Philosophy 101

EJFan said:
i mean does it make a woman less of a woman to be involved in the adult business... is it anti-feminist... is it demeaning... that kind of thing.
From whose perspective? From the woman herself, or are you asking if I feel that these professions degrade a woman, make her somehow less valuable to society?
midwestyankee said:
From whose perspective? From the woman herself, or are you asking if I feel that these professions degrade a woman, make her somehow less valuable to society?
from whatever perspective you chose to approach it... the woman, women in general, society en masse... you pick the point of view.
EJFan said:
i mean does it make a woman less of a woman to be involved in the adult business... is it anti-feminist... is it demeaning... that kind of thing.
It saddens me to hear women say, "I'm not a feminist, but I believe in [insert women's rights issue here]." I believe that true feminism, not the man-hating propaganda spewed by the bra-burning militants who hijacked the feminist movement, is about choices. It's about a woman being able to choose a career and motherhood or one or the other. The point is that the woman has the ability to make that decision. Some so-called feminists, by decrying a woman's choice to pursue a career in which she might be objectified, are actually acting contrary to what feminism, IMO, was intended to accomplish.

I don't consider myself anti-feminist because I decided to stay at home with my kids after six years and thousands of dollars that I invested in college and grad school. I'm just grateful that I had an option that my mother, who was made to stay at home with my brother and me, didn't have. :)
EJFan said:
i mean does it make a woman less of a woman to be involved in the adult business... is it anti-feminist... is it demeaning... that kind of thing.

Not anti feminist--but i think it is demeaning...I would not be proud of my daughter the porn star however i would of her as a doctor lawyer indian chief...I know its shallow but honest :D
DLL said:
Not anti feminist--but i think it is demeaning...I would not be proud of my daughter the porn star however i would of her as a doctor lawyer indian chief...I know its shallow but honest :D
Fair enough, but would your daughter the porn star be proud of her mother the lawyer? ;)
midwestyankee said:
Fair enough, but would your daughter the porn star be proud of her mother the lawyer? ;)

of course ...we both fuck people one way or another :D
Just had a thought (yeah I know...just one huh).

With advances in gene technology and the possibility of eradicating genetic disorders in the future, could we be stopping ourselves from evolving and adapting to our changing world? Could we cure ourselves out of existence?
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quoll said:
With advances in gene technology and the possibility of eradicating genetic disorders in the future, could we be stopping ourselves from evolving and adapting to our changing world? Could we cure ourselves out of existence?
i don't believe so. i would suspect that mother nature adapts more quickly than we do (she doesn't have lobbyists and social conscience morons to contend with). the role of natural biology is planned obselesence so no matter what advances we make, nature is making plans to eliminate us.

what does this have to do with your point you might ask? i'm essentially saying the same thing... that we're doomed to disappear. the finer point of my thinking is that WE aren't in control of how we go extinct. we're a parasite on the earth and when it's ready to it'll shake us off like a dog shakes off fleas.

it's a great question. thanks quoll. :)

edit to add:
it's interesting that you bring this up. just the other night on the news they had a story about a doctor who's studying the theory that we're "sanitizing" ourselves to illness. he's finding evidence that too much cleanliness is damaging childrens' immune systems... not giving them enough of a chance to learn how to fight germs, etc.

personally, i've suspected this for a long time. wash your hands, yes. pour bleach and anti-bacterial shit all over every damned thing and we'll destroy ourselves very quickly. i know this is a bit contradictory to what i said earlier but i'm talking about general health here, not our control over our own destruction.
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EJFan said:
i don't believe so. i would suspect that mother nature adapts more quickly than we do (she doesn't have lobbyists and social conscience morons to contend with). the role of natural biology is planned obselesence so no matter what advances we make, nature is making plans to eliminate us.

what does this have to do with your point you might ask? i'm essentially saying the same thing... that we're doomed to disappear. the finer point of my thinking is that WE aren't in control of how we go extinct. we're a parasite on the earth and when it's ready to it'll shake us off like a dog shakes off fleas.

