Praise A Poet

Praise Be To PatCarrington and flyguy69

I had to say this.
As of late I have had a lot of encouragement from these two.
Not only in PM's to question my intentions, edit, and just pass
along friendships hand.
Also on the threads to give advice and help. I have reached a point
in my writing where it have been stumbling a bit. I reach, yet I just
cannot grasp * it. *
With these two as supporters and critiques,
how can a Fairy go wrong eh? ;)


So in appreciation and Thankfulness ~

I Praise You ~ PatCarrington and flyguy69

:rose: :rose: :rose:

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a hard question....

because I can be moved by just a single poem by someone I've never heard of or by the umpteenth submission of a well praised Literotica poet. Unfortunately, I think very few poems on Literotica succeed in an EMOTIONAL sense. Intellectually, they may rhyme or follow the rules but are dead from an emotional standpoint. And that is all that matters to me....I do not read poems as intellectual exercises.

With that bias in mind, I think Angeline rules supreme. No one really can imitate her style, although the so called "greats' of Literotica have tried and failed miserably. She has a direct tap to the human condition and is never less than fascinating to read. And, her humility is heart warming. Those lucky enough to have her in their "real" lives are truly blessed.

Liar is also pretty amazing. He is, in a real sense "anti- intellectual" which I admire. His poems are consistently witty, thoughtful, and probing....they simply never dry up and blow away.

AnnaSwirls is a genius, and a generous one at that. Her poems appear effortless, yet it is obvious that a tremendous amount of work went into them. she basically can accomplish anything she puts her mind to, and whatever vein she chooses to tap, is a master. I bow to her amazing mind!!

Du Lac is a sweet soul, and a masterful writer. Her nature scenes are second to none in serenity, and I wish her the best in her "new" life.

Saving the ultimate for last, my harshest critic, Tathagata has inspired me like no one else. Although I will never understand the odd dichotomy of his extremely goofy personality vs his extremely serious one, what I do or do not get is unimportant here. What is significant is Tath's poetry.....each offering like a polished jewel, to run through your hands again and again. Thanks for your honesty, Tath. Yes, it has bruised sometimes, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

And I also wanted to mention a few other people who have had a positive influence on my poetry:

Rhyme Fairy- The sweetest soul on earth, and a marvelous word painter!
dcpoet- fabulous, very supportive, dependable, consistently great poet!
BooMerengue- lovely, lovely, she should write more
Minsue- Extraordinary, she puts 'em all to shame, a wonder!

Thanks one and all,

Sack :heart:
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sack said:
because I can be moved by just a single poem by someone I've never heard of or by the umpteenth submission of a well praised Literotica poet. Unfortunately, I think very few poems on Literotica succeed in an EMOTIONAL sense. Intellectually, they may rhyme or follow the rules but are dead from an emotional standpoint. And that is all that matters to me....I do not read poems as intellectual exercises.

With that bias in mind, I think Angeline rules supreme. No one really can imitate her style, although the so called "greats' of Literotica have tried and failed miserably. She has a direct tap to the human condition and is never less than fascinating to read. And, her humility is heart warming. Those lucky enough to have her in their "real" lives are truly blessed.

Liar is also pretty amazing. He is, in a real sense "anti- intellectual" which I admire. His poems are consistently witty, thoughtful, and probing....they simply never dry up and blow away.

AnnaSwirls is a genius, and a generous one at that. Her poems appear effortless, yet it is obvious that a tremendous amount of work went into them. she basically can accomplish anything she puts her mind to, and whatever vein she chooses to tap, is a master. I bow to her amazing mind!!

Du Lac is a sweet soul, and a masterful writer. Her nature scenes are second to none in serenity, and I wish her the best in her "new" life.

