Prayers for my sweet one


Dusty I am so sorry to hear about this. My thoughts will be with you.
Dusty and Jen

May the angels wrap their wings around you both in comfort and help you to share every thought and emotion with each other that is in your hearts today and in the future.
Just wanted to add my best wishes here--I haven't met you Dusty, but I know you must be a wonderful person just like your Jen--hugs to you both.:heart:
Dustygrrl said:
I'm very scared.

Hi, dustygrrl. You don't know me, but I was struck by the above statement. Who in this world isn't scared of the unknown? It is part of who we all are. The trouble with this is we tend to make the unknown worse than it may be, because that is just the way our minds work. The fact is, in my life the unknown has always been worse than when it was finally known.
Cancer is not what it used to be. An awful lot of getting better is within you. Your overall outlook on life will make a big difference in how any treatment will work. It seems strange, but your mind and body can help a lot. Talk about your situation. Don't keep those scary feelings inside. Surround yourself with loving, positive people who will listen. Continue to live your life and think of this as just one of life's hurdles.
Being scared is OK. Just don't let being scared control your life.
PolythenePam said:
Just wanted to add my best wishes here--I haven't met you Dusty, but I know you must be a wonderful person just like your Jen--hugs to you both.:heart:

Pammie hugggs thank you so very much. welcome back
Thank you everyone else your good thoughts and prayers are very much appericated.
Dear Dusty and Jen,

Don't be scared. You are both surrounded by love. If you want though you could get angry at the cells that betrayed you and focus on how sweet it will be when they are gone from your body. That's the only real work you need to worry about. So what are you waiting for take that c-bitch out!

I don't pray, but I will for you both

:kiss: :kiss: Yasmina:kiss: :kiss:
just wanted to say im still thinking of you both ... dusty was wonderful with my miny crisis here and i will return the favor with all the positive thoughts and prays i can muster
Dusty - well wishes going your way. May your recovery be speedy and complete.

Jen - this thread gave me an idea for another.

Originally posted by Dustygrrl

*sighs* I've been having a lot of health problems for several years. I went to the dr in November and they found that I had a precancerous condition. But I never knew it. No one ever followed up with me or anything. When I was supposed to go check back in with the dr my wicked ex turned off my alarm and I didn't get up. So I have been walking around around 7 months with this condition.

My symptoms are a bit worse now and I made some calls. Ended up talking to an oncologist that told me by now I have cancer. He got me in touch with a social worker and the social worker says I have to go to planned parenthood immediately.
I went to the dr today and am doing okay. I did get myself all stressed out though before I even got there because everyone kept giving us the wrong directions and we walked all over down town for like an hour. Then they did blood work on me and such and the nurse practicioner wouldn't let my friend go back with me until I gave her my history, then she realized that I likely needed the moral support.

So... I survived the appointment part *cringes* barely... Then when the regular dr came out she told me I was anemic and such and that the rest of the tests would be back in a month, but in the mean time I need to have a laparoscopy (surgery) to be checked for endometriosis and a few other things. She seemed pretty hopeful which is a relief to me. She put me on some meds in hopes of clearing up some of my issues.
Dustygrrl said:
...I need to have a laparoscopy (surgery) to be checked for endometriosis and a few other things.
I've had one for similar reasons; if you want to talk about it or anything, let me know, okay?

Bottom line: it's not as bad as you're probably expecting, and the recovery time is surprisingly short. It's a small price to pay to know, once and for all, what the hell is going on with your body--at least, it was for me.

much love & support to you, Dusty. :rose:
Dusty I haven't been on for a few days and am really sorry to hear about your health problems. Trust me, having someone who loves you close for support will make it easier.

I am a fix it person and I know that one of my biggest fears when I got sick awhile back was how I was going to pay the bills? I too am unemployed at this time. I was able to make payment arrangement with my doc and I spoke with a financial counselor/social worker at the hospital. Hospitals have something called Hill Burton funds for folks who can't pay. It has to so through a committee so it isn't guaranteed but may be worth a shot. I am still waiting. It was a blow to my ego to even apply needless to say. I am used to being on the other side of the desk but all I can do is be thankful that funds like this are even around. Check it out, it may give you some peace of mind in that area anyway.

My practitioners were good about giving me samples of drugs and there are places that have prescription grant money. Ask the SW or call your Human Services office.
sexy-girl said:
just wanted to say im still thinking of you both ... dusty was wonderful with my miny crisis here and i will return the favor with all the positive thoughts and prays i can muster

Is all well now?
RisiaSkye said:

I've had one for similar reasons; if you want to talk about it or anything, let me know, okay?

Bottom line: it's not as bad as you're probably expecting, and the recovery time is surprisingly short. It's a small price to pay to know, once and for all, what the hell is going on with your body--at least, it was for me.

much love & support to you, Dusty. :rose:
Yes, I have had a laparoscopy once before. The recovery time was a few days. The worst part of it was actually all the air in my chest from them using the air for whatever the reason lol. My chest hurt for like a week but it was manageable.

I'm really hoping that this really is no more than endometriosis and perhaps a few fibroid cysts... I can deal with that. And so can Jen.
foxinsox said:
Wow, how did I miss this thread?

Dusty and Jen, all the best with what lies ahead. You have each other, and that sort of support will be be more valuable than you could imagine.

I'm sending good thoughts and best wishes your way :rose:
Thanks so much!
As long as we have each other life will be fine
HotXBunz said:
Dusty I haven't been on for a few days and am really sorry to hear about your health problems. Trust me, having someone who loves you close for support will make it easier.

I am a fix it person and I know that one of my biggest fears when I got sick awhile back was how I was going to pay the bills? I too am unemployed at this time. I was able to make payment arrangement with my doc and I spoke with a financial counselor/social worker at the hospital. Hospitals have something called Hill Burton funds for folks who can't pay. It has to so through a committee so it isn't guaranteed but may be worth a shot. I am still waiting. It was a blow to my ego to even apply needless to say. I am used to being on the other side of the desk but all I can do is be thankful that funds like this are even around. Check it out, it may give you some peace of mind in that area anyway.

My practitioners were good about giving me samples of drugs and there are places that have prescription grant money. Ask the SW or call your Human Services office.

I'm actually thinking about getting on medicaide till I can find a job. I was on medicaide before I left my last partner because she would not allow me to work. I just hate to be depending on the gov't when there are those out there that are worse off than myself.
Dustygrrl said:

I'm actually thinking about getting on medicaide till I can find a job. I was on medicaide before I left my last partner because she would not allow me to work. I just hate to be depending on the gov't when there are those out there that are worse off than myself.

It's there for times of need and right now you have need of it.

You should never feel guilty about obtaining the care and attention that you need.:rose: