Why is the Loving Wives category called Loving WIVES and not Loving COUPLES? nt

They are the only ones who can make the changes you say should be made. So, I'd say that's a poke in the ribs.

My apologies for not being so holy as Thou. The only ribs here that are sore are mine after your jab. Not the first time that you've done this to me.
I apologize to you. However, if categories are going to be changed, who will do that? I can't do it because I don't have access. Can you make the changes? If the changes are made, I suspect only Manu and Laurel can make them. If you aren't calling them out, who are you calling lazy? Is it some generic god of the categories?
My apologies for not being so holy as Thou. The only ribs here that are sore are mine after your jab. Not the first time that you've done this to me.
I've been puzzled by the discussions here in AH about Loving Wives ever since I joined. I don't read stories there, just because my tastes are elsewhere, but I have lots of questions.
"Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more. [45.4k]"

I'm close to deciding that "loving" is assumed to be sarcastic??? If not, why have this alongside "Erotic Coupling?"

Why "wives" and not "couples?"

What's this about the assumption that there will be negative comments to any LW story? What kind of negative comments? From people who have a fixation on marital faithfulness? (If so, why are they reading this category?) I thought of this post in reaction to an oboservation in

I went back to that story trying to figure out what "the usual LW backlash" consisted of. @TheRedChamber, could you give me the first two words of comments that you regard as "the usual LW backlash?"

Any enlightenment will be much appreciated.
I haven't been around long enough to speak with any authority, but my opinion is.
The LW category seemed originally to be an extension of "Erotic Coupling" It carried mostly stories similar to "EC"
Over time, a subset of readers, and consequently writers focused on the cheating wife scenario's.
The other stories still ran, but more and more of the cheating wife vengeful husband popped up.
The BTB element in LW are very vocal and make a lot of noise. Criticising anything that doesn't involve women being burnt, beaten, maimed, disfigured, bankrupted. If you do not fulfill their desires, they will openly crucify you with incendiary comments.
My belief is they do so to scare away writers who would dare to post anything else other than BTB styled stories.

Remember, this is only my opinion. I have written a few LW stories, and mine rarely focus on revenge... IE, no wives were burnt in the writing of this story.

The readers are split, and there is now a divide in the LW category.
Many, and I do mean many readers enjoy good old sexy romps. Of course the noisy ones, will flood you with nasty comments and the obligatory one bombs.

To write anything other than BTB stories and post in LW, you must, and I mean must have a very thick skin. you will recieve death threats, be called all sorts of disparaging names, but... I say this with a smile... You will get more reads of your story than every other category other than "Incest and Tabboo."

If you can handle the nasty comments from the women hating misogynists. It can be fun....

Just don't take the comments to heart....

Or it's 25 years of laziness to not update the categories to suit the range of stories that are submitted and searched for.
It's not "laziness" on the part of the site Admins.

It's a question of "What's in it for them?"

It's like the saying goes: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

This web site exists to garner "clicks" to sell their product, web space for ads. The more "clicks they get, the more they can charge for their ad space. So, as long as they're getting enough new stories to attract readers, the "clicks" they get from the emotional responses of haters is a net positive for them. If people had the attitude of "Meh! I'll just move along." it's not as many clicks as if they 1-bomb the story then click to add a comment.
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"Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more. [45.4k]"
That's the description of the category. So if you wanted to write a story about a hot, swinging husband, do you defy the title and adhere to the description and put it in LW?

Logical inconsistencies make my brain hurt.
I defy the haters and post my "extra-marital sex and sharing" stories in LW.

I don't have "Red-H" stories there, because of the 1-bombing. But if you anger enough people, they'll follow your stories in other categories to 1-bomb them there, too. So, my attitude is "Fuck'em, if they can't take a joke." (That's an old, morbid infantry saying when hearing of a "friendly fire" accident. We had to find a way to laugh at things, when we're out there and as likely to BE the next accident.)
It's not "laziness" on the part of the site Admins.

It's a question of "What's in it for them?"

It's like the saying goes: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

This web site exists to garner "clicks" to sell their product, web space for ads. The more "clicks they get, the more they can charge for their ad space. So, as long as they're getting enough new stories to attract readers, the "clicks" they get from the emotional responses of haters is a net positive for them. If people had the attitude of "Meh! I'll just move along." it's now as many clicks as if the 1-bomb the story then click to add a comment.

If they updated the categories to better reflect the stories and make things easier to find, it would not hurt the traffic one bit. I'm not even talking about troll voting, just making it easier for writers to place their stories and for readers to find them. As far as actually categorizing stories, it is broken and absolutely needs fixing.

Fetish ~ srsly! Pee and handcuffs and latex and impreg and a whole bunch of other stuff all in the same group. It's a tag search, so it would be just as easy (read hard) to find as if there were no categories at all. This category is basically useless.

