Quiet exhilaration

Re: A nervous wreck!

MissTaken said:
Yes, I am travelling to Ottawa, Ca tomorrow to meet a Dom that I have been talking with.

He has told me what I should wear, that was so easy to figure out, anyway.

I can't find my thigh highs!

I have a blemish on my cheek!

My son used my heels for "dumptrucks" out in the sandbox!

However, I am clean, shaven, hair was done today and other things seem to be going as planned.

I so enjoy the flutters in my tummy :)

Miss *international sub* taken!

way cool, T. he gonna jump for joy when he meets up with you, so quit with the worry.
Re: Re: A nervous wreck!

MzChrista said:

way cool, T. he gonna jump for joy when he meets up with you, so quit with the worry.

He says he is ;)

And he seems to be a true Dom as opposed to some of the men I have dated or spoken to in the last few months.

He also come HIGHLY recommended by a sub friend of mine in the area.

MissT... I am so excited for you...

I truly hope this works out well for you....

I got my fingers crossed!
Re: A nervous wreck!

MissTaken said:
Yes, I am travelling to Ottawa, Ca tomorrow to meet a Dom that I have been talking with.

He has told me what I should wear, that was so easy to figure out, anyway.

I can't find my thigh highs!

I have a blemish on my cheek!

My son used my heels for "dumptrucks" out in the sandbox!

However, I am clean, shaven, hair was done today and other things seem to be going as planned.

I so enjoy the flutters in my tummy :)

Miss *international sub* taken!

MissTaken; you'll do wonderful. TRY to relax, focus, be yourself and have fun. Wishing you a wonderful experience.

MissT, there is more than enough time between the "oh my god, what haven't I packed yet" and the "is the apartment clean enough for his one glimpse of it over my shoulder" to cross my fingers for you. I wish you all the happiness that's leftover after I have a go at it. :D

(Hey, it's not THAT bad. We all love leftovers, remember?)
What a weekend!

Quint, Persephone, MissT, all meeting someone r/l this weekend!

I met my wife via a telephone meeting service. We met in person for the first time 10 years ago this long weekend. Though, in 1992 the long weekend included September 6, which is when we're planning to celebrate, which is actually next weekend this year.

Advise: Relax, don't let your anticipation fuel your anxiety and run your expectations unrealistically high.

I'm looking forward to interesting posts after the weekend!

Good luck, you three.

~Everybody's doin it
Doin it
Doin it~

Feel the flutters. Revel in them. Soak them in like the sun's heat on your skin while you're lying on a white sand beach. Let them heighten your awareness of your body and what it's feeling.

Smile through your terror. Use it to propel your excitment. We know about edges, don't we? We know how alive we can feel while walking them.

Anticipate gaining a friend.
Anticipate an interesting weekend.
Anticipate a break in your routine.
Anticipate a nice dinner.
Anticipate talking trash with someone who might see you naked at some point.

Then breathe in.
Breathe out.
Be sure there's no lipstick on your teeth.
Be sure you have breath mints in your purse. (Even better, that melts-instantly film. Tastes yucky but works well and quickly.)

I wish the meeting of fantasies for you all.
If not that, i wish you fun.
Quint, Perse, & MissT

Relax, and have fun!

You three rock, and hopefully the folks you meet will be worthy of you!

Nothing but the best of wishes for ya!

Safe and sound and giggly ;)

Thanks all.

I should have read about the breath strips before going though. The mints I bought left and awful taste in my mouth :)
One down ... two (or more?) to go.

The anticipation is building .......
Wow! You guys make me tear up you're all so wonderful!

I could excerpt every great thing you all have said, all the support -- lol, in fact I wish I'd seen them! I was last online on the night of the 29th -- so I missed some more of the great advice, lol.

But I'm a big girl -- I knew I'd be uh, *relatively* calm once Fri. night came activesense arrived in town.

And I was -- and he was -- and we had a wonderful weekend together. :)

He's a great guy (lol, I know he's going to read this -- but he knows I've said it to him already as well) -- there's just nothing about him not to like. He's a very special person.

And I can mirror what cym wrote -- I think for the sake of brevity (now y'all stop laughing -- we ALL know I'm loquacious.) ;)

~I gained a friend. We really knew that prior to getting together. However meeting in r/l -- everything I thought was before -- was confirmed to be true. No matter what -- I think, I hope -- to count him as a good friend. :)

~It was an interesting weekend getting to know him better. It was great fun to be together. And it was easy to be relaxed and myself with him. He makes me feel very safe. That's a slightly scary feeling though, lol.

~We had a couple nice meals together. In fact, I think the best was just sitting around the apartment this morning with fresh bagels, coffee, doing the NYTimes crossword puzzle and listening to tunes. That's a perfect Sunday morning to me. (Okay even *better* if you're with a great kisser.) ;)

~I don't know if we talked trash, lol. But we certainly talked a lot (surprise!) Actually, I think it's not often you find someone you can have serious conversations with and also just be silly and teasing. You have to respect the person for who they are and also simply like them. We certainly laughed a lot this weekend....

...Oh yes -- and if I search my memory -- ahh...hmm, I believe there was some nakedness this weekend. In fact, on the whole I think there was quite a bit. :D He led me through pushing and exploring some boundaries I hadn't yet gotten to. That took trust and feeling comfortable -- and I did feel both those things for and with him. Ohhh, and I don't think he'll mind my saying he's an incredible lover -- after all, that's not opinion. Just fact. ;)

So, how's that as a summary of my weekend? Where we go from here -- neither of us know yet. However, it was a weekend that was truly better in r/l than I had hoped for in my imagination. That's pretty special right there. :)

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone -- your positive energy must have just helped things along a little bit. ;)

Now -- I hope MissT is going to match me in giving out a bit more detail...and then we need to hear all the good stuff from Quint. :D

P. :rose:
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Hmmm... Persephone,

If I didn't know better, I would said you are smitten. :D
Persephone36 said:

Just glowing from a lovely weekend, manxie. :D

P. :rose:

It was lovely and uplifting. Thanks for sharing it with us. :heart:
Oh man!

