Praise A Poet

My Erotic Tale said:
I would like to mention Du Lac,

I know many may not understand her poetry, I fortunately get explanations but she is clearly the Literary major with the wisdom of writing and is willing to converse and explain alot. Thanks Du for helping out in reviews and editing and showing many of us how to write. So many with this knowledge use it like an ice pick to shape a poet, but Du has a way of making a pillow fight out of a lesson <grin> thanks Du, you are the silent wisdom here.

to the snow owl I bow humble (~_*)

I praise thee Du ~ I du get your poetry, without explanation, *grins*
I love love love it ~!!!
Usually there is a quiet lesson of wisdom ... a pearl (if you will ) of wisdom hidden beneath the inner tranquility of the poems ~
This is the root of what our Du writes about ... teaches us. Life's lessons on morality, love and inner peace ~ Just me ...
I always look forward to reading and dissecting (grins) her work. Just a wonderful lesson in poetry 101 ... Love it Misses Du ...
Always wanting More plez ~
RhymeFairy said:
I praise thee Du ~ I du get your poetry, without explanation, *grins*
I love love love it ~!!!
Usually there is a quiet lesson of wisdom ... a pearl (if you will ) of wisdom hidden beneath the inner tranquility of the poems ~
This is the root of what our Du writes about ... teaches us. Life's lessons on morality, love and inner peace ~ Just me ...
I always look forward to reading and dissecting (grins) her work. Just a wonderful lesson in poetry 101 ... Love it Misses Du ...
Always wanting More plez ~

I knew there was more to her bread than butter but...
a literary Icon for those at this site that can take lessons from Du's ability to teach and have fun while doing it in an encouraging and inspirational way, with out verbal bitch slapping...<bending over <grin> the Snow owl is the poetress of enlightenment
My Erotic Tale said:
I knew there was more to her bread than butter but...
a literary Icon for those at this site that can take lessons from Du's ability to teach and have fun while doing it in an encouraging and inspirational way, with out verbal bitch slapping...<bending over <grin> the Snow owl is the poetress of enlightenment

Oh yes I will def join in the praise of this poet... :rose:

Du ~

Your poetry is nothing less than inspiring, sometimes I have to read it twice to make sure I am getting it then I will find something in it I didn't see the first time, which then makes me want to read it again.

Your intelligence is obvious and your nature encouraging.

Your input and comments on my poems and threads are greatly appreciated, so is all the work you put in to Sundays Reviews.

But what is most endearing about you is that you are modest to a fault, never wanting or needing the spotlight. Your poetry speaks for itself and I have to ask, Do you know how good you are??

So from me and many others I give praise to you Du Lac :heart:
No need for praise. Just being who I am. Thank you all.. I am blushing
du lac~
There are so many talented poets here and so many who have helped me in various ways with comments, suggestions, and just simply posting their poems which I learn from constantly. The pool of talent on this site is simply astounding. If picking one person out for praise, though, I'd have to bow down to Liar. As I always do. ;) Both for his outstanding work and for the help he's given me time and again.

Liar, I've been remiss in my groupie duties lately, but I still throw my figurative panties at your feet.
minsue said:
Liar, I've been remiss in my groupie duties lately, but I still throw my figurative panties at your feet.
'S okay, dear. There haven't been all that much to gruop about recently.
Yikes, what can I say. I'm honored.
Liar said:
'S okay, dear. There haven't been all that much to gruop about recently.
Yikes, what can I say. I'm honored.

liar has always been an honorable voice here at lit as long as I have been here, we sat on different sides of the fence many times but did it with respect and kindness which to me I respect, we all don't see eye to eye but it is the way we interact that matters. Thanks to liar for some great poems and some very positive posts.
My Erotic Tale said:
Thanks to liar for some great poems and some very positive posts.

I agree, plus he cracks me up! lol :D

Liar Hun ~ consider yourself praised :)
Jennifer C said:
I agree, plus he cracks me up! lol :D

Liar Hun ~ consider yourself praised :)

I agree with the masses here. I have not picked one poet because I can not.

I may not say much but reading posts and poems has helped me greatly in my experience of writing.

My Erotic Tale
Art I love for his undying devotion to helping others and his shoulder when my life just plain sucks. Also for his acceptance of my thoughts on matters... using a dictionary or thesarus lol... or just how to be in the moment........

Rhyme Fairy
For letting me explore new adventures in critiquing. And telling me that my writing has helped and does make a difference in this universe.

is a cheerleader of us all. She spreads sunshine and happiness through her positive energy. She reminds us of the power of the smile.

Blue rains and quiet poet
my friends who get my writes lol.. and understand more of me than I thought possible. A common bond and teaching me about writing and the more of living.

Her calm devotion to her walk of life, beliefs and gentle ways inspire me. I do not feel alone many times when I read her writes.

Her wicked ways are only a mask for her huge heart. She was the first to greet me here and I value her thoughts on my poems. I find her creative and fun to watch as she discovers herself.

Always a fun lesson to be discovered. Plain and spoken from the heart another one who I watch learn lessons of life through writing and laughter.

I just smile here when I see the AVs and the his poems. I learn about visuals and watch the use of grammar. ty

my biggest fan next to Art lol.. which makes me laugh so hard for I love them both.

for his honest appraisals of my writing and giving me the most valued comment I still hold in my heart. ty

for opening up so when his poem was operated on lol... and showing me the levels that poetry delves into when connected to another soul.

So many others really the entire community for each poet teaches me something about life, writing and just plain old being. Each time I read on Sunday I feel like I am opening the door to a school... learning about others and experiencing life on levels I do not have the time to explore due to our limited peroid on this world.

Thank you all
du lac~ :heart:
Last edited:
That's an excellent selection Hun, and thank you so much for your kind words.

I really hope you and Ange do start that critique thread, I know I would feel comftable posting my work their, knowing it would be read and critiqued by two highly intelligent, fair and encouraging poets.

I, like many others do want to improve my writing but find some of the threads a little intimidating because of my in experience, a thread by you and ange would be a wonderful place to go to learn and grow.

Love ya Hun :rose:
Du Lac said:
I agree with the masses here. I have not picked one poet because I can not.

I may not say much but reading posts and poems has helped me greatly in my experience of writing.

My Erotic Tale
Art I love for his undying devotion to helping others and his shoulder when my life just plain sucks. Also for his acceptance of my thoughts on matters... using a dictionary or thesarus lol... or just how to be in the moment........

Rhyme Fairy
For letting me explore new adventures in critiquing. And telling me that my writing has helped and does make a difference in this universe.

is a cheerleader of us all. She spreads sunshine and happiness through her positive energy. She reminds us of the power of the smile.

Blue rains and quiet poet
my friends who get my writes lol.. and understand more of me than I thought possible. A common bond and teaching me about writing and the more of living.

Her calm devotion to her walk of life, beliefs and gentle ways inspire me. I do not feel alone many times when I read her writes.

Her wicked ways are only a mask for her huge heart. She was the first to greet me here and I value her thoughts on my poems. I find her creative and fun to watch as she discovers herself.

Always a fun lesson to be discovered. Plain and spoken from the heart another one who I watch learn lessons of life through writing and laughter.

I just smile here when I see the AVs and the his poems. I learn about visuals and watch the use of grammar. ty

my biggest fan next to Art lol.. which makes me laugh so hard for I love them both.

for his honest appraisals of my writing and giving me the most valued comment I still hold in my heart. ty

for opening up so when his poem was operated on lol... and showing me the levels that poetry delves into when connected to another soul.

So many others really the entire community for each poet teaches me something about life, writing and just plain old being. Each time I read on Sunday I feel like I am opening the door to a school... learning about others and experiencing life on levels I do not have the time to explore due to our limited peroid on this world.

Thank you all
du lac~ :heart:

if your gonna mention every one you should go ahead and mention the ying yangs...Lauren , Pat amd 1982...we all have a place here and it balances out, it just gets more fun in the playground sometimes <grin> but I know they have helped and voiced in good ways to others and there fore done their part too. I just don't have to like it but I will except it after a thought or two <grin>
I'd like to give kudos to three poets who have either left the community or frequents it infrequently these days. Their writing have inspired me in diametrically different ways

First off, two whose grip on the phonetic beauty of the English language is nothing short of staggering. During a period they both posted poems here regularily, and although the message of them sometimes was lost on me, I kept seeping up the most sonically well balanced poetry I've read anywhere, and have since then been trying to improve myself to reach there. RazzRajen, and Echoes_s wherever you are, I salute you.

Secondly, the self proclaimed "bullshit artist" Denis Hale. The first poem I ever happened to read here was his One-Four-Five, which inspired me to listen to language like gritty funk music, something I had forgotten how to do. And to not be so fucking prude about what I wrote. Hats off, mister.

A fan
I can only

ditto..du...and razzrajean...lots of inspiring writes from him...
and syndra lynn is also one of my favorites not mentioned...and your posts too..luvfromblue
Liar said:
I'd like to give kudos to three poets who have either left the community or frequents it infrequently these days. Their writing have inspired me in diametrically different ways

Secondly, the self proclaimed "bullshit artist" Denis Hale. The first poem I ever happened to read here was his One-Four-Five, which inspired me to listen to language like gritty funk music, something I had forgotten how to do. And to not be so fucking prude about what I wrote. Hats off, mister.

