Orgasm Imagery

Let’s cook
tonight, baby;
you and me
in a kitchen tight
as a downtown rush hour
train. I’m all over you
‘cause I’ve got four pots on
the burners and you
look so damn good
in that starched white
string-tight apron and hat tipped
to one side, like your smile
that lips a fat “fetch me
that sauce pan,
boy,” and I know
you just want me
to bend over so you can smack
my ass with that spoon
you’re twirling. But I’m one step
ahead and flip your apron
up and reach between
those Dance Star legs and WHOOP
you’re on the counter
as utensils clatter to the floor
and steam curls that whisp of hair
hanging out of your hat. Yeah,
you’ve got that spoon around
the back of my neck and you’re pulling
like there’s no time left
on the clock, the kettle
is screaming and the broth
is bubbling over the top and fuck,
we burned the pot roast again.
Well, he brings out the worst/best in me......:D

I love your poem. I've also loved this poem by Erica Jong for all my adult life.

The Long Tunnel of Wanting You
From How to Save Your Own Life

This is the long tunnel of wanting you.
Its walls are lined with remembered kisses
wet & red as the inside of your mouth,
full & juicy as your probing tongue,
warm as your belly against mine,
deep as your navel leading home,
soft as your sleeping cock beginning to stir,
tight as your legs wrapped around mine,
straight as your toes pointing toward the bed
as you roll over & thrust your hardness
into the long tunnel of my wanting,
seeding it with dreams & unbearable hope,
making memories of the future,
straightening out my crooked past,
teaching me to live in the present present tense
with the past perfect and the uncertain future
suddenly certain for certain
in the long tunnel of my old wanting
which before always had an ending
but now begins & begins again
with you, with you, with you.

© Erica Mann Jong

Not really an orgasm but could be............

It is beautiful. I don't recall ever reading it before. Love the ending, too. Thanks for posting it. :)
Breathless Metamorphosis

I can't keep my hands still
against the cool linen sheets
instead they stretch
each finger luxuriates
catlike as they press nerves
into sensation.

I can't stop my touch
wandering closer
heat beckons fingertips
with warmth and promises
pleasurable wetness.

My metamorphosis so sudden,
from hand to tongue, the tip
twisting infinity around juicy
sustenance, served on platters
of pelvis and hip. Offered
without reservation and taking
much more.

I don't want my fingers to stop
the pressure; swollen, burst,
splash of scalding heat
over my belly and dripped
along the crease to spill
over into amazing.
She waits in her lair
preparing to flex her muscles,
a slight twitch betrays her intentions.
Fantasy and an unrelenting beat
draws her to stretch her wings
till they pulse and throb in every sinew.
Thrusting down she breathes
her white hot lava
consuming all else
to lift off with a mighty roar.