Post your Valentine poems here.

It's not about being somebody's Valentine
Or being sent flowers, chocolates and a card
It's not about following some determined guideline
It's about ignoring the hype and still loving real hard
Scriabin's Etudes

Your black hair sleeps on the white pillow
Always in my memory it is there
Even today, as the last rays of the sun
Seep through cloud, lighting the wet leaves
Always it is there.

Now only the cloud is black, black as your hair
In my memory. All day it has threatened
But come to nothing.
Now the light edges in sideways, posts itself
Through the gap between earth and sky
And what is lit is this memory
That I have of you, your hair fanning out
Like a black wing, and your eyes closed saying
This is too much love for us.

I had the taste of you on my lips
For days, and those days lasted for years
In my memory. Now it has gone,
And only this memory survives:
This being lost in the country of your body
The piano dropping notes
So that I may find my way home.
Very nice poem, El.

The color thing (or lack of same--the black and white) seems wrong, though, since Scriabin was a synaesthete.

May not be relevant to you, though. I really liked the poem, in any case.
Very nice poem, El.

The color thing (or lack of same--the black and white) seems wrong, though, since Scriabin was a synaesthete.

May not be relevant to you, though. I really liked the poem, in any case.

Good work TZ — our plot to get people to listen to Scriabin is coming along nicely!

I add this little morsel from Wikipedia:

"For some time before his death he had planned a multi-media work to be performed in the Himalayas, that would bring about the armageddon, "a grandiose religious synthesis of all arts which would herald the birth of a new world." Scriabin left only sketches for this piece, Mysterium, although they were eventually made into a performable version by Alexander Nemtin. The Mysterium was, psychologically speaking, a world Scriabin’s genius created to sustain its own evolution."

Rise flames! Rise!