it's a great question. thanks quoll. :)

edit to add:
it's interesting that you bring this up. just the other night on the news they had a story about a doctor who's studying the theory that we're "sanitizing" ourselves to illness. he's finding evidence that too much cleanliness is damaging childrens' immune systems... not giving them enough of a chance to learn how to fight germs, etc.

personally, i've suspected this for a long time. wash your hands, yes. pour bleach and anti-bacterial shit all over every damned thing and we'll destroy ourselves very quickly. i know this is a bit contradictory to what i said earlier but i'm talking about general health here, not our control over our own destruction.

I totally agree with your edit, I have read of studies that have discovered that very thing. One problem with all this antibacterial stuff is that if you don't kill all the bacteria when you use it, then you have just helped the bacteria to build up it's immunity to that particular product.

As to the gene thing, agreed we're all going anyway, but it intrigues me that if we eliminate something we have decided is a genetic anomally, that 300,000 years from now that particular gene could have been the catalyst for our bodies to be able to resist the interstellar bacteria that is now drifting down to earth. (I really read too much sci-fi as a kid)
interstellar bacteria?

time to dig out the ol' "duck 'n' cover" films. :eek:
Well I wanted to go with something fanciful, you could have global warming, ice age, increased ultra violet light, mutant cold virus, yada yada yada. ;)
EJFan said:
it's interesting that you bring this up. just the other night on the news they had a story about a doctor who's studying the theory that we're "sanitizing" ourselves to illness. he's finding evidence that too much cleanliness is damaging childrens' immune systems... not giving them enough of a chance to learn how to fight germs, etc.

personally, i've suspected this for a long time. wash your hands, yes. pour bleach and anti-bacterial shit all over every damned thing and we'll destroy ourselves very quickly. i know this is a bit contradictory to what i said earlier but i'm talking about general health here, not our control over our own destruction.

Thank you. I've felt the same way, also for quite a while. Germs are healthy for you, so to speak. Gives the immune system something to do. I rarely get sick and don't take much precautions over and above what is necessary for good hygiene.
Typo Fu Master said:
Thank you. I've felt the same way, also for quite a while. Germs are healthy for you, so to speak. Gives the immune system something to do. I rarely get sick and don't take much precautions over and above what is necessary for good hygiene.
i've often thought that if we "cure the common cold" (which i'm sure has become a cliche rather than an actual goal) we'd be destroying ourselves. the cold is the simplest, most harmless way for our bodies to purge the shmutz that it collects.

is that how you spell shmutz?
EJFan said:
i've often thought that if we "cure the common cold" (which i'm sure has become a cliche rather than an actual goal) we'd be destroying ourselves. the cold is the simplest, most harmless way for our bodies to purge the shmutz that it collects.

is that how you spell shmutz?

That spelling is as good as any. :)

You're probably right, though I doubt it'd be that simple of a process. I think we're on our way to creating "supergerms" that are resistant to all known antibiotics. People are already encouraging their formation by only taking antibiotics until they feel better, effectively giving the surviving germs the equivalent of a booster shot.
Typo Fu Master said:
That spelling is as good as any. :)

You're probably right, though I doubt it'd be that simple of a process. I think we're on our way to creating "supergerms" that are resistant to all known antibiotics. People are already encouraging their formation by only taking antibiotics until they feel better, effectively giving the surviving germs the equivalent of a booster shot.
there was a study (in JAMA, i think) a couple of months ago that supported the idea that children who are treated with antibiotics in their youth have much higher risk for significant disease in their adulthood.

i can't remember the specifics of the adult risk but that's the general point.
I've been reading Max Stirner lately, and I've come to think that he's right: too many people live to serve an idea -- whether it be God or society or brother-love or even Ayn Rand-style individualism -- instead of judging an idea by whether it serves their purposes and making the idea serve them.