Question on Starting a Story - Content before the Main Attraction

Not in a "this story will be about the life and times of Molly, who's born in a prison and works as a hooker, gets married five times including once to her own brother, gets jailed for theft, gets released, makes her money, and settles down" kind of way,
Ha! Took me 20 seconds or so. "I know that story... but why? It's not Lesbian Sex so why would I...? Oh, wait, that's not a Literotica plot..."
Bravo, very good.
Holy moly, so much different feedback. Good luck making sense of all this, LonRivers.

I try to make sure there's still an overall sexual vibe, no matter what's happening on the page. This is erotica. I like to err on the side of focusing too much on sexual subject matter. So even if I'm backstorytelling, maybe I focus on sexual thematic throughlines, or observe funny sexual details.

I also try to keep things fun and present-focused. Backstory is still important, but I sprinkle morsels of it in here and there all the time, rather than all at once. I try to keep it out of dialog, unlike someone else recommended. This is personal taste. I don't like expository dialog. I like snappy, relatable dialog. But I will gladly put tons of little tidbits of backstory between the lines of my dialog, i.e., in the form of characters being reminded of something.

Occasionally, I will put an entire paragraph-long chunklet of backstory in the middle of a live, active conversation. And then I just pick the dialog right back up. No one ever complains. Readers are surprisingly good at pausing and resuming dialog, so long as it's not something I do too frequently, and so long as both the backstory and the dialog are enjoyable in their own rights.

Finally, and without much forethought, I should add that I'm a pantser. I don't pre-plan huge swaths of my plots - including backstory. I let backstory reveal itself organically. I let characters call the shots. I aim toward a basic chemical reaction between protagonists, but otherwise do my level best never to force anything. Whenever a little piece of backstory sprouts up, I let it have its moment. Its due. I feel its shape. But then I move right along. More backstory will sprout up elsewhere. Trust the process. Keep things horny. Write with love for what you're doing. Take breaks. Eat right. Hydrate. Etc.
Ha! Took me 20 seconds or so. "I know that story... but why? It's not Lesbian Sex so why would I...? Oh, wait, that's not a Literotica plot..."
Bravo, very good.

I'm just glad somebody caught it.

*note to self: start agitating for Laurel and Manu to expand the title field to 6000 characters or so*
Lots of Lit stories don't even make 4 pages.
So I've noticed. I have written some short ones myself though. But I want to write longer stories that I hope will keep readers interested. I don't care of people "favorite" or "follow". I do enjoy the likes though. Most of my stories go "HOT" within the day of publishing, so I take that as a good sign that I am doing something right, but that could be the sex scene contributing to that over all score. Who the hell wanks off in four short pages?? lol
I enjoy a good backstory to give readers a chance to get to know a character or characters, but what is too much backstory? I have written and re-written numerous stories, got to about 6-9 pages in before I even got to the a sex scene. When I do this, I get on a roll and just write, but then stop when I realize I may have written too much, and I think it takes away from the story.
I recommend that you take a look at a "How To" piece that I published here. There are a few different techniques mentioned that could provide you with options that you might not have considered to accomplish your backstory objectives.
I recommend that you take a look at a "How To" piece that I published here. There are a few different techniques mentioned that could provide you with options that you might not have considered to accomplish your backstory objectives.
Nice! I have this saved and will most certainly keep it on hand. Than you!
I enjoy a good backstory to give readers a chance to get to know a character or characters, but what is too much backstory? I have written and re-written numerous stories, got to about 6-9 pages in before I even got to the a sex scene. When I do this, I get on a roll and just write, but then stop when I realize I may have written too much, and I think it takes away from the story.
I think giving feedback most of the time is a waste because unless you and I agree on what is good writing, my feedback isn't going to do a thing for you.

With that being said, I'd like to give you some feedback on your story My Only Love. To me, your story starts with a massive data dump. I feel you can cut out the first five and a half paragraphs. I'd suggest you start the story with:
I had just closed out a pretty big case where my client was suing her doctor for malpractice. It was time to celebrate. And the person I wanted to celebrate with was my son Adam. We had ourselves a good night of fine food and even some dancing. When we got home we were laughing and still having fun. But as we got inside, I was leaning my back against the wall and slipping my shoes off when Adam leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I felt my heart racing and a rush of warmth come over me as his warm lips touched mine. I was surprised at his bold move though and when he pulled away, I placed a hand to my lips as I looked at him.

Personally, I would have liked to have read a description of the mom's night out with Adam. Show us the attraction and sexual tension between the two.

I hope that was helpful. If it was, I recommend reading my big list of tips that is in my signature.
I think giving feedback most of the time is a waste because unless you and I agree on what is good writing, my feedback isn't going to do a thing for you.

With that being said, I'd like to give you some feedback on your story My Only Love. To me, your story starts with a massive data dump. I feel you can cut out the first five and a half paragraphs. I'd suggest you start the story with:
I had just closed out a pretty big case where my client was suing her doctor for malpractice. It was time to celebrate. And the person I wanted to celebrate with was my son Adam. We had ourselves a good night of fine food and even some dancing. When we got home we were laughing and still having fun. But as we got inside, I was leaning my back against the wall and slipping my shoes off when Adam leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I felt my heart racing and a rush of warmth come over me as his warm lips touched mine. I was surprised at his bold move though and when he pulled away, I placed a hand to my lips as I looked at him.

Personally, I would have liked to have read a description of the mom's night out with Adam. Show us the attraction and sexual tension between the two.

I hope that was helpful. If it was, I recommend reading my big list of tips that is in my signature.
Good advice, and thank you for the feedback. That story was a bit rushed. I wrote it in a day to be honest. Not one of my favorites either, but I wanted those that follow to know I was back. I had been gone for awhile due to personal family issues. Which is another reason for me to try and improve my writing. I have been feeling more than a little rusty,