I've got this body buzz thing going and no one's even touched me in any kinda sexual way this weekend! I got it just from reading what MissT and Perse had to say... and now i can't wait to hear Quint's report.

I gotta tell you, this kinda stuff makes me all teary. I'm an absolute total soft touch for happy endings, you know? We've had a pretty damn sucky summer round here. It was no one's fault, either - just the way the cards were dealt, i guess. But we were *all* due some smiles, and these are definitely smile-making stories.

I'm really *so* glad for both of you, and i'm glad, too, for all of us who're seeing some silver linings in our personal relationships. Maybe it's Sam and caroline's happiness spilling over onto all of us that's prompting it. Maybe it's lilfrk's daughter's good health that's affecting the whims of the gods. Maybe it's just our time for some good stuff, collectively. Who knows? I'm just incredibly glad that most of us are going into good places in our personal relationships - all together.
Re: Oh man!

cymbidia said:
I've got this body buzz thing going and no one's even touched me in any kinda sexual way this weekend! I got it just from reading what MissT and Perse had to say... and now i can't wait to hear Quint's report.

I gotta tell you, this kinda stuff makes me all teary. I'm an absolute total soft touch for happy endings, you know? We've had a pretty damn sucky summer round here. It was no one's fault, either - just the way the cards were dealt, i guess. But we were *all* due some smiles, and these are definitely smile-making stories.

I'm really *so* glad for both of you, and i'm glad, too, for all of us who're seeing some silver linings in our personal relationships. Maybe it's Sam and caroline's happiness spilling over onto all of us that's prompting it. Maybe it's lilfrk's daughter's good health that's affecting the whims of the gods. Maybe it's just our time for some good stuff, collectively. Who knows? I'm just incredibly glad that most of us are going into good places in our personal relationships - all together.

LOL, and now that brought tears to my eyes, cym.

Stop that! ;)

(oops, or maybe that little emotional thing for me is nervous exhaustion from lack of sleep) :D

Let's hope Quint makes us an even three-some. ;)

P. :rose:
Persephone36 said:
Wow! You guys make me tear up you're all so wonderful!

I could excerpt every great thing you all have said, all the support -- lol, in fact I wish I'd seen them! I was last online on the night of the 29th -- so I missed some more of the great advice, lol.

But I'm a big girl -- I knew I'd be uh, *relatively* calm once Fri. night came activesense arrived in town.

And I was -- and he was -- and we had a wonderful weekend together. :)

He's a great guy (lol, I know he's going to read this -- but he knows I've said it to him already as well) -- there's just nothing about him not to like. He's a very special person.

And I can mirror what cym wrote -- I think for the sake of brevity (now y'all stop laughing -- we ALL know I'm loquacious.) ;)

~I gained a friend. We really knew that prior to getting together. However meeting in r/l -- everything I thought was before -- was confirmed to be true. No matter what -- I think, I hope -- to count him as a good friend. :)

~It was an interesting weekend getting to know him better. It was great fun to be together. And it was easy to be relaxed and myself with him. He makes me feel very safe. That's a slightly scary feeling though, lol.

~We had a couple nice meals together. In fact, I think the best was just sitting around the apartment this morning with fresh bagels, coffee, doing the NYTimes crossword puzzle and listening to tunes. That's a perfect Sunday morning to me. (Okay even *better* if you're with a great kisser.) ;)

~I don't know if we talked trash, lol. But we certainly talked a lot (surprise!) Actually, I think it's not often you find someone you can have serious conversations with and also just be silly and teasing. You have to respect the person for who they are and also simply like them. We certainly laughed a lot this weekend....

...Oh yes -- and if I search my memory -- ahh...hmm, I believe there was some nakedness this weekend. In fact, on the whole I think there was quite a bit. :D He led me through pushing and exploring some boundaries I hadn't yet gotten to. That took trust and feeling comfortable -- and I did feel both those things for and with him. Ohhh, and I don't think he'll mind my saying he's an incredible lover -- after all, that's not opinion. Just fact. ;)

So, how's that as a summary of my weekend? Where we go from here -- neither of us know yet. However, it was a weekend that was truly better in r/l than I had hoped for in my imagination. That's pretty special right there. :)

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone -- your positive energy must have just helped things along a little bit. ;)

Now -- I hope MissT is going to match me in giving out a bit more detail...and then we need to hear all the good stuff from Quint. :D

P. :rose:

Uh huh, yep, the heat is turned up in this thread too! Who keeps turning up the thermostat?

I am so pleased you had a good time! Both of you!

quiet exhilaration

quint , since this was my first vist to the threads and it is sunday already , here's my hope that your weekend is going wonderfully well and you are enjoying just being together. i have a man who i am having a very nice online friendship with, and i am just dying for the time when he will come to visit me, soon as he heals from his" moose wounds" he hit a moose on his motorcycle, ouch!
Ebonyfire said:

Uh huh, yep, the heat is turned up in this thread too! Who keeps turning up the thermostat?

I am so pleased you had a good time! Both of you!


I guess there are just some passionate babes on here...and after all aren't *you* Ebonyfire. ;)

Guess we're all just smokin' at the moment! :D

P. :rose: