Poems that make you want to drop your pants

Current & Tide, by Bronzeage

Current and tide
obey an unseen force
we cannot challenge.
No less power pulls
me to you than
drags oceans across land.
The smell of your hair,
sweet and pillow matted,
fills my lungs,
moon summoned tide
halts its retreat
to gather and roll
upon the shore,
perfect template,
bent and shaped to fit
pool and inlet, relentless scour
to twist and shape
the ephemeral sand,
so solid underfoot
yields, helpless to the wave.
Useless eyes close to
concede until tide recede.
Blinded in the riptide,
driven by hunger and smell,
I kiss the changing shore
Of your spine to find
The sweet cleft that
Hides the wellspring
Of all my desire,
The soft globes pry apart
To yield your tender portal.
My prehensile tongue,
crazed by slow cooked musk,
residue of the nights sleep,
digs and paws for more,
as the smell of all life
fills my lungs and floats
my brain beyond my skull.
beg your confession
by SeattleRain ©


behind those mirrored glasses,
baby I see right through to
what you want to tell me,

and you will

tell me.

Tongue traces you from underneath,
loosen up that clenched jaw and those lips
pinched in a tight sarcastic snarl.

Teeth grind through the string
behind every tiny white button down your shirt
popping into my mouth onto tongue
with clicks and whispers

Head down on your bare chest, waiting
for the hum of words to evolve
into acknowledgement,

some version of truth where you find yourself begging

on knees
naked above me
to please rise a little higher
begging me to finish you off.

Still I wait for the confession:
tell me how your gloved and oiled hands slide
over this image you carry
jaw dropped and waiting.

Confess baby confess you want me there
and this tongue you feel in fantasy will
surprise you with its living hunger.

So baby,
take of those glasses and pull back your jaw,

we can start slow
just stand above me, make your aim,
with open body and closed eyes I wait in silence
for your confession to fall down on me.

is good
by neonurotic ©

This, between you and me

is good

I'd do it forever

The talking
laughing thing
never gets old

Our coffee gets cold
long before we ever do

But the late night warm-ups
are always an option
that is never declined

Legs entwined
knee between mine
chin tucked in the cleft
of jaw and neck

Here we are happy

slow breath into long sighs

"Good night" (don't snore)
Sorry. I'm a pervert, but there are plenty of very good erotic poems on Literotica that I don't believe they should sit there in archives smoldering by themselves.

Like this one for instance:

by SeattleRain ©


last night
he finally gave permission
to bring you into my mind,
through compromise,

he brought you as a gift,
a gift he wanted to watch from the side
being opened slow,
low on my knees, hand through denim
smile and lip bite,
unzip, lift and tumble free

for light kiss tease and breathe in
between, until your muscles weak,
you to knees while he greets

I take more than my fair share, again,

hand and knee crawl between,
my bookend lovers, face to face
a reflection in time's mirror-
he demands only your eyes meet his,
in payment for borrowed lips, tongue
the use of my generous mouth

touch is optional, yet you allow
long hands on strong shoulders
for balance as we seek and
find our collective rhythm
crescendo, fortissimo

marimba mallets played with
two hands down spine
woodwind and trombone
mouth and slide
in low between a

supersonic trio,
squeezed like an accordion
air pushing through with whispered song
up to loud orchestra hit

James Brown demands:
"take it to the bridge"

six eyes close
lift and jump in together
landing tangled,

collapsed and floating down
our collective stream




<hiding in corner to watch pants fall> hehehehehe

(RF :kiss: )

This poem is on my favorites list. I l0ved the image of it so much, I wrote a scene inspired by it in Iceblink, my story.

Warning, this poem is hot.

snow job
by 4degrees©

i recall it
like a movie i once saw
but we were the stars

rain began to fall
onto your back, my face
into my amazed mouth
as the temp dropped
under some kind of conifer
we were head-long into
a cold hard fuck

when we'd had our fill
stretching and shifting; standing still
you were white with a layer of snow
and we both began to feel the chill.
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