A fan

amen. he is a motherfucker that needs some smackin' around said in the most lovingest of ways.

he inspired me to take my wares and try to 'sell' them elsewhere
and like you liar, writing on the edge of a raw nerve is not easy, it is nice to have had denis around to start the flash fire.

wish he were still around, but it is cool to see his stuff splattered around the net...and soon in print/book!

yes, and a SECOND(third,fourth?) on LIAR kudos. One of the most genuine people I have met here. Got enough sugar and spice running through his blood that there is no need to put on a show.

although I would love to have a front row seat if he were to dance for us...
My Erotic Tale said:
if your gonna mention every one.... you should go ahead and mention.....>

....Maria (sniff I forget the numbers all the time!)
Talented lady.
Will certainly spread like wildfire through the world of poetry out there.
No doubt. What she puts her mind to will be done.

There are many poets here who I love and who have inspired me. Many of them have already been mentioned in this thread. There is one poet though who never fails to push me to see things in a fresh way, whose poetry never fails to teach me how to reach for more. That, to me, the essence of poetry and that poet is smithpeter. :)
Angeline said:
There are many poets here who I love and who have inspired me. Many of them have already been mentioned in this thread. There is one poet though who never fails to push me to see things in a fresh way, whose poetry never fails to teach me how to reach for more. That, to me, the essence of poetry and that poet is smithpeter. :)

absolutely all that and more

and there is that ee guy who is one of a kind every time poppin the clutch and burnin rubber in my mind sometimes I swear I see the dust and feel the wind spin out a wake after readin his work
annaswirls said:
absolutely all that and more

and there is that ee guy who is one of a kind every time poppin the clutch and burnin rubber in my mind sometimes I swear I see the dust and feel the wind spin out a wake after readin his work

Yes. He doesn't think he's much of a poet, the silly man. Says he writes for fun when the mood strikes him. And he writes those things in about 2 minutes or less.

It's the West in his voice. I wrote a poem about it. :)
thanks you Ryhme Fairy for ensuring all poems were read and commented on as of late, JC and myself have been busy and it is a great task indeed, ....thanks
Seconded :rose:

Well said Art :kiss:

RF, Thanks for all you do... The wonderful comments you leave on poems, to new poets as well as well known poets. For your fun and Hot poetry that you write and share here. For your support and encouragement to all and for your friendship.

I'm praising you RF :rose:
Ya'll have to be kidding ! I am not worthy, I am just havin fun and learning.
As you know I love to write, and love just being here ... with alllllll of you.
I have gotten a lot of support from you and others, so I try to share that with you ... our new poets. I really appreciate it, but I am not praise worthy ... yet.
Wait till I reallllly write something good,
then you have my permission. *grins*
ya'll can bow and worship all ya want ... then *weg*

I would like to mention a few poets that have helped .... encouraged and supported my writing/ramblings in tha good and bad ~

I have to Thank Art, first. When I first cam on Lit. as LilDarlin, you reached out, welcomed, and said
* Hey, you are good, and can do anything. So post have fun ... enjoy. * Then, he let me post on Chasin Chickens ANYTIME I wanted. At that time, it was his lil escape, his place to be *Art. Thank You Art, for your encouragement to me, and to so many others. :rose:
Art, I praise You !~~Also, again Congrats on your publication~!! :rose:

Many of you might not know how I came to be here. I loved chatting in chat. I spoke to a lotta peeps and had fun, just talking and listening to others. Then I met Gina and Boo ~. They both showed me their poetry on slow days in chat. We would discuss and dissect. I was the mostesttttt fun ! These two told me ... hey you should look into writing on the poetry boards and submitting.
I humbly Bow, and Praise BooMerengue ... AverageGina for reaching out a hand in friendship and inspiration ~ I miss you gurls, do not see you much anymore, but I know you are there ... Huggs ~ :rose:

Angeline is next. *grins* I had been on Lit for a while, when Angeline started leaving a few comments on my poems. Constructive and helpful. Not only that, she wrote me saying ... * anytime you need another pair of eyes, let me know. * well not exactly that, lol. The thing is, she offered, and HAS helped me with my writing.
Angeline, I praise you for being helpful and also reaching out to a fella poet ... Danggg gurl you are sooo good !!
Please stay with us ... *eyes tearing~ :rose:

LAST But certainly not least,
cause ya'll know I could go on ... an on .. an on ~ :devil: :D

