Poetry and Dreams

Touch me

Can you touch me there, where sensuality and sexuality
Begins and ends, where friends become lovers and lovers
Become friends. Where stimulation is bought on by imagination
Where I become you and you become me and we become one
Can you touch me beyond the boundaries of the physical
where we can transcend space and time, can you reach the recesses of my mind, Can we cross that physical chasm, can you stimulate me, Can you give me that mental orgasm.
I miss you

Hi Baby can you feel me thinking about you
I know its only been a few hours
Since we were together in the shower
But I still smell the roses in our bed
That we made love on as the rain
Created a melodic symphony
On the roof above our heads
I miss you so much
Your scent your tender touch
I hate it when you’re gone
Baby forget work today
Come back home.
poerty of dreams
texted out in column after
column. painting passionate
images of what it means
to love.
baptize me in your spoken
words. syllable by syllable
each utterance shall urge me
on over the edge. commit me
to memory, with the mapping
of soft hands sculpturing
my body, heart and mind.
make me believe forever
really is forever.
RhymeFairy said:
poerty of dreams
texted out in column after
column. painting passionate
images of what it means
to love.

What does love mean
what does it mean to love?
Is real love true
is true love just a dream?

:heart: :heart: :heart:
Jennifer C said:
What does love mean
what does it mean to love?
Is real love true
is true love just a dream?

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Love is
it just ... is.


Hurry back and tell us all your juicy gossip.

Jennifer C said:
What does love mean
what does it mean to love?
Is real love true
is true love just a dream?

:heart: :heart: :heart:

glad to see you back...

love is the undeniable feelings that drives you forward even though your leary of the outcome. A desire to fill a soul with another.

I just love the fact your back...
Dreams ...

I had a dream. Always awake, yet I finally
went to sleep. Hours of tossing turned
the tides in my mind.


One day ... long ago. I had the man
of my every desire. Quick witted, clever
with words and his thoughts

mad me spin.

Only life ... came to play. Mistook
our grand passion for a ring toss
and swept him


Hearing a song, carries me back
to those golden days. When I would have
moved the earth to be his, to be his.

To be his ... everything.

Now all I hear
wasted days and wasted nights. Sitting
outside my doorstep, urging me on.
Start over, make a change, mix it up
get on

with ... life.

Only, I know
no one could take his place
no one has his style, his

passion, his love

like I held
... for a few brief moments
I had a dream. Now I must back
to the tossing

and turning.

Tonight I floated,
I left my body
and saw myself.

I saw what had
become of me
and I frowned.

Is this how
others perceive me?

I did not cry
or wallow
in self pity.

I smiled,
I see me now
and I am free...

Tonight I floated,
I left my body
and saw myself.

I saw what had
become of me
and I frowned.

Is this how
others perceive me?

I did not cry
or wallow
in self pity.

I smiled,
I see me now
and I am free...


Freedom is a wonderful thing my friend.
Take these,

wings to help you
soar. Light to wind,
songs to sing,
a fresh outlook,
to keep your head afloat
and love - of a friend
forever here, waiting
to share the journey
to help you
along the way ....

Welcome back my friend. It's been too long and I missed you like crazy. I look forward to hearing your news, sharing your intellect and just being a friend, as always

Rhyme ~
Freedom is a wonderful thing my friend.
Take these,

wings to help you
soar. Light to wind,
songs to sing,
a fresh outlook,
to keep your head afloat
and love - of a friend
forever here, waiting
to share the journey
to help you
along the way ....

Welcome back my friend. It's been too long and I missed you like crazy. I look forward to hearing your news, sharing your intellect and just being a friend, as always

Rhyme ~

A hand outstretched
is words unspoken,
a diffinitive gesture
of love,

A hand in a hand
is guidance,
a true action
of trust,

Hello my smutty buddy :D god it has been so long and I have missed you too, so glad you are still here and i'm so excited about writing again and bouncing off my nutty friends!!..

A hand outstretched
is words unspoken,
a diffinitive gesture
of love,

A hand in a hand
is guidance,
a true action
of trust,

Hello my smutty buddy :D god it has been so long and I have missed you too, so glad you are still here and i'm so excited about writing again and bouncing off my nutty friends!!..


lmao ... I cannot believe you remembered that name !!! It's truly been far too long. i hope life is treating you well and I await my NuttySmuttyBuddy's writes ~~

lmao ... I cannot believe you remembered that name !!! It's truly been far too long. i hope life is treating you well and I await my NuttySmuttyBuddy's writes ~~


As if I would forget that name or any of the great fun times we had on here!!

I'm ok thanks, working through a break up but getting there :)

Can't wait to read your writes either, I have a lot of catching up to do but I know it's going to be full of fun and laughter..:devil:
The saying goes 'Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all' but personally I don't believe it ........ I'd rather not love than get the bloody awful feeling of having loved and lost
The saying goes 'Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all' but personally I don't believe it ........ I'd rather not love than get the bloody awful feeling of having loved and lost

I'm with you on that one mate, a broken heart is a physical pain like no other! It hurts like a bitch but you just gotta get through it, apparently time helps but i've found vodka works better ;)

Ah yes the brain numbing qualities of vodka :D

Vodka, vodka
how I love thee
you are always there,
you always know
just what i need
and how to
take me there!

With your seducing ways
and numbing taste
I forget I even care,
a single drop
I shall not waste
we make a handsome pair...:D

lol :kiss:
As your lips meet
their target
every succulent droplet
lingers rolling
round the tongue
to be sucked
enticingly to the
back of the throat
and swallowed
none wasted
dream 700 about you

there was this one
where I actually met you
in that field you talk about.

I was a landscape, my back
rolling out under your hands
and I was a cave in the earth
where you held a ritual.

I was a small red flower
hidden in the hills of Anu
and you were a vein of silver
like a bone through the soft earth.
I thought he

was a dream

last night I had a dream
a meeting of souls
a joining of bodies
a never ending
I have always

weaved myself into,
a corner without restraint
a man
standing tall, a partner
who has
it all. sexy, giving, loving

yet again, I awake
another dream
loss ...
