Ouch, a 1... [gay male sex category] what am I doing wrong?

I hope JC comes back and reads some of these posts. Very inspirational. That, or you're all just crazy as hell and like jumping off the high-dive into a shark tank. :rolleyes: This is why I'm a girl...I don't have the 'equipment' to be a guy. :D BDSM in Incest??? :eek: Hey...maybe I'll put my new romance with softcore sex in LW...and give it a HEA ending??? Would that work? (On second thought...I think I'll just sit quietly over here and shut the hell up.)

Every once in awhile I like to write a 'train wreck' in incest and toss some grim reality into the fluffy category.

My wife says its my 'let's see if I can fuck up a wet dream on an erotica site and still get people to like it' game.

This one....That damn Red dress. father/daughter incest, but with a grim story line and a story about grief, broken people and incest as a sacrifice rather than the result of lust.

If nothing else take a minute to read the comments. I expected to be trashed, but people seemed to actually get it.


Oh, and it was an entry in a Valentine's Day contest:D
Not the hijack this thread or anything, but how the fuck do you get a green E?
Well look what happened while I was slippin'! Read through everyone's posts and having a bit of a chuckle.

Yes, I did rather paint a target on myself for trolls... and I was getting a little carried away with checking scores. When I first posted, I didn't really care... I was just sharing those first few stories, because I wanted to write them, and I was just happy that people seemed to be reading them.

But then I started paying attention to those insidious stars... those goddamn stars... they get into your head. Slammed in the butt by my one-star rating.

I'll go back to my previous state of casual indifference any day now. Aaaany day now. *clears throat*. I'm sure you all believe me. *refreshes page*

So, Holliday, you're saying I should obsess about the number of views now instead of the ratings? Excellent. I'll call my therapist and explain why I need new medication. :p

Some really interesting comments here though... there's more to this site than I realised. Been reading smut here for years without contributing, and without realising there was a full community and competitions and the like.

Some really interesting comments here though... there's more to this site than I realised. Been reading smut here for years without contributing, and without realising there was a full community and competitions and the like.


Yup, that was me except it was months rather than years. It's a lot of fun when you see this whole other side to Literotica and realize, hey, I'm not alone, there's a whole bunch of other people who enjoy writing this stuff and hey, I can chat with them online and see what they think and get their viewpoint on things. It's like a whole new world ......

So while I'm on a roll, thank you everyone just for being here :rose::rose::rose: you're all wonderful and in the short time I've been here you've all been so helpful. Well, most of you :eek: No, really, ALL of you :D

And Jase - I think you'll find the same thing, on average. So it's good to see you here. Stick around, it's fun. And educational.
Laurel picks those with her own two little hands. :rose:

( I guess I should have mentioned it helps to write an outstanding story as well.) ;)

Outstanding story has little to do with it. Its based on personal taste. Her liking a story is no different than you liking a story except she gets to dole out a reward which she is well aware sets up that story for unfair one bombing.

Also its based on personal opinion of the author. Pilot picked up a few back a few years ago. Since she branded him a troll for calling out the fact the site is held together with duct tape, I guarantee she'll never even read another of his stories.

E's are like every other stat or award here, it means nothing in regards to how good or bad the story is.
Green Es are pooh poohed until someone earns one. They are given out by the owner of the site and by the only person who has a look at all of the stories going through. It's true, though, that they are subjective and that the story has to get a second look as it's going through to be picked out. It's also true the I received 11 before the editor called me a troll (for pointing to areas of the Web site that were broken then--and that are still broken now) and none since.

But I did receive the 11 which sets off against those who have received none as well as those who will pooh pooh them until they've received one and who like to fuss defensively about them whenever the topic comes up. ;)
Green Es are pooh poohed until someone earns one. They are given out by the owner of the site and by the only person who has a look at all of the stories going through. It's true, though, that they are subjective and that the story has to get a second look as it's going through to be picked out. It's also true the I received 11 before the editor called me a troll (for pointing to areas of the Web site that were broken then--and that are still broken now) and none since.

But I did receive the 11 which sets off against those who have received none as well as those who will pooh pooh them until they've received one and who like to fuss defensively about them whenever the topic comes up. ;)

But in reverse, the pooh poohing of everything else being subjective and no actual indicator of quality, then saying the E is somehow worth something on the same site? Is all about not wanting to admit that the opinion of one person who runs a business like its romper room suddenly means something.

Nothing here is a true indicator of overall quality. Not scores, not H's, not W's, not top lists of any sort and not E's.

But if someone wanted to, they could make the point that a 4.87 story that has that score on thousands of votes could be worth more than an E that's an attaboy by one person.

But I don't really mean that, I'm just tweaking. I default back to the opening statement of nothing on a site like this, run by someone with the mentality of a petulant child and with a system so easily manipulated and gamed to pump up or tear down a story is meaningless.

Freddie is the best example of an E. He got one, wrote a tongue in cheek story about an E being a curse because they tend to get bombed and...he never got another one and now his stories are always buried at the bottom of the new list and many times posted at noon when others are out AM.

