Paddling in Schools

I have a 1-1/2 year old, and the closest I come to spanking has been smacking his hand when he reaces for an electric outlet. Some things are dangerous and if a little smack on the hand will teach him that "this can hurt you" instead of the 120 Volt zap he was headed for, so be it. When his language skills are better, explaining why should (crossing my fingers) be a much more effective tool.

That said, when I was a kid, we got a choice in the matter. Detention for a week, say, or 5 whacks. for me, that whacks were a bargain. Done and over in a couple of minutes, and if I didn't let my parents know I got in trouble, that was the end of it. 5 days of "pick me up an hour later" was much harder to hide. I guess I'm still on the fence with the issue, but it's not something I have to worry about. By the time I got to High school, it was no longer allowed in Florida.
Re: Re: Hmmm?

Netzach said:

what's Dad doing/not doing to contribute to this scenario?
Taking them out to the car, or up to their rooms to whip their ass.
Kajira Callista said:
... and i would hate to be the one to meet you in the mall with your screaming child. :)
Then i suggest you make a hole and make it wide when you see me headed for the exit to take care of business.
Etoile said:
As kinky people who endorse paddling, spanking, etc. among consenting adults, I'm wondering - how do any of you feel about this practice with disruptive schoolchildren?
Here's an idea: People should not be paddled nor spanked without their consent. Children under the age of consent should not be paddled nor spanked because they cannot consent.
Re: Re: Paddling in Schools

angela146 said:
Here's an idea: People should not be paddled nor spanked without their consent. Children under the age of consent should not be paddled nor spanked because they cannot consent.

Do you actually have children?????
Re: Re: Re: Paddling in Schools

Do you actually have children?????
Let it go bro ...


Everyone's entitled to their dream world.
No, I do not think teachers should be forced to administer corporal punishment to children in the schools of America.

Like a lot of folks who were interested in teaching at one time. I think that the damn lazy ass parents should have to bring themselves to the school and do it.
Every damn time.
But then I always felt that a lot of parents would garner some good from sitting in the cell next to their juvenile offender too.

Puts a different perspective on things. ANd I have seen judges hand out that very thing. In assorted forms. If your child refuses to behave in a civilized manner, then it should be made inconvenient for you. It's your kid.

You, are responsible for your child. Not the school system. Not the friggin tv. Not social services. And it isn't anyone elses fault.
If you have kids you are supposed to be a grown up, capable of turning off the tv..etc.etc.etc......

If you don't spank and your child behaves... Good...Damn Good.
If you do spank and your child behaves...well thats good too.
But in the end, as parents, we bear the majority of responsibility for how those kids turn out. Scary eh?

(Oh and as to why I didn't finish my degree in education when I lacked less than a year? Time in the classroom is why. Time in the classroom of a school system that had no other recourse but suspension. Of middle school kids. )
Re: Re: Re: Re: Paddling in Schools

AngelicAssassin said:
Let it go bro ...


Everyone's entitled to their dream world.

Oooooooooo Like that one.

Necrophilial Sadistic Beastiality indeed!
It's not the teachers.
Not the teachers.
It's the administrators.

Just clarifying (again).
Re: Re: Re: Re: Paddling in Schools

AngelicAssassin said:
Let it go bro ...


Everyone's entitled to their dream world.

The perfect smiley for anyone who knows anything about education. Beating dead horses seems to be a required educational pasttime.

With the way society is today, I definately feel paddling should NOT even be an issue outside the home. In other words, I dissagree with anyone other than the parents or legal guardian given "rights" to discliplining a child.
i have spanked my child when all else fails time outs taking away tv games toys. the schools here alow paddling at least in some of them.

