Pleasure from punishment.

RoughPlay said:
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. In light of your comments I guess I really
meant mock punishment that is intended to be enjoyed overall even though it
might look like real punishment to someone who doesn't know better. I didn't
mean genuine punishment with an intent to truly hurt someone.

A Desert Rose, I would be interested in hearing more about what sort
of (mock) punishments you love, the reasons why and the feelings it gives

You are describing play. Perhaps a better question would be Do you get pleasure from play?
Ebonyfire said:
I believe you have misinterpreted what I said with your own paradigm.

Did I mention perfection? Did I mention any details? NO.

I said I do not punish. If punishment is needed the only one that is meaningful is kicking the sub to the curb.

I stand by that, and if folks do not like it then they can kiss My black ass!
Ebonyfire said:
I believe you have misinterpreted what I said with your own paradigm.

Did I mention perfection? Did I mention any details? NO. YOu read into what I said what you think I meant.

If you want to know what I mean, please ask Me without insulting Me with a statement about perfection. AND I find it offensive for you to mention the word "stable".

I am different from you, but that gives you no cause to judge Me.

You have completely misunderstood a joke for which I will apologise, I was under the impression you thought being cruel and mean were good qualities in a D. :D

RoughPlay said:
How hard does he flog you, does it leave angry red welts on your skin or worse ?

If the same flogging was by someone else in a non sexual context would it hurt, would you still enjoy it ?

Sometimes I get red welts and bruises after a flogging. Other times, my skin is just pink.

I wouldn't enjoy it if it was in a non-sexual context and I wouldn't allow anyone else to flog me. As it is, sometimes it triggers very strong emotions inside me, so it must be done within the context of trust and love. And afterwards I need to cuddle.
catalina_francisco said:
You have completely misunderstood a joke for which I will apologise, I was under the impression you thought being cruel and mean were good qualities in a D. :D


I need to lighten up, being sick the past three days has affected My sense of humor. I got the joke AFTER I ranted! lol

Besides, you only told the truth. I AM cruel, and mean. Gotta be or some of the fakes will suck the life out of you!
Did I fail to say that I get immense pleasure from kicking a fake sub to to curb?
Punishment isn't pleasure. How is that productive to ensuring the mistake (unacceptable behavior) does not recur?

i learned from past punishments and learned well. i don't recall one lesson ever being pleasurable and i am sure that is why i took them as seriously as i did and never forgot them.

A punishment isn't a reward and as such, no possible pleasure should be derived from it.

catalina_francisco said:
Though I appreciate the necessity to punish me, we both hate it when he does. From the mildest word of correction to the most painful of physical or emotional punishments, I am far from happy or in fact it usually sends me into an emotional spiral he then feels he has to help pull me out of before it goes too it is pain and hard work for both of us and one I strive to not earn too often.


ditto. a punishment, physical or not, is an emotionally wrenching experience for me. Daddy often must coddle and hug and kiss and reassure me with sweet words afterwards, because it hurts me so much on so many levels....first and foremost, i have disappointed my Master. i've made him unhappy with me. i haven't lived up to his expectations or hopes. i have not done my best. at these times i feel like the lowest, most pathetic excuse for a slave in the world. there is most certainly no pleasure factor involved.

if one finds pleasure in punishment, then, it is not punishment. mock/play punishment is a bit of any oxymoron to me...but then, my Master and i don't role play or even anything close to it, so maybe that's why i can't relate. i never attempt to be bratty or "naughty" to get some sort of attention from him. the opposite would result, and besides, that's just not in me. that's not to say that we are these constantly serious, grave people...we love to tease and play and have fun...but it never crosses the line into disrespect, or inappropriate behavior (for a submissive), even in jest.
What perferctly serious subs you are. In fact, you are the most perfect subs I have ever read online. I am in awe of you.

But thank God my Dom has a sense of humor and loves fun as much as I do. Life is full of serious shit. We choose to make sex and play fun.

Hey, you guys rock, though.... carry on.
A Desert Rose said:
What perferctly serious subs you are. In fact, you are the most perfect subs I have ever read online. I am in awe of you.

But thank God my Dom has a sense of humor and loves fun as much as I do. Life is full of serious shit. We choose to make sex and play fun.

Hey, you guys rock, though.... carry on.

*laughs* Who said anything about perfection? Perfection would negate the need for punishment correct? As i've read above, the subs have made it clear that they do (at times) require punishment, thus their "imperfection." i also see lots of humour and fun from these ladies as well. i may not be as forthcoming in my show of humour but that's just me and how i post.

Am i serious when it comes to messing up and the expectation of correction when i do? Absolutely. But i am a sub who does well under a strict hand. That doesn't mean seriousness without fun, but there is a feeling of comfort in knowing your accomplishments as well as you failures are ultimately owned by the Dominant. Freeing to my way of thinking.

Cheers to you ADR on the fun/sex part. There isn't a thing wrong with that if it works for you.

A Desert Rose said:
What perferctly serious subs you are. In fact, you are the most perfect subs I have ever read online. I am in awe of you.

