Poets Padded Room

I won???? I won Deep Asleep?? For how long? And for what purpose? I have no gutters.

This place is everyones, but Lauren pays the rent. At least I think she does... she said she was gonna come look, so y'all better behave if we want to keep it.

Have to make sure there's enough strait jackets to go around...

I think this room is perfect for writing poems.

*nailing the purple shag back down and welding the Sit 'n Squeal to the floor...
BooMerengue said:
Have to make sure there's enough strait jackets to go around...

I think this room is perfect for writing poems.

*nailing the purple shag back down and welding the Sit 'n Squeal to the floor...

Most rooms are...but padded rooms are especially nice for it.

<settling into a nice little space within easy earshot of the squealing sitters>
WickedEve said:
so... I can be bad here? You know I have to bad or I go crazy. Can I leave my panties at the door before I come in? Oh, and bare feet. No shoes allowed.

EVE!! you wear panties? My idol wears panties...jeezus, I am so disappointed :(

Boo, is my bed still iin the back? I miss home :rose:
Maria2394 said:
EVE!! you wear panties? My idol wears panties...jeezus, I am so disappointed :(

Boo, is my bed still iin the back? I miss home :rose:
Wouldn't Eve's panties make a nice prize for the February Contest?
Maria2394 said:
EVE!! you wear panties? My idol wears panties...jeezus, I am so disappointed :(

Boo, is my bed still iin the back? I miss home :rose:

Theres no beds here, now, Maria. Hey! Have you been here before? We were wondering what this place was before we moved in... C'mon, Maria! Tell us!!

There ARE some really nice rope hammocks here. I have one... you can have the one next to mine! We'll go to Pier 1 and get some pillows, ok?

Welcome to the NutHouse, Ma'am!
BooMerengue said:
Theres no beds here, now, Maria. Hey! Have you been here before? We were wondering what this place was before we moved in... C'mon, Maria! Tell us!!

There ARE some really nice rope hammocks here. I have one... you can have the one next to mine! We'll go to Pier 1 and get some pillows, ok?

Welcome to the NutHouse, Ma'am!

ahh, well, there were beds in the last nut house I was in... hammocks are great for sleeping, I thought this "place" was in the back of your old bar thread that you had, you did say it was in for a conversion or something, loong time ago, right?

anyway, I am grateful, a place to sleep, someone to talk to, someone to listen, and panties everywhere :D

i'll be good, i swear :heart:
Maria2394 said:
ahh, well, there were beds in the last nut house I was in... hammocks are great for sleeping, I thought this "place" was in the back of your old bar thread that you had, you did say it was in for a conversion or something, loong time ago, right?

anyway, I am grateful, a place to sleep, someone to talk to, someone to listen, and panties everywhere :D

i'll be good, i swear :heart:

OooOOOooooohhhhh!! The One Tit Bar 'n Grill!! I forgot all about that place... there weren't too many customers there. It just sort of faded away!
The padded room has been closed for a year!
During that time, we got new, thicker padding. :catgrin:
So what am I supposed to do here? Throw myself at the padded walls? Throw someone else at the padded walls? Pin someone against a padded wall and have my way with them?
Liar said:
So what am I supposed to do here? Throw myself at the padded walls? Throw someone else at the padded walls? Pin someone against a padded wall and have my way with them?
obviously, you've never been in a padded room. :rolleyes:
WickedEve said:
obviously, you've never been in a padded room. :rolleyes:
Anothier thing on my 'to do' list. Along with bungee jump and Eva Mendez.

BooMerengue said:
...whispering from the corner of your eye...

what do you want to do here??

This could be a thread for ....where you all get together to help somebody...
....intervention ?... that may be the word. We could stick the poor soul with
our pens or pencils...or throw your mouse at them if you only use the
computer. Since the room is padded a real job could be done on the
subject. Or maybe it's a place for self..dammit...when you hurt yourself
on purpose. Padded rooms are for nut cases or loud music. The beach
is for sex.
sandspike said:
This could be a thread for ....where you all get together to help somebody...
....intervention ?... that may be the word. We could stick the poor soul with
our pens or pencils...or throw your mouse at them if you only use the
computer. Since the room is padded a real job could be done on the
subject. Or maybe it's a place for self..dammit...when you hurt yourself
on purpose. Padded rooms are for nut cases or loud music. The beach
is for sex.

*typing in a series of very complicated programs on my keyboard and then pushing a big red button on the wall...

And Voila!! In the other corner appears a very small private beach complete with bucket and shovel and well stocked cooler... all for SandSpike!!

poking people?
throwing mice?
should there be bars around the beach?
BooMerengue said:
*typing in a series of very complicated programs on my keyboard and then pushing a big red button on the wall...

And Voila!! In the other corner appears a very small private beach complete with bucket and shovel and well stocked cooler... all for SandSpike!!

poking people?
throwing mice?
should there be bars around the beach?

There are bars around the beach. The ones I go to anyway. Today is
Friday everyone is free. Let nothing small or petty (unless as in Richard)
bother you. Each weekend has a storm to drive the point home. Every
weekend gets some rain.
sandspike said:
There are bars around the beach. The ones I go to anyway. Today is
Friday everyone is free. Let nothing small or petty (unless as in Richard)
bother you. Each weekend has a storm to drive the point home. Every
weekend gets some rain.

Well... LOL I didn't mean those kind of bars but thats a lovely description of a great weekend. Wish I was near the beach. I miss Gulfport- I miss Maine way more!
BooMerengue said:
Well... LOL I didn't mean those kind of bars but thats a lovely description of a great weekend. Wish I was near the beach. I miss Gulfport- I miss Maine way more!
Oh. I have always posted bail. I just assumed......bars were, well you know.
Everybody grab an ass!
sandspike said:
Oh. I have always posted bail. I just assumed......bars were, well you know.
Everybody grab an ass!

Would you grab my ass if we were in a bar together??

Where is it you said you lived?? *weg
WickedEve said:
The padded room has been closed for a year!
During that time, we got new, thicker padding. :catgrin:

Who does that skeleton in the corner belong to?

unknown poet

Tristesse said:
Who does that skeleton in the corner belong to?


He who never pickled his brain. He who wrote without medication.
He who lived on poetry alone never taking a slice out of life. :(
Ahhh back home. :catroar:
Now I am truly home. I come back and ya'll have went and made a room for me, ya'll musta REALLY missed me. Being it's for nuts an all ~ :)


*pops a couple of those penis pills, hoping THEY will work for this sinus inf.