"Paige" (inspired by the FX tv series "The Americans")

"I've been ordered to look for you, find you, detain you," Connor informed Paige, adding, "and if necessary, kill you."

She didn't react with any sort of concern, believing that if he meant her any immediate harm, he wouldn't have warned her first. He spoke about her parents, then about the Faction within the Center. Then, he spoke of a Russian who might have had a connection to her parents.

Even more important, though, was that this man might have been working with her parents in opposition to the Faction. That made him the only person on Earth other than her parents -- and maybe Connor -- who Paige thought she could trust. But how was she supposed to make contact with him if he was in an FBI holding cell?

"So, where are you staying?" Connor asked. "I mean, if you need a place to lay your head at night."

He talked about how her mother wasn't here anymore to scare him from hitting on Paige, then teased about being a good boy or bad boy. Paige smiled, sipped at her coffee, and told him, "I've got a place ... for tonight, anyway. But maybe someday soon...?"

She could see the disappointment in Connor's face, but there were more important things with which to deal. "How do we find out more about this man, Burov? How to we contact him? I mean, if he's on our side in this fight ... shouldn't we try to make contact...? Ask him why he's here?"

He was surprised by the total lack of emotional response from Paige. He'd just told her he was ordered to kill her if necessary. She'd only stared at him with that slight smile that often graced her lips.

"I've got a place ... for tonight, anyway," she said when he offered her a place to lay her head. "But maybe someday soon...?"

That perked up Connor's hopes a bit. Just the thought that she was willing to sleep over was enough to cause his cock to begin hardening.

"How do we find out more about this man, Burov?" she said, quickly changing the subject.

"Well, if he's in FBI contact as I've been led to believe, we don't," Connor answered. "I don't have anyone in that level of law enforcement who can help us on that.

"How do we contact him?" Paige continued. "I mean, if he's on our side in this fight ... shouldn't we try to make contact...? Ask him why he's here?"

"Absolutely, we should," Connor said, quickly reminding her, "But he's in FBI custody. It's not like slipping a note to a guy in class you have the hots for." He hesitated as the waitress checked up on them. "I know someone. An American. He's helped us in the past. For money. He's not what you would call ideologically sympathetic with us. But if anyone can find anything for us, he can."

He sipped at his newly filled cup of coffee. Unsure of whether to ask or not, Connor bravely ventured, "What's the story with your brother? It's my understanding that he's still here, that he doesn't know about, you know."
Paige was disappointed with the news about this Burov character. If he was indeed in FBI custody, under arrest for espionage, they'd never get to him. She would have found it ironic to learn that Burov had been trading dead drops with her own father and that that was how he came to be arrested; Burov was right in the middle of the investigation that had led to her parents' flight out of the country.

Of course, even if Burov hadn't been involved, the end had come to the life the Jennings had been living. Other information had fueled the FBI's investigation into the Illegals and -- because of Stan Beeman's suspicions -- Paige's parents had been suspected of and ultimately being found to be part of the espionage ring.

"I know someone," Connor continued regarding how to speak to the all important Russian. "An American."

The description of the man as being in it for the money didn't sit well with Paige. Her parents had had an asset like that at one point, a degenerate gambler who ended up giving himself away to the FBI and, ultimately, getting himself killed. That death had led to yet another one, a killing that Paige herself had witnessed -- or, at least, come upon seconds later. It had been the second time she'd seen her mother get into a violent altercation that ended in another person's death. She hadn't enjoyed either, of course.

"What's the story with your brother?" Connor suddenly and unexpectedly asked. "It's my understanding that he's still here, that he doesn't know about, you know."

"Didn't know," Paige corrected. She took a moment, wondering how much she should explain; need to know again. "We have ... had a friend who we left him with. He was supposed to tell Henry all about it. Everything my father had asked. Tell him everything."

Paige thought a moment while she sipped at her coffee. She continued, "We don't know what's happening there." She stood, saying, "I have to go. I'm expecting something delivered."

That was an odd thing to say, of course, as Paige had nowhere to which something could be delivered. She told Connor she'd keep in touch and departed.

Paige had been reading about her parents in the newspaper, but the Press didn't have much more about the situation than she already did. Anonymous sources within the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, Homeland Security, and multiple police forces in and surrounding Washington DC were all involved in a manhunt for an unknown number of possibly Russian spies.

There was an extreme lack of concrete details, and some of what they had was patently false. One detail they did have correct was that these spies had family members who'd been taken into custody by the FBI. Actually, that should have been family member, singular, but close enough for government work, as they'd been saying since the advent of government, likely.

That part of the story was all of it which Paige cared. She wanted to know that her brother was dealing with all of this. Again, she drove past her home in Falls Church for a peek at both the Jennings and Beeman homes. The vehicles in front of her house had thinned out, with one evidence collection/processing van, one FBI SUV, and one Falls Church police cruiser remaining.

There had been a decrease in activity in front of the Beeman house as well; the last time Paige had passed by Stan's car had been out front with another Federal vehicle, but the latter was now absent. Paige wondered what that meant, but obviously she couldn't spend time milling about to learn anything. She shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Paige returned to the street on which Nick lived later that day, only to find a suspicious vehicle sitting half a block down from his building. She found a parking space from which she could watch both the car and the front entrance, but after 3 hours she'd learned nothing at all. Her theory of better safe than sorry took over, and after she pulled away after dark, she returned to the parking garage in which her parents -- and now she -- kept the car. She slept in the back seat that night, missing the comfort of the forger's couch.

Not wanting to sleep in the backseat of her car again in the early December cold but also not wanting to chance Nick's house, Paige arranged another surprise encounter with Connor in the late afternoon of the next day, asking, "Is that offer of a place to lay my head down still open?"
Stan Beeman and Henry Jennings:

The investigation into the Illegals was advancing rapidly. At the same time, it was going nowhere. The FBI had swept up multiple suspects in their operation. None of them were talking, though. And, or course, the Jennings were still on the loose. Because of Stan Beeman. He'd had them cornered in an underground parking garage. He could have arrested them then and there. But he'd let them go. And since then, there had been no sign of them.

Stan arrived home to relieve the FBI agent posted there to watch over Henry Jennings while Stan was away working. Stan's boss had wanted Henry put into protective custody in a safe house outside the DC area. Stan had fought that and won. The boy was devastated by what he'd learned about his parents and sister. Stan had become Henry's best friend prior to the revelations about the boy's family. What with leaving school to live back here in Falls Church, Stan was now Henry's only friend.

"Did you find them?" Henry asked after he and Stan were alone. "Did you arrest them?"

"No, Henry," Stan said simply. He asked the boy if he'd eaten. The answer of no led to them digging out some microwaveable dinners and cans of soda. After many minutes of no conversation, Stan asked, "Do you want them to be caught? And arrested?"

This was the first time Stan had asked Henry that question. Their conversations prior to this had been about the past. About the clues Henry had missed. About the clues Stan had missed. About the strange behavior that Henry had thought was just what parents were like. They'd talked about Henry's future, of course. Stan had promised him a home here with him no matter what.

But they had never talked about the possible future of his parents and sister. Again, Stan hypothesized, "The three of them are unlikely to be found, let alone arrested. Even with the new border security, they probably got into Canada. A visit to the embassy or consulate, and they'd be heading for Russia in no time."

Stan was sorry he'd said that so glibly. The boy's family was gone, forever. They'd left him behind, like leftovers at a family barbeque. Henry considered Stan's question a while. Then, he said only, "I dunno."


He knew of Stan Beeman and the Agent's connection to the Jennings family, of course. He didn't, however, know that Stan was the former friend caring for Henry. If he had, he likely would have cut off his contact with Paige. There was already too much danger out there right now. The FBI was scouring the DC area for Illegals.

Paige made her departure. Connor immediately proceeded to prepare another dead drop. He couldn't tell his handler that he was meeting with Paige, of course. The message he sent essentially said that he was still on the case and little more.

A couple of days later, Paige was there before Connor again. She asked, "Is that offer of a place to lay my head down still open?"

"Of course," he told her. "C'mon." He took her on a meandering walk meant to look for tails. There were none. They were suddenly at his car, in his car, and heading across DC. Thirty minutes later, they were at his apartment. He confessed as they entered, "It's not much. But it's home."

It looked much like Nick's apartment, not that Connor would know that. Small living room, small connecting kitchen and dining room, small bedroom. Even the bathroom was small, with a bathtub that wasn't long enough to fully stretch out it. But it was all a single man needed. He slept there just fine, ate there just fine. On occasion he fucked there just fine. Not as often as he wished, of course.

