Porn change you sex life?

My bad. I'm a NOOB. Thought people would be able to access them through my profile. Urk!

They can. Some of us can be extremely lazy, though. :eek: Having a link takes away one more excuse, if you know what I mean. Now, if they're too lazy to click on the link, I can't help you there. :D
I enjoy the occasional amatuer clip where the couple is clearly into each other's pleasure. It rarely moves at the pace of professional porn, and most people would probably find what I think is arousing kind of boring. I enjoy facial expressions, breathing, and audible feedback. I personally don't like pro porn at all. It's rare to see an actor really focused on creating a pleasurable experience for their partner.

There are a couple of interesting articles floating around on how porn stimulates and rewires the brain over time. There's a web site "dedicated" to the subject, although I have seen similar claims elsewhere. I don't know how much is psychobabble versus hard studies, but in my personal experience I can connect some dots and have cut way back.
I scout for excellent amateur vids. I look for outta control, unscripted action.
There is a website that is somewhat dedicated to this. It is a site that is all about being real and stepping away from porn. I think it was created by Cindy Gallop. It is really an interesting site as instead of labels like Anal, BDSM, etc... they have categories like Quiet/Gentle, Yearning, Spontaneous, Tender/Frolicsome. And these are just real people (they hate the term amateurs as it implies that they are professionals out there and the rest of us don't know what the hell we are doing). The weirdest thing is that people submit videos, rent videos and even get "paid" for them (which is what I find the absolute funniest thing about the site that hates the word professional).

That being said I admit to watching porn every now and then. But mostly it is only when I see something that strikes my interests and I want to see how it "works" (i.e. what position did they use, was there a move someone used that I would like to try, etc). But as with all movies, I remember that it is pretending. These "moves" and such are not necessarily insured to make me scream with pleasure and I still need to go do some more research to make sure I know what I am doing.
Porn shows just a particular aspect of sexuality. I can see how it could help improve upon a couple's creativity and whatnot...but I think it altogether fails in representing healthy intimacy in a relationship. I think because we are so hardwired to definitely triggers those reward centers on the brain and some want to tap into that shit like rats at a feeder...and then start believing that in order to be happy, then fantasy has to be replicated into reality. Emotional/relational intimacy is a lot more subtle...and if a couple can honestly maintain that and use a little porn to spice it up...go for it. But if porn just triggers attitudes of regret, disgust, contempt, dissatisfaction, not to mention becomes an isolating behavior...then it may be having a negative impact on one's perception negatively...and create undo pressure that sex "must" be as exciting as the crazed monkey sex you see online.
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