...all with him, all stretched very far apart. but for us this is not a problem in the least. that is actually far more than i've ever cum with one person. and for me, my sexual pleasure is not tied to reaching orgasm. it's actually very uncomfortable for me's difficult for me to openly express sexual pleasure, and an orgasm is such a blatant, obvious makes me feel utterly selfish and i just would rather not orgasm. it doesn't make the experience better for me at all, and my Master isn't one of those men who needs the ego boost of making their partner cum over and over again (although the times i have cum, he has been tickled, lol). His primary concern is getting his own needs and desires fulfilled, and that is the way it should be. it's what satisfies and fulfills us both.

i never understood the whole orgasm denial thing. for one, a person would have to have the ability to orgasm fairly easily. for another, one would actually WANT to orgasm. and when a man wants me to cum, vocalizes "cum for me", or something of that nature, just basically makes an issue of it? well, i am further from cumming at that point than i can possibly be. focusing on it, trying to make it happen, will make it utterly physically impossible.
ownedsubgal said:
Quint, i have a hard time reaching orgasm also. in the 3 years plus i've been with Daddy, i've had 3 orgasms...all with him, all stretched very far apart. but for us this is not a problem in the least. that is actually far more than i've ever cum with one person. and for me, my sexual pleasure is not tied to reaching orgasm. it's actually very uncomfortable for me's difficult for me to openly express sexual pleasure, and an orgasm is such a blatant, obvious makes me feel utterly selfish and i just would rather not orgasm. it doesn't make the experience better for me at all, and my Master isn't one of those men who needs the ego boost of making their partner cum over and over again (although the times i have cum, he has been tickled, lol). His primary concern is getting his own needs and desires fulfilled, and that is the way it should be. it's what satisfies and fulfills us both.

i never understood the whole orgasm denial thing. for one, a person would have to have the ability to orgasm fairly easily. for another, one would actually WANT to orgasm. and when a man wants me to cum, vocalizes "cum for me", or something of that nature, just basically makes an issue of it? well, i am further from cumming at that point than i can possibly be. focusing on it, trying to make it happen, will make it utterly physically impossible.

I realize the we operate from entirely different frames of references... but for Himself it is a pleasure to see my pleasure and by my being excited and being able to orgasm it pleases Him... and that is what makes me very happy to please Him...
cellis said:
I realize the we operate from entirely different frames of references... but for Himself it is a pleasure to see my pleasure and by my being excited and being able to orgasm it pleases Him... and that is what makes me very happy to please Him...

i can understand that, but my pleasure comes directly from my Master's pleasure (or the pleasure of any man i am serving). when he orgasms, it's far more intense and satiating for me than when i actually orgasm myself. and of course, his pleasure doesn't revolve around his orgasm just the process, of making him feel good, or of simply being there as a tool for him to use for his own gratification, is so fulfilling for me. that is how i "get off", just not literally lol. i asked Daddy once if he ever wished that i orgasmed more often, and his answer was not particularly, because he knows i enjoy things when it's appropriate for me to enjoy them, and he knows my pleasure comes from pleasing him. also he has a bit of that selfish Master attitude knowing that he will always "get his" regardless.:cool:
ownedsubgal said:
i can understand that, but my pleasure comes directly from my Master's pleasure (or the pleasure of any man i am serving). when he orgasms, it's far more intense and satiating for me than when i actually orgasm myself. and of course, his pleasure doesn't revolve around his orgasm just the process, of making him feel good, or of simply being there as a tool for him to use for his own gratification, is so fulfilling for me. that is how i "get off", just not literally lol. i asked Daddy once if he ever wished that i orgasmed more often, and his answer was not particularly, because he knows i enjoy things when it's appropriate for me to enjoy them, and he knows my pleasure comes from pleasing him. also he has a bit of that selfish Master attitude knowing that he will always "get his" regardless.:cool:

That is my exact point! His pleasure is my pleasure... what pleases Him pleases me.... I want Him to experience whatever He needs and wants... It is what makes me the happiest...

I realize our stories are different... but His pleasure is mine... I am just lucky that He feels the same way....
I often practice some sort of orgasm control and denial. I'm still not entirely sure why I enjoy this -- perhaps the feeling of power that it gives me that I can control a submissive on such an intimate level.

I do know that I prefer to be asked for permission to orgasm from a submissive I am playing with, and that orgasm denial is a good way of reinforcing that.

Something I have been known to do is deny a submissive the right to orgasm for a day, and require her to play with herself up to the point of almost cumming once every hour. With one submissive, I've done this the once and would only do so again as a form of punishment.

