Hee hee hee

I get high when I see you go by .. my oh my ..

well what can i say .. for me sex and pot go hand in hand .. umm first of all it loosens inhibitions .. especially if you are watching porn with someone(s) lol ..

it has also been called a natural aphrodisiac ..

and for me it truly does make me more orgasmic ..

and what the hell .. it's fun to laugh during sex too ... i mean you have to take a laugh break now and then when you are high .. at least i do ... but i laugh a lot .. hey now that i think of it .. i get hot a lot too :)

I feel so.. innocent..

Until I lost my work-study job as a night monitor at my dorm (damn, ONE psychotic episode and they think you're 'unstable.' *wry smile*), if someone said they smelled pot and I was on duty, someone else would have to go check it out.


I don't even know what the stuff smells like.

I'd never do intravenous drugs either for that matter.. I'm scared of needles. I smoked a clove cigarette once.. Never coughed or anything, and didn't get the slightest feeling from it. Sort of wondered why people would smoke, eh.

Random and mostly brief reasons why I am and always will be drug-free:

1: I'm a control freak. I have trouble controlling my emotions sometimes, but goddammit, this body is mine and it will do what I tell it to or I will break it and rebuild it. I don't want my eyes to see things without my permission, or my motor control to change without me telling it to.. I don't want to be enhanced or impaired unless it is absolutely necessary.

2: My brother was a drug addict and an alocholic-- my whole family has HUGE problems with addiction. He cleaned up his act for a few years though, at least until one day when my cousin, a drug dealer, talked him into partying one last time. That night they got amazingly high, my cousin asked my brother to drive.. They got into a one-car crash (I hate the term 'accident.' If you're willingly impaired, it's no accident, eh.), my brother was in a coma for two weeks, and he died. I was 11.

3: I am of the personal opinion that drugs are for people who cannot be weird enough on their own. :D
Now you guys, who know a little bit about my past, know that I've had way more than a pot stash. Now I don't touch any of the stuff anymore. It fucked up things bad enough the first time.

Anyway back to the question. I did prefere pot instead of some of the other stuff.
Preferably smoked as a joint, in a pipe. Or if it was major partytime, a bong.

I have no problem with people smoking it, even tho' I do have a keen knowledge of what it can do to you. It's their choice, not mine. But damn it did lead me on to harder drugs. And that was without a doubt, the most fucked up and stupid idea I ever had.
Pot is not for everyone

Endlessly said:
I feel so.. innocent..
I am of the personal opinion that drugs are for people who cannot be weird enough on their own. :D

Endlessly dear .. yes i know you are innocent .. but i am also a lot older than you and have done a lot more .. so it is hardly fair to compare what you had done with what i have done .. right?

as for people not being weird enough on their own .. well i definitely am weird enough on my own .. being high just helps me cope. lol :)

oh and i am definitely not talking bout hard drugs .. i am talking bout pot ... sorry to hear bout your harder drug problems Xander .. but glad to know you are better and happy now and that you put all your fucked up ideas behind you. :)

and i definitely know that pot is not for everyone .. hey some of my best friends don't smoke pot lol. i know it even makes some people sick when they smoke up.

hey when people get drunk even .. they slober and slur and fall .. and i am sure a lot of people have trouble "performing" too when they are drunk ..

and also Endlessly it goes without saying of course but definitely worth repeating .. never drive while impaired. It is a heartbreak about your brother dear and i certainly understand why you would never want to smoke pot because of your feelings.

ummm too i want to mention a scene in the woody allen movie "Annie Hall" (which is one of my faves) where she is smoking pot to get into the mood to have sex .. so hey i know it is not unheard of lol ..

and one last thing please and i promise i will shut up ...

i also find that smoking pot helps me to write .. a thought that might be stuck in my head can find its way into words that flow easily .. and i know that many artists and musicians find that it helps with creativity too .. i sound like a fucking pr person for pot ... LMAO :)
Isabella. Don't worry about my Harder drugs problems. they are practically none exsistant today. I don't touch the stuff, nor do I feel like doing so again.
I had my scare, and that was more than enough.
As far as sex goes I think that space cakes are the best. Other than that, straight hash spliffs are pretty cool and recreational.
Occasionally I take poppers 'cos its hilarious though I'm conscious of the fact that each inhalation kills off about a zillion brain cells.
I've taken an Ecstacy tablet before and enjoyed it but am really not that bothered about doing it again.
I'd be willing to try speed but would be wary of getting hooked.
I wouldn't try heroine or crack.
If my life goes topsy-turvy I'd probably risk cocaine 'cos I here its pretty nice.
I drink quite a lot but that's a national trait.
I gave up smoking cigarettes 6 weeks ago after having smoked 20 a day for the last 7 years(Hey maybe that's why I'm so ratty on the BB at the moment!)

