President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

"Signifigant".....I like the subjective qualifier that explicitly implies you realize they lean left but also allows you to deny it's significance because that lean suits your bias.

You want to pretend the BBC is objective like knock yourself out, the name calling from you isn't worth the effort.

Just say you can’t. You haven’t watched BBC.
jp55665566 writes: "Any "news" source that overtly portrays President Trump as a racist is a propaganda outlet."

RubenR writes: "Sure. Fake news. In your alternative world."

Any news network (e.g. CNN, MSNBC, etc.) that would spend over two years focusing on something as ridiculously phony as was the Trump/Russia collusion story is CLEARLY nothing more than an outlet for FAKE NEWS! And now that they've FINALLY dropped that silliness, the NEW false narrative making the rounds is: "Trump's a racist!"

Adre writes: "No portrayal needed, just show his rallies."

President Trump has more people showing up at HIS rallies than do all 23 Democratic Party presidential candidates COMBINED, Adre! While Trump regularly fills arenas with 10,000 (or more) people, I'll hear about a Joe Biden rally with 80-people showing-up! The American people don't want to hear endless diatribes against this president focusing on the childish-mantra of "Orange man bad!" But that's ALL the Democrats have!
The American people don't want to hear endless diatribes against this president focusing on the childish-mantra of "Orange man bad!" But that's ALL the Democrats have!

Well, it's all people like you want to hear about. Let's not confuse the two.
YDB95 writes: "Well, it's all people like you want to hear about. Let's not confuse the two."

Are you trying to say that YOU were one of those eighty people in Iowa who went to hear former Vice President Joe Biden campaign, YDB95? Did you get to hear any of his famous gaffes?

"Well, I like Biden, he just keeps saying dumb stuff. He feels comfortable in interviews, but his staff just needs to really consider what they're letting him say," said George Alberson, a 62-year-old retiree. "People I know still like Biden. Whether that's predicated on the facts, I have no idea."

Speaking at an Asian and Latino Coalition Town Hall about low-income racial-minority-students, Biden said: “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids — " before then quickly correcting himself: “— wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids.”

Biden's campaign even had to release a statement of clarification, saying he "misspoke and immediately corrected himself during a refrain he often uses to make the point that all children deserve a fair shot, and children born into lower-income circumstances are just as smart as those born to wealthy parents."

The next day, Biden made the erroneous claim that he was vice president during the 2018 Parkland shooting, going as far as to say he even met with the kids personally in Washington, D.C. "Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president," he told reporters.

Trump is going to make mincemeat out of "Gropin' Joe!"
YDB95 writes: "Well, it's all people like you want to hear about. Let's not confuse the two."

Are you trying to say that YOU were one of those eighty people in Iowa who went to hear former Vice President Joe Biden campaign, YDB95? Did you get to hear any of his famous gaffes?

Here we go again, with you hearing exactly what you want to hear with flagrant disregard for what was actually said. Go back and read my comments, I said no such thing.

Besides, you know I live in Australia. No, I didn't go to Iowa to hear a speech by a guy you already know I'm not supporting.
YDB95 writes: "Here we go again, with you hearing exactly what you want to hear with flagrant disregard for what was actually said. Go back and read my comments, I said no such thing."

My point is simply that former V.P. Joe Biden will win the 2020 Democratic Party's presidential nomination before then going down in defeat to President Trump (exactly as happened to former Vice-President Walter Mondale in 1984) - I suppose we can argue about how badly Biden will be landslided, but he's definitely going to lose!

"Besides, you know I live in Australia. No, I didn't go to Iowa to hear a speech by a guy you already know I'm not supporting."