Saving the ultimate for last, my harshest critic, Tathagata has inspired me like no one else. Although I will never understand the odd dichotomy of his extremely goofy personality vs his extremely serious one, what I do or do not get is unimportant here. What is significant is Tath's poetry.....each offering like a polished jewel, to run through your hands again and again. Thanks for your honesty, Tath. Yes, it has bruised sometimes, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

And I also wanted to mention a few other people who have had a positive influence on my poetry:

Rhyme Fairy- The sweetest soul on earth, and a marvelous word painter!
dcpoet- fabulous, very supportive, dependable, consistently great poet!
BooMerengue- lovely, lovely, she should write more
Minsue- Extraordinary, she puts 'em all to shame, a wonder!

Thanks one and all,

Sack :heart:

Do you beleive in Intelligent Design or the New Yorker?

"What is significant is Tath's poetry.....each offering like a polished jewel"
This statement is absurd, Sack, no way; "polished" does not belong here. IF I have gotten on him about lack of polish, probably one of us is misusing the term. I don't think it is me. I agree some are jewels, but roughly cut.

Otherwise, nice tribute.
Mind your definitions.
sack said:
because I can be moved by just a single poem by someone I've never heard of or by the umpteenth submission of a well praised Literotica poet. Unfortunately, I think very few poems on Literotica succeed in an EMOTIONAL sense. Intellectually, they may rhyme or follow the rules but are dead from an emotional standpoint. And that is all that matters to me....I do not read poems as intellectual exercises.

With that bias in mind, I think Angeline rules supreme. No one really can imitate her style, although the so called "greats' of Literotica have tried and failed miserably. She has a direct tap to the human condition and is never less than fascinating to read. And, her humility is heart warming. Those lucky enough to have her in their "real" lives are truly blessed.

Liar is also pretty amazing. He is, in a real sense "anti- intellectual" which I admire. His poems are consistently witty, thoughtful, and probing....they simply never dry up and blow away.

AnnaSwirls is a genius, and a generous one at that. Her poems appear effortless, yet it is obvious that a tremendous amount of work went into them. she basically can accomplish anything she puts her mind to, and whatever vein she chooses to tap, is a master. I bow to her amazing mind!!

Du Lac is a sweet soul, and a masterful writer. Her nature scenes are second to none in serenity, and I wish her the best in her "new" life.

Saving the ultimate for last, my harshest critic, Tathagata has inspired me like no one else. Although I will never understand the odd dichotomy of his extremely goofy personality vs his extremely serious one, what I do or do not get is unimportant here. What is significant is Tath's poetry.....each offering like a polished jewel, to run through your hands again and again. Thanks for your honesty, Tath. Yes, it has bruised sometimes, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

And I also wanted to mention a few other people who have had a positive influence on my poetry:

Rhyme Fairy- The sweetest soul on earth, and a marvelous word painter!
dcpoet- fabulous, very supportive, dependable, consistently great poet!
BooMerengue- lovely, lovely, she should write more
Minsue- Extraordinary, she puts 'em all to shame, a wonder!

Thanks one and all,

Sack :heart:

Well deserved praise to some of my favourite poets here ~

Thank you Sack :rose:
twelveoone said:
Do you beleive in Intelligent Design or the New Yorker?

"What is significant is Tath's poetry.....each offering like a polished jewel"
This statement is absurd, Sack, no way; "polished" does not belong here. IF I have gotten on him about lack of polish, probably one of us is misusing the term. I don't think it is me. I agree some are jewels, but roughly cut.

Otherwise, nice tribute.
Mind your definitions.

Blah! I disagree! There's not a poet here--me included--whose poems couldn't benefit from editing. Except maybe Liar...

Tath's poem have such a human voice. They're narrative, sometimes to the point of monologue. Zen dramatic monologue. That may leave some cold--I think some would fault mine for the same reason: overnarration--but that sort of writing fascinates me. But then Dickens is probably my favorite proser.

Anyway he knows about editing. I smack him around about it. :D
Angeline said:
Blah! I disagree! There's not a poet here--me included--whose poems couldn't benefit from editing. Except maybe Liar...

Tath's poem have such a human voice. They're narrative, sometimes to the point of monologue. Zen dramatic monologue. That may leave some cold--I think some would fault mine for the same reason: overnarration--but that sort of writing fascinates me. But then Dickens is probably my favorite proser.

