poets in training

WickedEve said:
I'm not mean.
Check out the AV. Just took it. :devil:


that's mean

( very very nice...........glad to see no hat is involved)
Tathagata said:


and you're a sub huh??
I don't fuckin buy it at All
Oh, God, he'd flog me if he knew how badly I misbehaved on the board. FLOG! lol
Besides, I'm only sexually submissive. The rest of the time I'm Wicked. (are you even buying the sexually submissive part? how about wickedly submissive? I'm bad, aren't I?)
WickedEve said:
Oh, God, he'd flog me if he knew how badly I misbehaved on the board. FLOG! lol
Besides, I'm only sexually submissive. The rest of the time I'm Wicked. (are you even buying the sexually submissive part? how about wickedly submissive? I'm bad, aren't I?)

I buy none of it
you're a switch!!


you need a propeller on that hat
Tathagata said:
I buy none of it
you're a switch!!


you need a propeller on that hat
Well, no way can I be a switch with him, but I'm usually in control with other men. I like the power! I'm howling right now and beating my chest--ouch.
Stop bad mouthing the hat! Behave or I'll put the other AV back up. Then you'll be forced to look at my nakedness through the peek-a-boo black lace. Do you want that? Answer me! (see how domme I can be)
WickedEve said:
Well, no way can I be a switch with him, but I'm usually in control with other men. I like the power! I'm howling right now and beating my chest--ouch.
Stop bad mouthing the hat! Behave or I'll put the other AV back up. Then you'll be forced to look at my nakedness through the peek-a-boo black lace. Do you want that? Answer me! (see how domme I can be)

well of course you cant be a switch with your master

You want me to say yes
but i'll not feed into your Dom fantasies.......

( do I get spanked for that??)
Randi Grail said:
Nothing wrong with the hat. It is you that is awfully small. :kiss:
Tell me my ass is small and we're friends for life. Oh, I forgot. You missed all my ass postings. Well, just tell me anyway. :D
WickedEve said:
Tell me my ass is small and we're friends for life. Oh, I forgot. You missed all my ass postings. Well, just tell me anyway. :D


just tell her or we'll be here all friggin' night
Tathagata said:
well of course you cant be a switch with your master

You want me to say yes
but i'll not feed into your Dom fantasies.......

( do I get spanked for that??)
I tried to be all domme with him and... oh my... I can't even talk about it, but I will. Wait, no I can't. I get too excited.
You want a spanking, don't you? I don't use a switch or paddle. I use a heavy log. I know it sounds intimidating, but you'd like it.
Tathagata said:

just tell her or we'll be here all friggin' night
Does anyone (who missed it the first time around) want to see a pic of my ass? Then you can decide if it's a wide ass or not, and if I need to do more assercises.
WickedEve said:
I tried to be all domme with him and... oh my... I can't even talk about it, but I will. Wait, no I can't. I get too excited.
You want a spanking, don't you? I don't use a switch or paddle. I use a heavy log. I know it sounds intimidating, but you'd like it.


it says right here in my slave contract.........
" No fuckin logs"
or.......something like that
Tathagata said:

it says right here in my slave contract.........
" No fuckin logs"
or.......something like that
Ah... kitten ass is a tender bottom.
I bet you'd even beg me to peel the rough bark off, first.
WickedEve said:
Ah... kitten ass is a tender bottom.
I bet you'd even beg me to peel the rough bark off, first.

i'd beg you for lots of things ...and enjoy it


No Fuckin Logs!
Tathagata said:
i'd beg you for lots of things ...and enjoy it


No Fuckin Logs!
It just dawned on me that others are reading this. Honestly, people, don't be afraid of me. Look at the hat. Only a sweet person can wear a hat like that.
WickedEve said:
It just dawned on me that others are reading this. Honestly, people, don't be afraid of me. Look at the hat. Only a sweet person can wear a hat like that.

she's evil
and mean
it's " Wicked" Eve

straw hat = Hitler

( well I think he wore one once)
Tathagata said:
she's evil
and mean
it's " Wicked" Eve

straw hat = Hitler

( well I think he wore one once)
And satan has a kitten tattoo on his ass.
Besides, I'm too cute to be evil--so there!
WickedEve said:
And satan has a kitten tattoo on his ass.
Besides, I'm too cute to be evil--so there!

yeah that's true
and you have nice boobies and stuff
Tathagata said:
yeah that's true
and you have nice boobies and stuff
nice boobies is a sign of mild evilness--very mild, almost nonexistent.
Tathagata said:
you're just fuckin with my mind aren't ya
Hey, it's your choice. There are things I'd rather... umm... but the mind is fine with me.
Okay, here we go.
1 second
2 seconds
3 seconds
Wow, that was fast.

WickedEve said:
Hey, it's your choice. There are things I'd rather... umm... but the mind is fine with me.
Okay, here we go.
1 second
2 seconds
3 seconds
Wow, that was fast.


and as usual i'm left wondering if we did it........
WickedEve said:
Does your brain feel... deflated?


yes I can hear the hiss in my ears.......

does that mean it was good?
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