Philosophies On The Fly

If you can't fly,
don't just stand there
flapping your arms and squawking,
put one foot in front of the other
and start walking.
make plans, think about them, revise the plan, think about it some more, then ... oh fuck it, just go for it and see what happens
if you never look back, you'll never know how very far you've come

if you never look down, you'll never know how high you've flown

just because you can do something doesn't mean you should

Ah, but capt jack sparrow said,
All that matters is what you can do and what you can't do.
Why the fuck do i remember that?
I need help
If you can't fly,
don't just stand there
flapping your arms and squawking,
put one foot in front of the other
and start walking.

You ever see one of those penguin movies? They walk forever~then get eaten
Hmmm....maybe i'm too pessimistic
People who live in glass houses shouldn't walk around naked.
Familiarity breeds.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.
A rule of grammar: double negatives are a no-no.
A vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry.
Things left to themselves, work out to the way they are now.

No man will ever treat a woman better than he treats his mother.

The best test of a good man is to treat him badly. If he leaves and never comes back, he was a good man.
If you can't fly,
don't just stand there
flapping your arms and squawking,
put one foot in front of the other
and start walking.
let it roll, baby, roll
all night long - j. morrison

of you can't say anything meaningful, throw in a quote
let it roll, baby, roll
all night long - j. morrison

of you can't say anything meaningful, throw in a quote

If it's all been done and said before
As has been said for ever more
Then it's all just a quote
That ne'er got wrote
And all the we say
Will again be quoted some day
If it's all been done and said before
As has been said for ever more
Then it's all just a quote
That ne'er got wrote
And all the we say
Will again be quoted some day
ooh, ooh

A quote in time
is repeated for nine
and along the way
it becomes cliche

and then folk wisdom or some such shit

Butter your own muthafuckin pancakes- Aunt Jemima as done by Samuel L Jackson
another quote
Alright I made that one up
Lil Debbie has a treat for you

nice to see how growed up she is

when a quote fails throw in a whole song
or some such shit
"I'm more worried about the return OF my money than the return ON my money." Will Rogers

"People say money can't buy happiness, and they may be right, I don't know. But I can tell you, I've been rich, and I've been poor, and believe me, rich is better." Will Rogers
That sounds like a comment on the current philosophy of the day: Please sir, can I have some more.

Ungrateful wretch! After all Her Majesty has done to, uh, I mean "for" you, and you have the nerve to ask for "MORE?" :caning:
Oh, you mistake me sir. I'm a grateful wretch.
Come a little closer with that cane...

Perhaps we'll send you to the Royal Navy...with a proud tradition of rum, buggery, and the LASH. (Quoting Winston Churchill, and he ought to know.)
"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
If a guy at the gay bar asks if he can push in your stool, consider your answer carefully.
If a guy at the gay bar asks if he can push in your stool, consider your answer carefully.

Ugh! Terrible, horrible, no good, really bad joke.

Mistress Trixie Tonguelash feels she must deliver a sound caning for that one.

Now quit grinning and give us something not so groan worthy.
The cane? Hope you aint counting them damn hearts again!
Ok, um..lets see
~i once complained that i had no eyes, til i met a guy who had really ugly shoes
No, wait...that doesn't sound right
~if the Major says, "fix bayonets!" ask for a vote?