Quote of the Day!


Thank you for posting Veroe. Your quotes are always uplifting, they make me smile. :heart::rose:
"Gundam is cleared for rear entry". Fraw Bow, Mobile Suit Gundam (I kid you not, this is in the English Dub. Bah hah hah)
"No matter how beautiful the flower, someone always comes along and crushes it." Shinn Asuka, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Destiny. Yes, Shinn is a very bitter individual, but you would be too if your family was vaporized (all but your little sister's hand, still clutching the cell phone you just bought her as a present) mere inches from you by combat mecha.
"Someone ever tries to kill you, you kill them right back."
~Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Firefly~​
"Life is racing. All the rest is just waiting."
~Steve McQueen~​
Quote of the Day.


~ No one is ever a victim, although your conquerors would have you believe in your own victimhood.

How else could they conquer you? ~

Barbara Marciniak

.Quote of the Day!

~ Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.~

Leonardo DaVinci

“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
― Eckhart Tolle

Words to live by there, Brit. Now for my qoute today.

"People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives."

~J. Michael Straczynski~​
Quote of the Day!


~Music is a total constant.

That's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know?

Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person.

No matter what else has changed in your or the world, that one song says the same, just like that moment.~

Sarah Dessen.

Words to live by there, Brit. Now for my qoute today.

"People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives."

~J. Michael Straczynski~​

I totally agree, thank you both. :):rose:
Written by Samuel Beckett, one of my heroes, one the occasion of the death of the father of a very good friend:

"I know your sorrow and I know that for the likes of us there is not ease for the heart to be had from words of reason and that in the very assurance of sorrow’s fading there is more sorrow. So I offer you only my deeply affectionate and compassionate thoughts and wish for you only that the strange thing may never fail you, whatever it is, that gives us the strength to live on and on with our wounds."

Insightful, heartfelt, searingly honest. Above all, brimful of humanity.
Written by Samuel Beckett, one of my heroes, one the occasion of the death of the father of a very good friend:

"I know your sorrow and I know that for the likes of us there is not ease for the heart to be had from words of reason and that in the very assurance of sorrow’s fading there is more sorrow. So I offer you only my deeply affectionate and compassionate thoughts and wish for you only that the strange thing may never fail you, whatever it is, that gives us the strength to live on and on with our wounds."

Insightful, heartfelt, searingly honest. Above all, brimful of humanity.

Perfect , thank you, welcome to my thread.:rose:
The honour is mine, madam. <Bows; takes gloved hand in mine; kisses gently.>

I smile gently at his softly spoken words, eyes widening as he gently kisses my covered finger tips. I am wondering if we have perhaps met in a past life ...his touch feels familiar to me somehow.
I smile gently at his softly spoken words, eyes widening as he gently kisses my covered finger tips. I am wondering if we have perhaps met in a past life ...his touch feels familiar to me somehow.

From your profile, it appears we share an admiration for Anais Nin. Perhaps it is this bond which resonates through the disparate centuries and threads us, however lightly or impermanently, together.
From your profile, it appears we share an admiration for Anais Nin. Perhaps it is this bond which resonates through the disparate centuries and threads us, however lightly or impermanently, together.

"I have found the one whom my soul loves... This is my beloved, and this is my friend. " Song of Solomon..

“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” Anaïs Nin

Perhaps. :eek:

In any event I am pleased to have made your acquaintance however briefly. :rose: