Poetry and Lyrics

Some Favorite Lyrics

The Guns Of Brixton - The Clash - London Calling

When they kick at your front door
How are you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

When the law break in
How are you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting on death row

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of Brixton

The money feels good
And your life you like it well
But surely your time will come
As in heaven, as in hell

You see, he feels like Ivan
Born under the Brixton sun
His game is called survivin'
At the end of the harder they come

You know it means no mercy
They caught him with a gun
No need for the Black Maria
Goodbye to the Brixton sun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
Yes, even shoot us
But oh-the guns of Brixton

When they kick at your front door
How are you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
Yes, even shoot us
But oh-the guns of Brixton

Shot down on the pavement
Waiting in death row
His game is called survivin'
As in heaven as in hell

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Another great song

Shipbuilding - Elvis Costello

Is it worth it?
A new winter coat and shoes for the wife
And a bicycle on the boy's birthday
It's just a rumour that was spread around town
By the women and children
Soon we'll be shipbuilding.......
Well I ask you
The boy said "Dad they're going to take me to task, but I'll be back by Christmas"
It's just a rumour that was spread around town
Somebody said that someone got filled in
For saying that people get killed in
The result of this shipbuilding
With all the will in the world
Diving for dear life
When we could be diving for pearls
It's just a rumour that was spread around town
A telegram or a picture postcard
Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
And notifying the next of kin
Once again
It's all we're skilled in
We will be shipbuilding........
With all the will in the world
Diving for dear life
When we could be diving for pearls.
2 from David Wilcox

This first one was made popular by KD Lang on her Drag album. The original is really wonderful.

Chet Baker's Unsung Swan Song - David Wilcox - Home Again

My old addiction
Changed the wiring in my brain
So that when it turns the switches
Then I am not the same

So like the flowers toward the Sun
I will follow
Stretch myself out thin
Like there's a part of me that's already buried
That sends me out into this window

My old addiction
Is a flood upon the land
This tiny lifeboat
Can keep me dry
But my weight is all
That it can stand

So when I try to lean just a little
For just a splash to cool my face
Ahh that trickle
Turns out fickle
Fills my boat up
Five miles deep

My old addiction
Makes me crave only what is best
Like these just this morning song birds
Craving upward from the nest
These tiny birds outside my window
Take my hand to be their mom
These open mouths
Would trust and swallow
Anything that came along

Like my old addiction
Now the other side of Day
As the springtime
Of my life's time
Turn's the other way

If a swan can have a song
I think I know that tune
But the page is only scrawled
And I am gone this afternoon
But the page is only scrawled
And I am gone this afternoon


Please Don't Call - David Wilcox - Big Horizon

How good would it feel to be needed by me
To watch me put you first time after time
How good would it feel to know that I cannot,
I cannot in fact live without you
And I would sell my soul to say that you were mine
If I was aching and begging you please
would you want me down
That's right pleading and dizzy from
needing you to fix my soul again

How good would it feel then,
to know that you had the power of revenge

How good would it feel to control me
To know that I would do whatever it took
for you to take me again

If you would just take me, take all of me,
Take everything in trade for just a taste of you
Until they find me lying cold
and they check my blood for just a trace of you

How good would it feel, you could say you had me
You could say you had me and I was yours
How good would it feel if I needed your potion so badly
Until you captured my mind with the single desire for more

And yes I desire you
of course I desire you
but how good could it feel
To lead me to my fall

and if you respect me at all
Please don't call.
Hallelujah- l cohen

Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light in every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
One of mine

I like to write and record a Christmas/Holiday Season song every year. Here are two:

Come To Me

The pain inside has died at last
All hope has perished too
And every dream has turned to ash
There’s nothing left to do

I’ve walked alone through worse, I know,
And faced my every fear
Yet somehow as the end draws close
I wish that you were here

I wish you stood inside these shoes
And bore this misery
But I refuse to call your name
And you won’t come to me

I don’t want your comfort, lord,
Forgiveness will not come
I want for you to know me once
Before I’m really gone

Your devils waiting patiently
Their flames are drawing near
And as their talons tear my flesh
I wish that you were here

I wish you stood inside these shoes
And bore this misery
But I refuse to call your name
And you won’t come to me

You made me in your image, lord
Yet you will shed no tear
This mother’s son has earned no love
I wish that you were here

How Fortunate We Are

Its easy to forget, amidst the frenzy of the season,
That all this “sound and fury,” it happens for a reason:
That words, we fear, fall short somehow expressing what we’re feeling
And gifts will say, another way, how fortunate we are.

I know that I forget, sometimes, to thank you for your kindness
But knowing you, as I do, broadens my horizons.
I’ve become a better man, a better human being
I won’t forget to show or say how fortunate we are.

Thank you for your friendship, thank you for your time
Thank you for accepting me with all these quirks of mine
But don’t forget that I am here when life, it sends you reeling
I’ll find a way to help you see how fortunate we are
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One more... For now

Diamanda Galas is one hard nosed beeyatch with a powerful 3 octave voice she wields as a weapon. She's performed her Plague Mass at churches around the world, stripped to the waist and covered in blood, screaming like a banchee at the injustice of western culture's view of HIV/Aids victims.

Her seminal and frightening Masque of the Red Death was divided into three movements, the last of which was You Must Be Certain of the Devil. From that, this song comes:


You who speak of crowd control, of karma,
or the punishment of god:

Let’s not chat about despair.

Do you fear the cages they are building in
Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas
while they’re giving ten to forty years to find a cure?

Let’s not chat about despair.

Do you pray each evening out of horror or of fear
to the savage God whose bloody hand
commands you now to die alone?

Let’s not chat about despair.

Do you taste the presence of the living death
while the skeleton beneath your open window
waits with arms outstretched?

Let’s not chat about despair.

Do you spend each night in waiting
for the devil’s little angels’ cries
to burn you in your sleep?

Let’s not chat about despair.

Do you wait for miracles in small hotels
with Seconal and Compazine
or for a ticket to the house of death in Amsterdam?

Let’s not chat about despair.

Do you wait in prison for the dreadful day
the office of the butcher comes to carry you away?

Let’s not chat about despair.

Do you wait for saviors or the paradise to come
in laundry rooms, in toilets, or in cadillacs?

Let’s not chat about despair.

Are you crucified beneath the life machines
with a shank inside your neck
and a head which blossoms like a basketball?

Let’s not chat about despair

Do you tremble at the timid steps
of crying, smiling faces who, in mourning,
now have come to pay their last respects?

Let's not chat about despair.

In Kentucky Harry buys a round of beer
to celebrate the death of Billy Smith, the queer,
whose mother still must hide her face in fear.

Let’s not chat about despair.

You who mix the words of torture, suicide, and death
with scotch and soda at the bar,
we’re all real decent people, aren’t we,
but there’s no time left for talk.

Let’s not chat about despair.
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This is a bit lengthy, but...

This is a bit lengthy, but well worth the read, I think.

It was 1980, I was in high school, and KROQ had been playing a song, Trouble, from Amerika: Cars, Guitars, & Teenage Violence by Tonio K. It was in heavy rotation for a time and, just for variety's sake, they threw in another song from the same album, Go Away. After hearing both of these songs, I was somewhat intrigued and decided to buy the LP. I saved my Pup-n-Taco earnings and eventually purchased the album.

My tender and underdeveloped brain seemed inexorably drawn to the nihilist exuberance of the last track, Merzsuite. The words at times flew by so quickly that many were unintelligible. Well, I knew somehow that was he was singing was important so I called the record label asking for a lyric sheet. They referred me to Mr. K's manager who, upon hearing my request, quite humorlessly instructed me to buy the album. After explaining that the album I'd purchased had a plain white inner sleeve, he told me to take my now well worn copy back and exchange it for another. This I did and, much to our mutual surprise, the same plain white sleeve lurked within. He had me wait on the line while he got some big mucky mucks from Arista on the phone, and had me repeat my story. I could hear the blood draining from the Arista lawyer's faces. The third copy was complete with lyrics, liner notes, etc...

To this day, I can often be heard singing one refrain, or another, from Merzsuite... It helps me to remember my place in the world, and that things are never as bad as they may seem...

Here is the complete liner-note entry for this song:


Let Us All Join Together In A Tune
Umore/Futt Futt Futt/Umore

I. Let Us All Join Together In A Tune

come on people
come on come on
come and gather 'round
put away your knives and forks and spoons
and sit right down
lay your heads upon the railing
close your little eyes
soon you will receive our famous lexical

everybody in this picture
has another face
everybody on the planet's
longing for a taste
of something slightly left of ordinary
special and unique
anything except all of this talk
about world war iii
someone must have something else to say
maybe some brand new language

*for best results refer to 'choral notes' during final (third) chorus

es ist ziemlich ungewohnlich
(trans: it is fairly abnormal)
this is something new
but these glottal babblings are difficult to do
you wonder what can be the meaning
of a chorus such as this
Well meaning
If you think about it
Probably don't exist
Reasonable men are dangerous
Remember germany


Thank you for your kind attention
You are now dismissed
For your future musings please accept
These useful hints:
Effect here in this universe is infinite
It's true
Intent however seems to be reducible to two
(that's twice)
so while we sit here waiting for the proof
let us join together in a tune

* 'choral notes'

here the attentive listener imagines he/she hears the words

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I just don't know

Flying by with sufficient rhythmic/melodic singularity to be classified as 'the chorus.' And a fine and meaningful chorus it would be what with all the confusing aspects of life in the twentieth century.

Upon closer scrutinization, however, we see the traditional repetitive/lyrical powerbase being undermined by what can best and perhaps only be described as non-verbal ranting: nonsense in a word. As these more primal utterances - a rather sophisticated series of glottal stops and clicks in actual fact - gradually overcome the more conventional 'chorus.' The listener is invited to join in and - yes - express him/herself.

In light of the frightening new heights to which 'reason' has elevated all of us during this (last) generation, we feel that the 'transformed chorus for the socio/emotionally unstable,' makes a very special kind of sense indeed. The 1980s may well bear out our contention that there is very little left to say.

Tonio K. Copyright 1977

II. Umore (A memoir de Jaques Vaché)

Je suis une valise vide aussi
(trans: I am an empty bag too)
Je n'ai rien a declarer
(trans: I do not have anything to declare)

"umore" was a phrase coined by dada prototype jacques vaché during world war i. By it he meant something approaching the point of enlightenment beyond which the futility of life became comic. Vaché killed himself in 1919 at the age of twenty-three.

III. Futt Futt Futt

This one is for mister schwitters
This one is for kurt
[mysterious greek symbols here] merz
this one's got a snappy chorus
you can sing along
there is beauty even in the garbage
sing the garbage song

you just go

futt futt futt
futt futt futt
I am stupid
futt futt futt
futt futt futt
I am stupid
futt futt futt
futt futt futt
I am stupid
futt futt futt futt
futt futt futt futt
futt futt futt futt
futt futt futt futt

this one has no doubt confused you
you are maybe hurt?
Do not let this life abuse you
You are not so worthless:
(A) you're an integral and valuable
part of some master plan, or
(B) clearly as important as a dirt clod
or that can

sing it out now:

repeat chorus:

innovator in the art of collage, part-time composer, and full time poet/archaeologist, kurt schwitters petitioned for something he referred to as the merz stage. This was to be, conservatively, life enacted before a paying audience. Nothing much would happen on stage: everything would (sooner or later) happen on stage. Among the things kurt wrote into the 'soundtrack' of his play were sewing machines singing and an organ that played the notes futt, futt, and futt.

Tonio K. Copyright 1976
Sometime Simple...

is perfect.

Don't Explain
Billie Holiday

Hush now, don't explain
Just say you'll remain
I'm glad you're back, don't explain

Quiet, don't explain
What is there to gain
Skip that lipstick
Don't explain

You know that I love you
And what endures
All my thoughts are of you
For I'm so completely yours

Cry to hear folks chatter
And I know you cheat
Right or wrong, don't matter
When you're with me, sweet

Hush now, don't explain
You're my joy and pain
My life's yours love
Don't explain
Billie Holiday

Yeah... she was an amazing talent. She burned brightly, and sang from her heart, and gut.

Thanks for sharing that one.


I love Billie Holiday. My favorite is probably "All of Me." Though I'm sure she wasn't the only person to record it (probably not even the first, I don't know) but hers is the one I always think of. Definitive for me.

All of me, why not take all of me
Can't you see, I'm no good without you
Take my lips; I want to lose them,
Take my arms; I'll never use them.
Your goodbye left me with eyes that cried
How can I go on, dear, without you
You took the part that once was my heart,
so why not take all of me

There's more, but that's what I can remember off the top of my head.
Is it poetry? Well, no, probably not, but I like it and thought I'd share:

"The Fix Is In" by OK Go

When we got to Boston
I knew we'd missed a turn
Nobody in traffic school had told us
there's signs that can't be learned

Geography's too stubborn
and people are too clear
Let's go find a roadside motel
with a clerk who won't tell
Days will turn to nights, nights will turn to days
weeks, seasons, and years
We'll stay for years.

Red and white for blood cells
Red and white for wine
They could do the whole damn spectrum
if we'd only let them
Lord, it's such a crime

Working on an inch less waist band
in this strip mall wasteland
outside of this town
or clawing at the penthouse kitchen floor
for just one smidgen more
Everybody knows, everybody knows
that it's in.
The fix is in, the fix is in.

Let's go back to Boston
Forget about the turn
Atlases and gas station attendants
are none of our concern
We'll forge little life, dear
Double down our bets
and I guess it stands to reason
that the passing season
will slowly dull regrets

Working on an inch less waist band
in this strip mall wasteland
outside of this town
or clawing at the penthouse kitchen floor
for just one smidgen more
Everybody knows, everybody knows
that it's in.
While I'm here, another from the boys of OK Go. Witty guys.

"You're So Damn Hot"

Is this the only song about what a cheat a girl is, but it doesn't matter because she's sexy? Even if not the only, this is still my favorite.

I saw you sliding out the bar.
I saw you slipping out the back door, baby.
Don't even try and find a line this time, it's fine.
Darling, you're still divine.

You don't love me at all,
but don't think that it bothers me at all.
You're a bad-hearted boy trap, baby doll, but you're...
You're so damn hot.

So now you're headed to your car.
You say it's dinner with your sister, sweetie.
But darling look at how you're dressed.
Your best suggests another kind of guest.

You don't love me at all,
but don't think that it bothers me at all.
You're a bad-hearted boy trap, baby doll, but you're...
You're so damn hot.

So who's this other guy you've got?
Which other rubes are riding hotshot, sugar?
I could have swore you said before, "No more, for sure."
What'd I believe you for?

You don't love me at all,
but don't think that it bothers me at all.
You're a bad-hearted boy trap, baby doll, but you're...
You're so damn hot.
Daily Poem

I subscribe to a site that sends me one "classic poem" a day. (If you are interested, you can click here: and get your own free e-mailed poem a day.) Today they sent me this:
The Day Came Slow, Till Five O' Clock
by Emily Dickinson

The day came slow, till five o'clock
Then sprang before the hills
Like hindered rubies, or the light
A sudden musket spills

The purple could not keep the east,
The sunrise shook from fold,
Like breadths of topaz, packed a night,
The lady just unrolled.

The happy winds their timbrels took;
The birds, in docile rows,
Arranged themselves around their prince
(The wind is prince of those).

The orchard sparkled like a Jew, --
How mighty 't was, to stay
A guest in this stupendous place,
The parlor of the day!
I love color words and I like this poem except for one word. I can't imagine "sparkle" as a referent to "Jew". What would she write today? "The orchard blinged like a Bro', --"?
If you were writing a more PC version, how would you write that line?
Reltne said:
I subscribe to a site that sends me one "classic poem" a day. (If you are interested, you can click here: and get your own free e-mailed poem a day.) Today they sent me this:

I love color words and I like this poem except for one word. I can't imagine "sparkle" as a referent to "Jew". What would she write today? "The orchard blinged like a Bro', --"?
If you were writing a more PC version, how would you write that line?

I'm thinking "whined" instead of "sparkled." Not that I ever do, of course. ;)
Mystifies Me
Son Volt

Stay a while and work it out with me,
we got time and we can talk, too.
Give me a sign, I'll take your word,
I'll learn anything you want me to.

That is all I'm lookin to you for,
all I'm askin' that you simply do.
Take it, leave it, make things matter,
let in all my breath away.

Take it all apart and put it back,
I am always left here lookin' at you.
You look so fine, true, you look so fine, true.
And I would not lie to you

Let me see you, let me know your dreams,
won't you please give out a sign
things you say make me look through you,
no one mystifies me like you do.

This is why I always look at you,
and I hold you to it every day
You look so fine, true,
no one mystifies me like you do

You look so fine, true,
no one mystifies me like you do
Throughout all my years of DJ'ing, and my exposure to all that drum and bass, and through many indepth interviews with people, questions that reach to the heart etc. from spending hours with freaks, and minutes with geeks... one song to describe sex has always been mentioned. Closer by Nine Inch Nails... I apologise if this is offensive to some, but the proliferation of this title within my life means it deserves a place.... and any musician that can hear the duck fart bass just has t love it...

Closer... NIN........

you let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
help me I broke apart my insides, help me I’ve got no soul to sell
help me the only thing that works for me, help me get away from myself

I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god

you can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings
you can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything
help me tear down my reason, help me its' your sex I can smell
help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else

I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god

through every forest, above the trees
within my stomach, scraped off my knees
I drink the honey inside your hive
you are the reason I stay alive

Which reminds me... NIN are doing a European tour this Summer, and they are playing one gig in Scotland, in the Barrows, August or September time. Im looking forward to it... if anyone else is, please give me a shout.
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It's been beautifully sunny out today, and I'm in D.C. not Baltimore, but this song seems so appropriate right now.

"Raining in Baltimore" by Counting Crows

The circus is falling down on its knees
the Big Top is crumbling down
It's raining in Baltimore, fifty miles east
where you should be, no one's around

I need a phone call
I need a raincoat
I need a big love
I need a phone call

These train conversations are passing me by
and I don't have nothing to say
You get what you pay for, but I just had no
intention of living this way

I need a phone call
I need a plane ride
I need a sunburn
I need a raincoat

And I get no answers
And I don't get no change
It's raining in Baltimore, baby,
but everything else is the same

There's things I remember, and things I forget
I miss you. I guess that I should
Three thousand, five hundred miles away
What would you change if you could

I need a phone call
Maybe I should buy a new car
I can always hear a freight train
baby if I listen real hard
And I wish, I wish it was a small world
'Cuz I'm lonely for the big towns
I'd like to hear a little guitar
I think it's time to put the top down

I need a phone call
I need a raincoat
I really, really need a raincoat
It's snowing here

but I so love this song.

Never Say Goodbye
Bob Dylan

Twilight on the frozen lake
North wind about to break
On footprints in the snow
Silence down below.

You're beautiful beyond words
You're beautiful to me
You can make me cry
Never say goodbye.

Time is all I have to give
You can have it if you choose
With me you can live
Never say goodbye.

My dreams are made of iron and steel
With a big bouquet
Of roses hanging down
From the heavens to the ground.

The crashing waves roll over me
As I stand upon the sand
Wait for you to come
And grab hold of my hand.

Oh, baby, baby, baby blue
You'll change your last name, too
You've turned your hair to brown
Love to see it hangin' down.
"Firefly" by American Music Club
(if you can, track down the Mark Eitzel live solo album Songs of Love for an amazing, more stripped down version of this song. The AMC version is good, but more country-western tinged and therefore not to everyone's tastes.)

Well come on, Beautiful, we'll go sit on the front lawn
and watch the fireflies as the sun goes down
They don't live too long. Just a flash and then they're gone
We'll laugh at them, watch the sun go down

You're so pretty, baby,
you're the prettiest thing I know
You're so pretty baby
where did you go

Tell me why you don't sleep anymore
Tell me what you stay up all night waiting for
Are you waiting for Loneliness to paralyze
Are you waiting for Sister Midnight to anesthetize

You're so pretty, baby,
you're the prettiest thing I know
You're so pretty baby
where did you go

Come on, we'll go sit on the front lawn
I'll hold you in my arms 'til you're gone
You've been gone

Time to finish the prayer that started as a kiss
the overwhelming dream of happiness
and I'll give you all of my good luck
for the overwhelming dream that's killing us

You're so pretty, baby,
you're the prettiest thing I know
You're so pretty baby
where did you go
Foehn's challenge thread

reminded me of this song. :)

Ballad of a Well-Known Gun
Elton John/Bernie Taupin

I pulled out my Stage Coach Times
And I read the latest news
I tapped my feet in dumb surprise
And of course I saw they knew
The Pinkertons pulled out my bags
And asked me for my name
I stuttered out my answer
And hung my head in shame

Now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun

Now I've seen this chain gang
Lord I say let me see my priest
I couldn't have faced your desert sand
Old burning brown backed beast
The poor house they hit me for my kin
And claimed my crumbling walls
Now I know how Reno felt
When he ran from the law

Now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun

Now they've found me
Lord I say at last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Lord I say now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun

Lord I say now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
With me it's the chorus

I keep a song in my head all the time, usually just the 1st verse or the
chours. Being part redneck and loving beer I love Delbert McClinton.

Never Been Rocked Enough
chours, by Delbert & Troy Seals

You've been in the dark so long
I ain't no doctor, but I know whats wrong...
You never been rocked enough
You never been rolled just right
You act too tense and nervous
Honey, you're too uptight
You never been rocked enough
You never been rolled just right
My time is your time baby
And baby I got all night
(Good beer drinking song & pickup line.)

Too Much Stuff
for my sweetie

Love Grows Wild
Buddy Miller

There's a place where love grows wild
Where hearts can trust just like a child
A wild thing it don't need a lot
It just grows on what it's got
It still grows no matter what

I used to be too hard to care
But till you do you ain't nowhere
Once I just threw love away
But that fool was yesterday
Now my heart is home to stay

Wild things grow on less than a little
And darling I know it'll be
You and me right down the middle where
Love grows wild

Gave up all those valentines
Now I just want the one that's mine
I will say I love you so
When I do it you will know
Darling I will never go

Wild things grow on less than a little
And darling I know it will be
You and me right down the middle where
Love grows wild

You give me the sweetest love
You must be straight from above
And you're so good at loving me
You're so fine it's plain to see
This was surely meant to be

There's a place where love grows wild

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King of the Bongo Bong -Manu Chao

Manu Chao - Bongo bong

Mama was queen of the mambo
Papa was king of the kongo
Deep down in a jungle
Last up banging life has Bongo

Every monkey like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

I went to the big town
Where there is a lot of sound
From the jungle to the city
Looking for a bigger crown

So I play my Bongee
For the people of this city
But they don´t go crazy
When I´m banging all my boogie
I´m the

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo

Nobody like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause nobody go crazy
When I´m banging all my boogie

I´m a king without a crown
And I´m loosing a big town
But I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

They said that I´m a clown
Making too much dirty sound
They said there is no place
For little monkey in this town

Nobody like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause nobody go crazy
When I´m banging all my boogie
I´m the

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

Banging all my boogie
All that swing belongs to me
I´m so uppy there´s nobody
In my place instead of me

I´m a king without a crown
And loosing a big town
But I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

Mama was queen of the mongo
Papa was king of the kongo
Deep down in a jungle
Last up banging life has Bongo

Every monkey like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

Hear me when I come
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour
Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour

Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour
Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour
Tathagata said:
Manu Chao - Bongo bong

Mama was queen of the mambo
Papa was king of the kongo
Deep down in a jungle
Last up banging life has Bongo

Every monkey like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

I went to the big town
Where there is a lot of sound
From the jungle to the city
Looking for a bigger crown

So I play my Bongee
For the people of this city
But they don´t go crazy
When I´m banging all my boogie
I´m the

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo

Nobody like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause nobody go crazy
When I´m banging all my boogie

I´m a king without a crown
And I´m loosing a big town
But I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

They said that I´m a clown
Making too much dirty sound
They said there is no place
For little monkey in this town

Nobody like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause nobody go crazy
When I´m banging all my boogie
I´m the

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

Banging all my boogie
All that swing belongs to me
I´m so uppy there´s nobody
In my place instead of me

I´m a king without a crown
And loosing a big town
But I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

Mama was queen of the mongo
Papa was king of the kongo
Deep down in a jungle
Last up banging life has Bongo

Every monkey like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause I´m the king of Bongo
Baby I´m the king of Bongo bong

Hear me when I come
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the Bongo
King of the Bongo
Hear me when I come

Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour
Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour

Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour
Je ne t´aime plus mon amour
Je ne t´aime plus tout le jour

This is the song King Louie sang in Disney's Jungle Book, right?
