Poetry and Dreams

Jennifer C said:
It's a lovely thought ~ thank you for sharing it with me today... :rose:

you have such a kind heart... :heart:

You are the one with a nice heart my friend.
Thank you for all your support !!!
For myself and others. :heart:

err can I have my 5 bucks now?

:eek: :p :D
RhymeFairy said:
You are the one with a nice heart my friend.
Thank you for all your support !!!
For myself and others. :heart:

err can I have my 5 bucks now?

:eek: :p :D


Thank you my friend, it really is my pleasure.... :rose:

Lit is my escapism, I love it here and all my
wonderful friends.... :rose:

Thank you all for your support also ~ I love chatting
and playing with you all... ;)

Rf the moneys on the way...lol... :D
Collage Of Dreams
26 July, 2004
author: Rebecca Ditch-Hammack (aka Dreamer)

Together we gather from all over the world
Hearts joined in collage of time
Each falling grain of sand in an hourglass
Encapsulated in a bubble of our dreams

So many worlds, so many lives
So much to say to those that will hear
A crying heart, a laugh, a prayer
All joined in a non stop flow

Who could judge this collage of life
A picture pasted together of so many
No ruler could capture such people
No painter could paint clearer art

Here we are joined passing the key to life
Back and forth amongst our emotional hearts
It will be to the end of time
As it has been since the time of life's start
Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

A Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?


Posted by Lindiana on the 'Share a Poet' thread
Sonnet LXXXI

And now you're mine. Rest with your dream in my dream.
Love and pain and work should all sleep, now.
The night turns on its invisible wheels,
and you are pure beside me as a sleeping amber.

No one else, love, will sleep in my dreams. You will go,
we will go together, over the waters of time.
No one else will travel through the shadows with me,
only you, evergreen, ever sun, ever moon.

Your hands have already opened their delicate fists
and let their soft drifting signs drop away;
your eyes closed like two grey wings, and I move

after, following the folding water you carry, that carries
me away. The night, the world, the wind spin out their destiny.
Without you, I am your dream, only that, and that is all.

©Pablo Neruda
The Vision To Electra

I Dream'd we both were in a bed

Of Roses, almost smothered:

The warmth and sweetnes had me there

Made lovingly familiar:

But that I heard thy sweet breath say,

Faults done by night, will blush by day:

I kiss thee (panting) and I call

Night to the Record! that was all.

But ah! if empty dreames so please,

Love give me more such nights as these.

Robert Herrick

Twisted white and gemmed
Hidden within the shadows of night
and will not dissipate
Similar to a silver tree bough
this smile
Thorns of reality prick
Soft as cotton, tossed
in thick jasmine scent
The abyss looks on emotionless
Make a choice and take a chance.
A poet's life, a written dream
Night swallows entry
The storms of life
and the clock struck twelve
The letterbox clatters spewing post
on lush vegetation
Fragments of a tattered dream
dreams tears
the sea
reflections reflecting

In nightmares product

of strawberries
from puckered,
pouty lips.

cream drizzled
down, trailing
creamy thighs.

awaiting lips
of cherry
nibbling bites,
suckles so
yum ...

Dreams desire
Desire and nightmares blend
Hooves striking the icy vapor,
Within my own aspiration I desired,
dreams flaunt, dreams taunt
Got the itch
in the mornings
run down
Dazzling sun water
And the dew sparkles like diamante
on grey mounds of earth
Graffiti walls, colour bound

And reality seeps

In the turbulent rip tides of my life
A poet's life, a written dream
in dreams
i've walked
Colors scintillating into the ether
Infrequent upsurge of glamorous spell
Dazzling sun water
Brain sleeps
time for another.

Jennifer C said:
I had a dream last night that I was surfing Lit for a really sexy story (I was horny! lol) and when I found one I really liked I was able to jump into that story and be the leading female role. Can I just say that it was the best dream I've had in ages! :D

(still dreaming) I then scrolled down the poems list looking for a steamy read and the same thing happened again, I found myself in the poem acting it out with a man I can only describe as sex on legs ;) .

Waking up was a terrible disappointment lol. Anyway getting to my point, this has given me some great ideas for future poetry and stories so I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else?

Have you written a poem about a dream? or dreamt of a poem you have written?

Dreams fascinate me as does poetry, so i'm putting the two together :cathappy:

Or have you just had a really sexy/funny/wierd dream you want to share that may inspire some poetry?

Having written over 50,000 poems since 1993 alone a lot of my dreams have inspired a great deal of my poems.a lot of them sensual or of a sexual nature.
I have written several what I call poetic short stories [long poems] with a graphic sex theme :D
Jennifer C said:
Thanks for the poems ewopper, their great... :cathappy:

Thanks for sharing and pls come again...lol... :kiss:
Youre welcome and I will
Waiting for Santa to Come

