Touch me
Can you touch me there, where sensuality and sexuality
Begins and ends, where friends become lovers and lovers
Become friends. Where stimulation is bought on by imagination
Where I become you and you become me and we become one
Can you touch me beyond the boundaries of the physical
where we can transcend space and time, can you reach the recesses of my mind, Can we cross that physical chasm, can you stimulate me, Can you give me that mental orgasm.
Can you touch me there, where sensuality and sexuality
Begins and ends, where friends become lovers and lovers
Become friends. Where stimulation is bought on by imagination
Where I become you and you become me and we become one
Can you touch me beyond the boundaries of the physical
where we can transcend space and time, can you reach the recesses of my mind, Can we cross that physical chasm, can you stimulate me, Can you give me that mental orgasm.