Questions about things subs enjoy during play

Ok, Saran Wrap, anyone?

My Dom told me yesterday, before he came over, that he had a different kind of bondage that he wanted to try out on me... He showed up with a roll of Saran Wrap.... OH MY!!! That was awesome!!! He totally wrapped my body in saran, and poked holes for my nose and mouth.... it got to be a little difficult to stand in one place, and i almost fell over a couple times, but he was there to straighten me back up :p . The Saran seem to cushion some of the blows from the cane and buggy whip that he was using..
Has anyone else tried this, and found it to be true? That the saran takes some of the sting out? Would be glad to hear from anyone...
hugs.. sierra :D
cymbidia said:
(For some, this is thier own place and partners aren't welcome here. For others, that's not so. I'm not suggesting anything beyond your comfort levels in this matter, Sierra, please know that.)
Somewhere down the line, i want what Risia and MasterMe have. Ummm. Well, not the switch part, the other part, the open honest, committed, in-it-forever part.
:rose: [/B]

cym, i may invite him here sometime in the near future, so he can meet all the wonderful people who have helped me be where i am today...

i think part of what makes our situation work for us right now, is the non commitment thing.. we are taking it day by day.... neither of us is ready to be tied to the other (no pun intended, of course.. hehe) just enjoying each other's company, and that's it.. ( and i am with you on the switch thing.. definately not for me)
thanks.. sierra :rose:

(edited because i still can't get the quote thing quite down pat... sorry)
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ok, i have another question for all of you.. my Dom has mentioned buying a jaw spreader, and using it with me.. i was wondering what everyone thought about them.. has anyone ever used one, and is it very uncomfortable? The thought seems to really excite him, but i'm very cautious....HELP!!
thanks :)
Loved the stories, cym, Risia and Sierra. You are indeed 3 lucky ladies that I would glady switch places with anytime...minus the canes. A little too much pain for me, I would imagine. My masochism knows lower limits than yours for the time being.
Cirrus said:
Loved the stories, cym, Risia and Sierra. You are indeed 3 lucky ladies that I would glady switch places with anytime...minus the canes. A little too much pain for me, I would imagine. My masochism knows lower limits than yours for the time being.
Thanks cirrus.... i am lucky, indeed... canes are not so bad... as long as you have someone who knows how to use them properly... the pain lasts but a few minutes, and then you have such wonderful sensations, and marks in the wake... :D i never thought i would want to try them either, but he dealt with them so gently, that i had to try.. for him, and for me... am so glad that i did!! Just the look of satisfaction on his face afterwards, and the glowing praise from him to me, made everything that was done worthwhile....
take care....
I'm fast making inroads into my lifelong fear of canes, too. I think it has to do with the complete renaissance that characterizes my life these days, though. I'm an all-new-and-improved chickie - and it's showing in almost everything i do, play styles included.
OK, maybe I'll put it on the "To Do" list. ;) That damn thing is getting pretty long, considering I just had my first "official" session as a sub last night. Damn intense, lemme tell you...woah boy. *fans self remembering this time 24 hours ago*
Cirrus said:
I just had my first "official" session as a sub last night. Damn intense, lemme tell you...woah boy. *fans self remembering this time 24 hours ago*
Get it in a thread so we can all share it, girl! That's what we do here, we tell each other personal stuff or ask questions about personal stuff or dig a little into personal headspaces or other kinds of personal-stuff sharing.

Very recently, sierramoon had her "first time", too. You're among good company. I just had a first time with a singletail today. There're lots of "first time's" ahead of you. Better get writing.

In all seriousness, there are any number of poeple here who are interested in moving from an investigatory phase of this kinda sexuality to actually doing it. When any of us learns something new or does something new, it's reassuring to those who haven't 'been there, done that' yet, don't you think?

By telling our tales, we demystify the process of loving in this way. We strip the secrecy from what people like us do together when behind closed doors. We bring it into the realm of shivery hot normalcy - at least normacy for our kind.

