[poll] forum posting worst practices

lol, I always assume people post that shit in hopes of getting specific info they can jack to.

I don't do well restraining myself from calling people out on their bullshit. Not on here but this asshat at another board, he's so full of it. I'm so sure, someone would have to have lived 2 lifetimes to do all the shit he says he's done and the careers he's claimed to of had. I hate know-it-alls, no matter what the topic, they're the "expert". :mad:
lol, I always assume people post that shit in hopes of getting specific info they can jack to.

Oh Lord, that's the height of laziness, in my eyes. And fucking disgustingly vapid to boot.

"I'm too lazy to google the word "tits" and jerk off. Someone show me/tell me something that in the end, will cause more effort to be spent on my part rather than just going to a free video website or taking safesearch off my homepage." :rolleyes:
I'm on the fence about post-bumping, mostly because I've done it myself for what I've considered to be good reasons. Depends on the thread and the circumstances; it is annoying, though, when someone bumps an old thread in an attempt to flirt with or flame someone who hasn't been around for several years.

I think that if a thread has been deemed worthy of The Blank Manual, we shouldn't be surprised if it gets bumped once in a while.
Well, for God's sake don't SAY anything to anyone who does bump old threads, even if you say "please", and are being polite to them....because you'll get flamed to hell for being rude.



Heh. Your last post in that thread:

I cannot see how anyone would see me saying PLEASE as rude.

But whatever. *shrug* I won't say it again. I was not being rude and me being jumped on for being rude is ridiculous in the extreme.

I am done with this argument and won't be bothering to post about it again.

Insisting others' perceptions (especially on something like rudeness) are totally wrong and reneging on your word/making false claims must be somewhere on the list of worst forum posting practices.
Heh. Your last post in that thread:

Insisting others' perceptions (especially on something like rudeness) are totally wrong and reneging on your word/making false claims must be somewhere on the list of worst forum posting practices.

How am I making false claims, exactly? I haven't returned to post in that thread since I said I wasn't going to anymore.
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Erika said:
Originally Posted by satindesire
Well, for God's sake don't SAY anything to anyone who does bump old threads, even if you say "please", and are being polite to them....because you'll get flamed to hell for being rude.


Heh. Your last post in that thread:

Originally Posted by satindesire
I cannot see how anyone would see me saying PLEASE as rude.

But whatever. *shrug* I won't say it again. I was not being rude and me being jumped on for being rude is ridiculous in the extreme.

I am done with this argument and won't be bothering to post about it again.

Insisting others' perceptions (especially on something like rudeness) are totally wrong and reneging on your word/making false claims must be somewhere on the list of worst forum posting practices.

How am I making false claims, exactly? I haven't returned to post in that thread since I said I wasn't going to anymore.

I tried leaving a thread that I was accused of being rude in, several times. Whether I leave or stay an say that I wasn't being rude, it seems to make no difference to people. So I think I have a right to defend myself if I'm being attacked.

SD, I should have clarified, in my first post regarding behavior, that I was not responding with regard to that single post you made in the 'BJ' thread. My post came after seeing another thread you did something similar of the stop bumping threads. Then when I saw your thread about tips about being a good HT poster, which is a good topic, however can bring out forum disruption (in this case it was totally hijacked, but that's no crime).

So it wasn't only that one thread, it was in reaction to some of your latest posting behaviors. The word, please, (while always necessary IMHO), cannot erase a less than welcoming attitude.

Best wishes on you upcoming arrival.
How am I making false claims, exactly? I haven't returned to post in that thread since I said I wasn't going to anymore.

That's not what you said. You said, "I am done with this argument and won't be bothering to post about it again," and then you posted about it in this thread. I honestly don't see how your statement was conditional, or could be read that way under any circumstances.

If I say, "I'm done with alcohol, and I'm not going to drink it again," then I go have an alcoholic beer at the bar a few days later claiming I meant I wasn't going to drink at home or hard liquor, I'd be making a false claim. "I'm not going to drink alcohol again" means something very different than "I'm not going to drink hard liquor or at home again," and it's only fair for people to interpret the first statement as a commitment to become a teetotaler, rather than a conditional statement.
erika, when someone says they're done with a thread IMX, they don't post to that thread. AFAICT, satindesire hasn't done that.


Oh, pardon me for not being painfully specific. I didn't realize I needed to be.

Ummm yeah the above is a good example of another bad habit, carrying arguments from other threads into other threads. :rolleyes:
This is a bit of a hijack, obviously, but has anyone ever posted on a message board where some of the unwritten rules are just begging to be broken?
This is a bit of a hijack, obviously, but has anyone ever posted on a message board where some of the unwritten rules are just begging to be broken?

Yep. Unwritten AND written rules, usually. I generally have trouble spending much time on those boards; I guess Lit has spoiled me with its relatively few rules and free speech.

For instance, the cutesy abbreviations and outrageous sigs on several of the fertility boards bug me a lot. "AF" for "Auntie Flo" and "Dear-everyone in your fucking family" and tallying up your miscarriages with little angel pics...you're kidding me, right? It's like the Playground hopped up on estrogen!

Even AmPic's 'If you don't have something nice to say, don't post' norm irks me. I see why it's there, but I prefer honesty, which is something that's hard to get there even when it's specifically asked for. Everyone pretty much ends up saying the same things ad nauseum, and I find that pointless. I don't see how it's even a self-esteem boost when one knows the comments will always be glowing.

How about you? I know you've frequented far more boards than I have, so it'd be interesting to hear what you've encountered. :)
SweetErika said:
For instance, the cutesy abbreviations and outrageous sigs on several of the fertility boards bug me a lot. "AF" for "Auntie Flo" and "Dear-everyone in your fucking family" and tallying up your miscarriages with little angel pics...you're kidding me, right? It's like the Playground hopped up on estrogen!
The DH/DS/DD stuff really, really annoys me. For that and other reasons, I tend to avoid pregnancy/parenting boards because I know I'd end up saying something that would piss people off. The hands-off moderation at Lit has spoiled me, too! :D
How about you? I know you've frequented far more boards than I have, so it'd be interesting to hear what you've encountered. :)
I did have a particular forum in mind when I posted this. One of the fitness forums I go to has a women's section which is pretty awesome because the women (and men) who post there are friendly and knowledgable but also intolerant of the disordered-eating circle-jerks that I've found on similar mostly-female fitness communities. I recently started posting after lurking for some time, and I've had good experiences. The mods are good at keeping assholes off the women's boards.

However, the male-dominated parts of the board are basically like a moderated, dumbed-down, testosterone-laden GB. A woman who dares to venture out of the women's forum or accidentally discovers the other forums first has to provide "spoon pics" or risk negative forum rep and being told to get back in the kitchen and other juvenile horseshit. The purpose of the spoon pics is to prove that a woman is a) actually female and b.) not using pics she lifted from someone else. Oh, and "n00dz or negz" is another common refrain.

There have been a couple of threads that I've wanted to respond to, but I figured the bullshit that I'd have to put up with wouldn't be worth it. I don't feel the need to prove myself to a bunch of teen boys and immature men, so for now, I hold my tongue, laugh when something is entertaining, and go elsewhere if I'm bothered or offended.
I post on a couple of political debate forums, I love everything about politics, the issues, elections and especially debating it with conservative counterparts. I don't here, other than in the GLBT forum because I have yet to see a thread that didn't turn inane.

Things have gone a bit crazy as of late, especially with the health care debate and Sonia Sotomayor's SCOTUS appointment. I don't want to start any trouble in this thread but...have people gone completely insane??? I'll watch something like Glenn Beck in horrified fascination and wonder if he is going to be responsible when one of his fans picks up a gun and shoots someone. That's the mentality I am finding on political message boards, especially in the GB section of this one. It's crazy. :eek:

There's a reason for it though, I don't even have to say what it is, people can probably guess but it's fueling all the hate.
eilan queried:
has anyone ever posted on a message board where some of the unwritten rules are just begging to be broken?
yes, and i don't waste my time with them. there are some sites where confrontation is modded out of existence, and to be honest, that's just fucking lame. people are going to not get along online, but artificially-enforced "politeness" is stupid b/c all it does is encourage people to be even more passive/aggressive about their hostility.

i don't hold with that. if i think you're a fucking waste of my bandwidth, i'll say so (see also: primalex the stupid) and fuck you for venturing online if you can't hack it. it's the internet: deal the fuck with it, i say.

there are some sites where confrontation is modded out of existence, and to be honest, that's just fucking lame. people are going to not get along online, but artificially-enforced "politeness" is stupid b/c all it does is encourage people to be even more passive/aggressive about their hostility.

Yes and no. On a poorly moderated site, all deleting negative comments does is beget more negative comments. When a poster is held accountable for their posts/actions, through the use of warnings, suspensions and banning, that is a totally different story. I am a moderator of a hobby site and we've had our share of individuals who think they have the right to post whatever they want, regardless of the age of the members and the focus of the site. Being a hobby site we've restricted all posts and language to be PG-13 or better. Many have complained that kids are going to hear profanity and see adult content regardless of the restriction. Our stance is that we want to maintain the site to be user friendly to ALL ages so that parental guidance isn't necessary. There are plenty of sites out there that cater to profanity, ego maniacal bullies, porn, and just about anything else you want to experience. Our little corner of the web isn't going to be one of them.

We use three warnings before instituting a suspension for a period of time commensurate with the infractions. When suspensions don't work or the infraction is severe enough a permanent ban is put in place. We've had members who've been banned come back and offer sincere apologies that we've let back on to the site and never had another problem with them.

We've found the key is a good, simple set of rules that are well balanced and evenly moderated. The moderators work as a team and we're all active participants on the site, so we know our members and monitor all areas. Without good moderation, a site is just another steamy pile of poo to endure.
That's the mentality I am finding on political message boards, especially in the GB section of this one. It's crazy. :eek:

This is something that I really don't understand. There are people who spend all day posting on the GB here about politics.


On a sex forum.

Every damn day.

Do they go on politics forums and discuss their masturbation habits?

Personally, I'd ban them all purely for the staggering inappropriateness of everything they post here. They booted the white supremacists, how are the retarded rednecks spitting bile about Obama or whoever else any different?
Personally, I'd ban them all purely for the staggering inappropriateness of everything they post here. They booted the white supremacists, how are the retarded rednecks spitting bile about Obama or whoever else any different?
