Well, thanks, Jade. BTW, I just posted on your thread. I think. Computer's freaking out, and it dropped me here.
Just to add my comment.
I see nothing wrong with smoking a bit of pot, I use to do it. But I quit when I got pregnant. I find now that trying to raise a child on my own, that I don't have the time or money.
To answer the questions:
I smoked pot and hash
joint, pipe, hot knife
I started smoking (ciggs) when I was 13, and am now in the prossess of trying to quit (jeez is it harder than I thought; any suggestions about what to do when you crave)

I would also like to say that this is a good thread, I am glad to have stumbled apon it.
I too have never tried pot, or any other illegal substance. I was indoctrinated at a very young age, and spent a lot of time in the army in enforcing anti drug laws. Those are hard habits to break. I don't mind if you use pot (but like DCL, I don't want you to do it around my kids), as long as you are discrete about it.
Siren said:
You don't pump a stomach for a joint high...geeze, see people lump Pot and other drugs together...it aint the same doctorrrr....
Originally posted by Isabella
i often get rushed to the er to have my stomach pumped when i smoke pot ... always an inconvenience while i am partying and laughing with with my friends...

You both make a valid point. I was speaking more generally about the class of illicit drugs in general, but admittedly I articulated that poorly.

Still, I'll be the first to admit that of all the illegal drugs, marijuana is probably the most innocuous. Siren's right about its safety. Its extremely high safety index (measure of the drug's toxicity) is higher than many common over-the-counter therapeutic drugs (including aspirin).

Truth be told, it seems to me that it's really no more dangerous than alcohol, but that's not saying a lot. Although not as widely abused, patients found to have THC in their urine regularly come into the ER after wrapping their cars around a telephone pole. And alcohol is involved in around half of all ER visits.

And the medical uses for marijuana are mediocre at best. It's a pretty poor anti-emetic (nausea-reducing agent) and there are many drugs much more effective for this purpose. Marijauna's only real therapeutic potential is as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients, etc. But even for this, there are better drugs available.

Look at alcohol. It has mild analgesic properties. Over 100 years ago, surgeons got patients drunk because they didn't have any better anesthetics. Can you imagine people demanding alcohol be made legal in the 1920's for anesthetic purposes? This is almost as disingenuous.

So, if you want to make marijuana legal for recreational purposes, fine. Just be straight about it.

[Edited by Oliver Clozoff on 07-17-2000 at 11:56 PM]
CUMM (Compassionate Use of Medicinal Marijuana)

Oliver Clozoff said:
if you want to make marijuana legal for recreational purposes, fine. Just be straight about it.

oh dear compassionate student doc ..
I combined the virtues of marijuana for both medical and recreational reasons together in one posting which may have led you to believe I used the medicinal reason as an excuse to legalize pot. Personally I am in good health (knock on wood) and use pot only for recreational purposes (although it does do wonders for my menstrual cramps and occasional headaches).

However, dear, there are many people who are not as fortunate as I am. People who suffer from effects of chemotherapy, lack of appetite due to AIDS, people with glaucoma, fibromyalgia, migraine sufferers, etc. are candidates for the medicinal benefits of marijuana.

I have a very close friend who suffers from fibromyalgia and migraines. There are days he can hardly move .. his joints hurt so badly. His doctor has given him a letter to keep in his possession which advocates the use of marijuana to help him cope with his pain. His doctor prefers to see him use marijuana rather than more harmful drugs such as demoral to help lessen his aches. And his doctor has already graduated from medical school.

Also, there are more critically ill patients in Canada that have permits from Health Canada (government department) to permit them to grow marijuana for medicinal purposes.

In Canada, we have an organization called Compassionate Use of Medicinal Marijuana Club which helps patients. I am a strong supporter .. both vocally and financially (as much as I can afford).

As for alcohol being used as anesthetic in the 1920s, that only verifies my points. Of course I would use alcohol as an anesthetic if there was nothing else available. So are you saying that first alcohol was used medicinally and then made legal for recreational purposes? Well that is exactly what I am saying about pot.

Ummmm hey maybe you were away the day they taught students about the medicinal uses of marijuana. You know what .. I sure am glad I turned your offer down, dear luv doc, for an internal exam .. you might have been away the day they taught that too!

If you need to brush up on your knowledge of marijuana, check out http://www.hightimes.com

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 07-18-2000 at 12:12 PM]
Re: CUMM (Compassionate Use of Medicinal Marijuana)

Isabella Thorne said:
His doctor prefers to see him use marijuana rather than more harmful drugs such as demoral to help lessen his aches. And his doctor has already graduated from medical school.

You know what .. I sure am glad I turned your offer down, dear luv doc, for an internal exam .. you might have been away the day they taught that too!

And I thought marijauna was supposed to make you mellow. ;)

Or maybe you're just fresh out? Lemme get my 'scrip pad.

Now what's the trade name for "fat chronic blunt"?
what does that mean?

Oliver Clozoff said:
Now what's the trade name for "fat chronic blunt"?

what does that mean Oliver?

.. and i am mellow .. just wanted to stress my point .. :) If I didn't speak, some people might not get both sides of the story.. right?

what does that mean Oliver .. tell me please.

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 07-18-2000 at 02:25 PM]

or is it just irony?

Maybe you're just yanking the poor Doc's chain, but in case you're not being facetious...

it's just street slang for a large joint.

(the pupil becomes the master ;))
Isn't it ironic .. don't you think?

OMG ... i can't believe it .. no i have never heard that term .. must be from the states ... that is so funny .. i was so scared you were calling me fat or something and i was starting to get pissed off ... k now it's funny .. now it's hilarious ...

luv to luv you luv doc!
RRROOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Another one just like the other one... We gonna get together baby and get a good buzz on ..... Then there's always Tom Petty !!!!
Marijuana Ruling in Canada

Well sorry to bring this thread up again, BUT .. this excerpt is taken from one of the major Canadian newspapers today (good news for the cause):

"In a ruling that takes a step towards marijuana legalization, a judge struck down the federal government's anti-possession law yesterday for ill Canadians who smoke marijuana to ease their pain.

Justice Marc Rosenberg of the Ontario Court of Appeal, declared the law violates the rights of sick people by forcing them to choose between "health and imprisonment," and gave the federal government one year to rewrite its legislation.

The ruling was a victory for Terry Parker, a 44-year-old Toronto man who smokes three to four joints a day to control severe epilepsy that even brain surgery and more than 100 hospital stays did not ease.

Mr. Parker, denouncing the federal Controlled Drugs and Substances Act for "sucking big time," will continue to grow his own marijuana. He said it is the only drug that gives him relief from the repeated seizures, blackouts and vomiting he suffered since childhood.

"It's been three years now ... and there's not been one seizure," said Mr. Parker, with his lawyer at his side, outside the Court of Appeal.

Judge Rosenberg, in striking down the act, goes further than a 1997 decision in which Mr. Parker was awarded a special exemption to the federal law.

If Health Minister Allan Rock does not act, the blanket prohibition on possession will be nullified and marijuana will be legal in Canada for everybody, including the healthy.

"It has been known for centuries that in addition to its intoxicating or psychoactive effect, marijuana has medicinal value," Judge Rosenberg said in his 55-page ruling.

"I have concluded that forcing Parker to choose between his health and imprisonment violates his right to liberty and security of the person."

Mr. Rock started last year to award special exemptions to some ill Canadians who can prove they need to smoke marijuana to control diseases such as AIDS and cancer.

But Judge Rosenberg rejected the requirement for the sick to seek federal permission to smoke. "I have concluded that the possibility of an exemption ... dependent upon the unfettered and unstructured discretion of the minister of health is not consistent with the principles of fundamental justice," he wrote.

"Accordingly, I would declare the prohibition on the possession of marijuana in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to be of no force and effect."

Judge Rosenberg suspended his ruling for a year to give Parliament time to revamp its law."

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 08-02-2000 at 10:56 AM]
Hi All!!...Isabella:You bringing this post back got me to thinking.(OHH NO,WATCH OUT NOW!)...There is a town about 25 miles to the north of me.About 2 weeks ago,a councilman took a patition around the town.The patition was for the legaliaztion of pot.It needed 5,000 people to sign to get on the ballet,and he recieved around 4,000.So that tells me that there is either,a shit load of people getting high their,or that some are getting high,and the rest just don't give a shit....Someday it might be legal....."Hey does anybody want to move up north for a while and sign up?HEE,HEE!"
well mortey .. i think canadian laws are definitely getting more lenient .. but really dear we have a lot more than 4,000 to 5,000 people in our country .. but hey come on over and party with us anytime .. we won't even make you sign anything. lol

in holland it is legal right? .. and what about denmark .. is it legal there? if you look at it that way, it seems almost silly. :)
I'd come up and visit but those DAM dogs at the boarder just scare me......I been over for work many times and can honestly say I never carried anything over.....but other guys I work with have with no problems......I don't care for the drug sniffing dogs much....
Hi Isabella!......The place I was talking about is a little town,about 10 to 15 thousand people....It's one of the bigger rual communitys....I was just suprised that in a town that small,almost a 1/3 to 1/2 of the population signed the patition...And yes Isabella,let me find my passport,and I'll be on my way up....Are you going to have a big fat blunt rolled up for me when I get there?...WaAAAAAA HaAAA HaAAA!
Hey Wizard!....Come on up to Flint,and it's a straight shot up I-75 across the bridge into Canada.....Isabella,when we get across the bridge,do we turn left or right?...hee hee
Never tried anything, but let me tell you. Man that morphine's good when you get it bad.
DOnt let him lie to you...my pal Bushi hits the pipe. Folks, what we have here is a crackwhore! LOL..teasing you. ;)
:::throwing Simply over my knees:::: Who's >whack< your>whack< Daddy! :D
*dragging him outta the thread by his ummmm....you know*

In the distance you can hear the little girl voice. "Spank me Daddy, I've been a bad girl" ;)
I'll tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree ..

bushy darling .. i had no idea you spanked ...

ummm k btw .. yanks do NOT need passports to enter canada .. all you need is your birth certificate ..

no need to bring anything across wiz .. those damn doggies are nasty ..

just turn right at the border and you can't miss my place ok guys? i'll put a candle in the window ..
Yea Isabella I need a passport.I'm a Resident Alien here in the states.I still have German citizenship...Someday I'll get my American citizenship...."Now where the hell is that yellow ribbon,and that candle at?