Primping and Preparations

I like to shower first
Put on clean clothing
I like to try & wear my boots (so they can be well kissed ;)) and fine kid-leather gloves
For the scene itself, if you've seen my stuff in the BDSM organization thread, my stuff is VERY arranged and I have a sort of ritual of unpacking & laying out the toys
If I'm using my bracers, I like the sub I'll be playing with to lace them on me
There're other things depending on what's going on
Having Wyn bathe me was always a nice way to get in headspace :D

None of this stuff is NECESSARY to me
Moon can attest that if we're hanging around in jeans & t-shirts BSing and she gets disrespectful I don't feel the need to change or go thru some process to give her comeuppance :D

But it's nice to have ritualistic steps to go thru to prepare myself mentally & physically for fun ;)
I've been 'going without' lately too, Richard, although mostly 'cause I haven't done any laundry in a while. Nevertheless, it's generally nice to be a little more naked than everyone else. Except when it's coooold...

As for my preparations, I'm all about a shower. I usually masturbate myself close to orgasm (if I expect that there is going to be sex involved) so that all of my senses are heightened and he won't have to do all the warm-up work unless he wants to.

Unlike MissT, I often wear my hair down all day, and up for an evening with a partner. When I put it up, it looks old-fashioned -- like I'm a black-and-white movie star. Taking it down when requested is a very pleasant ritual for me.

**Edited to add: Often, I intentionally dress in ways that aren't "easy access," just so that I will have the pleasure of removing complicated clothing later, or so that I can enjoy the feeling of having my clothes just pushed aside, wrinkled up, half-undone while we're pursuing our other pursuits.
Richard49 said:
That's all the more reason to not wear any

lol! my goodies are for private viewing, not public display! my bedroom persona and the one i carry around during the day are very different! i'm actually quite shy, and would blush myself to death if i thought anyone hand caught a sneak peek at my private bits. but get me alone in a room with Him, and i become this uninhibited hedonist! strip me naked, bend me over, and make me scream!
*blush* no, that wasn't an offer! i was trying to make the point that.....oh hell, why not - it's an offer! :p
bunny bondage said:
*blush* no, that wasn't an offer! i was trying to make the point that.....oh hell, why not - it's an offer! :p

Do I have to fight your Dom?
I love to take a long, hot bath just to relax. Normally, however, a shower to get myself squeaky clean, shave everything with a fresh razor blade, and put lotion on my entire body for softness. Light sprays of my scent in strategic spots, check my fingernails to make sure none are rough, maybe some clear polish. Very light makeup if any... and then, choosing what to wear. I'm partial to my black corset and black stockings, he always seems to love it when I wear them.

Mentally, I daydream about all the possibilities most of the day... (every day, for that matter) ;)
bunny bondage said:
lol! my goodies are for private viewing, not public display! my bedroom persona and the one i carry around during the day are very different! i'm actually quite shy, and would blush myself to death if i thought anyone hand caught a sneak peek at my private bits. but get me alone in a room with Him, and i become this uninhibited hedonist! strip me naked, bend me over, and make me scream!

So stripping you in public or driving thru toll booths while making you masturbate in the passenger seat might be a little upsetting to you?
James G 5 said:
So stripping you in public or driving thru toll booths while making you masturbate in the passenger seat might be a little upsetting to you?

I think this would be good for her

but then she has this Dom who might not like us doing this to
Richard49 said:
I think this would be good for her

but then she has this Dom who might not like us doing this to

DAMN those pesky details *sigh*
I guess there's nothing for it, Richard, except for you to take him out for a beer & I will "help" bunny with her issues while he's distracted

I'm making this offer STRICTLY out of altruism, you understand
James G 5 said:
DAMN those pesky details *sigh*
I guess there's nothing for it, Richard, except for you to take him out for a beer & I will "help" bunny with her issues while he's distracted

I'm making this offer STRICTLY out of altruism, you understand

and you will respect me in the morning?
~ Emmeline ~ said:

Mentally, I daydream about all the possibilities most of the day... (every day, for that matter) ;)

Hell, we all daydream about it, all the time! That's half the pleasure. Daydreaming up a scenario, playing with it in your mind. Making it all go as planned.

As many have said and I ditto them.... Sex begins and ends in the mind. The thoughts are where eroticism starts.
James G 5 said:
So stripping you in public or driving thru toll booths while making you masturbate in the passenger seat might be a little upsetting to you?

LMBO... You're sooooo bad, James. :devil:
*glares at Richard and James* you keep your toll booth adventures to yourselves! i'll have no part in your mischevious misdoings!

merelan, i agree. sex is more mental than anything. the brain is the biggest sex organ.
So, back on topic,

when you, as a submissive, prepare for time with your Dom/me, how much time and energy do you put into your physical appearance?

Are there other details that you tend to, i.e. meal planning, cleaning the bedroom/home, if appropriate, or whatever other cirumstance may come along?