Poets Padded Room

hey Boo!

I did not know you were still in charge of the padded room, it is on good hands. Is my room still available? and may I please write on the walls?

I miss my padded room, void of grumpy
devoid of gloom, I have a place now
to practice my craft, my crystal ball broke
completely in half, and now I can see
there are 2 of me, oh joy joy, yippee!!
normal jean said:
I did not know you were still in charge of the padded room, it is on good hands. Is my room still available? and may I please write on the walls?

I miss my padded room, void of grumpy
devoid of gloom, I have a place now
to practice my craft, my crystal ball broke
completely in half, and now I can see
there are 2 of me, oh joy joy, yippee!!

You are always welcome, Ms Lovely!!!

*hiding all the hammers
BooMerengue said:
You are always welcome, Ms Lovely!!!

*hiding all the hammers

hey BOO, thank you from normal jean, we both always feel wanted and cared for when you are around :kiss:


I had to put her "up." she gets wild when the vicodin comes out, know what i mean? :rolleyes:
what on earth is this room? i should go read the first post, shouldn't i? :rolleyes:

...oh, i see, it's a nuthouse. fancy Boo setting such a thing up. :D

no wonder i feel right at home.


Hi Boo! *waving*

I heard a rumour about the dangling ropes...
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RhymeFairy said:
Ahhh back home. :catroar:
Now I am truly home. I come back and ya'll have went and made a room for me, ya'll musta REALLY missed me. Being it's for nuts an all ~ :)


*pops a couple of those penis pills, hoping THEY will work for this sinus inf.

Perk??:D penis pills?

do you feel a cold cumming on? :p
oh, oh, a corny joke for Boo

Q--did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci had a twin borther?

A- His name was Leotardo and he designed a clothing line for ballet dancers, ha ha

you cant lock ME up, I m already heeeeree
this one gal speaks of flowers
and ribbons and how she would cure the world
of violence and impertinent abstractions

distractions, mere distractions!
I would say to her, if i could wrangle her
from beneath the corpulent weight
of a world that wouldnt
or couldnt wait, for hope

for hope, my bawdy for a vial
of hope
rioting on the walls

it ocurs to me that shakespeare
was a pansy, yes a pansy
with his quill pen, all fluff and fancy,

i heard he wore pretty bloomers
way past winter, late into spring
but were they his dear wifes bloomers,
it makes a difference, such trivial things

if here he posted a poem
on this here poetry forum,
we'd probably run him off

send him chasing his swords and ere to's
but I do admit that I would be lost
without Juliet and poor Romeo
no tragedy to inspire me to vent
my own tragic shades of sertraline blue

'ears to Shakespeare,
I feign cast thee into a fiery lake,
complete with your own rod and reel

( made of titanium alloy and stainless steel)
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wildsweetone said:
what on earth is this room? i should go read the first post, shouldn't i? :rolleyes:

...oh, i see, it's a nuthouse. fancy Boo setting such a thing up. :D

no wonder i feel right at home.


Hi Boo! *waving*

I heard a rumour about the dangling ropes...

hey sweet one!!

rumours are true, plenty of ropes round here, hammock wise
beds aren't allowed as mattresses and sheets are suitable for all sorts of troublesome activities... ( boo told me that, and I wont argue)

no violets allowed, except in form of spankings

are you spank worthy my little chickadee?,

come sit on miss normal's lap...<muahahahah>
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normal jean said:
it ocurs to me that shakespeare
was a pansy, yes a pansy
with his quill pen, all fluff and fancy,

i heard he wore pretty bloomers
way past winter, late into spring
but were they his dear wifes bloomers,
it makes a difference, such trivial things

if here he posted a poem
on this here poetry forum,
we'd probably run him off

send him chasing his swords and ere to's
but I do admit that I would be lost
without Juliet and poor Romeo
no tragedy to inspire me to vent
my own tragic shades of sertraline blue

'ears to Shakespeare,
I feign cast thee into a fiery lake,
complete with your own rod and reel

( made of titanium alloy and stainless steel)

...going to borrow this and make another thread because i have something to say, or rather, to ask. lol
wildsweetone said:
...going to borrow this and make another thread because i have something to say, or rather, to ask. lol

oh NO!! should I be worried??

IM real easy going, even though slightly insane, I was just playing with ol Billy, didnt mean nothing mean, but have fun with the poem, and you know, a shapkespeare is also a brand of fishing gear, do you have those in NZ? I remember my daddy throwing my brother's rod and reel into the lake cause he hung it up on a log, my poor brother was only 7, my mean daddy is pushing up daisies now LOLOLOL....

I like purple because, IM a royal pain :D
normal jean said:
oh NO!! should I be worried??

IM real easy going, even though slightly insane, I was just playing with ol Billy, didnt mean nothing mean, but have fun with the poem, and you know, a shapkespeare is also a brand of fishing gear, do you have those in NZ? I remember my daddy throwing my brother's rod and reel into the lake cause he hung it up on a log, my poor brother was only 7, my mean daddy is pushing up daisies now LOLOLOL....

I like purple because, IM a royal pain :D

in which case, Your Majesty, a) check out the thread you made me start lol and b ) i don't know the names of fishing gear here... i just have my own little rod and reel and haven't used it in what seems like a lifetime. hmm that's bad.
wildsweetone said:
in which case, Your Majesty, a) check out the thread you made me start lol and b ) i don't know the names of fishing gear here... i just have my own little rod and reel and haven't used it in what seems like a lifetime. hmm that's bad.

I just did check it out and its great. I like that something i spouted off in a narcotic stupor caused you to think about something, wonder, be inspired, and the fact that you called me Your Majesty, well YOU are MY new bestest friend. You just made me feel so loved :heart:

oh, I think it was his sonnets, my daughter has one she reads all the time, trying to figure it out, something about the sun, I dunno...I liked his plays best, angeline could tell you about the sonnets Im sure ;)
sssshhhhhh don't tell Angeline the sonnet thing!!!

i bet you know full well that mentioning the sonnet about the sun is going to drive me crazy until i find it. it might be the same one i was looking at last year (i'm picky... well heck, he wrote so many of them! :D )
wildsweetone said:
sssshhhhhh don't tell Angeline the sonnet thing!!!

i bet you know full well that mentioning the sonnet about the sun is going to drive me crazy until i find it. it might be the same one i was looking at last year (i'm picky... well heck, he wrote so many of them! :D )

I dont know why I am thinking its # 169..I will asky my dauhter when she comes home, okay? if you havent found it by then
perhaps you're thinking of Sonnet 18


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st,
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

the one i'm thinking of, because i like it a great deal, is Sonnet 73

That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west;
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed, whereon it must expire,
Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well, which thou must leave ere long.

his sonnets go up to 169 from the looks of things.

how typical is this eh... we get a thread for playing about in and we end up yacking about poetry. :rolleyes:
:D ;)