Poetry and Lyrics

Strawbs: On Growing Older

The scarecrow stood with its head held high
Admiring the view from the hill
The waterfall scattered its glistening jewels
As the heron stood gracefully still
It seemed I looked without seeing
I failed to grasp what I saw
For all of Nature's beautiful gifts
I blissfully chose to ignore

As sandy beaches and soft swelling tides
Invite the inquisitive young
And caviar, oysters, and paté de fois
Invite the discerning tongue
So comes the desire to be lost awhile
In the depths of the forest glade
Midst the cool deep greens where ancient oaks
Cast wondrous spells in their shade

And if sometimes I feel in retrospect
A regret for the waste of my youth
Then I pause to reflect that I still have time
Before growing long in the tooth
To achieve all the things that I should have achieved
When idleness led me astray
And being aware of what I have missed
I'm extending my use of the day
Strawbs: Witchwood

I dropped down in the Witchwood
To see what I could find
The trees had taken time out
To blow away my mind
All that I could hear there
Was the sound of my own voice
But the music it was making
Was nothing of my choice

The interwoven branches
Were laden deep with snow
A rainbow shone so softly
To show which way to go
I observed its many colours
Till my eyes were rimmed with frost
I tried hard to trace my footsteps
For I feared I might get lost

The Witchwood started singing
With a strange unearthly sound
My fingers grew like branches
I stood rooted to the ground
And the spell is still unbroken
I am still her bidden slave
Till a casket from the Witchwood
Bears my body to the grave
Pink Floyd: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

Little by little the night turns around
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
Lotus's lean on each other in yearning
Over the hills a swallow is resting
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Over the mountain watching the watcher
Breaking the darkness waking the grapevine
Knowledge of love is knowledge of shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Witness the man who waves at the wall
Making the shape of his questions to heaven
Whether the sun will fall in the evening
Will he remember the lesson of giving?
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
The Pogues

Thousands Are Sailing by Shane MacGowan

The island it is silent now
but the ghosts still haunt the waves
and the torch lights up a famished man
who fortune could not save.

Did you work upon the railroad,
did you rid the streets of crime?

Were your dollars from the white house,
were they from the five and dime?

Did the old songs taunt or cheer you
and do they still make you cry?

Did you count the months and years
or did your teardrops quickly dry?

Ah, no, says he, ’twas not to be
on a coffin ship I came here,
and I never even got so far
that they could change my name.

Thousands are sailing
across the western ocean
to a land of opportunity
that some of them will never see.
Fortune prevailing
across the western ocean,
their bellies full
and spirits free,
they’ll break the chains of poverty.

And they’ll dance.

In Manhattan’s desert twilight,
in the death of afternoon,
we stepped hand in hand on Broadway
like the first man on the moon.

And The Blackbird broke the silence
as you whistled it so sweet,
and in Brendan Behan’s footsteps
I danced up and down the street.

Then we said goodnight to Broadway,
giving it our best regards,
tipped our hats to Mister Cohen,
dear old Times Square’s favorite bard.

Then we raised a glass to JFK
and a dozen more besides.
When I got back to my empty room
I suppose I must have cried.

Thousands are sailing
again across the ocean
where the hand of opportunity
draws tickets in a lottery.

Postcards we’re mailing
of sky-blue skies and oceans
from rooms the daylight never sees
where lights don’t glow on Christmas trees,

but we dance to the music,
we dance.

Wherever we go, we celebrate
the land that makes us refugees
from fear of priests with empty plates,
from guilt and weeping effigies.

And we dance.

:heart: :rose: :heart:
Steely Dan

Just when I say
"Boy we can't miss
You are golden"
Then you do this
You say this guy is so cool
Snapping his fingers like a fool
One more expensive kiss-off
Who do you think I am
Lord I know you're a special friend
But you don't seem to understand
We got heavy rollers
I think you should know
Try again tomorrow

Can't you see they're laughing at me
Get rid off him
I don't care what you do at home
Would you care to explain

Who is the gaucho amigo
Why is he standing
In your spangled leather poncho
And your elevator shoes
Bodacious cowboys
Such as your friend
Will never be welcome here
High in the Custerdome

What I tell you
Back down the line
I'll scratch your back
You can scratch mine
No he can't sleep on the floor
What do you think I'm yelling for
I'll drop him near the freeway
Doesn't he have a home

Lord I know you're a special friend
But you refuse to understand
You're a nasty schoolboy
With no place to go
Try again tomorrow

Don't tell me he'll wait in the car
Look at you
Holding hands with the man from Rio
Would you care to explain

Who is the gaucho amigo
Why is he standing
In your spangled leather poncho
With the studs that match your eyes
Bodacious cowboys
Such as your friend
Will never be welcome here
High in the Custerdome
Re: The Pogues

tarablackwood22 said:
Thousands Are Sailing by Shane MacGowan

And we dance.

:heart: :rose: :heart:

Beautiful song Tara
Any woman who likes the Pogues is ok with me
: )
perhaps the ENTIRE song of Danny Boy will be a wonderful companion.

Danny Boy

Ah Danny boy, the pipes,
the pipes are calling
From glen to glen,
and down the mountain side

The summer's gone,
and all the flowers are falling
'Tis you, 'tis you
must go and I must bide

But come ye back
when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed
and white with snow

And I'll be here
in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy,
I love you so

But if you come,
and all the flowers are falling
And I am dead,
as dead I may well be

You'll come and find
the place where I am lying
And kneel and say
an "Ave" there for me

And I will hear,
though soft your tread above me
And o'er my grave
will warmer sweeter be

And you will bend
and tell me that you love me
And I will sleep
in peace until you come to me

But if I live
and should you die for Ireland
Let not your dying thoughts
be just of me

But say a prayer to God
for our dearest Island
I know He'll hear
and help to set her free

And I will take your pike
and place my dearest
And strike a blow,
though weak the blow may be

Twill help the cause
to which your heart was nearest
Oh Danny Boy, Oh, Danny boy
I love you so.

:rose: :heart: :rose:
Re: Re: The Pogues

Tathagata said:
Beautiful song Tara
Any woman who likes the Pogues is ok with me
: )
perhaps the ENTIRE song of Danny Boy will be a wonderful companion.

Danny Boy

Ah Danny boy, the pipes,
the pipes are calling
From glen to glen,
and down the mountain side

The summer's gone,
and all the flowers are falling
'Tis you, 'tis you
must go and I must bide

But come ye back
when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed
and white with snow

And I'll be here
in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy,
I love you so

But if you come,
and all the flowers are falling
And I am dead,
as dead I may well be

You'll come and find
the place where I am lying
And kneel and say
an "Ave" there for me

And I will hear,
though soft your tread above me
And o'er my grave
will warmer sweeter be

And you will bend
and tell me that you love me
And I will sleep
in peace until you come to me

But if I live
and should you die for Ireland
Let not your dying thoughts
be just of me

But say a prayer to God
for our dearest Island
I know He'll hear
and help to set her free

And I will take your pike
and place my dearest
And strike a blow,
though weak the blow may be

Twill help the cause
to which your heart was nearest
Oh Danny Boy, Oh, Danny boy
I love you so.

:rose: :heart: :rose:

:rose: :heart: :rose:
Road to Ruin

- Black 47

The strobe was pulsin' in the afterhours
the booze was flowin' free
when I first saw you across that room
on down by houston street
You were wrapped around a wiseguy
for all the world to see
Ah, you touched my heart across that room
then you came on home with me

The angels knew their business, boys,
they knew what they were doin'
with your blazin' eyes and your raven hair
on down the road to ruin
I gave up friends and family
I gave up all I knew
I followed you like jesus christ
on down the road to ruin

The dawn threw up across the sky
we kissed like boy and girl,
but neither of us was innocent
we'd both been screwed by the world
We clung onto each other
for fear we'd drift away
Ah, you touched me to my heart's desire
on the dawning of that day

"Johnny," you said,
"I'm clean outa me head
I can't take any more pain
If life's for livin' then what are we doin'
ploughin' these poisoned streets again and again?"

