President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

Back 50 years ago those countries would have been considered communist. Today, Communism and socialism really don't have the self identifying properties they had 50 years ago. In today's global economy most communist countries are hybrid combination of both communism and socialism. Countries like China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam have their roots in communism and still have a one party central government but most world leaders would consider them communist in name only. They sometimes act like communist, sometimes like socialist and steeped in capitalism. I believe N Korea is the only hard line communist country in the world today.

Pretty presumptuous of you to identify Trump as a bad leader. Why don't you let history determine that.

We are a republic with 3 co-equal branches of government with a built in system of checks and balances. We have alienable rights and a constitution which consist of 27 amendments that protect our freedoms. Most Americans don't really care about what countries are communist or socialist. We are about " WE THE PEOPLE". I do agree that in order to protect our freedoms we have to have an educated electorate, one that is aware of the traps that could jeopardize our way of life. It would appear we are leaning toward democratic socialism, my humble opinion, I pray we don't.

I read the Communist Manifesto ( Carl Marx ) and Mein Kampf ( Adolf Hitler ), mandatory reading when I was in high school and college.

Yes, they would have been considered as communist, but they weren't. Communism can only be what Marx set out in his writings. I repeat no nation has ever done that. There have been some that the the world leaders of the day labelled as communist and the label stuck and the ignorant or those with a devious agenda have continued to use. But unless you're trump, saying it does not make it true.
If you had read the communist manifesto as you claim you would know that it also is premised on the overriding principle of we the people.
My observation from posts on here and other forums is that the people of the USA care deeply about what countries are communist or socialist. Why else would you go to war with so many countries that you seem to be communist or socialist? Other than protecting your access to cheap oil?
If you believe that North Korea is hard line communist then you haven't read the communist manifesto. That they are an untrustworthy and evil dictatorship and would probably be greatly improved by a serious preemptive nuclear strike is beyond doubt but they are not communist.

I think you meant inalienable rights. Although the slip may well be Freudian. Viewed from my perspective Trump acts as though he does not know the constitution, or he just ignores it as it suits him. As you say history will tell. I know where my dollar is going.
Yes, they would have been considered as communist, but they weren't. Communism can only be what Marx set out in his writings. I repeat no nation has ever done that. There have been some that the the world leaders of the day labelled as communist and the label stuck and the ignorant or those with a devious agenda have continued to use. But unless you're trump, saying it does not make it true.
If you had read the communist manifesto as you claim you would know that it also is premised on the overriding principle of we the people.
My observation from posts on here and other forums is that the people of the USA care deeply about what countries are communist or socialist. Why else would you go to war with so many countries that you seem to be communist or socialist? Other than protecting your access to cheap oil?
If you believe that North Korea is hard line communist then you haven't read the communist manifesto. That they are an untrustworthy and evil dictatorship and would probably be greatly improved by a serious preemptive nuclear strike is beyond doubt but they are not communist.

I think you meant inalienable rights. Although the slip may well be Freudian. Viewed from my perspective Trump acts as though he does not know the constitution, or he just ignores it as it suits him. As you say history will tell. I know where my dollar is going.

How passive agressive of you. Thank you for your mis-correction "unalienable" key stroke error, not Freudian. 'We' [the people]' not 'WE' [the collective] We believe in individual rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. AH 'the cheap oil accusations and we went to war with so many countries? At the time communism was a global threat and we took the lead. What did NZ do during the cold war? You are so misinformed!. We had the cold war with the Soviets and the Korean conflict which was under the auspices U.N. after the North invaded the south and the vietnam war which was a containment war against communism both heavily impacted by the Chinese. The so called oil war was when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait which was a coalition of 39 countries to win back Kuwait's freedom led by the US. Was that the wrong thing to do. Having participated in that war, if I remember right NZ contributed 3 transport aircraft and a medical team. It took a lot of research to find that little tidbit. So what's NZ's claim to fame, your bellowing from the mountain tops has me quite curious. You kind of remind me of RubenR. You exude an aura of arrogance which far surpasses any american. I do detect a bit of levity with your critique of American politics. I hear NZ is a wonderful place to live, I'll have to visit there some day.
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Boxlicker101 writes: "Bernie might win the nomination but, if he does, he will lose in a monumental landslide. Bernie would be doing well to even carry his home state of VT and DC."

I agree. Bernie's got a very small (and very loyal) core group of supporters. But he's NOT a mainstream Democrat, and he's woefully WEAK among many of the Democratic Party constituencies that he'd need to keep the election even close!