Connor hurriedly cleaned the kitchen table of the books and papers spread across it. "I'm taking some classes at UDC." He was speaking of the University of the District of Columbia. "Political science. Economics. Even Script Writing. Everyone needs a hobby. Thought maybe I'd write a spy story one day."

He smiled to Paige at that last comment. Connor certainly had the information to write such a tale. He didn't have the talent for it, though. He was much better at being a spy then writing about one. He offered food and drink to Paige. "I have lots of leftovers, but I can cook something hot if you want. I'm a pretty good cook. Took a class for that, too."

He went to work in the kitchen and was soon laying out a spread before Paige. Often, his gaze fell upon her body. He loved a petite woman with nice tits. That described Paige to a tee. Once he sat down, Connor said, "I'm sorry if talking about your brother was difficult. I probably should have kept my mouth shut about it. I, um..."

He went silent for several seconds. "I never had siblings. Here or back home." He never referred to Russia by name. The Illegals had been taught not to. "I miss my parents, of course. My mother, at least. Dad was a drunk. He was around, but barely. I had no problem leaving him behind. But mom, that was hard."

They finished eating. Connor thought he could see exhaustion in Paige's eyes. "I'm going to make a bed for you." He gathered bedding from the hall closet and disappeared into his bedroom. Reappearing, he gathered another set of sheets with a blanket and set them on the couch. He gestured toward the open bedroom door. "You take my bed. I'll sleep out here. I'm not making you sleep out here. You're my guest."

He moved to the kitchen table to put away the things that needed to go in the fridge. "I'll clean the rest up in the morning. You look exhausted."
"Of course," Connor told Paige when she asked about staying overnight at his place. When they arrived, he told her, "It's not much. But it's home."

Paige had loved the apartment in which she'd lived just prior to going on the run. It had been in a building exclusively for students of George Washington University, surrounding her with people who were her own age and who had similar interests and activities to her own. There were stark differences as well, though; as far as she knew, none of them had become spies for Russia during their Freshman year.

Nick's apartment was smaller and decor-lacking relative to Paige's, but -- like he said -- it was home to him.

"I'm taking some classes at UDC," he said about the textbooks, notebooks, and scattered papers. He spoke of his specific classes.

"I was taking Political Science at GW," she told him. "Other stuff ... on my way to a liberal arts degree." To herself, Paige mumbled, "That's over now."

Connor offered her a choice between leftovers and a hot meal, to which she chose the former. "Don't go to a whole lot of effort for me. I dropped in unexpectedly. Cold is perfectly fine. My diet is mostly microwave and leftovers anyway."

He brought out a surprisingly large number of plastic containers from the fridge and boxed or bagged treats from the cupboards. Connor surprised Paige very much as Nick had; for single males, each of them had had an amazing amount of ready foods from which to eat. Her fridge at her apartment typically had fewer than half a dozen containers in it other than perhaps the milk, OJ, condiments, and -- in the crisper -- fruits and vegies.

He apologized for bringing up Henry, then explained about his own lack of siblings; his story about his dad made Paige feel lucky for having the father she'd had. That surprised her a bit, thinking about her father that way. The last few years -- during which he'd faded away from the family business and Paige, under her mother's tutelage, had become ever more involved -- had been trying times for the family.

Philip Jennings had tried to keep his daughter out of espionage at the beginning. After it had become necessary to tell her what he and Elizabeth did, he'd tried to limit her exposure and participation. The two of them had even come to blows once when Paige mistakenly expressed her feelings that she could take care of herself in a physical confrontation and Philip proved she couldn't by knocking her around, pinning her to a wall of her own apartment, and proving to her that she was in no way ready to be in this line of work.

When dinner was finished and Paige was in fact showing signs of fatigue, Connor prepared two beds, offering his own to Paige. She immediately said, "No, no way. I'm not taking your bed."

"I'm not making you sleep out here," he countered. "You're my guest."

She tried to fight him over it, but he only turned away to tend to the food and dishes; when she offered to help, he politely turned the offer down, told her to get some sleep, and said, "I'll clean the rest up in the morning. You look exhausted."

Paige reluctantly accepted the dismissal from chores and headed to Connor's bedroom. She realized how badly she needed a shower and stripped down to take one. Exhausted as she was, Paige had forgotten that the bathroom was accessed by a door in the hallway, not directly from the bedroom.