So you'll have to forgive me if I put no stock in anything 'awarded' by someone with that mentality.

If you're proud of your work here, that's the accomplishment that counts and I would think someone of your experience in the market wouldn't get so giddy over an E on a free site.
JBJ is a better example. He ridiculed the Green E right up until he claimed one of his alt accounts got one. Now he frequently talks about his Green E when his account doesn't have one.

But you're probably the best example of Green envy here. You never bypass an opportunity to denigrate it. You did the same with contest wins. You denigrated them right up until you placed in a contest and then you razzed me about you having contest wins and that I didn't (of course now I do). (and I'd previously said you'd do exactly that--and I am now saying you'll do the same when/if you get a Green E) You're pretty transparent on this "I'm better than you" thing. :D
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Hey, check this out...here's an example of scratch my head and throw up my hands... two days ago, I came on here, looking for someone in particular's story to post; So, I go to the new CP and I looked at everything including numbers and here's one for the books...somewhere along the way...a handful of views disappeared, my numbers went up .20, and no new votes added and none detracted. No sweep...no explanation...no kiss. Just me going "huh?"

I have another story...several months old...every time the votes top 400...whatever the excess plus 3 is...they get removed. The stats don't change otherwise. Go figure. It just topped 408 again so we will see what happens when the next sweep rolls around. Will it go down to 397 again, for the probably sixth time? I dunno and dont really care, but I'm like a hamster...shiny things get my attention.

I have noticed this happening and I don't understand it. I have a story I posted in LW over five months ago, and last month I was tracking its votes and noticed that it kept losing votes here and there. The score went up a little, but not much, and it seems like it would be much too late to be doing a sweep.

It would be nice if there were clearer guidelines that explain how things are done around here.
It would be nice if there were clearer guidelines that explain how things are done around here.

Better be careful. If you question any of the functionality here, you might be called a troll and never receive another Green E. :D
I have noticed this happening and I don't understand it. I have a story I posted in LW over five months ago, and last month I was tracking its votes and noticed that it kept losing votes here and there. The score went up a little, but not much, and it seems like it would be much too late to be doing a sweep.

It would be nice if there were clearer guidelines that explain how things are done around here.

Interesting isn't it. I've had one of my stories inexplicably jump a few points. None of my others, no big change in votes as far as I can see. Weird.

Went back and checked and yep, down a few votes so some kind of sweep but nothing else in the same category affected at all.
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Better be careful. If you question any of the functionality here, you might be called a troll and never receive another Green E. :D

Ha ha. Well, I haven't had one so far, so I don't know what I'm missing.

In terms of criticisms of this site, I think there are many legitimate criticisms, and if the owners responded I think they would find they had a better and, ultimately, more successful site, but I'm also mindful of the fact that I'm not the owner and I don't pay anything for a site that offers over 300,000 stories and lets me post my own stories and get feedback at no cost to me. I'm respectful of the fact that they can run this site however they wish, but I would hope that they would take constructive criticism in the right spirit (assuming they pay any attention to it at all).
but I would hope that they would take constructive criticism in the right spirit (assuming they pay any attention to it at all).

I have found that they don't, so it's, as you say, take it for what it's worth.
I have noticed this happening and I don't understand it. I have a story I posted in LW over five months ago, and last month I was tracking its votes and noticed that it kept losing votes here and there. The score went up a little, but not much, and it seems like it would be much too late to be doing a sweep.

It would be nice if there were clearer guidelines that explain how things are done around here.

From what I've seen over the last couple of years (is it that long?), sweeps chug through maybe once a month, and then ramp up to weekly (and more frequently, maybe) during comps. So there's always a little "adjustment" as time passes.

It's like the girl in the too tight, too short dress - she's always tugging it down as she walks along, and when she comes to the Walk sign and there's more people watching, she tweaks the hem more often. Sometimes her legs are longer, so you notice it more...
I have found that they don't, so it's, as you say, take it for what it's worth.

Yet some slow improvements have been made (the new control panel has a few useful sort functions which were not available on the old panel). They are tweaky little changes around the edges, sure, but if you stick with the old look you don't see the new.
Yet some slow improvements have been made (the new control panel has a few useful sort functions which were not available on the old panel). They are tweaky little changes around the edges, sure, but if you stick with the old look you don't see the new.

That doesn't have much to do with the functions that are broken (e.g., they have contact buttons for e-mail, but they don't open their e-mail, and they leave it up to forum members to get that across to people punching the contact buttons without response) and deadwood on the Web site (and claims of functions that aren't there--e.g., try asking Fern a question or check the "news" on the home page). They breezed right by all of the nonfunctioning stuff around here to apply some makeup to the Web site. The look of the Web site seems to be to give advertisers the impression there are bells and whistles here that aren't here.

That's the short answer, because they aren't going to do anything about it, and there's no payoff to having this discussion again.