Princess' house of Smexynesd


Pikaman agrees with what I'm saying.


Title: That's not a Thermometer.
Synopsis: The hazing of the new, ultra-naive nurse starts out simple enough, but when the staff finds out just how naive she is, they discover a whole new world of fun. Lets just hope that this poor girl can make it through her lessons at sexual healing.



Title: Swords and Succubi
Synopsis: Magical fantasy game comes out and it's beta testers are sucked into the game. Possible comedy elements of them having to RP with the locals to communicate with them, and with them not realizing that they can't get out of the game right away. Sort of like Kitty Magic, that thread that we had that didn't go anywhere.



Title: Bad Hare Day
Synopsis: The cute bunny girl just wanted to get a job at the popular bar in town. How did she find herself in the back room giving a very different kind of job?



Title: Yo, Ho.
Synopsis: A team of intrepid space explorers is attacked by FURRY SPACE PIRATES. The ensuing battle causes both ships to go crashing through the atmosphere of the dreaded Planet Doom, a jungle planet said to be the home of many a terrifying monster. Will they be able to work together to overcome the odds, or are these explorers, and these pirates too different to get along...lets just hope the wandering tentacle monster doesn't find them before they find out, eh?



Title: Dimestore Payback (I have no idea what it means myself.)
Synopsis: After the punk girl discovers that the quarterback is just as much of a stinky penishead as everyone said he was (this discovery is made as she discovers that he has been cheating on her with the head cheerleader [haha, get it? head cheerleader]). She decides that the only way to make things right is for her to have a wild and sordid affair with as many people as possible. She sets her sights low for her first target, picking up a nerdy art kid, but somewhere along the line discovers that maybe the Quarterback isn't the only guy who can show her a good time.



Title: Back Issue Beauties
Synopsis: When a couple of guys who work at a comic book store do good by an old lady, it seems that all of their wildest (and sexiest) dreams, seem to be coming true, and for a couple of geeks at a comic book store, you know what that's likely to be like.



Title: Blackboard Shenanigans
Synopsis: The classroom was a normal place until the new transfer student arrived. It probably still would have been normal...had she not have been transferring from another planet. Apparently she's all too eager to learn about earth's customs...and their anatomy. It also becomes apparent that she's not the only one of her kind on earth...and not even the only one of her kind transferring to class D-4.
Title: Yo, Ho.
Synopsis: A team of intrepid space explorers is attacked by FURRY SPACE PIRATES. The ensuing battle causes both ships to go crashing through the atmosphere of the dreaded Planet Doom, a jungle planet said to be the home of many a terrifying monster. Will they be able to work together to overcome the odds, or are these explorers, and these pirates too different to get along...lets just hope the wandering tentacle monster doesn't find them before they find out, eh?

Why is it that every time I see someone push for this, there is some unnessisary caps lock action? every dam time.

*sniggers* head cheerleader
Why is it that every time I see someone push for this, there is some unnessisary caps lock action? every dam time.

*sniggers* head cheerleader

Caps lock is for chumps. I just press down that shift key and have at it. I considered capsing the words "tentacle monster" too, but decided against it.

I'm glad you liked that.
*tackles princessss*


Btw, that was caps lock. *cough*
*tackles princessss*


Btw, that was caps lock. *cough*

It appears that she already left. In fact, she left just before I could post all of my thread ideas. This means that you not only missed her yesterday, but today as well...

you just lost the game.

I think I'mma go cry in a corner now.

P.S. I totally stalked your dA account today, Magey.