Yes, I know all about you're being from Australia. I consider you to be one of those people in foreign lands that doesn't particularly like the United States, and that translates to mean that you no doubt LOVED Barack Obama! Anti-Americans worldwide liked & admired Obama, as did those liberal-progressives here in the U.S. who had NO DESIRE to see anybody making America great again! The Democratic Party wanted to see President Obama manage America's decline instead, which Barack was willing & anxious to do!
Trump won't be re-elected because his supporters are growing bored with him. Same show different day.
Yes, I know all about you're being from Australia. I consider you to be one of those people in foreign lands that doesn't particularly like the United States, and that translates to mean that you no doubt LOVED Barack Obama! Anti-Americans worldwide liked & admired Obama, as did those liberal-progressives here in the U.S. who had NO DESIRE to see anybody making America great again! The Democratic Party wanted to see President Obama manage America's decline instead, which Barack was willing & anxious to do!

I'm not from Australia; I live there now but I'm from the USA. And I'm damn proud of Obama for all he did to pull us back from the brink of a second Great Depression. I think that was making America great again, thank you very much.
LincolnDuncan writes: "Trump won't be re-elected because his supporters are growing bored with him. Same show different day."

If what you write is true, Lincoln, then President Trump should have NO TROUBLE landsliding "Sleepy Joe" Biden next year! Even today's DEMOCRATS think that old white haired man is a snoozer!

YDB95 writes: "I'm not from Australia; I live there now but I'm from the USA. And I'm damn proud of Obama for all he did to pull us back from the brink of a second Great Depression."

And Obama accomplished it all ONLY at a cost of an additional $10-trillion to our debt! That's a whole lot more than the 1929 Great Depression cost us!

"I think that was making America great again, thank you very much."

Barack Obama made America great again when he almost singlehandedly DESTROYED his own Democratic Party's numbers in the U.S. House & Senate in 2010, with 63-House & 6-Senate seats turned-over to the Republicans! That was nothing short of AWESOME!
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One of the reasons why President Trump is going to beat "Gropin' Joe" Biden next year is because the Democratic Party itself is increasingly CORRUPT! Everybody remembers Bernie Sanders getting screwed in the 2016 nominating process, and it's happening all over again today as the party establishment determines whom their candidate will be, regardless of what the primary voters want!

Look at the stupid-ass debate format that party leaders came up with, and how it's protected Biden from clashing directly with Liz Warren thus far. And now it appears that Tulsi Gabbard is being punished for blowing the wind out of Kamala Harris's sails in the last debate! Tulsi Gabbard will very likely be excluded from the next round of Democratic Party presidential debates on the basis of criteria that appears to be increasingly absurd.

Her poll standing in New Hampshire, which currently places Tulsi at 3.3% support (according to the RealClearPolitics average as of August 20) should easily merit her inclusion in the upcoming debates - especially considering that she’s AHEAD of several other candidates who have already been granted entry (including Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, and Andrew Yang.) But the Democratic National Committee has decreed that the polls constituting this average are not sufficiently “qualifying.

So WHAT exactly makes a poll “qualifying” in the eyes of the DNC? Nobody knows! The absurdity mounts. A South Carolina poll published on August 14th by the Post and Courier placed Gabbard at 2%. One might again vainly assumed that the newspaper with the largest circulation in a critical early primary state would be an “approved” sponsor per the dictates of the DNC, but it is not. Curious. Note to the other candidates: LEAVE KAMALA ALONE!
Curious indeed how the DNC conducts it's business. The "fix" seems to be "in" for Gropin' Joe. Hard to believe; but illustrates the depth of corruption happening with Democrats, and their lapdog MSM. I live a couple blocks from where Elizabeth Warren made an appearance at moneyed-elite Macalester College; claiming an attendance of 12,000 people << HAHA. Actual attendance was more like 3000.
If enough people are dumb enough to believe there's any truth to that, you may be right.

All you have to do is look at the way Liberals act, right here on these forums. They are an embarrassment to the entire country and the Democratic party. It's their feelings that are important, not the truth.
All you have to do is look at the way Liberals act, right here on these forums. They are an embarrassment to the entire country and the Democratic party. It's their feelings that are important, not the truth.

