poll: your next drink?

i created a drink once upon a time: citron, tonic and sour mix, garnished w/ a slice of lime. it's called a bogey's lemonade.

i think it's a 2 count on the gun, assuming you're using a gun for the sour mix. it should ideally be somewhat opaque.

silverwhisper said:
i think it's a 2 count on the gun, assuming you're using a gun for the sour mix. it should ideally be somewhat opaque.


Hehehe...no guns at home. :)

But I may just try that this week; thanks for sharing.
my pleasure, SJ. i find it quite refreshing in warm weather, which of course i was reminded of on reading your description of the chilton. :>

I am afraid that our warm weather will soon be going. It's been cooling off more than usual here; although, we have had a nicely warm weekend.
subfem: OK, that's really hot!

right now, i'm glad i'll be killing off the last of the saranac octoberfest brew.

I started the day with sugar free hot chocolate and I'm ending it the very same way!

scaly: why did big ben play? isn't it better for the team to hold him out one more week?

SJ: o really? :D

Scalywag said:
been staying up too late recently...but it was worth it seeing the steelers lose
LOL! I'd have liked to see that too. <g>

If I'd just had an appendectomy playing football would have been the last thing on my mind. I've had more than one laproscopy and the thoughts of being hit any where near the incisions would have been enough to make me decline. Vigourously.
scaly: normally, i think cowher makes good decisions but this one completely baffles me. wait, are the jags a division rival?

silverwhisper said:
scaly: why did big ben play? isn't it better for the team to hold him out one more week?

SJ: o really? :D


Actually, I opted for a Vanilla Latte. :)
I wasn't in a MOCHA, MOCHA, MOCHA mood.

Now, thanks to you....I am.

[whaps Silver upside the head with the OED--both volumes]