My Muse ~ We all have that something, or someone in our lives that help us, encourage, nag and just Inspire us to be better ... My Muse does this and sooo much more for me. Writers Block, no problem, lets just have a chat and see what happens when I start filling you with words, and other things too :devil: *Meow !!
So for all poets ... writers ... Ramblers, and just anyone who has ever gotten that lil extra something when you most needed it.
I Praise, The Muse in us all ~. Thank you for being so sexy, sweet, inspiring, naughty ... nice. For being My Love ~ *kiss ~ *grins

Nutty I know, but it's true and you know it ~!! :p

Thank you again for listening and being my friends. Again There are so many more, but I do know I tend to get a lil long winded ... ;)

Be good, have fun ... Happy Writing ~
err ... If ya cannot be good,
then at least have fun ...
Not being Good~
You Naughty Poets ~*weg*


RhymeFairy said:
Ya'll have to be kidding ! I am not worthy, I am just havin fun and learning.
As you know I love to write, and love just being here ... with alllllll of you.
I have gotten a lot of support from you and others, so I try to share that with you ... our new poets. I really appreciate it, but I am not praise worthy ... yet.
Wait till I reallllly write something good,
then you have my permission. *grins*
ya'll can bow and worship all ya want ... then *weg*

I would like to mention a few poets that have helped .... encouraged and supported my writing/ramblings in tha good and bad ~

I have to Thank Art, first. When I first cam on Lit. as LilDarlin, you reached out, welcomed, and said
* Hey, you are good, and can do anything. So post have fun ... enjoy. * Then, he let me post on Chasin Chickens ANYTIME I wanted. At that time, it was his lil escape, his place to be *Art. Thank You Art, for your encouragement to me, and to so many others. :rose:
Art, I praise You !~~Also, again Congrats on your publication~!! :rose:

Many of you might not know how I came to be here. I loved chatting in chat. I spoke to a lotta peeps and had fun, just talking and listening to others. Then I met Gina and Boo ~. They both showed me their poetry on slow days in chat. We would discuss and dissect. I was the mostesttttt fun ! These two told me ... hey you should look into writing on the poetry boards and submitting.
I humbly Bow, and Praise BooMerengue ... AverageGina for reaching out a hand in friendship and inspiration ~ I miss you gurls, do not see you much anymore, but I know you are there ... Huggs ~ :rose:

Angeline is next. *grins* I had been on Lit for a while, when Angeline started leaving a few comments on my poems. Constructive and helpful. Not only that, she wrote me saying ... * anytime you need another pair of eyes, let me know. * well not exactly that, lol. The thing is, she offered, and HAS helped me with my writing.
Angeline, I praise you for being helpful and also reaching out to a fella poet ... Danggg gurl you are sooo good !!
Please stay with us ... *eyes tearing~ :rose:

LAST But certainly not least,
cause ya'll know I could go on ... an on .. an on ~ :devil: :D

My Muse ~ We all have that something, or someone in our lives that help us, encourage, nag and just Inspire us to be better ... My Muse does this and sooo much more for me. Writers Block, no problem, lets just have a chat and see what happens when I start filling you with words, and other things too :devil: *Meow !!
So for all poets ... writers ... Ramblers, and just anyone who has ever gotten that lil extra something when you most needed it.
I Praise, The Muse in us all ~. Thank you for being so sexy, sweet, inspiring, naughty ... nice. For being My Love ~ *kiss ~ *grins

Nutty I know, but it's true and you know it ~!! :p

Thank you again for listening and being my friends. Again There are so many more, but I do know I tend to get a lil long winded ... ;)

Be good, have fun ... Happy Writing ~
err ... If ya cannot be good,
then at least have fun ...
Not being Good~
You Naughty Poets ~*weg*



Nicely done hun

and you long winded? Never in a million years lol

Another thanks for all you do

and stop being modest and take the praise lol

Love ya
Praise Be To Tathagata ~

I have to say, when one is looking for inspiration,
they need look no further than our friend Tath ~ :rose:

When I first came on the threads and started writing he would encourage and explain ... Just a great way to help. I love his poetry, and seeing what is next. He has given me spot on critique and was very honest about it. I appreciated that !!
Think the thing I love most ... his poetry, trying to see dissect his mind, through his work. Neva, be done, but that's what makes it so much fun. :D A wonderful friend and poet.
For this and more ~
Tathagata, I Praise You ~ :) ~

Oh, ... he also has, a wickedddd
sense of humor !! Love that too~ :devil:

:) :rose: ;)
Seconded :D

I enjoy his sense of humour almost as much as I enjoy his poetry!

His critique is honest and fair and always helpful!

Excellent praise RF :)