That you seem to think that video is "the truth" speaks for itself. Seriously, I see no point in trying to reason with anyone who believes that nonsense.
One of the reasons why President Trump is going to beat "Gropin' Joe" Biden next year is because the Democratic Party itself is increasingly CORRUPT! Everybody remembers Bernie Sanders getting screwed in the 2016 nominating process, and it's happening all over again today as the party establishment determines whom their candidate will be, regardless of what the primary voters want!

Look at the stupid-ass debate format that party leaders came up with, and how it's protected Biden from clashing directly with Liz Warren thus far. And now it appears that Tulsi Gabbard is being punished for blowing the wind out of Kamala Harris's sails in the last debate! Tulsi Gabbard will very likely be excluded from the next round of Democratic Party presidential debates on the basis of criteria that appears to be increasingly absurd.

Her poll standing in New Hampshire, which currently places Tulsi at 3.3% support (according to the RealClearPolitics average as of August 20) should easily merit her inclusion in the upcoming debates - especially considering that she’s AHEAD of several other candidates who have already been granted entry (including Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, and Andrew Yang.) But the Democratic National Committee has decreed that the polls constituting this average are not sufficiently “qualifying.

So WHAT exactly makes a poll “qualifying” in the eyes of the DNC? Nobody knows! The absurdity mounts. A South Carolina poll published on August 14th by the Post and Courier placed Gabbard at 2%. One might again vainly assumed that the newspaper with the largest circulation in a critical early primary state would be an “approved” sponsor per the dictates of the DNC, but it is not. Curious. Note to the other candidates: LEAVE KAMALA ALONE!
I saw a poll that showed Trump being beat in 2020 by several candidates. Did you happen to notice that one?
IYO... where can the public find unbiased "news"?

I start my day with Time followed by BBC.
In my opinion Time has a moderate right wing bias but in most stories gives a balanced view.
BBC has a slight left wing bias but the same article can bring cries of outrage from the left and the right so I figure it must be fairly unbiased in their presentation.
The major newspapers in NZ are right leaning, blatantly so. The tv news agencies here have a mix of left and right presenters but we don't have anything that approaches Fox, thank god.
All you have to do is look at the way Liberals act, right here on these forums. They are an embarrassment to the entire country and the Democratic party. It's their feelings that are important, not the truth.

"We choose truth over facts" - Joe Biden 2019 Iowa State Fair
I saw a poll that showed Trump being beat in 2020 by several candidates. Did you happen to notice that one?

He should have. It was on Fox "News".

Donald Trump’s long-simmering frustration with Fox News boiled over Sunday night, after the network posted another 2020 presidential poll showing him losing to every one of the Democratic front-runners in a potential matchup.

Though to be fair to racist dump/bot/dawn he didn't know the US had stopped using Sherman tanks back in the 1950s.
He should have. It was on Fox "News".

Donald Trump’s long-simmering frustration with Fox News boiled over Sunday night, after the network posted another 2020 presidential poll showing him losing to every one of the Democratic front-runners in a potential matchup.

Though to be fair to racist dump/bot/dawn he didn't know the US had stopped using Sherman tanks back in the 1950s.

No, Dump has told us several times he doesn't watch Fox News because he doesn't have cable. (One can't help but wonder if it's also because even they are too liberal for his tastes...)

Was one of them Silly Hillary Clinton? :rolleyes:

Since about 20 people are running and she's not one of them, I don't see why it would be.
No, Dump has told us several times he doesn't watch Fox News because he doesn't have cable. (One can't help but wonder if it's also because even they are too liberal for his tastes...)

His alt, racist, dawn made the exact same claim! How weird! Also, they very much watch Fox "News" because it's essentially the white supremacist clearing house.
His alt, racist, dawn made the exact same claim! How weird! Also, they very much watch Fox "News" because it's essentially the white supremacist clearing house.

“White supremacist clearing house” Oh my God! you and LukLuk keep me in stitches reading your crap, makes my day. It’s like a running comedy soooooo funny. Keep up the good work you’re making people laugh.