Reader's Comments - What Gives?

SexyChele, I was quoting an old joke. "I want to thank everyone for participating, said the woman baptizing her new-born."

As in participating in making the baby?

Yes, it's a cultural thing. Sweden has many such sayings about sexually active women. As in "It just came over me, said the woman."

As in "cumming"...
Svenskaflicka said:
SexyChele, I was quoting an old joke. "I want to thank everyone for participating, said the woman baptizing her new-born."

As in participating in making the baby?

Yes, it's a cultural thing. Sweden has many such sayings about sexually active women. As in "It just came over me, said the woman."

As in "cumming"...

Now that you explain it, it is quite funny! I'll have to remember these. Thanks for sharing - and educating me!
bridgeburner said:
Some folks get off on being offended. It's their fetish. Shrug it off safe in the knowledge that most of them will die of hypertension and apoplexy years before your libido gives out.

I love that. This is just a perfect observation.


I agree that it seems to fit some people perfectly!

Some people just seem to get off on being pissed off ... or is that pissed on? :confused: I think I may be in the wrong thread. ;) :D
SexyChele said:

Kiwiwolf! You have to be one of the sweetest men at Lit! Thank you for your compliments - they mean a great deal! And what is this? You've posted a story, and I hadn't known about it? Well, I will just have to check this out for myself! ;)

:eek: Shhhhh... I have a reputation to live down to. ;) Seriously it was the feedback from you and KM that gave me the guts to actually post the story. Again I thank you both.:eek: :rose:
Lo again

Hi each.

Yes self induced anger and volutary degradation and the like, interesting thought, some people like being pissed off and complaining, and some do indeed like being pissed on Pookie_grrl.
I'm also probably in the wrong thread, but hey who cares.

This works many ways, some insecure or other emotionally challenged folks get off on being shit on from a great height.
They then come here or elsewhere looking for sympathy and comfort from others, why not, free world isn't it, (Well we know it's not free really you only have to look at the censorship some authors have to endure to see that).
That isn't what this thread is about really however I'm sure.

Then you have the people who think they are far superior to you and everyone else and take great pleasure in shitting on others for any reason they can think of, valid or not, these folks are just as twisted up in the head as the folks who like being shit on.
Nothing wrong with being critical but in a constuctive way offering genuine advice, these characters aren't in the business of advising, most haven't got the brain power.

Both of the above will doubtless wind up friendless and pushing up daiseys long before they need.

Occasionally you will find an author who is genuinely hurt by non-constructive and malicious remarks of the kind common on this site and others frequented by the superior beings, (See para two), and encouraged by the inferior beings, (See para one).
I think that's what this tread is about, genuine hurt and offence at unjustified or ridiculous comment.

You see what a lot of professional, ahem, authors and other story reading critics fail to appreciate is that not everyone is the same.
Not everyone had a brilliant upbringing and university or whatever education.
There are a lot of folks who'd love to write stories and poems for posting here and elsewhere but fear doing so because they want genuine advice and help they know they may not recieve. (These words are from a friend who was flamed out without cause for a story she wrote and has not had the confidence to try again, she actually sent me to this site, I'd never heard of it before)

I have personal experience if this kind of poor education and lack of genuine support, I was quite badly Dyslectic as a kid, well right up to teens really.
Of course being the 1950's Dyslexia wasn't a recognised ailment and I spent my entire school life being told I was stupid and would never make anything of myself unless I tried harder.
There was of course no appropriate learning material available, if I'd asked for a book with bigger print I'd have been laughed out of class.
If I asked for more time to complete an essay, I was told yet again that I was stupid.
I managed to overcome it reasonably well in the end myself with the support of my family where needed.
Even now if I relax too much when reading or writing and lose concentration I lapse, the newspaper becomes unreadable or whatever and I just have to leave it until later.
I don't get the jumbled word syndrome very much these day, just can't concentrate and lose interest.
So if anyone notices that I'm getting my mords wuddled pu please say so.

While on the subject, what idiot invented the name Dyslectic for our complaint, you try bloody writing it down when you can't string letters and words together.