"Biden was the only candidate with a chance of winning the general election, but he now seems to be afflicted by galloping senility, and might spend the primary season in a padded cell."

Joe will win the nomination for that very reason: he's the BEST they've got among an amazingly WEAK field of presidential candidates! And every day that he's on the campaign trail the MORE the party establishment groans about the future of their party, and their growing fear of a landslide loss in 2020!

"I'm reasonably sure there will be no impeachment of Trump. Nancy Pelosi and others have sense enough to know there s no chance of a conviction in the Senate, so the only thing an impeachment would accomplish would be to piss off the electorate over the waste of time and money."

Donald Trump is well aware of this, Boxlicker - and he's played the House Democrats like a violin. Nancy Pelosi is growing more powerless to stop her own freshmen class of congressmen/women by the day, even though she knows FULL WELL what kind of disaster they'll bring upon their own party's legislative numbers in 2020 if they're allowed to continue!
How passive agressive of you. Thank you for your mis-correction "unalienable" key stroke error, not Freudian. 'We' [the people]' not 'WE' [the collective] We believe in individual rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. AH 'the cheap oil accusations and we went to war with so many countries? At the time communism was a global threat and we took the lead. What did NZ do during the cold war? You are so misinformed!. We had the cold war with the Soviets and the Korean conflict which was under the auspices U.N. after the North invaded the south and the vietnam war which was a containment war against communism both heavily impacted by the Chinese. The so called oil war was when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait which was a coalition of 39 countries to win back Kuwait's freedom led by the US. Was that the wrong thing to do. Having participated in that war, if I remember right NZ contributed 3 transport aircraft and a medical team. It took a lot of research to find that little tidbit. So what's NZ's claim to fame, your bellowing from the mountain tops has me quite curious. You kind of remind me of RubenR. You exude an aura of arrogance which far surpasses any american. I do detect a bit of levity with your critique of American politics. I hear NZ is a wonderful place to live, I'll have to visit there some day.

Passive aggressive? In that case you have learned well grasshopper.
NZ has supported the USA in every conflict it has been involved in since WWII. You'll remember that you yanks came in to support us in that one. Thank you.
But in every conflict since then we have supported the USA. All of them. In Vietnam NZ along with the Aussies were the only other western nations dumb enough to support you. If you can identify one conflict that we did not stand alongside the yanks I'd be very surprised.
And what have you done for us, gave us a spanking for suggesting that it might be time to admit China to the UN. That was just after the armistice in Korea was signed. Our reasoning was the same as trumps for talking to the little rocket man. That is, it's better to be talking with these rogue nations than to exclude them but no, Eisenhower knew best and made all sorts of threats against us. Secondly when we, by democratic vote, exercising our fundamental right to determine our own destiny declared ourselves nuclear free Reagan spat the dummy, cancelled all military alliances with us, and removed our status as a friend. That status was only restored by Obama. Even that wanker Clinton didn't reverse reagans ban. The reality is the we put our hand up whenever you asked, whereas you have treated us very shoddily.
So yes, we contributed throughout the Cold War and the hot ones as well. Our contribution may have been small, but were proportionate to our population, the size of our economy, and our overall military budget but has included the lives of our soldiers.
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magicalmoments writes: "NZ has supported the USA in every conflict it has been involved in since WWII. You'll remember that you yanks came in to support us in that one. Thank you."

The modern politically-progressive far left here in the United States does NOT like it when other nations are on friendly terms with America! President Obama, for example, did far more for the America-hating mullahs in IRAN than he ever did for for New Zealand! And the Hollywood left speaks far more highly of anti-U.S. nations like Cuba! Libs only like N.Z. when your nation does something anti-American! It is America's CONSERVATIVES who value our long-standing friendship with pro-western nations like New Zealand & Australia, NOT the libs!

"In Vietnam NZ along with the Aussies were the only other western nations dumb enough to support you."

Jane Fonda and the far-left anti-war liberals in the United States WANTED the Communist North Vietnamese to win that war, so NO - they were NOT pleased to see Australia & New Zealand on the same side as the U.S. in that conflict! After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, America's pro-Marxist liberals were HORRIFIED to see Communism's rapid collapse in Russia & eastern Europe! Even Vietnam has since scrapped socialism and embraced capitalist economics (although, as with China, they have NOT yet become a working democracy!)

"So yes, we contributed throughout the Cold War and the hot ones as well. Our contribution may have been small, but were proportionate to our population, the size of our economy, and our overall military budget but has included the lives of our soldiers."

Conservatives in the U.S. appreciate & like western nations like New Zealand & Australia. Pro-Marxist-Socialist American liberals have always preferred closer ties to socialist-dictatorships like Cuba. It's pretty much been that way since World War II ended and the Cold War liberals were slowly forced OUT of the U.S. Democratic Party.
Passive aggressive? In that case you have learned well grasshopper.
NZ has supported the USA in every conflict it has been involved in since WWII. You'll remember that you yanks came in to support us in that one. Thank you.
But in every conflict since then we have supported the USA. All of them. In Vietnam NZ along with the Aussies were the only other western nations dumb enough to support you. If you can identify one conflict that we did not stand alongside the yanks I'd be very surprised.
And what have you done for us, gave us a spanking for suggesting that it might be time to admit China to the UN. That was just after the armistice in Korea was signed. Our reasoning was the same as trumps for talking to the little rocket man. That is, it's better to be talking with these rogue nations than to exclude them but no, Eisenhower knew best and made all sorts of threats against us. Secondly when we, by democratic vote, exercising our fundamental right to determine our own destiny declared ourselves nuclear free Reagan spat the dummy, cancelled all military alliances with us, and removed our status as a friend. That status was only restored by Obama. Even that wanker Clinton didn't reverse reagans ban. The reality is the we put our hand up whenever you asked, whereas you have treated us very shoddily.
So yes, we contributed throughout the Cold War and the hot ones as well. Our contribution may have been small, but were proportionate to our population, the size of our economy, and our overall military budget but has included the lives of our soldiers.

Dealing with Australia and NZ in 1953 I believe was more about internal politics and settling The Koreas than You'se guys. We were just involved with one major war and a very dangerous conflict. NZ and Australia wanted to be consulted on defense issues and the U.S. already had a defense plan on the table. ANZUS Treaty went forward but not taken as seriously BY THE U.S. as A and NZ wanted. I think it was more personality driven and the U.S. just finishing with 2 wars and the start of the cold war. If I remember correctly, MacArthur wanted to nuke the Chinese and ended up being fired by Truman for being insubordinate. I think we were war weary. We, as americans, always remember a friend. I'm reading about your country as we speak, it sounds like a nice place to live. I know the peace was broken with the tragedy at Christchurch and all of America grieved with you. We will never give up our 2nd amendment rights. We refuse to give our government absolute power over us.
magicalmoments writes: "NZ has supported the USA in every conflict it has been involved in since WWII. You'll remember that you yanks came in to support us in that one. Thank you."

The modern politically-progressive far left here in the United States does NOT like it when other nations are on friendly terms with America! President Obama, for example, did far more for the America-hating mullahs in IRAN than he ever did for for New Zealand! And the Hollywood left speaks far more highly of anti-U.S. nations like Cuba! Libs only like N.Z. when your nation does something anti-American! It is America's CONSERVATIVES who value our long-standing friendship with pro-western nations like New Zealand & Australia, NOT the libs!

"In Vietnam NZ along with the Aussies were the only other western nations dumb enough to support you."

Jane Fonda and the far-left anti-war liberals in the United States WANTED the Communist North Vietnamese to win that war, so NO - they were NOT pleased to see Australia & New Zealand on the same side as the U.S. in that conflict! After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, America's pro-Marxist liberals were HORRIFIED to see Communism's rapid collapse in Russia & eastern Europe! Even Vietnam has since scrapped socialism and embraced capitalist economics (although, as with China, they have NOT yet become a working democracy!)

"So yes, we contributed throughout the Cold War and the hot ones as well. Our contribution may have been small, but were proportionate to our population, the size of our economy, and our overall military budget but has included the lives of our soldiers."

Conservatives in the U.S. appreciate & like western nations like New Zealand & Australia. Pro-Marxist-Socialist American liberals have always preferred closer ties to socialist-dictatorships like Cuba. It's pretty much been that way since World War II ended and the Cold War liberals were slowly forced OUT of the U.S. Democratic Party.

It's taken me a while but I've just figured out, Dumpington is special.
I don't think I'll disturb his fantasy world any more.
President Obama, for example, did far more for the America-hating mullahs

Islamphobic, racist dump seems to forget that it was under Obama that Iran agreed to a deal that would prevent them from developing nuclear weapons.

Anti-Semitic, pro-child murder dump also forgets that because of Trump Iran is now allowed to build nuclear weapons and the U.S. probably won't be able to detect if they are.

Hate-filled, anti-woman dump also seems to forget that Trump's buddies in Saudi Arabia are busy murdering innocent people in Yemen thanks to the arms Trump is happily giving them.

Wow dump, in one post you managed anti-Semitism, racism, Islamophobia, and misogyny. That's a new low even for you.
Islamphobic, racist dump seems to forget that it was under Obama that Iran agreed to a deal that would prevent them from developing nuclear weapons.

Anti-Semitic, pro-child murder dump also forgets that because of Trump Iran is now allowed to build nuclear weapons and the U.S. probably won't be able to detect if they are.

Hate-filled, anti-woman dump also seems to forget that Trump's buddies in Saudi Arabia are busy murdering innocent people in Yemen thanks to the arms Trump is happily giving them.

Wow dump, in one post you managed anti-Semitism, racism, Islamophobia, and misogyny. That's a new low even for you.

Only a fool believes anything the mullahs say. When they change their minds, they say something like "It is the will of Allah" and ignore their previous words.
dan_c00000 writes: "Islamphobic, racist dump seems to forget that it was under Obama that Iran agreed to a deal that would prevent them from developing nuclear weapons."

The America-hating mullahs in Iran played Barack Obama like a fiddle! He gave them EVERYTHING they wanted, and got NOTHING in return!

"Hate-filled, anti-woman dump also seems to forget that Trump's buddies in Saudi Arabia are busy murdering innocent people in Yemen thanks to the arms Trump is happily giving them."

Yes, Dan - Islamic Sharia Law is both anti-women & anti-gay - and it's NOT compatible with our U.S. Constitution. I'm surprised & pleased to see you recognizing this fact! The Democratic Party has cozied-up to Muslims because liberals view Islam as a natural ally in opposing traditional American Judeo-Christian values.

"Wow dump, in one post you managed anti-Semitism, racism, Islamophobia, and misogyny. That's a new low even for you."

Yes, Dan, you deeply dislike Israel, the U.S. flag, & conservative women - but you LIKE open borders, abortion, the gay Rainbow flag, and the Ku Kux Klan. That makes you a modern liberal Democrat!
President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 because the majority of citizens just aren't as dumb as Democrat/Liberals think we are.
President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 because the majority of citizens just aren't as dumb as Democrat/Liberals think we are.

Democrats aren't liberals anymore....haven't been for some time now.

Republicans are the more liberal party.

Liberalism =/= leftism.
Liberals are voting for Trump......only thing (D)'s are offering is authoritarianism.

We've discussed what constitutes a liberal before, we are not going to agree on the point.
noone I would define as a liberal is going to vote for trump.
We've discussed what constitutes a liberal before, we are not going to agree on the point.
noone I would define as a liberal is going to vote for trump.

Under what name??

Probably not, that's because you like many other uneducated folks and deceptive leftist you seem to be trying to re-define liberalism.

Arguably to provide some cover to your flavor of authoritarianism.

Hard to call yourself a liberal when you hate liberty ;)
Democrats aren't liberals anymore....haven't been for some time now.

Republicans are the more liberal party.

Liberalism =/= leftism.

Ok. I'm finally getting your point. Democrats are definitely NOT LIBERALS, but authoritarian ideologues.
BotanyBoy writes: "Liberals are voting for Trump......only thing (D)'s are offering is authoritarianism."

jp55665566 writes: "Ok. I'm finally getting your point. Democrats are definitely NOT LIBERALS, but authoritarian ideologues."

The Democratic Party was once liberal - but that was then and this is now.

Today's Democrats are authoritarian hate-mongers, who will label you a RACIST if they find out you voted for John McCain instead of Barack Obama in 2008 - or a SEXIST if you supported Trump over Hillary in 2016. Today's Democrats will label you a white supremacist if you celebrate the Fourth of July by flying U.S. flags. Today's Dems insist that the ONLY flags worth flying anymore are the gay Rainbow flag along with the occasional Mexican flag! Modern Dems argue that standing respectfully during our national anthem is something that only Trump-supporters do - they REFUSE to do so!

THIS is why the Republicans are going to win BIG in 2020. And when that happens, progressives will argue that it ONLY happened because Joe Biden was such a terrible candidate! They'll REFUSE to recognize their own hard-left-turn as being responsible for the American people seriously rejecting them!
Personally I proudly think of myself as a liberal.
I believe that the greatest social and political changes in the world have been instigated by liberals. Most of those who use the word "liberal" as an insult don't realise that their freedom to do so was won for them by liberals.
Being a liberal is something to celebrate, not condemn.

