Poetry in Progress ~ construction zone

Re: Re: Quiet Baby Lullabye

SeattleRain said:
sweet! do you have music that goes with this?
Unfortunately, though I could hum it to a hundred babies, each time I did, it would turn out different. I think this sort of lullabye would work best as a tuneless hum with some sort of pitch modulation. Basically a chant to go with a rock back and forth.

Something new I just whipped up.. I don't know what to call it yet.

I've been thinking lately about
just what my place is here.
I know that we all have reason,
a cause, a justification,
that allows us to live on,
free of guilt and sorrow.

Have you ever found that you
just sit and think about
why and how we all got here?
Is there a higher reason,
a power that doesn't need justification
To place a soul, eternally, to live on?

Free of guilt and sorrow,
a dream that haunts you,
and keeps your ideas flung about.
A midnight thought that ties you here
with a wish that you could know the reason,
the brilliant justification,
for why we are allowed to live on,
free of guilt and sorrow.
Some reaction, please? I have my objections about it, just want to see if any of you have the same ones.


Polar Roy
very much a working title... ; )

over in a shudder
passion on a toxic sheet
eighty two millimeters
point oh three seconds
when the world was different
than now
three point seventy five
seconds later

we pull
in giddy anticipation
the great white tongue
from the mouth
of the friendly beast
and peer closer
as if we could ever
hurry the magic


at first as faint
as a ghost in mist
you are painted
by invisible angels
brushstrokes falling
like stardust

and for a while
almost grotesque
a gaping shape
before focus
brings beauty
to the canvas

a smile and a sparkle
whenever you run
out of them
next time
Liar said:
Some reaction, please? I have my objections about it, just want to see if any of you have the same ones.


Polar Roy
very much a working title... ; )

over in a shudder
passion on a toxic sheet
eighty two millimeters
point oh three seconds
when the world was different
than now
three point seventy five
seconds later

we pull
in giddy anticipation
the great white tongue
from the mouth
of the friendly beast
and peer closer
as if we could ever
hurry the magic


at first as faint
as a ghost in mist
you are painted
by invisible angels
brushstrokes falling
like stardust

and for a while
almost grotesque
a gaping shape
before focus
brings beauty
to the canvas

a smile and a sparkle
whenever you run
out of them
next time

Liar.....I think the concept (moving from the lightning speed of a camera click to the slowness of paints? -- is that right) is sparkling. -- and as always with you, there are lines and runs that absolutely shine -- (as if we could ever hurry the magic!) -- I think the transition needs to be handled better, as well as the conclusion, though that last stanza by itself reads very well) ;)

horny poetry in progress :)

(Will "just fuck me, jesus christ!" too much blasphemy for some?)

try me doggy style
naked but a collar
knees and palms first firm, proud,
then sinking swooning trembling
down on elbows, shoulders,
cheek rubbing against an already
soaked mattress

as I scream a muffled growl
to the thumping slapping rhythm
grinding gringding pushing sliding
deep inside my faceless form

try me trembling on my back
eye to eye connection
right on regretless rutting
right where you want me
hands clutching sheets
mouth clutching air between us

abandonless assault
no care no more no holding back
hear wood snap and springs cry
you'll break the bed
before you break me now

or any way you wish
tip me flip me grip whatever
comes in your way
just do it all no barriers
right here right now

fuck, yes that's the word
just fuck me, jesus christ!
no games, no claims
no careful caress
explore, exploit, explode
for now, just this one moment
overload my brains
Last edited:

Randi Grail said:
horny poetry in progress :)

(Will "just fuck me, jesus christ!" too much blasphemy for some?)

try me doggy style
naked but a collar
knees and palms fist firm, proud,
then sinking swooningtrembling
down on elbows, shoulders,
cheek rubbing against an already
soaked mattress

as I scream a muffled growl
to the thumping slapping rhythm
grinding gringding pushing sliding
deep inside my faceless form

try me trembling on my back
eye to eye connection
right on regretless rutting
right where you want me
hands clutching sheets
mouth clutching air between us

abandonless assault
no care no more no holding back
hear wood snap and springs cry
you'll break the bed
before you break me now

or any way you wish
tip me flip me grip whatever
comes in your way
just do it all no barriers
right here right now

fuck, yes that's the word
just fuck me, jesus christ!
no games, no claims
no careful caress
explore, exploit, explode
for now, just this one moment
overload my brains

You are DEFINATELY going somewhere worthwhile with this! :rose:

the letter - ......something new.
Painted - ......something old.

Randi Grail said:
horny poetry in progress :)

(Will "just fuck me, jesus christ!" too much blasphemy for some?)

try me doggy style
naked but a collar
knees and palms first firm, proud,
then sinking swooning trembling
down on elbows, shoulders,
cheek rubbing against an already
soaked mattress

as I scream a muffled growl
to the thumping slapping rhythm
grinding gringding pushing sliding
deep inside my faceless form

try me trembling on my back
eye to eye connection
right on regretless rutting
right where you want me
hands clutching sheets
mouth clutching air between us

abandonless assault
no care no more no holding back
hear wood snap and springs cry
you'll break the bed
before you break me now

or any way you wish
tip me flip me grip whatever
comes in your way
just do it all no barriers
right here right now

fuck, yes that's the word
just fuck me, jesus christ!
no games, no claims
no careful caress
explore, exploit, explode
for now, just this one moment
overload my brains

well I'm awake Now!!
( i was going to say I'm up now but you know how people are in here...by the way are we allowed to " chat" in here?)

if not
just take " wow" from me

( still love that AV)

Randi Grail said:
horny poetry in progress :)

(Will "just fuck me, jesus christ!" too much blasphemy for some?)

try me doggy style
naked but a collar
knees and palms first firm, proud,
then sinking swooning trembling
down on elbows, shoulders,
cheek rubbing against an already
soaked mattress

as I scream a muffled growl
to the thumping slapping rhythm
grinding gringding pushing sliding
deep inside my faceless form

try me trembling on my back
eye to eye connection
right on regretless rutting
right where you want me
hands clutching sheets
mouth clutching air between us

abandonless assault
no care no more no holding back
hear wood snap and springs cry
you'll break the bed
before you break me now

or any way you wish
tip me flip me grip whatever
comes in your way
just do it all no barriers
right here right now

fuck, yes that's the word
just fuck me, jesus christ!
no games, no claims
no careful caress
explore, exploit, explode
for now, just this one moment
overload my brains

this isn't too much anything!!:devil: :devil: :kiss:

leaving remants,
of her wrath,
of her force,
of her conquering power.
reminders of death,
man's mortal exsistence.

it's amazing
this is exactly what I used to do
try this

leaving remants,
of her wrath,
conquering power.
reminders of death,
man's mortal exsistence.

it takes some getting used to but
It does read smoother

just figured I'd suggest it before someone else does
fawnie said:
high tide

she creeps in
like ebony nights
waves pounding,
she swallows,
gorging herself,
like monsters
in childhood dreams,
teeth nashing.
to swim
with wings,
escaping her wrath,
or stand firm,
feet planted,
on sandy foundations?

she retreats,
into the sea.
like the dawn
peeking through.
leaving remants,
of her wrath,
of her force,
of her conquering power.
reminders of death,
man's mortal exsistence.

it needs some work..i'll work on it from work today.
but comments appreciated!:kiss: :kiss:

It's real good, Fawnie!! :rose: :rose: keep working on it....tighten it up some. ;)
Horizon burning
The last town falls
Swampy, thumping drumming, the final advance
Every Woman is coming

Excitement as my time escapes
A light breeze
Stroking air, a caress, a whisper
Every Woman is near

Flame combusts my secret desire
And spreads
Pores oozing cum
Skin boils and ignites
I flare in the night
Witness to Every Woman passing

I have loved Every Woman
every single one
i wrote it in suddenly passion..i've not done anything with it yet, i knew it needed some work, i just moved it here so i could play with it today..
well, and it was hard to focus on anything but the big piece of manhood that showed up after i posted it! lol
reminderrs in there twice, and some unnecessary lines..
and a new title..
anyhow, ty tath and tara, and good morning to you!:kiss: :kiss: :heart:
acid soaked ann arbor afternoon

Acid soaked ann arbor afternoon 3 stooges on tv and off
Moe larry chees
let’s vacate the dorm dump
flying down flights of stairs
squeezing thru the exit
3 into 1 won’t go
whoop whoop whoo[
cross the street at your own peril
curb looms large before us
dust and dirt flie
a brother tripped up
quicly we must hurry
the dorm is melting
into the arboretum
trees sway lurching towards us
sit in the open
safer in the tall grass
the dog sentinel approaches
Curly speaks dog
We all comprehend
We are welcome here
Altered state of mind
Re: Re: WOOF!

Tathagata said:
well I'm awake Now!!
( i was going to say I'm up now but you know how people are in here...by the way are we allowed to " chat" in here?)

oh puhlease

yes chat all you want, there is nothing official about this thread, no rules
Re: acid soaked ann arbor afternoon

tungtied2u said:
Acid soaked ann arbor afternoon 3 stooges on tv and off
Moe larry chees
let’s vacate the dorm dump
flying down flights of stairs
squeezing thru the exit
3 into 1 won’t go
whoop whoop whoo[
cross the street at your own peril
curb looms large before us
dust and dirt flie
a brother tripped up
quicly we must hurry
the dorm is melting
into the arboretum
trees sway lurching towards us
sit in the open
safer in the tall grass
the dog sentinel approaches
Curly speaks dog
We all comprehend
We are welcome here
Altered state of mind

wonderful! thanks for the flashback!:cool:

Randi Grail said:
horny poetry in progress :)

(Will "just fuck me, jesus christ!" too much blasphemy for some?)

try me doggy style
naked but a collar
knees and palms first firm, proud,
then sinking swooning trembling
down on elbows, shoulders,
cheek rubbing against an already
soaked mattress

as I scream a muffled growl
to the thumping slapping rhythm
grinding gringding pushing sliding
deep inside my faceless form

try me trembling on my back
eye to eye connection
right on regretless rutting
right where you want me
hands clutching sheets
mouth clutching air between us

abandonless assault
no care no more no holding back
hear wood snap and springs cry
you'll break the bed
before you break me now

or any way you wish
tip me flip me grip whatever
comes in your way
just do it all no barriers
right here right now

fuck, yes that's the word
just fuck me, jesus christ!
no games, no claims
no careful caress
explore, exploit, explode
for now, just this one moment
overload my brains

uhmm, no, I would say this is just

perfect :heart:
Hey, Randi! Give me a call, will ya? ;)

Poem in progress:

seeps through
at first
through blue

this time
no paradigm shift
and bubble bursting

but transition
in yellow instead

as I drift
through this sea
surfaceless void
spanning from ignorance
to a little less density

breathable at last

yellow thoughts
I feel
and realise
that I see

that synapses synchronise
to whisper yellow to me
not reaction
not yet a dream
but very real

red web
black dots dancing
on a yellow scene

ascending from slumber
to a serene scream
reason hollering
at unwilling motorics
finally yeliding

yellow domes of lids
snap open

evaporates my last sanity
and everything is black
for a second

before morning
seeps in
still yellow
direct fotonic impact
of 11 am sunday assault
of a clueless sleeper
Re: a dream for blind Patrick

tarablackwood22 said:
I saw our initials
in cement by Jimmy’s porch, carved
as frightened children
searching for union.

I’ve never forgotten you
through time and turmoil, thieves
that steal those magics of youth
and bury them
in far cemeteries,
stones bent by erosion and wind,
weeds covering epitaphs.

walk with me, Patrick,
one more time.
I’ll hold your hand again
so you won’t bump your knee
or fall on things the careless see
so easily.

we’ll go to that forest
where we schemed, dreamed
of growing and going to cities
whose florescence
burned and spotted your eyes,
relentless like the morning sun,

where I was your outlaw,
ripped moonrays for you to rub
across your darkness,
stole blackbird wings, two pairs,
to fly us through the light of dreams.

there was a halo around your head
that day you raised your fingers
to touch my face
for the first time
and feel what you were missing.

unchain your shepherd,
you need him no longer.
I’ve snapped your cane
across my knee, attached
your blindfold to the night.

see those crows soar to skytops,
climb that apple tree with me, sanctuary
where we hid from problems and parents,
and together
we can watch midnight
as it runs
from the fire in your eyes.


talking to pirates - new poem......please read.


Re: a dream for blind Patrick

tarablackwood22 said:
I saw our initials
in cement by Jimmy’s porch, carved
as frightened children
searching for union.

I’ve never forgotten you
through time and turmoil, thieves
that steal those magics of youth
and bury them
in far cemeteries,
stones bent by erosion and wind,
weeds covering epitaphs.

walk with me, Patrick,
one more time.
I’ll hold your hand again
so you won’t bump your knee
or fall on things the careless see
so easily.

we’ll go to that forest
where we schemed, dreamed
of growing and going to cities
whose florescence
burned and spotted your eyes,
relentless like the morning sun,

where I was your outlaw,
ripped moonrays for you to rub
across your darkness,
stole blackbird wings, two pairs,
to fly us through the light of dreams.

there was a halo around your head
that day you raised your fingers
to touch my face
for the first time
and feel what you were missing.

unchain your shepherd,
you need him no longer.
I’ve snapped your cane
across my knee, attached
your blindfold to the night.

see those crows soar to skytops,
climb that apple tree with me, sanctuary
where we hid from problems and parents,
and together
we can watch midnight
as it runs
from the fire in your eyes.


talking to pirates - new poem......please read.

i'm still wiping tears...
if i had a favorite of yours tara..this would be it!:kiss:
Re: rewrite....minor changes

tarablackwood22 said:
:heart: Thank you, sweetheart.

blind Patrick

I saw our initials

(carved in cement by
Jimmy's porch when
we were frightened children
for union)

in cement by Jimmy’s porch, carved
as frightened children
searching for union.

never forgotten

I’ve never forgotten you
through time and turmoil, thieves
(who) that kidnap those magics of youth (delete "of youth")
and bury them
in far cemeteries, (tombs?)
stones bent by erosion and wind,
weeds blotting (blearing?) epitaphs.

walk with me, Patrick,
one more time, (I'll)
hold your hand again
so you won’t bump your knee
or fall on things the careless see
so easily.

(this verse is glaringly beautiful and my eyes burn)

we’ll travel to that forest
where we schemed, (and) dreamed

(of growing, going
to cities whose
burned your ruthless vision in the
morning sun)

of growing and going to cities
whose florescence
burned and spotted your vision,
relentless like the morning sun,

where I was your outlaw,
ripped (ripping) moonrays for you to rub

for you to rub across your darkness)

across your darkness,
stole blackbird wings, two pairs,
to fly us (to a reverie) through the light of reverie.

(that was a halo
round your head that day you
raised your fingers
touched my face
touched me
for the first time you
felt what you were missing)

there was a halo around your head
that day you raised your fingers
to touch my face
for the first time
and feel what you were missing.

unchain your shepherd, (need him
no longer)

you need him no longer.
I’ve snapped your cane
across my knee, attached
your blindfold to the night.

(watch these sparrows) ) see those sparrows soar to skytops,
(scamper in the apple tree, their

--can't fix--very choppy here--needs to be reconsidered

"where we hid from problems and parents is prosy and loses the lilt that you so clearly established earlier---

climb that apple tree with me, sanctuary
where we hid from problems and parents,
and together
we’ll watch midnight
as it runs
from the fire in your eyes.

[[this final verse is all out of kilter - the thoughts contained in it need to be said - however--whilemy eyes burned with rears and bittersweet memory farther up--I struggle here and read each line over and over but without getting the feeling back]]]

this is an important poem Tara--which few would misunderstand--it takes us back to places either where we would be or where we would not be--it spawns flashes of deja vu--shivers and quivers--BUT--like a souffle--opening the oven door too soon--too quickly--with unmeet alacrity--may damage the creation--reduce it from its fulsome nature

talking to pirates - ......new poem.......please read.