Jenny, I didn't know what I had in you
How could I be so dumb to walk out on you now what am I doin'
ploughin' these poisoned streets again and again
and again and again and again and again and again?

I wonder where you are tonight
I hope you're feelin' fine
In some saloon or afterhours
the men around you like flies
I keep on searchin' everywhere
I know just what I'm doin'
Ah, you're somewhere out there right in front of me
on down the road to ruin[/color]
neil young


Did I see you down
in a young girl's town
With your mother in so much pain?
I was almost there
at the top of the stairs
With her screamin' in the rain.

Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man.

Did I see you walking with the boys
Though it was not hand in hand?
And was some black face
in a lonely place
When you could understand?

Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man.

Will I see you give
more than I can take?
Will I only harvest some?
As the days fly past
will we lose our grasp
Or fuse it in the sun?

Did she wake you up
to tell you that
It was only a change of plan?
Dream up, dream up,
let me fill your cup
With the promise of a man.
One of my favorite short pieces.

Verse three of "The Black Rider and Other Lines" by Stephen Crane

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said: "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter-bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart."
Shelter From The Storm
Bob Dylan

I was in another lifetime one of toil and blood
When blackness was a virtue and the road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness a creature void of form
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

And if I pass this way again you can rest assured
I'll always do my best for her on that I give my word
In a world of steel-eyed death and men who are fighting to be warm
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

Not a word was spoke between us there was little risk involved
Everything up to that point had been left unresolved
Try imagining a place where it's always safe and warm
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

I was burned out from exhaustion buried in the hail
Poisoned in the bushes and blown out on the trail
Hunted like a crocodile ravaged in the corn
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

Suddenly I turned around and she was standing there
With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair
She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

Now there's a wall between us something there's been lost
I took too much for granted got my signals crossed
Just to think that it all began on a long-forgotten morn
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

Well the deputy walks on hard nails and the preacher rides a mount
But nothing really matters much it's doom alone that counts
And the one-eyed undertaker he blows a futile horn
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".
I've heard newborn babies wailing like a mourning dove
And old men with broken teeth stranded without love
Do I understand your question man is it hopeless and forlorn
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes
I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose
I offered up my innocence and got repaid with scorn
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".

Well I'm living in a foreign country but I'm bound to cross the line
Beauty walks a razor's edge someday I'll make it mine
If I could only turn back the clock to when God and her were born
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".
The Pogues

Fairytale of New York by Shane MacGowan

It was Christmas eve, babe,
in the drunk tank.
An old man said to me,
won’t see another one.
And then he sang a song,
the rare old mountain dew.
I turned my face away
and dreamed about you.

Got on a lucky one,
came in 18 to 1.
I’ve got a feeling
this year’s for me and you.
So happy Christmas,
I love you, baby.
I see a better time
when all our dreams come true.

They’ve got cars big as bars,
they’ve got rivers of gold
but the wind goes right through you,
it’s no place for the old.
When you first took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
you promised me
Broadway was waiting for me.

You were handsome

You were pretty
Queen of New York City

When the band finished playing
they howled out for more.
Sinatra was swinging,
all the drunks they were singing.
We kissed on a corner
then danced through the night.

The boys of the NYPD choir
were singing Galway Bay,
and the bells were ringing out
for Christmas day.

You’re a bum
You’re a punk

You’re an old slut on junk
lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed

You scumbag, you maggot
you cheap lousy faggot
happy christmas your arse
I pray God it’s our last.

I could have been someone.

Well so could anyone.
You took my dreams from me
when I first found you.

I kept them with me, babe.
I put them with my own,
can’t make it all alone.
I’ve built my dreams around you.

The boys of the NYPD choir
were singing Galway Bay,
and the bells were ringing out
for Christmas day.
Re: The Pogues

tarablackwood22 said:
Fairytale of New York by Shane MacGowan

It was Christmas eve, babe,
in the drunk tank.
An old man said to me,
won’t see another one.
And then he sang a song,
the rare old mountain dew.
I turned my face away
and dreamed about you.

Got on a lucky one,
came in 18 to 1.
I’ve got a feeling
this year’s for me and you.
So happy Christmas,
I love you, baby.
I see a better time
when all our dreams come true.

They’ve got cars big as bars,
they’ve got rivers of gold
but the wind goes right through you,
it’s no place for the old.
When you first took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
you promised me
Broadway was waiting for me.

You were handsome

You were pretty
Queen of New York City

When the band finished playing
they howled out for more.
Sinatra was swinging,
all the drunks they were singing.
We kissed on a corner
then danced through the night.

The boys of the NYPD choir
were singing Galway Bay,
and the bells were ringing out
for Christmas day.

You’re a bum
You’re a punk

You’re an old slut on junk
lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed

You scumbag, you maggot
you cheap lousy faggot
happy christmas your arse
I pray God it’s our last.

I could have been someone.

Well so could anyone.
You took my dreams from me
when I first found you.

I kept them with me, babe.
I put them with my own,
can’t make it all alone.
I’ve built my dreams around you.

The boys of the NYPD choir
were singing Galway Bay,
and the bells were ringing out
for Christmas day.

I play that every year
I know you are shocked

The Vandals

Hang Myself From The Tree

( I play this one too hehehe)

Christmas is hell on earth, I know nothing worst
Then being depressed and told to be happy.
The season of su - icide, I know why they died
Christmas reminds me I have nothing

I've got no girl there's only me
No friends or family, another Christmas alone
Got no food to eat, no ornaments or wreath
So I'll hang myself from the tree

Christmas is dark and wet, so I can't forget
Christmas reminds me I have nothing
This is the end of hope, I won't write a note
Because it would be addressed to no one

I've got no girl there's only me
No friends or family, another Christmas alone
Got no food to eat, no ornaments or wreath
So I'll hang myself from the tree

Now I will say good - bye, no one will cry
Christmas goes on without me
My life is now complete, so I'll go to sleep
Forever and ever and ever...

I've got no girl there's only me
No friends or family, another Christmas alone
Got no food to eat, no ornaments or wreath
So I'll hang myself from the tree
I'm replaying some CD singles I didn't remember I had, and rediscovered a b-side track that I'd forgotten what a wied little story it hid. It reminds me of Linbido's poetry a bit. Specifically 'Carrie Walks'.

The Cure,
A Foolish Arrangement

Christabel strips
and slips like a dream,
breaking ice with arms
that gleam with pain,
She throws her head
and glides against the stream.
Throwing me her bravest smile,
shivering guile.

"Catching a cold is quick this time,
but fish?... Fish may take a while..."

Christabel dips and slips from me,
and hand pushed deep inside
is suddenly free.
reluctantly struggling six legs
held up for me to see.

"Don't be scared,
it's nothing new.
It's the same old game;
only fun with two..."

But fast and over and over
"I can't play this game with you"

Everything she tries to tell me
leaves me open mouthed and still,
I foolishly arrange tomorrow,
the way I always will.

Christabel trips
and grips my hand,
but never to be saved.
For a second I understand
and I fall with her...

"I'll never leave you,
love you,
see you change into the man I want.
But it's not for long this thing,
it's not for long..."

Everything she tries to tell me
leaves me open mouthed and still,
I foolishly arrange tomorrow,
the way I always will.
Last edited:
4 Non Blondes
What's Up

Twenty - five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
And I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What's going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what's going on?
Ooh, ooh ooh
And I try, oh my god do I try
I try all the time, in this institution
And I pray, oh my god do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What's going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what's going on?
Twenty - five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination

Who Are You?