She donned a sports jersey she found tossed over a deck chair and headed out into the hall, catching sight of Connor in front of the couch as he shed his shirt and was stepping out of his shoes. Even though she shouldn't have, Paige stood there quietly, watching as her host unbuckled, unbuttoned, unzipped, and shed his jeans.

Connor wore tight fitting briefs that really showed off the muscular buttocks that went so well with the rest of his muscular frame. Again, Paige should have slipped unseen into the bathroom; she knew that any moment, Connor was going to turn to sit on the couch and see her standing there. But she couldn't -- or wouldn't -- do what she knew was the right thing, and sure enough, her host turned and found her standing in the hall watching him with hungry eyes.

They stared at each other for the longest moment before Paige said with a soft voice, "I'm going to shower. But ... if you wanted to join me..."

She left it at that, turning and entering the bathroom. She shed the tee, leaving her naked, turned on the water -- which surprisingly got hot in just seconds, in contrast to the water flow at her own place -- and stepped into the tub, not knowing whether she'd be getting company or not.

He was surprised when he turned to find Paige standing in the bathroom door wearing his Washington Senators jersey and, possibly, nothing more. She was looking him up and down as he stood there in just his briefs and socks. He was obviously looking her up and down as well.

She told him, "I'm going to shower. But ... if you wanted to join me..."

Connor didn't say anything. He was in shock. Had Paige really invited him to shower with her? She had! He'd heard it! She disappeared into the bathroom. At that same moment, Connor realized that his erection was pressing the front of his briefs out very conspicuously. Had she seen that? Did it matter?

He stood there a while wondering whether this was a good idea or not. They had often flirted with one another. Well, a handful of times. And only when her parents weren't in ear shot. But Connor had never imagined that this day would actually come until she'd asked to stay the night at his place. Even then, he'd very truly expected to sleep separately from her.

He headed for the bathroom, finding the door still wide open. A very naked Paige was just stepping into the shower. Her body was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Long legs, tight ass, narrow waist. She turned to face the water without pulling the curtain shut. Her tits were just as perfect. Firm, B-cups if he knew his bosom sizes. Her nipples were erect, very much as was his cock.

Connor slipped into the bathroom, closed the door, and shed his briefs. Stepping in behind her, he reached to her hips. His heart was pounding with excitement. He was no stranger to women, of course. He'd averaged maybe six or seven lovers a year since coming to America. And that didn't include the women -- and two men -- who he'd had sex with while on the job.

And yet, laying hands upon Paige was something else. He didn't know how she wanted to proceed with this. So he told himself to follow her lead. And enjoy whatever came of it.
Meanwhile, at Nick's house:

Nick was a bit disappointed that Paige hadn't returned. This would be the second night in a row that she didn't sleep on his couch. He hadn't heard anything from her either. He'd given her his email address, his burner phone's number, and his social media accounts. If she needed to get word to him, she had a dozen ways to do so. She was smart and well trained, so Nick was certain Paige could find a way to contact him confidentially.

And yet she didn't. He watched late night television until almost 3am. Finally deciding that she wasn't showing up, he went to bed. He had some of her ID and cards and was eager to get them to her. He'd just have to wait. And hope she hadn't been arrested.
Paige with Connor:

Paige hadn't pulled the shower curtain fully closed, wanting her host to have a clear view of her when he followed her into the bathroom. After a long moment, as the hot water cascaded down upon her body, she began to think Connor was going to pass, when out of the corner of her eye, she caught movement in the doorway.

A chill ran up her spine, and to her surprise -- even under the cascading hot water -- goosebumps exploded across the skin of her arms and upper legs. It would never have occurred to her that her body could react like that. Of course, she'd never invited a man she barely knew into the shower with her.

Paige had only had two lovers before this. She'd lost her virginity over Christmas break of her freshman year of university to a fellow classmate who'd told her he was quitting school and returning home to Minnesota. She'd liked the guy almost enough to be his lover but had really only let him fuck her because she no longer wanted to be a virgin. That relationship had ended just as she'd hoped: he got on a plane the afternoon after he'd deflowered her, and Paige never saw nor heard from him again.

The second relationship had been more lasting: three weeks, eight fucks. That one had been a fusion of private and professional needs on Paige's part. The young man had most definitely been someone to whom Paige was physically attracted. But the true reason she'd gone home with him the night of their third date was that Paige had googled him upon their initial meeting and learned that he was an Aide to a US Senator who was reported to be a key vote in upcoming legislation regarding the rearmament of Ukraine in its war against Russia.

