
Lauren Hynde said:

I didn't.
Guess I would not be the choice for editor hmm?

I want a book. I think. All the cool kids are getting one. 50-60 publications really? Dayum. Is that poems or different places? Do online places count? I am telling you I got a few in print and the 2 that I did the publications were much less professional and far less read then the online ones.

But there is nothing like a book in hand.

And if you want one in hand, here is one:

annaswirls said:
I didn't.
Guess I would not be the choice for editor hmm?

I want a book. I think. All the cool kids are getting one. 50-60 publications really? Dayum. Is that poems or different places? Do online places count? I am telling you I got a few in print and the 2 that I did the publications were much less professional and far less read then the online ones.

But there is nothing like a book in hand.

And if you want one in hand, here is one:

Did anyone have a problem with the above link? It's either the link or my computer, but I had to shut it down after clicking on the link.
WickedEve said:
Did anyone have a problem with the above link? It's either the link or my computer, but I had to shut it down after clicking on the link.

The link worked for me.

<what happen with my publication!>

I Was approached by a press co, <fairly new> that wanted ONE story of mine. "Numchucks: the legend" I had just finished "Portal to the Vixen Planet" for the halloween story contest here at lit and asked if they would like to see that as well for I thought it was much better than the "Numchucks" tale, they loved it also and gave me a three book proposal which I signed for 45 % of all sales <with out an agent, with an agent that would have been the standard 30 %. They and most companys prefer to work with agents. <get a "get published book"> I was given the option for the third publication and I wanted to do a book with my "Rose" series and poems, I am told they will not sell as well as stories!!! So I have till summer 2006 to decide and am writing a new book called "How to Hunt a Nymph-O" <with the help of several poets here <bows humble (~_~)>
that I may use instead, But I like you wanted a poem book published <I may yet, but feel they will talk me out of it again <grin>) we'll see!

They went through my writes and wanted two for an anthology they were putting together "Into the Woods" and they ended up with 4 stories for this book, and are having another out this christmas with 2 of my christmas stories in that publication. I just recieved last week the "Into the woods" book <smilin> and it has a promo for "Portal to the Vixen Planet" well they changed the name to "Portal 'OF' the Vixen Planet" (ANY BODY HAVE AN IDEA WHY???) the editor is easy to work with, the owner has been insightful and pleasant and the promo dept. is always busy <grin>

obviously they use Lulu for publication, (I did not know this and not sure that that matters in my case because I am not trying to make money at this, I make money in other things <grin>) I can only state that so far I have been happy with the way they have communicated with me and of course my stories are being published, I have sent out over a hundred quieries before I found one that wanted my works and they are great to work with.

The key jeffrey is to knock on doors and you will find out quickly how hard it is to get your foot in the door, especially being unpublished, once you find some one that likes your stuff it is down hill from there. Don't get discouraged, just keep trying, I won't get rich writing, that is not my intent, yet not a bad thought either, but like most have stated, the basics have to be polished a bit <literature> and the story / poem has to really grab an agent or publishing company, as with mine, they said they were investing in my imagination and my story was commercially viable. A good editor goes a long way <grin> also!

I don't know that I would recomend self publishing for the fact that if a company is not willing to publish your work, then they must know what is commercially viable and what is not. They are more in tune to what will sell and what will not. The author hangout gathers stories and has them published probably about like the press company that invested in my writes, this maybe a thought to look into, I sent "The Trinket" and "Social Insecurity" by art ; to a lot of agents. And still do, but the smaller companys except new writers, where as (I read from another in this thread) larger companys have the writers they are investing in and a new writer must really have a 'hum dinger' to get them to BUY the write. There are agents for Poetry if that is where your heart is but as was said a few post ago, the really good poets get published because... they know what they are doing!

unless you just want to be published for x reason and then I say try it and find out but the investment may not be made back, then again it might!

good luck
hope this clears up a few things <grin>

Lauren Hynde said:
Well, you can have someone do that for you. Just not someone at ;)

Is that an offer or do I have a problem with ladies winking at me?
Lauren Hynde said:
It depends how much a poetry editor is making these days. :D

I'm a sucker for seductive AVs. It won't be the last time I get my face slapped. ;)
Hi Art,

Thank you for the information and advice.
I will take note of it.

Breaking into any world is never easy.
I worked as an Analyst in the financial field and there are tons of qualified people everywhere.

The same holds true on poetry.
Something worth doing is something worth doing excellently.


To all,

I believe that it is important for all critiques to post some poems so as to let the reader/author know who is talking.

It is true that comments made by someone who is excellent and top notch would be viewed differently from someone whom no one knows for that person has not posted anything.

In any forum, there will be those that come to create chaos and mayhem. Others come to alleviate themselves from a low self-esteem.

People who seek sincerely to improve their poetry would be most welcome to all who seek and want to learn, which has been the purpose of poetry forums.

Last but not least, poets will differ as to what “good” poetry is. That being said, it is still important to see their works.


darthjser said:
To all,

I believe that it is important for all critiques to post some poems so as to let the reader/author know who is talking.