Wouldn't it be good to have a universal definition on what constitutes a "liberal" attitude or outlook.
I'm thinking here about an international definition, not one that is focussed on events or personalities in the isolated environment of USA politics.

I thought I'd try listing my ideas as to what contitutes a "liberal" and await the onslaught.

A Liberal accepts that:
All people share identical equal rights.
Individual rights, as in your personal freedom to do anything, should not infringe anothers individual rights, including religious freedoms.
Democracy, as in the will of the majority, is the most sensible and fair form of govt.

And that's about it really, those are thing key things that I believe make up a liberal outlook. In my opinion, if you do not accept them you cannot claim to be a liberal.
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Personally I proudly think of myself as a liberal.
I believe that the greatest social and political changes in the world have been instigated by liberals. Most of those who use the word "liberal" as an insult don't realise that their freedom to do so was won for them by liberals.
Being a liberal is something to celebrate, not condemn.

Wouldn't it be good to have a universal definition on what constitutes a "liberal" attitude or outlook.
I'm thinking here about an international definition, not one that is focussed on events or personalities in the isolated environment of USA politics.

I thought I'd try listing my ideas as to what contitutes a "liberal" and await the onslaught.

A Liberal accepts that:
All people share identical equal rights.
Individual rights, as in your personal freedom to do anything, should not infringe anothers individual rights, including religious freedoms.
Democracy, as in the will of the majority, is the most sensible and fair form of govt.

And that's about it really, those are thing key things that I believe make up a liberal outlook. In my opinion, if you do not accept them you cannot claim to be a liberal.

Encyclopedia Britannica has a pretty succinct definition.

Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.

As a hardcore liberal myself, I don't think democracy has anything to do with it.

In fact democracy can very much be a threat to liberty if not constrained by rule of law as we in the US have done with our Bill of Rights....FORBIDDING our democratic government from infringing on certain rights of the individual. Having due process before the state violates individual liberty for very specific reasons, almost always for violating others individual liberty.

Because if the mob rules it will violate the individual, because the mob is not fair nor reasonable. History has proven this time and time again.

To me it's pretty clear that you have to in most cases prioritize individual liberty over collective/state authority to be considered liberal.
Ok. I'm finally getting your point. Democrats are definitely NOT LIBERALS, but authoritarian ideologues.

Bingo....the Liberal (D)'s are no longer in control of the (D)'s, the socialist control that party now.

The Democratic Party was once liberal - but that was then and this is now.


Today's Democrats are authoritarian hate-mongers

Currently that is the dominant faction of the DNC.

THIS is why the Republicans are going to win BIG in 2020. And when that happens, progressives will argue that it ONLY happened because Joe Biden was such a terrible candidate! They'll REFUSE to recognize their own hard-left-turn as being responsible for the American people seriously rejecting them!

I hope wasn't too long ago socialist just like them committed mass murder in my fathers home nation and exterminated most of my family.

As you might imagine along with many Cuban, Hmong, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese and Soviet refugees who FLED to the USA socialism isn't very popular in my family.

What I find so bizzare is how acceptable it is to the modern American progressive.


Also they never seem to question why people are always fleeing from socialist shit holes and never to them.
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Also they never seem to question why people are always fleeing from socialist shit holes and never to them.

Is Denmark a socialist shithole? Sweden? Canada? Those are the countries liberals and members of the Democratic party suggest using a model to correct our massive income inequality and social welfare programs.

By the way I noticed you didn't actually condemn the Nazis. We'll all just go ahead and assume you agree that murdering millions of people, especially if they're Jewish, is just fine.

Your Antisemitism is showing again bot.
dan_c00000 writes: "Is Denmark a socialist shithole? Sweden? Canada?"

Those are all CAPITALIST nations that you've listed, Dan!

Is "Cuba" a socialist shithole? How about "Venezuela?" Those are the countries that America's liberals and members of the Democratic party suggest using as a model to correct our massive income inequality and social welfare programs.

"By the way I noticed you didn't actually condemn the Nazis."

You've never condemned the Nazis, EITHER! I've just now re-read ALL of your past posts, Dan, looking for your condemnation of Hitler & his Nazi German government, but such condemnation is NOWHERE to be found - I guess we'll just go ahead and assume that you agree that murdering millions of people (especially if they're Jewish) is just fine.