As the man flirted with Paige that first night, he'd told her my boss has the future of the Ukraine in the palm of his hand. Paige had thought that being close to a man like that might result in pillow talk that might be of value to her mother and, in extension, the Center and Mother Russia. It had, too, with Paige learning from her lover information about a second Senator on the first's committee who'd had an affair with a 19-year-old male staffer. Paige had passed the information to her mother, and two weeks later, just before a key vote on the arms package, the Senator resigned his seat for medical reasons. The package was delayed and still to this day hadn't been passed.

That relationship might have continued for quite some time if it hadn't been for Stan Beeman and the FBI investigation into the Illegals. In fact, Paige had had a date with the Aide for the night after she and her parents fled for Canada, a trip that for Paige had ended with a reversal at the international border, of course.

And now, as Connor stepped into the bathroom, closed the door unnecessarily behind him, and stripped off his briefs, Paige's third sexual relationship seemed about to begin. Just as his eyes were taking her in from head to toe and up again, her eyes fell upon his manly features. He was a fit young man, muscular but not the body builder type, but Paige's gaze settled with a combination of joy and anxiety on a cock that was longer and thicker than either of the two she'd seen firsthand before.

Connor stepped into the shower from the opposite end, behind her. She considered turning to face him but didn't; she suddenly truly realized how nervous she was, with her heart beating hard and her chest swelling and contracting with deep, anxious breaths. She flinched just a bit, likely unnoticeable to Connor, as his hands found her waist.

She waited to see what he would do next -- to see how fast he would move -- but found herself surprised when Connor only caressed his hands over the wet skin of her waist and hips. Suddenly realizing that she wanted more from him and wanted it quickly, Paige turned to face him, reached out, and pulled him to her for an immediate and deeply passionate kiss. As the embrace continued, she felt his hard cock pressed between their bellies. That led to another chill up the back and, this time, a giggle from her.

"Sorry," she whispered after pulling her face back to look him in the eyes. She wasn't exactly sure why she was apologizing. She kissed him more softly, explaining, "I just ... I got a chill up my back. That's what you do to me, Connor. Give me the chilly willies." She laughed, adding, "That's a good thing."

They kissed again, their hands now pulling each other firmly against one another. Paige couldn't get past how massive Connor's cock felt pressed against her belly. After a minute or two -- it was hard to tell through the raw passion -- she let a hand slide down his chest and belly and, after pushing back just a couple of inches, grasped his shaft tightly and began stroking it long and slow.

"Is this alright?" she asked. "Can I do this?"

Paige had never really spent much time with a cock in her hand. She hadn't touched her first lover's penis at all; he'd wrapped it with a condom, put it inside her, stroked a couple of dozen times, orgasmed, pulled it out, and they were done. She'd only handled the Aide's cock twice, each time to put him inside her while she was straddling his waist, yearning for her still-unattained first orgasm with another human being. She'd never performed oral on either of her lovers nor beat them off either.

But she found it an instant joy to have Connor's impressive cock in her hand. She reached her second hand to a bottle of shampoo on the shower's shelf, flipped open the top, and squirted a rather large glob of it out onto his cock before intensifying her stroking. Paige watched the man's reaction and smiled as she recognized the expression of building pleasure.

She'd never done anything like this before, but she wasn't so naive as to not understand what would happen if she didn't stop. And, unless Connor did something to stop her, Paige wouldn't ... not until she'd caused him to explode. She found this extremely stimulating and satisfying, and she was going to enjoy it to its fullest.

He hadn't expected Paige to take hold of him as she did. He was very glad she did. She may have thought she didn't know what she was doing. But she did. Connor moaned after just a few strokes, and when Paige added the lubricating soap, it only got better.

He leaned forward, placing one hand flat against the wall behind Paige to support himself. The other found her incredible body, caressing her skin, gently groping a firm tit, sliding down to cup an ass cheek.

"My God, that feels good," he whispered as he kissed Paige. "Really good."

His description came up far short of the reality. Paige somehow knew exactly what she needed to do to drive him nuts. After just a minute or so, Connor realized that he was going to cum.

"If you don't," he started, unable to finish. "If you keep doing that..." Again, Connor ceased what he was trying to tell her. Paige continued stroking him. He could feel the build up and knew there was no stopping. He kissed her passionately, then warned, "I'm gonna cum."