They're lining up
to mad dog your tilt-a-whirl,
three shots for a dollar,
win a real live doll.

All the lies that you tell,
I believed them so well.
Take them back.

Take them back
to your red house
for that fearful leap
into the dark.

I did my time
in the jail of your arms,
now Ophelia wants to know
where she should turn.

Tell me, what did you do?
What did you do the last time?

Why don't you do that.
Go on ahead
and take this the wrong way.
Time's not your friend.

Do you cry?
Do you pray?
Do you wish them away?

Are you still leave nothing
but bones in the way?

Did you bury the carnival
with lions and all?
Excuse me while I sharpen my nails.

And just who are you,
who are you this time?

You look rather tired.
Are you pretending to love?
I hear that it pays well.

How do your pistol and your bible
and your sleeping pills go?
Are you still jumping out of windows
in expensive clothes?

I fell in love with your sailor's mouth
and your wounded eyes.
You better get down on the floor,
don't you know this is war?

Tell me
who are you this time?
Party Girl - Elvis Costello

They say you’re nothing but a party girl
Just like a million more all over the world
I know I shouldn’t be raising my hopes so high
But I have seen the hungry look in their eyes
They’d settle for anything in disguise of love
Seen the party girls look me over
Seen ’em leaving when the party’s over

They can’t touch me now
You say you don’t mind
We’re so hard to find
I could give you anything but time
Give it just one more try
Give it a chance
Starts like fascination
Ends up like a trance

Oh you’ll never be the guilty party girl
Maybe someday we can go hiding from this world
Maybe I’ll never get over the change in style
But I don’t want to lock you up and say you’re mine
Don’t want to lose you or say goodbye
I’m the guilty party and I want my slice
But I know you’ve got me and I’m in a grip-like vise.

They can’t touch me now
You say you don’t mind
We’re so hard to find
I could give you anything
I would give you anything
I can give you anything but time

Give you anything but time (repeats)
Tom Waits

I'm sure someone's posted this but it just came on so...
Too bad

Saving All My Love

it's too early for the circus, it's too late for the bars, no one's sleepin'
but the paperboys, and no one in this town is makin' any noise, but the dogs
and the milkmen and me.

the girls around here all look like cadillacs, no one likes a stranger here,
i'd come home but i'm afraid that you won't take me back, but i'd trade off
everything just to have you near.

i know i'm irresponsible and i don't behave, and i ruin everything that i
do, and i'll probably get arrested when i'm in my grave, but i'll be savin'
all my love for you.

i paid fifteen dollars for a prostitute, with too much makeup and a broken
shoe, but her eyes were just a counterfeit, she tried to gyp me out of it, but
you know that i'm still in love you.

don't listen to the rumors that you hear about me, cause i ain't as bad as
they make me out to be, well i may lose my mind but baby can't you see, that
i'll be savin' all my love for you.
Neil Young

There's a place called Downtown
Where the hippies all go
And they dance the charleston
And they do the limbo
Yeah the hippies all go there
'Cause they want to be seen
It's like a room full of pictures
It's like a psychedelic dream

Let's go downtown
Downtown at night
Let's have a party
Downtown at night

Yeah it's right around the corner
Up and down the hill
When you hear the band playin'
It's gonna give you a chill
Give your money to the gateman
Young blood in his eye
Hold on to your baby
When you slip into the sky

Let's go downtown
Downtown tonight
Hear the band playin'
Downtown all right


Jimi's playin' in the back room
Led Zeppelin on stage
There's a mirror ball twirlin'
And a note from Page
Like a water-washed diamond
In a river of sin
Goin' down like a whirlpool
When you get sucked in

