Poetry Challenge for May 9 to 16 - song inspired.

All I Want

I am on a lonely road
and I am traveling the length
of my choices. Freedom
echoes in my heart, barren
but still lyrical enough for the wind
sighing in near-forgotten branches,
for the sultry breath of wild roses
wound upon a long-lost trellis,
for a memory of sunlight torn
from my arms.

I am on a lonely road
and I am comforted by mountains,
by the living forest in your eyes
that is as deep and unwavering
as the ring of distant peaks
that loom and hold us
in a green embrace. I am
on a lonely road, cast out
only to find a true home
here in the wilderness,

alive, alive.

Well, I love your poem, and listening to the song I see how many references you make to the original, but in new ways, which makes me love your poem even more!

(PS. My fave Joni song is Big Yellow Taxi, but remember I was but an ankle biter when that song played on my parents stereo, and it played A LOT, so I have loads of great memories attached to it. )
what I thought I’d be

wasn’t Duke Snider
catching the BMT Brighton to Flatbush
to take me out to the ballgame
lauded and loved as a Brooklyn Dodger

nor a high school
basketball star
who dribbled
quick to
the net​

wasn’t some sophomoric driver
Georgia on my mind
one day away from Boston College
watching exotic
black men pick cotton
on my way to Fort Lauderdale

later a socially inept worker
filling out forms, handing out checks.
Here’s to you , Mrs. Robinson
and here’s to you, Sonia Martinez
who no longer wanted your man
who was wanted.

Nor was I ever
New England laureate
stopping by woods dark, deep and frosted
on a starry starry night.

No, I wasn’t
All those things
I thought I was
or wanted to be.

I am black.
I am white.
I am yellow

and I am brown.

:D What an unusual choice of song, and the added line from Simon and Garfunkel really works, Don McLean and even partial use of Robert Frost. LOVE IT.
Let me put my arms around it would you?
Let's hold it close and keep it here.

I remember you smiling in your shiny-snap shirt
What were you doing with that guy at the bar?

The pressure never went away, did it?
It just eased some when you smiled and laughed.

I remember when you first adopted me.
Now you're barely listening and your jaw is clenched.

Please can you tell me what you want me to do?
Please let me put my arms around you.

Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Carny Knowledge

Step right up to win yer gen-you-wine
Toot and calm horn
Just one dollar
Throw the ball and hit three down
Osama Bin Ladens.

Tell Ya what I’m gonna do.
I can see you’re no fool,
You and the missus from Baton Rouge,
Ten cents off the dollar.

What’s a toot and calm horn, you say?
Keeps ya happy on the highway
When the next cut jerks you off.

Sorry, Missus, I meant to say
When the next jerk cuts you off
You toot, toot, toot your horn
And tootin’ your horn calms you down

Calms him too, so they say,
And comes with its very own suction cup.
Pluck it right there on your dash.
Made in Egypt cuz you know
How crazy all those A-rabs are,
Went there once to see King Tut
And nearly got killed by an A-rab driver.

Step right up to win yer gen-you-wine
Toot and calm horn

Just one dollar.
the enter key beckoned

with promises
to be made or dismissed
with voices
to be heard or sublimed
with chances
to be taken...

or not.

she stepped away

and as she did,
the insistence of the cursor's pulse
took thump-thump voice into her being...

distilling as glow

to the nascent tingle down below
that had first suggested her offering;

prompted at it

insisted upon it...

instead, she quavered;
as if an idle thumb
strumming in the hint of air
just above the prize...


perhaps the electric connection
this time...
this time

could make animate
the clay of tangible fantasy.

thump thump
thump thump
thump thump

it is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering

thump thump
it is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering

thump thump
it is impossible to achieve...

in an instant's sweep,
she quickly punched the enter key;

swift frustration
that she only could hope
would eventually
not flow
to the colour of his screen...

thump thump
thump thump
thump thump
thump thump

left now
with but an angry, hungry cursor

and an exposure
she'd seldom
quite offered before.

exposure......robert fripp.....
Thanks to all the creative poets, there's some good stuff in here and a great variety of lyrics. I had one more in the works but it won't get finished in time now - later perhaps.

Once again a huge thank you to all!
Thanks to all the creative poets, there's some good stuff in here and a great variety of lyrics. I had one more in the works but it won't get finished in time now - later perhaps.

Once again a huge thank you to all!

And a huge thank you to you for coming up with such a good challenge. :rose:
Any Day Now

My love will languish no longer
her light will shine on my life,
any day now, any day now, I shall be released.

My lonely walls will fall
my prison doors will open,
any day now, any day now, I shall be released

No longer reflect on memories
not looking ahead, joy now
any day now, any day now, I shall be released

I Shall Be Released - Bob Dylan
"In the morning, when you rise,
do you think of me and how you left me crying..."
V.A.S.T. - Pretty When You Cry

Won't you lay beside me?
Accept my firm embrace?
In the solitude of this forest
I lead you to in haste

Let me reveal my desire
Partake of innocence
Cover your mouth with kisses
Drown out dissonance

Curves and secret passages
My fingertips traverse
Whispered words of devotion
Bordering on 'Love' and 'Perverse'

Confused and enraptured
Engulfed by secret sins
I can't tell where your lust ends
And where your love begins

Salty tears down crimson cheeks
Quench this burning flame
I lay withered inside you
Buried, for a moment, in shame

The bitter taste of honey
Gathered before its time
I didn't want to fuck you
But you're pretty when you're mine
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