But thank God my Dom has a sense of humor and loves fun as much as I do. Life is full of serious shit. We choose to make sex and play fun.

Hey, you guys rock, though.... carry on.

not partaking in roleplay or bratting around doesn't mean one lacks a sense of humor...goodness. as i said, my Master and i love to tease and play. i couldn't stand a relationship where there wasn't lots of laughter and fun. we just do not play when it comes to who i am, my purpose, and keeping my place. that includes in the bedroom. if things were otherwise, we would both be miserable. it's what we need. what you need and desire is obviously something different, doesn't make anyone right or wrong, good or bad.

as for being perfect?? please...if i were perfect, i would not need a Master. my Master doesn't wish me to be perfect...He only wishes me to be my best. and i fail to see what's wrong with that.
You are just the BEST.

So magnanimous... and accepting. Like I said... You rock!

Jeepers... thanks.
A Desert Rose said:
This post reminded me of the last stanza from The Stranger by Walt Whitman, one of my favorite poems:

I am not to speak to you, I am to think of you
when I sit alone or wake at night, alone
I am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you again
I am to see to it that I do not lose you.
Thank you ADR.

That one strikes a chord ... hard.
Master and I do laugh and play and tease. Snooze makes me laugh more than I have ever laughed in my life.

However, punishement is reserved for bad behavior and within our relationship, it is never a good thing.
AngelicAssassin said:
Thank you ADR.

That one strikes a chord ... hard.

You're welcome. That poem does hit home for me, too... on more than a couple of levels.
RoughPlay said:
Do you enjoy being punished. What is it that you like about this.
How does it make you feel ?

For me, punishment isn't enjoyable...He can be spanking me the same way punishing me or when He's having fun...but it's the mind that changes it all. I did something wrong, He's disappointed or mad at me....that's why i'm getting can I derive pleasure from that?

:rose:His Flower:rose:
Desdemona said:
Master and I do laugh and play and tease. Snooze makes me laugh more than I have ever laughed in my life.

However, punishement is reserved for bad behavior and within our relationship, it is never a good thing.

This seems to reflect our relationship well. I never understand this idea that there always has to be an either/or situation in these things. Relationships have many facets, or they should in my idea, which means you have your fun moments, but you also have those moments when seriousness is paramount, even in the boring old vanilla ones. After all variety is th spice of life. Nice to see there are a few who understand this concept.
s'lara said:
*laughs* Who said anything about perfection? Perfection would negate the need for punishment correct? As i've read above, the subs have made it clear that they do (at times) require punishment, thus their "imperfection." i also see lots of humour and fun from these ladies as well. i may not be as forthcoming in my show of humour but that's just me and how i post.

Am i serious when it comes to messing up and the expectation of correction when i do? Absolutely. But i am a sub who does well under a strict hand. That doesn't mean seriousness without fun, but there is a feeling of comfort in knowing your accomplishments as well as you failures are ultimately owned by the Dominant. Freeing to my way of thinking.

Cheers to you ADR on the fun/sex part. There isn't a thing wrong with that if it works for you.


Imperfection is so much more interesting and realistic than perfection I think, though I strive for the latter always. Thanks for not seeing me in such a mundane light, but then as usual, you are perceptive. :)

ownedsubgal said:
not partaking in roleplay or bratting around doesn't mean one lacks a sense of humor...goodness. as i said, my Master and i love to tease and play. i couldn't stand a relationship where there wasn't lots of laughter and fun. we just do not play when it comes to who i am, my purpose, and keeping my place. that includes in the bedroom. if things were otherwise, we would both be miserable. it's what we need. what you need and desire is obviously something different, doesn't make anyone right or wrong, good or bad.

as for being perfect?? please...if i were perfect, i would not need a Master. my Master doesn't wish me to be perfect...He only wishes me to be my best. and i fail to see what's wrong with that.

Seems our Masters have much in common. 'Just do your best' is a constant phrase reinforced in our relationship.

:kiss: Rose!

What a wonderful question!

For us punishment is never about physical pain... It is about mental anguish and tears and wears at us both.... I love floggings and spankings too much for that to every be construed as punishment...

There was a time early on when I had questioned His judgement on an issue and He had me on my hands and knees on the bed and He used the flogger on me, but only to make a point... not for pain... His words were far more painful...

Today... it is about separation... denial... that is my punishment or just coming here and writing about my transgressions... that really sucks... I hate that more than anything... those punishment assignments... it makes me feel naked and vulnerable... and just a little humiliated... okay... so maybe i like that just a little...
cellis said:
For us punishment is never about physical pain... It is about mental anguish and tears and wears at us both.... I love floggings and spankings too much for that to every be construed as punishment...

... it makes me feel naked and vulnerable... and just a little humiliated... okay... so maybe i like that just a little... [/B]

Aren't you grateful you are submissive and not dominant? LOL. I would hate to be trying to find an effective way to punish a submissive with such eclectic tastes as some of us here have.:)