Anyway he knows about editing. I smack him around about it. :D
smack him around some more - I am only disagreeing with sack's use of the word "polish", unless of course he really meant Polish, but I though tath was Irish, ah, you people all look alike to me.
twelveoone said:
smack him around some more - I am only disagreeing with sack's use of the word "polish", unless of course he really meant Polish, but I though tath was Irish, ah, you people all look alike to me.

I'm getting more Irish all the time. Sort of.

Maybe he meant Tath wears nail polish?


(And thank you Sack. I know you said I'm humble, and I do try to be cause I'm a member of the same race as Yeats and Adrienne Rich and Anne Sexton and John Donne. How could I not be? I think you're a bit overboard on your compliment to me. lol.)

And has anyone mentioned Tristesse? She writes the most delicately beautiful poems.
Angeline said:
I'm getting more Irish all the time. Sort of.

Maybe he meant Tath wears nail polish?


(And thank you Sack. I know you said I'm humble, and I do try to be cause I'm a member of the same race as Yeats and Adrienne Rich and Anne Sexton and John Donne. How could I not be? I think you're a bit overboard on your compliment to me. lol.)

And has anyone mentioned Tristesse? She writes the most delicately beautiful poems.
Nah, go ahead bask in the compliment. You earned it.
Agree with Tristess
Now lets talk about race - rare picture of 1201 here
twelveoone said:
Nah, go ahead bask in the compliment. You earned it.
Agree with Tristess
Now lets talk about race - rare picture of 1201 here

you look like you have heartburn in that picture. :D
Angeline said:
And has anyone mentioned Tristesse? She writes the most delicately beautiful poems.

Thank you, darlin'. :kiss: You're instrumental in my progress and desire to write, didja know that. :)
Tristesse said:
Thank you, darlin'. :kiss: You're instrumental in my progress and desire to write, didja know that. :)

We have influenced each other. And we see things the same way. ;)

sack said:
because I can be moved by just a single poem by someone I've never heard of or by the umpteenth submission of a well praised Literotica poet. Unfortunately, I think very few poems on Literotica succeed in an EMOTIONAL sense. Intellectually, they may rhyme or follow the rules but are dead from an emotional standpoint. And that is all that matters to me....I do not read poems as intellectual exercises.

With that bias in mind, I think Angeline rules supreme. No one really can imitate her style, although the so called "greats' of Literotica have tried and failed miserably. She has a direct tap to the human condition and is never less than fascinating to read. And, her humility is heart warming. Those lucky enough to have her in their "real" lives are truly blessed.

Liar is also pretty amazing. He is, in a real sense "anti- intellectual" which I admire. His poems are consistently witty, thoughtful, and probing....they simply never dry up and blow away.

AnnaSwirls is a genius, and a generous one at that. Her poems appear effortless, yet it is obvious that a tremendous amount of work went into them. she basically can accomplish anything she puts her mind to, and whatever vein she chooses to tap, is a master. I bow to her amazing mind!!

Du Lac is a sweet soul, and a masterful writer. Her nature scenes are second to none in serenity, and I wish her the best in her "new" life.

Saving the ultimate for last, my harshest critic, Tathagata has inspired me like no one else. Although I will never understand the odd dichotomy of his extremely goofy personality vs his extremely serious one, what I do or do not get is unimportant here. What is significant is Tath's poetry.....each offering like a polished jewel, to run through your hands again and again. Thanks for your honesty, Tath. Yes, it has bruised sometimes, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

And I also wanted to mention a few other people who have had a positive influence on my poetry:

Rhyme Fairy- The sweetest soul on earth, and a marvelous word painter!
dcpoet- fabulous, very supportive, dependable, consistently great poet!
BooMerengue- lovely, lovely, she should write more
Minsue- Extraordinary, she puts 'em all to shame, a wonder!

Thanks one and all,

Sack :heart:

I just saw this ... :eek:

Thank You Sack ... :kiss:
