I want a new audio from IMA
I third that motion!!!! Get busy girlie!! Your fans demand it!!!
WOW! I guess I need to get motivated then. Believe it or not, I get shy making them. Was talking to good Lit guy friend yesterday and he busted out laughing when I said that but it's true! And I NEVER listen to them once I'm done. What kind of theme do you guys and gals want?I...er...fourth the motion!
Sorry I missed you, honey. I've been scarce here for a bit. Going to try to play more this weekend.*enters in only a loose fitting robe, nothing underneath, and finds a nice, big loveseat to relax on*
Mmmmm Another honey I missed. I need more play time!*Out in the moonlight drinking some wine and loving the breeze on my naked skin*
Participating is much more fun. But you know that*watching*