I think that is a very flawed approach. A critique will either apply to your work or not. You will either understand it or not. Where it comes from, is irrelevant.
Lauren Hynde said:
I think that is a very flawed approach. A critique will either apply to your work or not. You will either understand it or not. Where it comes from, is irrelevant.
I think there is a "show me what you got or shut up" attitude, which is how some feel when they aren't getting the critiques they want. Others really want to get an idea of who the poet is and what the poet is capable of writing.
darthjser, I wouldn't worry about anyone else's poetry. Thank everyone for their critiques and use only what you find valuable. :)
darthjser said:
To all,

Last but not least, poets will differ as to what “good” poetry is. That being said, it is still important to see their works.

There is a lot of work here to be seen or through links. Though what other people do is largely irrelevent. Reading poetry however, is important.

Sometimes if one wants to improve your poetry you have to listen to what you don't want to hear.

The best poets listen and learn.

Off on a tangent. I was looking at and it mentioned production costs but I can't find any other relevent information mentioning that. Is there a one off payment and then you pay per book?
Hi everyone,

I am new to poetry writing and used to work in the Finance circles. Being in that work environment, cold facts are most important.
(My boss does not want to hear about sweeping statements, but numbers from reputable sources.)

That being said, I have read a lot more on poetry and believe that all feedback from anyone is welcome.

Poetry is the “arts” and most different from finance in that it is not based on facts but imagery and the heart.

It is true though that there will always be people who come to create disturbance and chaos. I would think that such people would best be ignored.
They can easily be spotted out since low self-esteem is easy to recognize and so is someone who is not doing a critique but trying to make waves.)

Other than these people, all readers/poets who put in the time and effort to critique on a poem are valued.

Do accept my apologies if I had sounded rather harsh on a previous posting.


hey Jeffrey :)

I know Im late on this thread, but...some words of wisdom--

this is not my quote, but it is some actress, I heard saythis, cant remember which one, but--

she said, " if you love acting, then do it, but if you would not do it for free, then find another career."

I think this may be applied to writing poetry as well. If you woudlnt do it just because you love it (and this usually means, for FREE), then dont bother trying to make money off of it. :) the good part is when you get money from your words that you were not expecting!!!

good luck!!
Maria2394 said:
hey Jeffrey :)

I know Im late on this thread, but...some words of wisdom--

this is not my quote, but it is some actress, I heard saythis, cant remember which one, but--

she said, " if you love acting, then do it, but if you would not do it for free, then find another career."

I think this may be applied to writing poetry as well. If you woudlnt do it just because you love it (and this usually means, for FREE), then dont bother trying to make money off of it. :) the good part is when you get money from your words that you were not expecting!!!

good luck!!
I am not familiar with that part. Is it nice?

flyguy69 said:
I am not familiar with that part. Is it nice?


oh giggle me, Flyguy!! I got 25$ for a story on clean sheets. yes, it is very nice, even if it is from erotica and not poetry, but I hope that happens someday before I die, damn getting a pulitzer after death!! what a rip :)

I cant spell, er, cant type, so I know IM not in much danger of THAt happening in any life.
Maria2394 said:
oh giggle me, Flyguy!! I got 25$ for a story on clean sheets. yes, it is very nice, even if it is from erotica and not poetry, but I hope that happens someday before I die, damn getting a pulitzer after death!! what a rip :)

I cant spell, er, cant type, so I know IM not in much danger of THAt happening in any life.
Hey, I think the Pulitzer comes with a $10,000 check! I'll nominate you.

I remember that CleanSheets story, Ms. Moore. ;)
flyguy69 said:
Hey, I think the Pulitzer comes with a $10,000 check! I'll nominate you.

I remember that CleanSheets story, Ms. Moore. ;)

gosh, Im so ashamed!! ( NOT)

I thought it was only 2500, oh well, donate that one to charity I guess, not enough zeros :rose:
Maria2394 said:
gosh, Im so ashamed!! ( NOT)

I thought it was only 2500, oh well, donate that one to charity I guess, not enough zeros :rose:
You're donating porn stories to a charity? How beneficent of you! Are they able to get them into the hands of the erotically disadvantaged?
oMG, I tried to come up with a witty reply, but I was laughing too hard!! you are a devil, handsome!!
Maria2394 said:
oMG, I tried to come up with a witty reply, but I was laughing too hard!! you are a devil, handsome!!

How about...'I give myself to the erotically disadvantaged.' :D
flyguy69 said:
But would you do it for free? That is the real test!

Fly, we all do it for free on Lit, those of us who still do, some of us do?
Maria2394 said:
Fly, we all do it for free on Lit, those of us who still do, some of us do?
And here I was ready to write you a fat check.

Oh, Maria, write me another one! Just like that! Just like that! Oh, yesssss!
I got a poetry book printed at lulu with some illustrations (actually they were etchings I already had that were sympathetic to the poetry.) I purchased ten and with the price of the mail it cost me roughly 7 euro a copy or roughly $8 a copy. I've sold all ten for 10 euro each, that's $11.72 so I've made a grand total of $17.20 from my poetry and I'm ordering some more because I read at poetry readings and am often asked for copies of my work.

Oh Almost forgot the reason for this post. I'm impressed with the quality and time scale of the whole thing. I recommend it to anyone else thinking about it. But make sure you can move them first of course.


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