Poetic recession

I suppose a poetry recession has never caused the poet to be made redundant:rolleyes:

Write rubbish, something good always comes out of it.

Though I suppose there are those that will always disagree.:eek: bflagsst, WBY, Empd
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Take what you'd say in the essay and adapt it for a poem.
I disagree.

I'd rather look for poetic motivation. Each time you write a poem there should be something poetic that makes you to do so.

The first 2-3 poems may feel like swallowing crude stones, then it should be alright. Getting in and out of poetic good shape is similar to the same in sport, say when you run long distances (or in any sport).
You wish.

No, often it does. Many professional writers sit down and write whether they have inspiration or no because if they don't, they don't earn money. That is the difference between the amateur and the professional, one waits for inspiration, the other just gets on with it.

I know a several published writers in Germany and Holland through my own work (not writing) and they say they force themselves to write because if you wait for inspiration, you can wait a long time and banks don't like late payments on the mortgage. Incidently, I paint and draw everyday if I have inspiration or not for the same reasons.

Edited just to say. After reading Sylivia Plath's biography and where Hughes and she got money from, being a professional poet is also about milking the system for grants and funds and having contacts that can hand you nice little earners in the media. The real recession seems to be putting that little option to the knife.
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I'm still confused - aren't they all personalities of one? :confused:

I think it's called multi personality disorder so you have to adress each personality individually to get a coherent response.

Though sctizophrenia might come into it somewhere.
I disagree.

I'd rather look for poetic motivation. Each time you write a poem there should be something poetic that makes you to do so.

The first 2-3 poems may feel like swallowing crude stones, then it should be alright. Getting in and out of poetic good shape is similar to the same in sport, say when you run long distances (or in any sport).
You do know this really begs clarification of some sort.

Do you smell your Gladiolus, and get flowery happy?

Do you down huge amounts of vodka, and generate Russian graffiti poems on the sides of walls?

Or just merely sit by the frog pond?

Senna you've said some things, I think should carved in stone.

I think it's called multi personality disorder so you have to adress each personality individually to get a coherent response.

Though sctizophrenia might come into it somewhere.
Bog, I have 4 more posts, I'll talk about this one. There are games. Most of the time multiple alts, are merely one person trying a different style, sometimes the second is either this is where I dump my fun stuff, and/or the second alt. being aggressive comment leaver. Rybka/Reltne is an example. The second alt is the flak catcher for the retaliation for the "writers" that want to "express themselves". WBY/bflagsst was I'll throw out my earlier stuff, just to show us something, to prove a point. Fair enough, a test for possible prejudice. I've done the same thing. I don't know what the relationship between PG and WBY/bflagsst is, but when I'm being mocked for the failure of 52 pickup, when I'm not even involved, and then later they claim, they think it is someone else. Poetguy says nothing, while this is going on.
I complain that an anon seems to be ghosting my comments, Poetguy in his ever so polite way suggests I'm paranoid. Poetguy has made references that lead me to suspect he has been around for quite awhile. His use of "namaste", when I begin to stress him, I view as a sort of signal. A passive/aggressive of twisting the knife reference to an incident some years back, where two guys, (alpha male and follower) decided to have some fun with me, fine, until a post with a link appeared that suggested I was sleeping with my daughter, since no apology was forthcoming and two others jumped in, (now 4). In a real life scenario someone would have been killed. PG wasn't involved, but probably was witness to it.

If you can write, it is very easy to write drivel, I have seen some games from serial dumpers that have no real purpose. One picking a word that seemed to have a fascination for them, using other word patterns from another person that had posted rough drafts. There did not seem to be any constructive purpose to the "poems".

The real kicker is receiving 2 emails, one a polite complaint, the other a thank you that mentioned a a particular poem and a particular painter, phrased in such away to suggest they "didn't see the picture". This poem had the same reference made to it years ago.

So some may be some "moles", all with an air of plausible deniability. The ground work has already been laid with the charge of paranoid.

These all could all be coincidence, but I see a pattern and suspect. We have had a sort of breakdown where one said "I am the teacher", and I am a heretic for two things, one your analysis of meter is pedestrian and flawed. Two,
YOU DON'T KNOW applying it to everyone, especially myself. One of Angeline's poems had me totally clueless, her new direction is exciting, some of fridayam's I really have to look at very hard, all of AnnaSwirls, etc, etc, i.e. they fly in the face of the established order of things:rolleyes:
because there is so much more to learn
some people react badly to that.
and worse, when they do learn something from me, they attribute it to someone else, someone more "acceptable" and a little lower in their pecking order.

It's a game, just a game, but with all games, a risk of injury.
And more aptly defined as narcissistic personality disorder, a communicable disease among poets.
I'm just glad I'm a comedian, we have are own diseases.
Depersonalization disorder
which makes us better poets
ho,ho,ho, and ha.:D

all terms from the NIMH are used for satirical purposes
i know i'll never know all i need to know to be the kind of poet that i read and think 'wow!'. it's ok, i can live with it :)
I suppose a poetry recession has never caused the poet to be made redundant:rolleyes:

Write rubbish, something good always comes out of it.

Though I suppose there are those that will always disagree.:eek: bflagsst, WBY, Empd

This is the best advice any writer can take. No one needs to see it. The trick is to catalog and save the scraps. Return to them months or years later and the words are unfamiliar. This is when the rubbish is recycled and something amazing is produced. It may not resemble the original in anyway, but compost is the best treatment for infertile soil and one can't make compost unless the refuse is collected and saved.
Colour me confused :confused: *goes out to smell the lilacs* "Oh they're coming to take me away ha ha, he he, ho ho to the funny farm ......
It's a game, just a game, but with all games, a risk of injury.
And more aptly defined as narcissistic personality disorder, a communicable disease among poets.
I'm just glad I'm a comedian, we have are own diseases.
Depersonalization disorder
which makes us better poets
ho,ho,ho, and ha.:D

all terms from the NIMH are used for satirical purposes

I wish their games were amusing and perplexing as yours:eek::D but their's are just tiresome:confused: I just don't see any point in them, neither wit nor any attempt to provoke interest and questioning.