Pleasure from punishment.

Desdemona said:
Sometimes I get red welts and bruises after a flogging. Other times, my skin is just pink.

I wouldn't enjoy it if it was in a non-sexual context and I wouldn't allow anyone else to flog me. As it is, sometimes it triggers very strong emotions inside me, so it must be done within the context of trust and love. And afterwards I need to cuddle.
If someone flogged my ass until it had red welts and bruises I would be
seriously pissed off and wouldn't like it at all.

Desdemona, can you explain why you enjoy being flogged when its done by
your Master with love, trust and cuddles afterwards ? What emotions does it
trigger inside you ?

For all the other subs on the thread, why do you enjoy being given a hard spanking or flogging? How does it make you feel ?
dragonlace said:
I love being spanked and flogged and paddled and we both enjoy it but when it comes to being punished it is not an enjoyable thing....just knowing i have done something to displease Him makes it unbareable. The same paddling i might take during play which i would love hurts so much (not only physically but mentally) if done for punishment because of the mental state in which we are both in. It is in no way pleasurable when i know i have done something wrong and am being punished for it.
When you're being flogged for pleasure is your mental state one of sexual arousal or is it something more than that ?

How do you know if you're being flogged for pleasure or for punishment, is it because he tells you beforehand ?
RoughPlay said:
If someone flogged my ass until it had red welts and bruises I would be
seriously pissed off and wouldn't like it at all.

Desdemona, can you explain why you enjoy being flogged when its done by
your Master with love, trust and cuddles afterwards ? What emotions does it
trigger inside you ?

For all the other subs on the thread, why do you enjoy being given a hard spanking or flogging? How does it make you feel ?

Its all about the context. When the spanking or flogging is done as part of a scene, in the context of sexual arousal, it's incredible. He starts out light and warms me up. As the arousal builds, I can take more and more. I trust Him not to take it too far and He never has. He always stops before I would if given the choice. I personally need both the hard play and the tender carress. That is what the cuddles are about. Being held and stroked afterwards reminds me that this was just play and that I'm cherished and loved. It wards off subdrop and strengthens the bond between us.

Occasionally I do have intense emotions triggered. I survived an abusive childhood. If I've been having a tough time in my life, for whatever reason, sometimes this sort of play triggers deep emotional pain for me. At that point, its even more important that He hold and stroke and reassure me. On another thread, someone talked about re-writing history and making it positive. I think sometimes, that is what I do with my play. I'm always aware that this is consensual. I can stop at any time with a single word.

The other emotions I experience range from joy to deep love. Most often, I'm just happy to be playing with Him and thrilled that we are having a good time together. I get off on it and on seeing the obvious effect our play has on Him. Its a mixture of emotions, rarely just one.
A Desert Rose said:
What perferctly serious subs you are. In fact, you are the most perfect subs I have ever read online. I am in awe of you.

But thank God my Dom has a sense of humor and loves fun as much as I do. Life is full of serious shit. We choose to make sex and play fun.

Hey, you guys rock, though.... carry on.

Hey baby. Yep, I am perfect and serious.:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

catalina_francisco said:
This seems to reflect our relationship well. I never understand this idea that there always has to be an either/or situation in these things. Relationships have many facets, or they should in my idea, which means you have your fun moments, but you also have those moments when seriousness is paramount, even in the boring old vanilla ones. After all variety is th spice of life. Nice to see there are a few who understand this concept.

Well said. It describes our situation quite well. I think reality demands the full range of emotions and variety within a relationship.
As Des has said, it is all about context in understanding what is pleasure and what is punishment when I am spanked, flogged, or caned. There is no doubt, mostly because he is not about to pick up the nearest cane or whip and start in on me without first discussing why I am in trouble, and hearing if I have any reasonable excuse for my behaviour. The situation is different and changes the mindset immediately, providing clear boundaries between punishment/discipline and play/frivolity which are never blurred. It is incredible the difference this brings in how the body accepts the pain. It is true, initially I am emotionally upset because I have disappointed him in some way, but the level of pain my body can withstand changes dramatically. What usually would not raise my eyebrow, can have me doubled in physical pain in a punishment situation.

As for the pleasure factor in pain, I believe for me it happens on two levels. I love the pain because I know it is feeding his needs, and though I am told I have an incredibly high threshold for pain, I find I try to extend this further and further in a way of pleasing and showing my love and respect for him and his care.

OTOH, I am also aware I find pain from a trusted one is a turn on that is incomparable to anything else I have experienced. I have always had a varied and fun sexlife, but no matter how fun, satisfying, and adventurous the experiences were in my previous vanilla lifestyle, they always left me feeling there was more, some new level I was missing out on. It was frustrating, but now I have found what it was I needed. And I do not use the word 'needed' lightly. I have found I have a physical need which if not assuaged regularly, sees me become tense, depressed, cranky. Fortunately Master sees and deals with this as he reacts the same way if we are prevented from having a session for any length of time. We are two of a kind. The more pain he gives me, the wetter I get, often to the point of it pouring down my legs, and it is possible for me to orgasm on pain alone, occassionally. I am definately blessed to have the love of someone who understands and shares the same tastes as I do.

catalina_francisco said:
As Des has said, it is all about context in understanding what is pleasure and what is punishment when I am spanked, flogged, or caned. Catalina
Thank you for your thoughts Catalina. This is the sort of insight I was looking
for. When you're flogged does it make you feel dominated and under the
control of your Master, if so is this part of the appeal of being flogged ?

The things you said about receiving pain and getting wet to the point of it
pouring down yours legs made me sigh. Your Master is a very lucky man.:)
To me, punishment is just that. It is not fun, nor is it pleasant.
If I have to punish, it is not enjoyable to me. It makes me feel as if I have somehow failed to communicate my wants and desires as far as behavior is concerned.

Ebonyfire said:
TO Moi

Punishment = kicking him to the curb.


If you can't obey, then you are gone today!

I think somewhat along the same lines as Eb does. If I have to punish more than a couple of times, it is time for some serious re-evaluation of the relationship.
navarre said:
To me, punishment is just that. It is not fun, nor is it pleasant.
If I have to punish, it is not enjoyable to me. It makes me feel as if I have somehow failed to communicate my wants and desires as far as behavior is concerned.

And that is exactly what I do. I evaluate the situation. 9 times out of 10, it is just a sub trying to provoke Me. Ergo, kicking-to-the-curb-time.
cellis said:
:kiss: Rose!

Today... it is about separation... denial... that is my punishment or just coming here and writing about my transgressions... that really sucks... I hate that more than anything... those punishment assignments... it makes me feel naked and vulnerable... and just a little humiliated... okay... so maybe i like that just a little...

:kiss: Cellis! How did I miss this post?

Maybe you could elaborate on this assignment of yours. I am intrigued by it. Would you maybe start a thread or elaborate here for me and others? This is an interesting idea.