Pics from my upcoming SF story "Procreation"

Don't think AI generated art was up to scratch anyway at the time I posted those pics. It is now, though
What happened to this woman between the earlier pictures and this point? Very interesting (and hot) images all around.

That's in part 2 of the story that these images are from, which is not posted yet unfortunately, another 30,000 words of no-sex SF to trawl through for a few hot scenes :)
The dark-skinned people there are "roba", offspring of the mutant woman, Unug, who's riding the pig in one of the other pics. They're unruly, child-like and dumb.
The woman is Diana, who is a scientist studying what's happened to the planet 300 years after a nuclear catastrophe (which she herself started, when she was living safely in a space colony near the moon).

Diana is safe from the roba as long as their mother Unug is around to maintian order, but Unug has been captured by her niece, leaving Diana alone with them, and they gang-r&pe her. She's unharmed, and survives the ordeal.

Note that the skin colours of all the mutants change, like sunglassess, in the sun. So they'll be dark-skinned outdoors, and plae-skinned if they're in the dark for a period of time. Most of the mutants live in an enclosed, underground city, and are pale-skinned.

I wrote at the end of Part 1 that I'd post Part 2 will be published if part 1 gets a hot rating. As it only has a rating of 4 right now, it looks like part 2 of the story won't ever get published here.
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I wrote at the end of Part 1 that I'd post Part 2 will be published if part 1 gets a hot rating. As it only has a rating of 4 right now, it looks like part 2 of the story won't ever get published here.
If it's written, why wouldn't you post it?

You don't want to get yourself a reputation as "yet another 'Great Unfinished Series Author" - especially not for the reason given. That's a poor attitude towards readers, I reckon, and a little presumptuous to assume your first chapter deserves or warrants a Red H. Authors earn Red Hs with their content, but it's up the readers to award them.
If it's written, why wouldn't you post it?

Part II is 30,000 words long, like the first part.

If a reader had read the story to the end, read my "threat", and then NOT voted 5, they would be aware that thye were implicitly telling me that they didn't want to read any more of the story.

The story got three 1-votes within MINUTES of being published. If anybody has a poor attitude, it's those people (or more likely, a single person). Any frustration should be towards them, spoiling it for the many other readers who voted 5.

To get Part II from its (late) draft state to being published still needs a lot of effort, and having part 1 with a 4. rating fails to motivate me to do that. And Part III is just an outline right now. All in all, 100,000 words, and about 50 images.

I didn't say it deserves a hot rating, (I'm not actually sure it does, although I happen to always vote 5 or not at all), I meant that if the reception to part 1 is luke-warm, I won't publish part 2 here. I'll definitely publish the second part and 3rd parts sometime, but not on Literotica.

They're definitely not "chapters", they're much longer than a typical lit chapter, and as such they require many, many hundreds of hundreds of hours to write. The illustrations alone take weeks to do.

By comparison, I've just written and uploaded two 2-3 lit page "pot boilers" here, that currently have a hot ratinsg, and which took me six hours to write in total.
The SF story which these images are from, is a much bigger effort, a much bigger enterprise.

Perhaps I should have explained that at the end of the story.
Part 1 has had, so far, just a single comment (a useful one, pointing out a technical error).

I'm quite happy to be a "Great Unfinished Author", I unfinish all the time!
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Part II is 30,000 words long, like the first part.

If a reader had read the story to the end, read my "threat", and then NOT voted 5, they would be aware that thye were implicitly telling me that they didn't want to read any more of the story.
Or they thought it wasn't worth a five, but it implies nothing other than that. I think you're reading far more into a 1% feedback factor than you should.

One-bombs are shitty, I agree, but they don't stick around for long. The first sweep that comes through will adjust the score, if the site's algorithm deems them non-genuine votes.

I still reckon you're doing your readers and yourself a disservice by "holding them to ransom" on the second chapter - you're also kidding yourself as to the true rating of the story.