Let's go downtown
Downtown tonight
Hear the band playin'
Downtown all right


Let's go downtown
Downtown tonight
Let's have a party
Downtown all right

Think About Your Troubles
Harry Nilsson

Sit beside the breakfast table
think about your troubles
Pour yourself a cup of tea
then think about the bubbles
You can take your teardrops
and drop ‘em in a teacup
Take ’em down to the riverside
and throw ‘em over the side
To be swept up by a current
then taken to the ocean
To be eaten by some fishes
and swallowed by a whale
who grew so old he decomposed

He died and left his body
to the bottom of the ocean
Now everybody knows
that when a body decomposes
The basic elements
are given back to the ocean
And the sea does what it oughta
and soon there’s salty water
which is not too good for drinking
‘cause it tastes just like a teardrop
So we run it through a filter
and it comes out from a faucet
where it pours into a teapot
which is just about to bubble
Now think about your troubles

Well I have lived ten years plus ten
And ten and ten again
I have seen too much to pretend
And then you wanted to come in
I have survived all of the lies
They made me wise
The locks and walls and the peace it buys
Still when I look into your eyes
It's a surprise when you say

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be okay
Just hold on tight
let it all go away

What do you want from me
Mercy, mercy baby
What do you want from me

well I plead Mercy, mercy baby
I do not know what this all means
It's been awhile
Since I've been stylin' in
Just my jacket and my jeans

It hurts to walk
It hurts to talk
It hurts to think about it
Shout about it
Could I be sure without a doubt
That you could never live without

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be okay
Just hold on tight
let it all go away
Mercy baby
What do you want from me
Mercy, mercy, mercy baby
What do you want from me

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be okay
Just hold on tight
let it all go away
I want to fall in you
Crawl in you
All in you now

Could I be sure in you
Pure in you
Finding the cure in you
Now I plead
Have mercy on me

Now I am kneeling at the altar
In the temple of your eyes
And I am asking for a miracle
I have been too long paralyzed when you say

Get up
Stand up
Climb the rope of hope
and open up again

All the peace you say is promised me
seems too much to comprehend

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be okay
Just hold on tight
let it all go away
Mercy baby
What do you want from me
Mercy, mercy baby
what Can this girl believe

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be okay
Honey just hold on tight
And I'll make it all go away
Hold on

It's gonna be alright
Mercy darling
Let it all go away
Leonard Cohen

Stories of the Street

The stories of the street are mine,
the Spanish voices laugh.
The Cadillacs go creeping now
through night and poison gas,
and I lean from my window sill
in this old hotel I chose,
one hand on my suicide,
one hand on the rose.

I know you've heard it's over now
and war must surely come,
the cities they are broke in half
and the middle men are gone.
But let me ask you one more time,
children of the dusk,
these hunters who are shrieking now,
do they speak for us?

And where do all these highways go
now that we are free?
Why are the armies marching still
that were coming home to me?
Lady with your legs so fine
stranger at your wheel,
you are locked into your suffering
and your pleasures are the seal.

The age of lust is giving birth
and both the parents ask
the nurse to tell them fairy tales
on both sides of the glass.
And now the infant with his cord
is hauled in like a kite,
one eye filled with blueprints
one eye filled with night.

Come with me, my little one,
we will find that farm
and grow us grass and apples there
and keep all the animals warm.
And if by chance I wake at night
and I ask you who I am,
take me to the slaughterhouse,
I will wait there with the lamb.

With one hand on the hexagram
and one hand on the girl
I balance on a wishing well
that all men call the world.
We are so small between the stars,
so large against the sky,
and lost among the subway crowds
I try to catch your eye.
BlueskyBeauty said:
4 Non Blondes
What's Up

Twenty - five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
And I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What's going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what's going on?
Ooh, ooh ooh
And I try, oh my god do I try
I try all the time, in this institution
And I pray, oh my god do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution
And so I cry sometimes
When I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What's in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What's going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what's going on?
Twenty - five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination

Aw hell....now I'll never get this out of my head! :D