At first we did not alowit but after picking him up from school almot everyday for a month because he was misbehaving in class. getting up constanly, telling the teacher you cant spank me and you cant do nothing about it. the would call us and we would have to pick him up. well i signed the paper for the paddling and after the first time he got the paddle his out look on misbeaving in school changed. They only us it as a last resort and only after they have pulled all there tickets.
I was spanked as a child, in school. As an adult, I find the practice (physical discipline in school) very distasteful and unnecessary; however, it hasn't changed anything about me. I, personally, wouldn't allow my children to be disciplined in school.
I am a parent and grandparent

I was abused in many ways in religious schools
from K-2 ... including being paddled with a ping pong

I also attend a private boys school 8-11
Where corporal punishment of several types was used ...

Physical discipline should be used when one can find no other way to get the childs attention

There is no such thing as a bad child
only a child with misguided energy
Richard49 said:
I am a parent and grandparent

I was abused in many ways in religious schools
from K-2 ... including being paddled with a ping pong

I also attend a private boys school 8-11
Where corporal punishment of several types was used ...

Physical discipline should be used when one can find no other way to get the childs attention

There is no such thing as a bad child
only a child with misguided energy

After reading your response several times, I do have a few questions.

1. Did you do something worthy of punishment? Or, were you simply hit with a ping pong paddle for doing nothing?

2. Do you consider all physical punishment abuse?

3. Do you think being punished in religious schools (physically) has changed anything about you as an adult?

Your response was curious to me, so I felt compelled to inquire about a few things before providing my opinion on your post. If you would rather not respond, I completely understand. I'm simply trying to understand your viewpoint. :)
Italian Goddess said:
After reading your response several times, I do have a few questions.

1. Did you do something worthy of punishment? Or, were you simply hit with a ping pong paddle for doing nothing?

2. Do you consider all physical punishment abuse?

3. Do you think being punished in religious schools (physically) has changed anything about you as an adult?

Your response was curious to me, so I felt compelled to inquire about a few things before providing my opinion on your post. If you would rather not respond, I completely understand. I'm simply trying to understand your viewpoint. :)

Was I worthy of punishment? Interesting wording.
I broke rules .........

I do not consider any physical punishment abuse
what makes it abuse is the intent and concern involved

If you have been over to read my thread
the answer to #3 is clear
Richard49 said:
Was I worthy of punishment? Interesting wording.
I broke rules .........

I do not consider any physical punishment abuse
what makes it abuse is the intent and concern involved

If you have been over to read my thread
the answer to #3 is clear

Actually, the answer to #3 was not clear by your original post, hence I asked for clarification. If you do not want to provide clarification, that is your choice.

Given the nature of your response, I won't further delve into this.
Italian Goddess said:
Actually, the answer to #3 was not clear by your original post, hence I asked for clarification. If you do not want to provide clarification, that is your choice.

Given the nature of your response, I won't further delve into this.

I said nothing about my orginal post
I said in my responds ... my thread ...
the bionic Dom.........
Richard49 said:
I said nothing about my orginal post
I said in my responds ... my thread ...
the bionic Dom.........

I misunderstood you. I generally lurk on this forum, but have not made it to your thread. Perhaps I'll check it out sometime.....
Italian Goddess said:
I misunderstood you. I generally lurk on this forum, but have not made it to your thread. Perhaps I'll check it out sometime.....
It's rather long. You might want to bring a snack. ;)
Etoile - i definitively should use it too :D Anyway, my opinion about spanking in school is, that since most childrens are raised by very bad parents and misbehave too much, so Im for it. The results are worth it and the better control allow others and even the ones, learn more.
It's just true, that many mothers can't master even their dogs, better not speaking about their childrens. :(
Facing this sad reality, paddling is IMHO necessary and proved to work - except few rare examples, like being myself :D

"When my son got spanked, he didn't act up anymore," said Patricia Moody, a Carver parent and security guard in a local hospital, who had come to the school to retrieve her daughter after a classroom brawl. "Three licks on the butt, and they get more control."

I hate to admit it, because it spoil a bit my opinion, but peoples like me are pretty uncommon and therefore yes, Im for it when everything else fails.
Nope, i don't have kids by mysels, being only 28 years old i believe that i still have time to do it, however i have got from my father second mariage little sister and sometimes there is just not possible to talk with she by using mounths and words... :rolleyes:
I mainly see that as the lack of guidance from her mother, however there are even worser childrens out there, so...

But as Etoile trying to bring up there, is, that not the teacher, but the principal, who are supposed to carry on the paddling.

It's not the teachers.
Not the teachers.
It's the administrators.
Just clarifying (again).

And I find exactly this contraproductive. It's the teacher, who these missguided childrens HAVE to learn respecting, not the administrator!
redelicious said:
Spanking is a last resort and often used by those who have run out of patience and creative ways to discipline (IMHO).

Having said that I have spanked my son on rare occaisions. It's sorta hard to reason with a toddler, especially when safety and well being are at issue. And yeah, I've lost my patience a few times.

My day care provider will spank kids if the parents ask her to, though she is uncomfortable with it. Frankly she is an extremely effective disciplinarian already, so I see no need for her to have to resort to it.

I work in a public school setting. No way in hell would we get away with physical punishment. I can't even imagine using it at the parents' request (and I've had a few who've done that).

Lord help the teacher/administrator who lays a hand on my child without my consent - which is extremely unlikely. By the same token, lord help my child if he ever gets into that much trouble at school that the topic of spanking should even come up.

I believe everything that was said in the above quote.

But, I believe that there has to be an overwhelming and undisputeable punishment that is feared and beyond reckoning for a child. Usually that punishment is pain... I will and do spank..
I will never regret that decision... Never is it used easily, and without thought, although it is all encompassing. Repeated lies, physically harmful activities, open and willfull disrespect to either parents, and failure of the previous corrective measures of other discipline will result in spanking.

To me a spanking of a child will never result in physical harm, but will bring them to a level that shows them that they do not and have not earned the right to control their physical environment. What they want is not an issue, as a parent, it is my job to show them that until they have shown the resourses to make critical judgements, those judgements will be made be me. Everyone, including children have the right to make mistakes, and the punishments for those mistakes should be lenient but fulfillingly a learning experience. Willful disobedience should be quelled, because a spank on the ass is much less painful than ten years in the pen if left unchecked. I believe that mother and father is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children. I would never abuse a child, or even discipline him/her in public, but you bet your ass, if they act less than a little Lord or Lady as an youth, then they will become a menace in later years.
(My first post! Wooo! :) )

When I was younger, if I did something wrong, and knew it was wrong, I would get "a talk..", usually ineffective. If I did this action repetitivly, I would get a spanking. That was the way it was. My parents set goals that I would reach, and if I did not reach this goal, there was no lowering it for my benefit or self-esteem. That is one of the problems here in the US; people are too concerned about a kid's happiness instead of his well-being. I think that, with parental permission, punishment of this kind should be brought back into schools. Kids today do not know how good they have it; if I even hinted at being insubordinant towards my parents, I would get smacked. The entire education system needs reforming. Bush's "no child left behind" policy is really "no child gets ahead.."

Well, that was my first ranting here ^^.
That is one of the problems here in the US; people are too concerned about a kid's happiness instead of his well-being. I think that, with parental permission, punishment of this kind should be brought back into schools.

And i could not agree more :)

...if they act less than a little Lord or Lady as an youth, then they will become a menace in later years.

...could be this also a key to understand the current siciety problems? ;)
Just to continue my comment,

I live in an honors dorm; there is a program there that lets gifted students go to school two years early; they complete thier first two years of college while finishing thier last two years of high school. Recently, we discovered that the government will be cutting thier funding, call the Post-Secondary Option. This funding program also allows high school students to commute during part of the day; thusly getting college credit. In order for people to operate in society, they must learn how to set goals, and how to achieve the goals that they set. When schools cut curriculum and lower expectations for students, it removes goals from the equation. Kids learn not only that society has lowered thier expectations, but they they can get away with not doing anything and everything will be alright. I once heard of a school in middle georgia that kept students from getting 100s in thier classes. Why? So that other students would not feel bad if they did not achieve a similar grade.

Guess what? Nearly every kid can learn. It is somthing that they are born with. This should not come as a surprise.