I've now of course developed the attitude that if someone doesn't like me or what I do or say, tough shit. Free world, move on.
If someone does manage to upset me, I do bite back, well I am only human.
My biggest failing is my lack of critisism of others sometimes, when people really do need to be told straight, I often apply too soft an approach, when what is needed is a kick up the arse I often just put an arm round their shoulder and try to be too nice.
I say sometimes, I can and do give people a kick up the arse occasionally, but still in a constructive manner.

Anyway I've bored you all enough now, bye. pops...........

PS: Kiwiwolf, love your little Xmas tale, very amusing and well put together mate.
Re: Lo again

pop_54 said:
Hi each.

PS: Kiwiwolf, love your little Xmas tale, very amusing and well put together mate.

LOL... thanks pops. now if you would link me I could read your stories and vote and comment on those.
OK mate

Cheers kiwiwolf I'll sort it out tomorrow, 1.00am here now, must turn in.

SexyChele, I read your anal story...went there from your signature line link a few days ago. I liked it, and voted the same way.

I didn't think anything about the AIDS connection, or the soreness the next day. I don't remember...did they use lubrication? That could have been a connection with the soreness beef, but just a comment.

Still though, we are all trying to rationalize a irrational feedback. Is that actually possible?
I don't think so.

I have written a "how to" of electro play. I have hesitated posting it, because of some idiots out there that will not catch all of the facts and end up hurting someone. Maybe someone like your feedbacker? I would hate to be the indirect cause of someone getting hurt, although my "how to" is based on education and experience.

I am also in the process or writing a story where a woman meets her Master via an ad she posted on the Internet. She allows herself to be controlled by him, even before they ever meet.

I have wondered if I should post a disclaimer for the readers who would think this is something anyone should actually think is safe. Yes, there are some who would jump off a building if someone said it was possible to do so safely and the thrill is better than your wildest sex. I went to high school with two guys who actually played Russian Roulet. One shot himself between the eyes and died. DUH!

You can't be responsible for everyone's satisfaction any more than you can be responsible for everyone's concerns or causes. Like someone has said, this is a world-wide site. There are some countries inflicted more with AIDS than the U.S., even though we are badly inflicted. At least people here hopefully attempt to use condoms, when some countries don't even have the education that condoms will could protect you. The next problem, in some countries, is finding a condom.

I liked the story, and the only thing I would add to it would be bondage or electro play.:D
But, that's just me. Should I write you some feedback and complain?
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What is Happening . . .

Hi guys and gals,

I am very impressed that authors are getting feedback about their stories, maybe that comes with fame and reputation on Lit.
For myself, I rarely get feedback, run about 1% or less on ratings and yet my latest story, "Driveway Desire" is getting about 100+ hits per day.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this pattern common to others as well? Any ideas??

Thanks Don :rose:
Not every writer gets feedback and those who get feedback don't all get a lot. I don't get a lot, but I do get some.

I don't know why this is so, but it could be I don't have much of a following of readers, yet.

When you say your story get 100+ hits a day, does that mean views? If so, views are counted when someone lands on your story. It doesn't mean they read it, or even stayed long at all.

Feedback and voting are ways to tell if people are reading your story. If you don't get feedback, but get good voting, it might not be long before some readers wants to let you know what they think of your story.

Low voting and no feedback would tell me you might want to check with an editor to see if there is something you can do to change your writing style making your story more visible to your potential readers. Someone other than the writer could spot a problem the writer can't see.

I'm not an editor and I can't tell you what you may be doing wrong or right. If it hasn't been too long since your stories were posted, give it some time. It takes time to develop a following of readers.

There is also a story feedback forum where you can ask for writer's opinions. That might be something to think about, if you can't find an answer otherwise.

Sorry, I'm not much help. Maybe someone else has an idea.
Re: What is Happening . . .

Don K Dyck said:
Hi guys and gals,

I am very impressed that authors are getting feedback about their stories, maybe that comes with fame and reputation on Lit.
For myself, I rarely get feedback, run about 1% or less on ratings and yet my latest story, "Driveway Desire" is getting about 100+ hits per day.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this pattern common to others as well? Any ideas??