But I always insist that a submissive ask for permission to orgasm, and it's not always given.
cellis, glad my curiousity could help you out there. :D Thank you for sharing your assignment with us. I know that feeling of not being able to make sense when turned on, however, I think you did a wonderful job of posting in that state. ;)

ownedsubgal, I agree that His pleasure is of the utmost importance. For us, he gets pleasure from everything he does to me. I tend to think that dominance over a sub is an ego boost in many ways for the Dom/me, not that I'm saying that is a bad thing at all, just the way I see it.

FungiUg, I could see my Master using orgasm denial for me as a sort of punishment too. Thank you for sharing.
cellis said:

Oh and the other thing is that I am to masturbate in the morning and bring myself close 3 times but I am not allowed to come.... and after I have completed that portion I am to shower and go straight to work.... well won't I just be a mess tomorrow too!
This is a common occurance for me... i am allowed to bring myself close 3 times, then i must stop. It's a wonder i'm able to even think straight sometimes!!!! :D
SierraMoon said:
This is a common occurance for me... i am allowed to bring myself close 3 times, then i must stop. It's a wonder i'm able to even think straight sometimes!!!! :D

Can relate to is a daily requirement of Master for me to do, which was preceeded for a time a few weeks ago by having to masturbate to orgasm 3 times a day, every day. The extreme change has it's challenges. :p

Well, I just got off the phone with Master. He was feeling particularly devious tonight and spun a fantasy that He knew would push all my buttons. He really worked it too, making sure I fell deep into submissive headspace as He aroused me with His words.

However, there will be no relief for me until tomorrow night, if then. Right now, I'm trembling with desire and barely able to think of anything except the fantasy and the hope that tomorrow night, I will be allowed an orgasm.
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catalina_francisco said:
Can relate to is a daily requirement of Master for me to do, which was preceeded for a time a few weeks ago by having to masturbate to orgasm 3 times a day, every day. The extreme change has it's challenges. :p


I've done a variation of this on occasion. I'll let a sub touch herself, but if she wants to cum she has to come ask me. Sometimes she can, others she can't. Totally arbitrary.

It's also very funny to be sitting around reading the paper thinking about politics and suddenly a flustered sub comes up and asks to cum.
This thread seems to have taken on a life of it's own.

No relief yesterday.

All He did was ask me if I had completed my assignment... Had written here about it and then stopped short of orgasm 3 times as He required me to do. I already knew the consequences for the loss of self control. He said nothing else about it for the rest of the day.


This morning He calls me as He normally does and asks me to get a vibrating implement of my choice, knowing there are several on the bedside table at any given time. I choose my egg because I like the intenseness of the vibrations against my clit. He tells me to use it and bring myself to orgasm... I readily comply...

:D Then He tells me I can come as many times as I like before I go to work...

It is a good day!
cellis said:
This thread seems to have taken on a life of it's own.

No relief yesterday.

All He did was ask me if I had completed my assignment... Had written here about it and then stopped short of orgasm 3 times as He required me to do. I already knew the consequences for the loss of self control. He said nothing else about it for the rest of the day.


This morning He calls me as He normally does and asks me to get a vibrating implement of my choice, knowing there are several on the bedside table at any given time. I choose my egg because I like the intenseness of the vibrations against my clit. He tells me to use it and bring myself to orgasm... I readily comply...

:D Then He tells me I can come as many times as I like before I go to work...

It is a good day!

Lucky you! I'm still waiting........
Personally, I prefer to hear her beg me to not give her any more orgasms. She orgasms easily and the look on her face when she's up around the 8-10 mark is priceless.
zipman7 said:
Personally, I prefer to hear her beg me to not give her any more orgasms. She orgasms easily and the look on her face when she's up around the 8-10 mark is priceless. this sounds so familiar...LOL....maybe he is getting his added reward now though as he has just found out firsthand the ecstasy of receiving his own multiple O's.

:) I am a happy slave. :p

zipman7 said:
Personally, I prefer to hear her beg me to not give her any more orgasms. She orgasms easily and the look on her face when she's up around the 8-10 mark is priceless.

I've done that with one woman I trained to cum on command. Just kept telling her to cum, over and over, until she begged me to stop. Actually, I did it as a punishment!
FungiUg said:
I've done that with one woman I trained to cum on command. Just kept telling her to cum, over and over, until she begged me to stop. Actually, I did it as a punishment!

It starts to hurt in a bad way after a while. I can see it as a punishment.