Question about content concerning FGM

You aren't seriously going to compare circumcision, which Jews do to celebrate their union with god, and which is considered even healthy and isn't that big of a deal, to the removing of the clitoris and vulva, an atrocious and painful procedure which is mostly done to "avoid promiscuity" in girls. The procedure causes serious consequences.
No matter what the OP's intentions are, this is an erotic site and any actions here are always seen in the light of arousal. Personally, I would be perfectly okay with a mainstream novel that describes the practice and shows the terrible consequences that stem from it. I would even applaud it. But writing a story about it here, on a website where most people come to fap doesn't seem okay to me. This isn't about kink-shaming or anything like that; it's about drawing a line.
I appreciate your feeling. There can be nothing erotic about FGM - no argument. Yet we write about people who are trying to overcome some sort of emotional or physical trauma in their past. Some of my favourite tales on this site include a MMC dying of cancer, another who is slowly recovering from being shot and a MFC who has been in a bad accident. That doesn’t equate to lauding cancer, shooting cops or getting turned on by somebody’s injuries. It’s bad stuff that happened in the past, something which, when and if overcome, makes their story deeper.

Of course, if the story eroticizes the process, then I’ll be there at the stake with a book of matches.
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I appreciate your feeling. There can be nothing erotic about FGM - no argument. Yet we write about people who are trying to overcome some sort of emotional or physical trauma in their past. Some of my favourite tales on this site include a MMC dying of cancer, another who is slowly recovering from being shot and a MFC who has been in a bad accident. That doesn’t equate to lauding cancer, shooting cops or getting turned on my somebody’s injuries. It’s bad stuff that happened in the past, something which, when and if overcome, makes their story deeper.

Of course, if the story eroticizes the process, then I’ll be there at the stake with a book of matches.
I would feel silly to explain how little cancer, shooting someone, or being in an accident has to do with the deliberate removal of a girl's sexual organs in order to keep her chaste. The difference in the potential for eroticizing the former and the latter is about as vast as the universe itself.
To be clear, I don't want to make it sound like I'm telling anyone what they can or can't write in general. But this is an erotic story platform, and no matter what the intent there are people here who sexualize everything, and a disturbingly large faction of readers who cheer on any type of pain inflicted on a woman, of any age.

All stories are legit, its the platform that becomes the issue.
Circumcision: removal at age one week (usually) of the male foreskin, usually with topical anesthesia leaving little to no apparent long-term changes in sexual function

Female genital MUTILATION: removal of the superficial portions of the clitoris and frequently portions of the labia, sometimes with stitching the labia together to make first-time intercourse extremely painful. Usually done when the girl a tweenager and without anesthesia, requiring several adults to physically hold her down during the procedure. Scarring, infection and even death are immediate consequences and obviously, it does lead to long-term changes in sexual function.

Though I am not a circumcision fan, the two procedures are vastly different. Clearly FGM is a heinous mutilation and any story here about it will and should be looked at with a very critical eye.
Is it ok? It would be quite easy for me to edit some details out. I would rather ask for permission than forgiveness.
But then you'd be editing out what must be, for an adult woman who has suffered such mutilation, a significant part of her sexuality, her central being, her whole self. That's almost as abhorrent as the practice, to deny a person her self.

Provided there's no fetishisation of the result, and the character is portrayed with sensitivity and empathy as a person, cudos to you if you do publish without edit. Sure, some people might be affronted by it, but so they should be. Awareness equals education. Moslem women who have been the innocent victims of barbaric practices are still people too.
Hello everyone, I am new. I've been reading stuff here for a long time and I have been writing my own stuff for equally long. I have decided to start publishing some of my stories here and here is where the problem starts. You see, what I write is quite on the fucked up side of things and I would like to respect the community's rules and do some minor editing before posting anything here.

To be more specific, I have this one story that I am very attached to personally where one of the main characters is muslim and had to go through FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) when she was young. Obviously, under no circumstances do I support such a practice (neither personally nor in my literature). Obviously, the practice itself does not get described explicitly. BUT, given that the story is a piece of erotic literature, the character's genitals along with her sexual acts get quite explicitly described. Back then, when I wrote it, I wanted to experiment with developing such a character in that story's context.

So, the question is:
Is it ok? It would be quite easy for me to edit some details out. I would rather ask for permission than forgiveness.
I speak only for myself... This is my opinion only...
I detest the mutilation of any human being...
The fact that the process is still in existence horrifies and disgusts me...
The only way I think a story covering this topic could or should ever be told is from the perspective of the young woman who is trying to deal with trying to live an ordinary life after she reaches adulthood and sex is expected....
It must be a truly horrible way to live.... Sex for her would be like rape... She gets no enjoyment, no pleasure from it...
If the story is about how she lives with a sexless life then I could perhaps see a place for it...
Other than that, any sexualising of the topic is just plain horrifying...
By suggesting that the woman could go on with her life and have a satisfying life is doing nothing for the plight of those poor women...
If you suggest she finds some way to enjoy sex, then you (IMO) Are promoting the practise...
Disfiguring, mutilation of other human beings is simply wrong. Most of us realise this...
No one has posted it yet so here is the specific wording of the relevant rule from the lit guidelines. Not allowed are...
  • Sexualized maiming, amputation, and female or male circumcision. We happily accept stories of amputees and their devotees, but do not post stories sexualizing the act of amputation or permanent physical harm
On that basis as long as you are sticking with the woman in her thirties you should be fine. However also be aware of...
  • Works that promote or focus heavily on politics or religion, or political or religious figures. Lit readers are bombarded with political disputes on other platforms and they prefer to avoid these types of divisive issues in their erotica.
FGM is so horrible that I personally don't think I'd be able to write about it without making a pretty clear authorial statement against it. One that may or may not be suitable for an erotic story website. Since I'd argue that the practice is abhorant on the face of it, I'd not sure whether it would cross into controversial political opinion (nobody who claims to believe in it should be anywhere near porn, but, you know, hypocrits). Just keep it in mind.
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