Speak out, please.
All of you.
We're all strengthened when any of us find a way toward strength and a more centered view of themselves in the middle of their BDSM sexuality.
cymbidia said:
Get it in a thread so we can all share it, girl! That's what we do here, we tell each other personal stuff or ask questions about personal stuff or dig a little into personal headspaces or other kinds of personal-stuff sharing.

Very recently, sierramoon had her "first time", too. You're among good company. I just had a first time with a singletail today. There're lots of "first time's" ahead of you. Better get writing.
In all seriousness, there are any number of poeple here who are interested in moving from an investigatory phase of this kinda sexuality to actually doing it. When any of us learns something new or does something new, it's reassuring to those who haven't 'been there, done that' yet, don't you think?

By telling our tales, we demystify the process of loving in this way. We strip the secrecy from what people like us do together when behind closed doors. We bring it into the realm of shivery hot normalcy - at least normacy for our kind.

Speak out, please.
All of you.
We're all strengthened when any of us find a way toward strength and a more centered view of themselves in the middle of their BDSM sexuality.
very beautifully put, cym... as usual... and yes, cirrus... please share your experience with us!!!:D
Ohhhhhh wow!

Well, I have nothing quite like that to relate .... *sigh*

BUT .... we are working towards fisting.
And ohhhhhhhhhhh ... and a nice mooooooooooooooan

We have got as far as all five digits ... its the knuckles we are having trouble with! (He has LARGE hands!) It has been ... errrr mindblowing, to say the least. All the more so because I was not bound. Had my bit gag on - to muffle the noise ... the rest I had to stay in the position placed.

Ohh ... almost forgot (how COULD I forget this?) ... He used his open hand to smack my pussy too. Between attempts at fisting. That was ......... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

willow :rose:
She's 100% right.

anniebug said:
I don't care how much you might trust a Master/Dom/whatever they may be calling the heat of the moment shit happens.

This is nothing to play around with. ( I know, I know. All you Doms and subs are going to post and say "We're always careful...I trust my Master...I would never put my sub in that position" )

Trust me...I've been an ER nurse long enough to have seen and heard it all.


Say what you will, anniebug is 100% right on this one.

Plus, she's also had the good sense to move to the best place to live in North America.

I read the post by SierraMoon about saran wrap just maks my mind wander at the possibilities. And the use of singletails on the thin plastic wrap............hmmmm
Originally posted by SierraMoon

i am lucky, indeed... canes are not so bad... as long as you have someone who knows how to use them properly... the pain lasts but a few minutes, and then you have such wonderful sensations, and marks in the wake... :D take care....

Your right Sierra about the feel of canes. The surface of the skin can feel like it is on fire and leave you with such beautiful sensations and marks, also very warm all over.
Welcome, SierraWolf (love the name!!)
thanks for your postings... Yes, the Saran Wrap, is very interesting... My Dom was mostly using the cane, and buggy whip, while i was wrapped, but i had such beautiful marks when he unwrapped me... and i hadn't felt hardly any pain at all!! i'm sure it would be great with a singletail....:D
And, yes, SierraWolf, i agree about the canes.. although not my favorite plaything.... i find them very tolerable..... nothing to be scared of anymore...
thanks again for posting, and welcome to Lit!!:rose:
SierraMoon said:
Welcome, SierraWolf <snip>
thanks again for posting, and welcome to Lit!!:rose:
It is a nice name, isn't it? We can all just call him Wolf, though, instead of the whole thing. I call him something altogether different, of course, since he's my dom.
cymbidia said:
It is a nice name, isn't it? We can all just call him Wolf, though, instead of the whole thing. I call him something altogether different, of course, since he's my dom.
it will make it much less confusing than having 2 sierra's here.. lol.. so, Wolf it is... and, i will just stay sierra...:)
Sorry Sierra, I have been away to respond to you, but Wolf sounds fine to me as long as a lot of other Wolves do not get confused.
SierraWolf said:
Sorry Sierra, I have been away to respond to you, but Wolf sounds fine to me as long as a lot of other Wolves do not get confused.
Glad to see you back again, Wolf... and i think we can all agree that you will be THE Wolf here...