Mmm - I don't look too pure do I? Then again I'm perfectly happy and not unhealthy. Anything bar cyanide is ok in moderation.
Lets see hhmm:
I use to smoke pot and enjoyed the effects, I agree it make sex great and fun. It did help me relax alot after a long day with the kids but only after they went to bed. I use to know how to roll a joint with a dallor bill and have used a bong and gas mask, {those are really cool} also have used a carbborator, and a pipe. As for the laws about the stuff...the way I look at it is this, there are those who will always get a hold of it when they want it. In Missouri the goverment grows it in fields I know thats where I use to get mine. It was the best stuff I have ever had. So the laws again if they made it legal then it wouldn't be so taboo and would lose some of its charm. I have tried speed and didn't care for it to much but nothing else. The last time I did pot was about 8 years ago right after Lion King came out on video. My boyfriend at the time and I got stoned then watched Lion King and tried to have sex, that was a big mistake he started laughing and when asked why all he could say was he kept remembering the part of tamone and timba in the hoolla skirt and that song. It killed the night because we just sat there laughing. Shortly after we broke up and I meet my husband who is totally straight no drinking no drugs.
If I could I would do pot again just once to see his face when I ravished him lol.

[Edited by LadyChance on 07-17-2000 at 08:48 AM]
Had plenty of opportunities! PLENTY... had friends on both sides of the tracks (PC?) growing up....
Parents would have killed me
My Dad was very specific in making sure that I understood that all cigs and any drug would kill my braincells.

Well I sure as hell didn't want to lose brain cells! I mean, what if that made the difference bt/wn an A or a B?
What if that meant the difference bt/wn sucking at an audition or making it through? My paranoid little junior high and high school ass could not bear the thought of having dead brain cells! lol

Anyway, I suppose I might possibly be willing to try a few bites of a brownie at some point if I were around the right people. I am afraid my tolerance would be exceptionally low and would just not want to make an ass out of myself in front of someone I was trying to um impress or something! haha
Endlessly said:

I don't even know what the stuff smells like.

Come to Texas, go to any outdoor, public event where beer is allowed (most events), preferably a heavy rock concert.
I guarentee if you want to know .... you'll find the answer here! (or should I say... there)
My parents smoked when I was a kid, and I grew up hating the stink, the smoke, the wheezing, the addiction, even the scratchy/silky feel of their cigarettes. I even hated the packages they came in with their crinkly cellophane. I never smoked. Never even tried it. Never even had an un-lit cigarette between my lips. I laughed at peer pressure and told kids who chided me about not smoking to fuck off.

I felt the same way about pot. It stunk and made people feel stupid. If I want to feel stupid I'll watch Jeopardy like everyone else.

Honestly, I don't care if anyone else smokes (unless they're near my kids), and I had plenty of pot-head friends in school. I just never wanted to try it. I suppose I have an anti-fetish thing for lit weed. Never had a cigarette. Never had a joint. Never did a drug. Never wanted to.

Oh, I take that back. I did learn to drink beer at 16. A lot of beer. And I consider alcohol a drug. Never abused it, but I sure as hell shouldn't have gone out driving a few times.
Wow, I'm surprised there are so many people who haven't tried it! Maybe it's a generational thing? I was a teenager in the 70s, and everybody did it then. I even smoked with my parents a couple times.

Hard drugs are a whole different ball game, though. I just don't even think of pot in the same category, and I truly believe it should be legalized, or at least decriminalized. Face it, alcohol and cigarettes do far worse damage, both to individuals and to society. As far as I know, no one ever died from an overdose of pot (though it can cause anxiety attacks if you overdo it).

I also hate the idea of mandatory drug testing. I suppose it's the right of individual companies to test, but I believe that it's nobody's business what I do on my own time. If I'm a productive and dependable employee, why should my boss care if I light up a joint, after hours, in the privacy of my own home?
oh Flagg .. space cakes? .. are they anything like Alice B. Toklas brownies lmao .. no i'm serious .. i've never heard of that before.

Dixon .. i didn't understand too what you meant by lit weed .. do you mean literature written while high .. or do you mean a doobie that has been ignited?

and please Endlessly .. upon re-reading my post today .. i want you to know that i meant no disrespect to you regarding your age .. i wish i was half as talented and bright as you when i was your age .. you are amazing and i know you will go far in life .. :)
Dixon Carter Lee said:

Oh, I take that back. I did learn to drink beer at 16. A lot of beer. And I consider alcohol a drug. Never abused it, but I sure as hell shouldn't have gone out driving a few times.

