Poetry in Progress ~ construction zone

where are the clowns (2nd draft)

where are the clowns

porcelain pieces
decorate lush carpet,
fragmented remainders, reminders of
broken childhood.

memories collected like raindrops
on tongues of innocence.

painted brightly are smiles,
masking secrets,
sorrows weight recognized
as colors run south.

sad faces painted, collected too,
telling the truthful nature
of floppy feet make-up.

pulling my treasures from rubbermaid safe,
unwrapping with ink covered fingers,
i too shed my covering,

robe lays empty revealing my shame,
as i rain sadness
on a lifetime collection.

shattering rage,
colliding with brick
like screams in an echoing canyon.

sharp edges slice open
bleeding a lifetime of disillusionment.

i pull out another wind-up song,
unwrapping illusions,
phantom music of a little girls dreams,
reality's ceramic crush,
as container empties
plundered by life's
touch of madness.

gone now my collection,
and the need to display,
masquerading carnival bozo's.

what remains are the pieces,
of a super glued life
existing in a world
where fading glimpses
of your love for me
Last edited:
where are the clowns (3rd draft)

where are the clowns

porcelain pieces
decorate lush carpet,
fragmented remainders, reminders of
broken childhood.

memories collected like raindrops
on tongues of innocence.

painted brightly are smiles,
masking secrets,
sorrows weight recognized
as colors run south.

sad faces painted, collected too,
telling the truthful nature
of floppy feet make-up.

pulling my treasures from rubbermaid safe,
unwrapping with ink covered fingers,
I too shed my covering,

robe lays empty revealing my shame,
as I rain sadness
on a lifetime collection.

shattering rage,
colliding with brick
like screams in an echoing canyon.

sharp edges slice open
bleeding a lifetime of

I pull out another wind-up song,
unwrapping illusions,
phantom music
of a little girl's dreams,

reality's ceramic crush,
as container empties,
plundered by life's
touch of madness.

gone now, my collection
and the need to display
masquerading carnival bozo's.

what remains are the
of a super glued life
existing in a world
where fading glimpses
of your love for me

anyone have any suggestions before i submit it?

Last edited:
where are the clowns (4th draft)

porcelain pieces
decorate the floor
fragmented remainders,
reminders of broken childhood.

memories collected like raindrops
on the tongue
of innocence.

sad faces with brightly painted smiles
mask secrets,
sorrow’s weight recognized
as the colors run.

drawing my treasures from where they hide
I too am exposed.

discarded robe falls
revealing my shame,
as I rain sadness
on collected happiness.

shattering rage,
colliding with brick
like screams in an echoing canyon.

sharp edges slice open,
bleeding lifelong

another wind-up song
unwrapping illusions,
phantom music
of a little girls dreams,

reality's ceramic crush,
plundered by life's
touch of madness.

gone now, my collection
and the need to display
masquerading carnival bozo's.

what remains are the
of a super glued life
existing in a world
where fading glimpses
of your love for me
untouchable behind glass.


tess it improved it so much, i can't just leave it like it was. ty:kiss:
porcelain pieces
decorate plush carpet,
fragmented remainders,
reminders of broken childhood.

memories collected like raindrops
on the tongue
of innocence.

sad faces with brightly painted smiles
mask secrets,
sorrow’s weight recognized
as the colors run.

drawing my treasures from where they hide
I too am exposed.

discarded robe falls
revealing my shame,
as I rain sadness
on collected happiness.

shattering rage,
colliding with brick
like screams in an echoing canyon.

sharp edges slice open,
bleeding lifelong

another wind-up song
unwrapping illusions,
phantom music
of a little girls dreams,

reality's ceramic crush,
treasure box emptied,
plundered by life's
touch of madness.

gone now, my collection
and the need to display
masquerading carnival bozo's.

what remains are the
of a super glued life
existing in a world
where fading glimpses
of your love for me
untouchable behind glass.

done i think!

for now
Re: mazatlan

Tathagata said:
Devil sun
sol diablo
back home it's October
apples and pumpkins
massachusetts slips on it's well worn shawl
brown and orange
in preparation for winter

But here..

The brown is cinnamon skin
the women
angelic and proud
Graceful and elegant
as if they'd come down
from clandestine mountains
that crouch in the distance

as if they'd just stepped off
a throne

Moving past corrugated shacks
as if on parade
eyes bottomless black
like staring into the night
staring into heaven

bedecked in linen, gauze
crepe and coral
turquoise and silver
a wind chime dancer
bells to be rung

hair black as murder
straight and long
and you can see it
cascading over your chest
your thighs......
to be wound in it
rapt, redeemed, reborn

you think of coffee
and chocolate
and rich scented rooms
and musky skin
while she slips sweet silk
from her body and joins you

and you taste history there
percolated up
and slathered on her skin
and she whispers
that rolling purring language
each syllable a kiss
a stroke
an invitation

inside she is hot
tropic wet steam sex
and she never closes her eyes

she moves over you
through you
she feeds you the passion of a people
and the dreams of a few
while cooing your name
like a lost child

Perhaps she dreams of this too
under her tin roof
when she is out of your sight
and no longer
a goddess

Want an edit, big boy? Here's some suggestions--take em or leave em--they're offered in friendship, always. If you want explanations for any of em or such, pm me.


Devil sun,
sol diablo.

it's October apples and pumpkins,
Massachusetts wrapped
in its shawl of orange and brown,
soon threadbare.

But there
brown shades cinnamon skin.
The women are proud, angelic,
graceful and elegant queens
descended from clandestine mountains
that crouch in the distance
like half-hidden thrones.

Eyes move past
corrugated shacks,
as if on parade. Eyes,
bottomless black,
like staring into night,
staring into heaven.

bedecked in linen
and gauzy crepe,
bejeweled in coral,
turquoise, silver,
a wind chime dancer,

Hair black as murder,
straight, long. Can you see it,
cascading over your chest,
your thighs. Can you see
yourself wound in it,
rapt, redeemed, reborn?

Think of coffee and chocolate,
rich scented rooms, and musky skin.
listening while she slips sweet
silk from her body and joins you.

You taste history there,
percolated and slathered
on her skin. She whispers
in that rolling, purring language,
each syllable a kiss, a stroke,
an invitation.

she is hot
tropic wet steam sex.
She never closes her eyes
She moves over you, through you.
She feeds you the passion
of her people, her dreams
and yours.

She coos your name
as if you are her lost child.

Does she dream of this too,
under her tin roof, when she is out
of your sight, no longer
a goddess?
Re: Re: mazatlan

Angeline said:
Want an edit, big boy? Here's some suggestions--take em or leave em--they're offered in friendship, always. If you want explanations for any of em or such, pm me.


the first time you ever did me...and in public too

thank you
PM's on the way
Re: Re: Re: mazatlan

Tathagata said:
the first time you ever did me...and in public too

thank you
PM's on the way

You mean I'm an editorial exhibitionist? Shoot, I knew that already.

:D :heart:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: mazatlan

BlueskyBeauty said:
quit teasing me with grammer,

i'm too badly in need of a poem!

yes dear. i'll see what i can do.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: mazatlan

Angeline said:
yes dear. i'll see what i can do.


just like me to arrive with the timing of a
past participle. :mad:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: mazatlan

tungtied2u said:
just like me to arrive with the timing of a
past participle. :mad:

oh i think your timing is pluperfect. :D

(ok i have to write a poem now. or post more joni lyrics. or read lauren's story. or all of the above.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: mazatlan

Angeline said:
oh i think your timing is pluperfect. :D

(ok i have to write a poem now. or post more joni lyrics. or read lauren's story. or all of the above.)

wait! I was just going to preposition you.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: mazatlan

tungtied2u said:
wait! I was just going to preposition you.



over. under. sideways. down.

wait! that belongs in the lyrics thread!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: mazatlan

Angeline said:
over. under. sideways. down.

wait! that belongs in the lyrics thread!


done and done :D