Incest/Taboo ~ This category is so huge and unwieldy that no one can get any face time on the new list. This should be divided into parent/child, siblings, extended fam, step/inlaw, etc. Not only that, but any non-incest taboo should get its own place. Interracial does, so why not other taboos? Teacher/student would get completely lost in Incest, but technically that's where it should go.

Loving Wives (the worst named category) ~ Again, a category this huge and popular should be broken down into sub categories, cuckold, hotwifing, swinging/sharing, adultery, etc.

Anal ~ Gets its own category but oral and digital get ... nothing?

And there are others. The categories are for sorting and finding, yet as they are now they don't really sort or find very well. But as you say, so long as the traffic is high, we won't fix it, and it's gone on for years on end. That's the very definition of lazy.

The vast majority of the people who are against updating the categories are folks who are very comfortable wring 'for' certain categories since they know that they can consistently score high in them and they'd rather continue with a broken site and keep their scores then have to face a change that is better for the whole. It's selfish.
If they updated the categories to better reflect the stories and make things easier to find, it would not hurt the traffic one bit. I'm not even talking about troll voting, just making it easier for writers to place their stories and for readers to find them. As far as actually categorizing stories, it is broken and absolutely needs fixing.

Fetish ~ srsly! Pee and handcuffs and latex and impreg and a whole bunch of other stuff all in the same group. It's a tag search, so it would be just as easy (read hard) to find as if there were no categories at all. This category is basically useless.

Incest/Taboo ~ This category is so huge and unwieldy that no one can get any face time on the new list. This should be divided into parent/child, siblings, extended fam, step/inlaw, etc. Not only that, but any non-incest taboo should get its own place. Interracial does, so why not other taboos? Teacher/student would get completely lost in Incest, but technically that's where it should go.

Loving Wives (the worst named category) ~ Again, a category this huge and popular should be broken down into sub categories, cuckold, hotwifing, swinging/sharing, adultery, etc.

Anal ~ Gets its own category but oral and digital get ... nothing?

And there are others. The categories are for sorting and finding, yet as they are now they don't really sort or find very well. But as you say, so long as the traffic is high, we won't fix it, and it's gone on for years on end. That's the very definition of lazy.

The vast majority of the people who are against updating the categories are folks who are very comfortable wring 'for' certain categories since they know that they can consistently score high in them and they'd rather continue with a broken site and keep their scores then have to face a change that is better for the whole. It's selfish.
Erotic Couplings is about wild sex.

Loving "Wives" implies that all stories are about a married couple.

Those seeking stories of "cheating" wives logically gravitate to that LW category. And in many cases, those looking for cheating are seeking some form of "justice" for what they view as a wrong.

So, the BTB lovers/monogamy-only crowd are in the right place with their attentions on LW stories. They're just intolerant of consensual sharing violating their monogamy-only opinions.

But you would see those same 1-bombing opinions from almost everyone when they read stories of things they personally don't like.

You read a story sometimes and think "Yuck! That's gross!", "Who the fuck would do that?", "Women/Men don't think that way!" Many people just click a 1-star when they get to an unexpected "W.T.F." scene.

I just don't see it as the Admins responsibility to bother creating another category, then listening to all the bitching and demands to "Move my stories there!" It's not worth their time or effort.
@pink_silk_glove, I wasn't saying you aren't right about the need to make changes. I'm just pointing out that only the site owners can do so. And I don't think a public poke in the eye will get it done. Perhaps private messages from you and others might work better. Or a poll for everyone to vote on, which Manu and Laurel could possibly see and understand, and that it isn't just one person calling them lazy.

pink_silk_glove, you said: "I'm not even talking about troll voting, just making it easier for writers to place their stories and for readers to find them."​

But they ARE already in categories where readers can find them. Those looking for stories about married couples having extra-marital sex are in LW. Authors choose which category they post their story, and the audience decides whether the author chose poorly.

The LW audience has readers who LOVE consensual sharing stories. And they have readers who LOVE cheating spouses getting slammed. (Yes, they do slam cheating husbands. The authors don't write as many of those.) For the most part, they HATE cheaters and abusers getting away unscathed, and even those who love consensual sharing downvote those cheater and abuser stories.

Imagine the ratings and comments from people who are looking for a loving wife story and are ambushed with a cheater and her lover torturing the husband and getting away with it. Even the consensual sex lovers would hate such a story. And yet there are authors trolling the audience with such stories in LW.

So, adding yet another category has no value to the site owners, and there are even authors who would continue to abuse the category descriptions, and play innocent "But it IS about ...", when everyone else who reads it says "F. U."

So, my attitude is "Get over it. It's a free site."