That arouses an interesting point. (no offense to Dixon)... I very often find myself wondering why it is that we endlessly are telling people NOT to drink and drive and yet people assume that message is for "other" drunks and not themselves.

I admit, I have never been drunk so I can't be all too critical, but I don't see why people have to try it (drinking and driving that is) before they realize they shouldn't be doing it. It's just so frusturating to me.

Oh, and I send my praise to Dixon for not letting smoke around his kids (huzzah).

Okay, that's my rant for the day!
I hope no one takes it personally.
Never done it...never will. Don't care if anybody else does..it's a choice.
Alcohol....done it sometimes to extreme. Last time was THE last time. Drank a half a bottle of Makers Mark (damn that stuff is smooth) and it didn't kill me but for about two hours I wanted to die!:D It was at my friends wedding and there is supposedly a videotape of my antics...don't wanna see it!
Maker's Mark is my other brother's favorite, dude. *chuckle*

(Not as if both of my brothers were in the same straits as described above.. The brother in THIS post is a preppy professional actor who has his life together in NY, and is a lot like me.)

I don't mean to sound like I think people who smoke pot are evil or anything; I don't care what people do in their own homes. I don't think I could ever DATE anyone who did, but I've had friends who smoked up on a regular basis.

And don't worry-- I wasn't offended about what you said re: my age, hon. I actually prefer that kind of post to the one where you apologized.. *chuckle* I'm young and there's SO MUCH I've gotta learn about. Flattery just makes me complacent. ;)

No one should drink and drive, or smoke and drive, or do anything that impares you while making a 2-ton hunk of metal careen down a street at 50 MPH. Like I said, I am totally cool with whatever people do in their own homes.. But my 'coolness' changes when their actions might affect me.
ok i have to ask .. what the hell is Maker's Mark??? ...

and i gave up the fags (ciggies lol) bout 3 months ago too ... damn it all to hell .. it is still hard .. and i have to keep away from the fucking cherry blossom chocolate bars at the same time .. see that is when lots of sex comes in handy lol .. and hey posting helps too :)

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 07-17-2000 at 06:48 PM]
Impressed with the Postings

You probably already suspected that I am not a person who uses recreational drugs. I just have never understood the appeal of drugs. I probably never will.

When I was in school they taught us, using very graphic pictures of black lungs, that smoking would kill us. I never ever had any desire to try smoking, even though my mother did and still does smoke.

I tried a pot brownie once, but it didn't do much for me. Half a Quaalude knocked me on my ass, but like Endlessly, I hated being out of control. That's probably the reason why I don't drink much either.

I'm also one of those people who doesn't find it funny to watch really drunk people. I usually just get a sad feeling, like when I watch a comedian on stage who's not getting any laughs.
Funny you should say that, because the only time I ever bombed in a comedy club was also the only time I ever went on stage drunk.

Remember kids, don't drink and do observational humor.
I dig and understand lot of the views folks have here and also think this IS a pretty good thread.
I have noticed that everone has to leave the starting gate about the same time......If you show up and someone has been drinking and you have not wellthen your not going to find the same thing quite as funny as if you both started drinking or burning one at the same time.
If you start together then your all on the same page and find the same things funny.
As some know I have had to have two kidney transplants in my life , I was only aloud to drink 32 oz of fluid a day, and lived with a upset stomach most of the time . I would and still have to take all kinds of thing like zantac and meds to take care of it and It really will calm down your belly.

I ask our transplant surgeons about this and they said that they can't legaly tell me to do it but also told me that it wouldn't hurt me.

Like most agree I think what you do in your home is up to you.
I smoke...not as often as I like though. I see nothing wrong with it. We don't smoke in front of the kids and we don't roll a big one and smoke it then get all our kids into the van for a joy ride...If we smoke or drink we stay at home. and Doc...the only time i came close to getting my stomach pumped was when i got the damn muchies and couldn't stop fucking eating....
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Funny you should say that, because the only time I ever bombed in a comedy club was also the only time I ever went on stage drunk.

Remember kids, don't drink and do observational humor.

Comedy club... did someone say... "comedy club???"

Um, someone grab a fainting couch.... (sigh ahhhhhh).....
April said:
Jade, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Hee hee, April I have truly missed talking to you!

In answer to your question, I just have this um... un paralelled "thing" for comedians and performers... always have.... of course, I can't swoon too hard b/c I think Mr. Lee gets enough of that around here lol!