Mrs. Kringle stepped into her thong
in anticipation of Santa arriving home
she put on her favorite red pumps
dreaming of the coming hump

slipping on nighty of red and green
in her mind an erotic scene
of Santa tearing that pussy up
putting his North Pole cream in her loving cup

just thinking of it made her pussy itch
like a fine silken scarf missing a stitch
Mrs. K slipped one finger into her box
and rubbing her clit exclaimed... this rocks

she sang jingle bells to the tune of groans
grunts,whimpers, sighs, and moans
as her shivering orgasming body kept time
the entire event blowing her mind

her full bodied figure bucking and heaving
as the holiday diva was gasping and wheezing
from the pleasure her chubby fingers was bringing
literally leaving her love bell ringing

to the elves watching that interesting sight
it was anything but a holy night
she came so hard, toxic gas
shot like a rocket from that bubble ass

causing Santa land dwellers to run for their life
from the odors emanating from Santa's wife
temporarily sated she began to hum
a calming tune waiting for Santa to come :D :nana:
ewopper said:
Mrs. Kringle stepped into her thong
in anticipation of Santa arriving home
she put on her favorite red pumps
dreaming of the coming hump

slipping on nighty of red and green
in her mind an erotic scene
of Santa tearing that pussy up
putting his North Pole cream in her loving cup

just thinking of it made her pussy itch
like a fine silken scarf missing a stitch
Mrs. K slipped one finger into her box
and rubbing her clit exclaimed... this rocks

she sang jingle bells to the tune of groans
grunts,whimpers, sighs, and moans
as her shivering orgasming body kept time
the entire event blowing her mind

her full bodied figure bucking and heaving
as the holiday diva was gasping and wheezing
from the pleasure her chubby fingers was bringing
literally leaving her love bell ringing

to the elves watching that interesting sight
it was anything but a holy night
she came so hard, toxic gas
shot like a rocket from that bubble ass

causing Santa land dwellers to run for their life
from the odors emanating from Santa's wife
temporarily sated she began to hum
a calming tune waiting for Santa to come :D :nana:

Where do i come up with this stuff [grin ] :D
Not Get With Jenny C

In a dream she appeared to me
pulling her panties down
the sensuous lovely Jenny C
revealing sensuous mound

saying nothing she sat on the edge
of my bed looking at me
in an erotic way that said
we could become one in intimacy

all I really had to do
was say what was the key
that would open her up to
giving into me willingly

my mind like Lance Storm
raced the scenic places of my mind
in a probing marathon
the key to her sensuality to find

for though she sat on my bed nude
I still had to find a way
to put her in the right mood
to get her with me to play

lowering my lips to her ear
Whispered two or three
words I hoped she wanted to hear
and would cause her to give into me

the sunlight beating me in my eyes
made it clear to me
no matter how I dreamed or fantasize
I'd not get with Jenny C
Last edited:
Jennifer C said:
In the turbulent rip tides of my life
A poet's life, a written dream
in dreams
i've walked
Colors scintillating into the ether
Infrequent upsurge of glamorous spell
Dazzling sun water
Brain sleeps
time for another.


time to awaken <grin
dreaming of a mystic return
I heard it through the grape vine <grin

dreamy senselessness

i'll wake you up
and tell you a story
then let you sleep

when you wake up
you'll let me know
am i alive
or just a dream

wlodzimierz holsztynski ©


eyes flutter open, lips curl upward
taut skin cradled in soft cupped palm
gentle squeezes telegraph urgency
along the pole through lines
into the ether

thumb and forefinger circle
tighten and tug
while pole is greased
for eventual assault
heels dig in, knees grip
the climb to passion's gate
in full frontal fierceness

eyes flutter open, lips curl upward
seminal stream trailing from chin
to perpetrator, palm impostor
one more morning giving promises
of passions yet to come

-- [...] --

always sleepy
and never asleep
international airports
fly by me

always awake
and never alert
I see u in focus
but u'r far away

wlodzimierz holsztynski ©


a poem .... i think, ~

so strong
gripping torn hearts edges
mending not possible
for heartbeats
causing a landslide
of regret, no scratch that
a landslide
of pain. no smile
is yours, no voice
can sound so good
that all will be well. so
I struggle
with a traveling
cold heart as a companion
hands empty for no touch
can warm, burn me
as yours.
closed eyes, see
no pictures, as cut hearts
can feel no love
for the loving is done
time to mend
for sometimes love
just isn't enough ...
nymph nymph
where art thou?
come out
come out
let'me see thee.

show me tha light
in golden hair.
speaketh to me
in silver tongues.

gliding across
tha moons milky
white ground.
she cometh
upon tha clouds
of cottony down.

sparks of lightening
spearing through
tha heavenly skies
taking us on a sky
diving ride.

breast so succulent
makes tha mouth yearn.
perky n sweet
makes this man burn.

deep inside molten
heat spreads.
from just a glance
she is tha one
he wants to wed

spread her out
on tha moons craters
to her mounds of blissful
bums he doth cater.

visions of an earthly love
throw down sex
showing her all
that cometh next.

pounding pistons
slamming systematically.
she screams n moans
to that merciful heavens

she is captured
without a doubt.
like a rock
smackin trout.

taking this nymph home.
he rides her down
descending below.
they are earth bound. ~

have no clue
... sometimes these things just happen. lol ~
I had a dream about some vague
notion that still glistens wetly
as the light from a synapse burn
flashes into it's damp little corner.

I wish I could remember my dreams.
Sometimes, I wake up with thighs
that still glisten wetly when the lamp
at the side of my bed illuminates them.

The ache in the hollow pit of my stomach
is more important than the itch of skin
glistening wetly as my spending dries
in the cool air of an evening's pleasure.

I want you, outside of my dreams, here
now, slipped between my thighs; to watch
your length as you slide along where
we two glisten wetly in our mating dance.