Thanks Don :rose:

As DVS stated, a "hit" simply means some one clicked on the story. It does not mean that person read it, unfortunately there is no way to measure that here.

I noticed you placed your story in Erotic Couplings. I had one story I placed there and, while it got some decent votes, it sank rapidly and didn't get the exposure that other stories did. For example: that one received just over 6,000 views, and it has been up for over 6 months. My newest, about anal sex, just hit the boards Monday and is over 18,000. Erotic Couplings is just a category that gets hit a lot and I think stories get buried rather quickly.

I would also pay some attention to the voting. I wouldn't set my heart on it, or anything. Lord knows, it is highly unscientific! But it does give a writer a barometer to measure their work. Expect to receive a few very low votes - people are just that way, it seems. But if the votes are running low, then you might want to take a look at style and content. It always helps to have another writer take a look at your story and find out what they think. I've had a lot of great advice and feedback from other writers here when I've asked for feedback from them.

I also think the type of story is what elicits feedback. When I wrote to the BDSM and Erotic Couplings categories, I got very little to almost no feedback. Well, I did get more feedback when I wrote to BDSM, barely. Hardly any that I can recall from Erotic Couplings. Yet, when I wrote my first Gay Male story - though not viewed by a whole lot of people, but receiving rather high votes - I got a ton of feedback. Amazingly all but one was extremely positive. The same is true for my current story about anal sex. Another category that I got a lot of feedback from (and still get most of my feedback from on my older stories) is from one I wrote in "First Time" category. I think people from various categories are almost more willing to share how they feel about a story, but that is just my guess. And I havent' written to all of them, so I can't tell you about all the categories.

Something else that I found helped with feedback was developing a web site. I don't know why. As soon as I put up a web site and linked to it from here, the feedback increased. Maybe it was because people felt they could read a story and then go to some place where they felt they could get to "know" me a little better, who knows?

I don't have time now, but I'll read through your stories sometime today and let you know what I think about them. Hope you find the answers you are looking for.
Thanks . . .

Hi DVS and Chele, Thanks for taking the time to reply to my query . . .

from the sound of your very positive responses it sounds like "situation normal" for a newbie auithor . . . I guess the interest that you receive is in part related to the interests of the reading public, and writing about topics generally considered "taboo" or "risque" in society would elicit both more readers and more comments than, dare I say, "boring mainstream" experiences.

Oh well, back to the quill and ink . . . thanks for sharing your wisdom,

Don :rose: :rose:
the true measure of Feedback...

When I first started out writing poetry, I got trashed daily by the critics in a certain poetry chat room, but it helped me to develope my work into a craft. As time went on I would get, nice, great, or other inane remarks that had no real value to anyone other than that person. And so I began to take more interest in those who did give me feedback, especially those who trashed the poem. I, of course took them literally, and went through many rewrites of poems for nothing as I'd forgotten the golden rule about critique.

The golden rule concerning critique goes something like this:
Listen to both what they are saying, and what they aren't saying, and why they are saying it in the first place.

Now if when I get feed back on an interracial story in which the woman left her husband for a black man, and they say: "It sucked! Why didn't you have the husband shoot that black bastard?" Then I take this as positive feed back, and not negative. Why? Because the story so enraged the reader when it tapped into a personal vein in their heart that made them write me to complain about it. My story did that, and if we aren't writing good enough to evoke such feelings in certain people, then the story really would suck.

Hell, if people just hate me for the color of skin God gave me, then why wouldn't they get pissed off if a black man please a white wife in her husband's bed?

The lesson here is that as a writer getting feed back you need to think about what is being said, what isn't being said, and why are they saying it in the first place. People motivated enough to send feedback to you about a story you wrote only do that because your story made them do that. Everybody is a critic, but not everybody can write enough to be critiqued.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Yeah, I read ''Anal Revenge''. I'm not sure I read to the end. I don't remember a thing about its contents.

So, it probably was 4 or less.

No offence intended.
Pop: Never be afraid to ramble off on a tangent. People tend to be very forgiving round here and you could end up sending the thread in new, exciting and completely weird directions.

The Earl
Chilled Vodka: What's with the sig? Are you getting sponsorship or something?

The Earl