
Nice to see you too, Perdita!

My AV... I was paranoid that someone had "found" me and I didn't want them recognizing me. I might put it back up soon, or maybe a different one.
DarlingNikki said:
I don't think you overreacted at all in the second situation. That woman was inexcusably rude and the manager was an idiot.

But the first instance, at the ER, well I don't know about that. ER employees have proceedures to follow. It's their job, and if they don't do it right, they get in trouble. I'm sure (well, I hope) if you were carrying a severed limb she would have called a doctor immediately. But you were complaining of "neck pain" which is not necessarily life or death urgent. She probably thought it was possible that you could have filled out some forms. But it was really bad and you couldn't do that. So rather than threatening her with physical violence, what would have been wrong with just informing her that you were in too much pain to wait and really needed to see someone immediately? If that didn't work, then anything goes, but maybe it would have worked. Maybe you did this and just didn't put it in your post. If that's the case, well then you have every right to "overreact."

I did tell her. The story involved a Lego and me failing down a flight of stairs. Funny but painful. I know there are procedures and I know all about the "gratuitous" law suits quasi mentioned. It turned out my muscles were only bruised but if there had been something really wrong internally and I was injured more by filling out the forms (which would have taken at least a half hour) then what? I could even see if someone was there with me IE my mother or siblings. Or even my father. The could have filled out the forms. Also I know for a fact that my information was in the computer as I've been to that hospital before. She could have easily looked up the insurance info and noted in the records that at the time I did not have the card but my coverage is current. I also remembered the number on the card. I just didn't have the actual card.
perdita said:

Venice is a wonderful place to shop, no matter the item or cost. I bought a cheap scarf one day and the gentlemanly shop owner asked if it was a present. I told him it was just for me and he proceeded to wrap it in lovely paper as if it were cashmere, then tied it with a ribbon, saying, "Ah, signorina, then it is a very special present."


Come stai, dita?

In my experience, Milan is absolutely the same, although they're a touch more cutthroat about getting their sale. I love Italians =)
raphy said:
Come stai, dita? ... I love Italians =)
Buon giorno, giovane bello, molto bene, grazie.

FYI, Rafaelito, don't call a Venetian Italian; they even have their own very distinct vocabolario. Me - amo tutti gli uomini italiani.

Service in an ER

A child from school was taken to the closest (not preferred) hospital ER. He was suffering fits and slowed oxygen intake. The teacher, a staff member and (fortunately) school nurse were with him.

The receptionist politely heard the history and directed the group to the waiting area for triage. The staff member turned towards the waiting area. The teacher looked at the Nurse. The nurse headed straight for the treatment rooms.

They pushed open doors marked "restricted access" passing startled sundry nurses, doctors, patients etc. All the while the nurse calling for oxygen, pulse/oxy meter, suction point and paediatrician/consultant, until they found a free cubicle where the nurse began the necessary work required.

Everyone did exactly as they were told.

My steward spends a large amount of time talking to me at the bar about various deliveries, pricing etc, even in the middle of a really funny(?) joke he will turn away from me without a word to serve someone who's just walked up to the bar. (He's so good he doesn't even need to ask what they want, just pulls it, calls everyone by name and banters all the time). Only when there is no one left to serve does he return to resume the story.


Edited because I don't know how to spell preferred.
Originally posted by raphy *bows*... Point taken. I've never been to Venice
Dear r,
Oh, I've been there. You haven't really missed much. There's roller bladers and surfers all over the place. Good hot dogs, though.
Ps. Perdita is just putting on airs because she bought a bandana at a street stall in Venice. Big deal!
MathGirl said:
... she bought a bandana at a street stall in Venice...

What was that line about Venice:

"Just a town without a sewer!" :confused:

Should have thought hip wadders a better purchase. :(
Quasimodem said:
Sticks and stones . . . :eek: . . . no wait!

Forget the stones. :(

I don't know about you but sticks and stones will break my bones.
maybe pebbles and tiny twigs would be a lesser and therfore better punishment.:D
Mrs. D: if anyone is trying to punish you, just let me know. I'll round up the guys and we'll go stomp their ass. (SlaveMasterUK should be good at it - we'll cheer him on)

Unless it's a really good looking ass, then we may have to resort to stern, unrelenting, boring, sleep inducing lectures.

Or, if you're into that M&M type of stuff. Well, OK. But can we watch?

-FF (skittles is a good variation too)
Yeah I love M&M's all lesbinims do:D
I can dig skiyyles but only the fruit kind. The mint ones sting:D
Phew - for a second there I thought you were going to make us listen to gangsta rap.

I love some of it but hate the (supposed) intent. Why does gangsta have to be death and cynicism?

Or is that a thread for Rapotica? Literap? or just plain crap. ("Your organisation is called crap? What kind of moron are you?") Anyone who can name which game the quote (in parentheses [brackets]) is from earns my respect... for what it's worth. (Hint = I've only just got to the third island)

des, I'd say you were UNDERreacting!

I was in a similar situation this summer, when a guy in a shop was having a private conversation, and just grinned at me when I drummed my fingers against the counter. My whole body language screamed "Hang up the phone before I twist the cord around your neck and strangle you!!!", but he just kept on babbling about hockey and whatever. Finally, I had had it. I shouted "Oh, screw this shit!", and stormed out, slamming the door behind me, making very clear gestures as I explained to my friend, who was waiting outside, what had happened. In a voice loud enough to be heard not just into the shop, but all around the block, I declared that I was NEVER going to shop in that store again, since the clerk was so rude to costumers.

If a person who has a service related profession doesn't give you proper service, then he/she has no business having that job!:mad:
Bad service is not only pandemic, it's been that way for a long time. Why, even back in the late 80s or early 90s--I forget which it was, I needed a typewriter--I wanted one with the word processing capabilities, because it was just before all the world processing applications and word processors came out.

So I went to Service Merchandise. Fortunately I knew what I wanted and was able to pick it out, but I felt like I was selling it to myself, because the young woman behind the counter knew bubkes about any of the products.

A few years ago I went to another Service Merchandise thinking to get a replacement weight and gasket for my pressure cooker. Then it was that I found out that they no longer had stuff like pressure cooker parts, when I used to get stuff like that all the time.

Damn, I thought, first they get rid of the service, now they're doing away with the merchandise...

Place has gone belly-up, BTW. No big surprise, you ask me.
bubkes? I no little to nothing of that.

OK, on Lit, we have stories in english, in all it's variations, Swedish, German, Dutch, and Norweigian. Now we gotta have Yiddish literatur (where'd you think the word came from - french? Every language borrows from us). What kind of mishegas we gonna have now - schmootzen shtup? Well, it is Lit.

-FF (alt yid)
Eff, your Wharton quote kills me everytime I read it. Don't know how long I can take it, will need to hide sig lines soon.

plaintive Perdita :(
Bravo, Perdita - I'll go on to another steamy movie quote (they're from the list we developed here at Lit.)

-FF (sighing from the flowery romance of it all)
oops - tried to repeat myself - that happens often enough without the computer's help
ffreak said:
I'll go on to another steamy movie quote (they're from the list we developed here at Lit.)

-FF (sighing from the flowery romance of it all)
Heartfelt thanks, Eff.

Perdita :heart: