Realistic cheating stories

Truth Serum said:
Writing a cheating story with no rhyme or reason is hard.

take these two:

1: Fatal Attraction...big hit...made men fear their lives!!! He really had no reason to cheat..he found the female character hot, intense...and then she became a little to intense...and she dies...

2: Unfaithful...good story...she really had no reason to cheat...unbelieveable hotties all around...and the guy dies in the end.

I am thinking I see a pattern here. Even if the story is characters...someone has got to die..usually the nutcase, ok...but someone dies.

I think it's the audience telling us that we need to keep family structure together. The story might do well, but don't expect it to be UNBELIEVABLE ... unless someone dies...get the picture???

but if someone dies on Lit, you get low scores and hatemail. That was my experience with Elysium Island Adventures . Ooops.. I guess I gave away the ending. :eek:
sirhugs said:
but if someone dies on Lit, you get low scores and hatemail. That was my experience with Elysium Island Adventures . Ooops.. I guess I gave away the ending. :eek:

Oddly enough, my lit scores seem to go up for every story with a body count. I got all sorts of positive comments for "Party Hard" where pretty much all the characters important enough to be given a name, with the exception of the two demons, got killed in various ways.
Hallowed Eve said:
Darn. :p lol

I thought you might enjoy beeing punished though...

and " Daddy Does the Punishing Here" might be a good totle for a story. Maybe Daughter invites a gf ( her college roommate) for a visit. Daddy does something naughty ( peeping on friend in the shower?). Friend suggests Daddy needs to be punished. Daughter says......
sirhugs said:
I thought you might enjoy beeing punished though...

and " Daddy Does the Punishing Here" might be a good totle for a story. Maybe Daughter invites a gf ( her college roommate) for a visit. Daddy does something naughty ( peeping on friend in the shower?). Friend suggests Daddy needs to be punished. Daughter says......

Very cute idea!! :D :) I love it!
Arrow2891 said:
Can anyone write, or know of any good realistic cheating stories? Ones where the woman cheats on her husband, has kids, a great family, he's not a bad guy, sex is great, but she still cheats on him, for some reason, and she's not a slut, or evil, she's a good person, and plus he never finds out about it.

Can anyone write this, or know of similar ones?

I was giving this idea more thought. From the wife's POV. She is a happy wife. Kids not under foot, school age. Her husband has a stable career. They live in the burbs two cars and the wife doesn't have to work. The wife manages her home well, seeing her husband and kids off everyday happy and healthy.

Her affair is not with the usual suspects (i.e., the gardner, the plumer, the mailman, or milk man). It is with a stranger she picks up on the side of the road.

For some unknown reason she picks the man up own her way back from dropping her kids off to school. The man's story is that he is living with relatives while he looks for work. While they have an interesting coversation, the wife drives routinely to her house not realizing it until they are own her street. The wife offers to show the man her nice home.

They talk, mostly the man listens. They have coffee, and end up spending nearly the entire day together watching shows, and the man even helps her with her house work. The wife drops the man at his relative's home own her way to pick up her kids from school.

The woman all but forgets about the man as she settles back into her routine.

The next day, the wife sees the man walking at the same spot own her way home from dropping off her kids at school. She takes him straight to her home, this time proposeful.

The watch a movie together and end up having wild sex on the floor of her livingroom. Regret hits her after the after glow. She takes the man home promising herself that she would never do it again.

The wife begins to take alternate routes home after dropping off her kids at school to avoid the chance of seeing the man again, but the thoughts of their wild and passionate sex lingers with her.

Nearly a week goes by and she takes her normal route home from dropping off her kids at school. She finds herself looking for the man, but she doesn't see him in the usual area along the road. She get home and there is a knock on the door. It is the man.

The woman invites the man in, and the man pulls her into his arms before she can tell him how big of a mistake it was for her to be with him. She is sucked right into his passion, screwing all over her house.

A relative arrives at the woman's home to visit her. Before she could panic, the man is gone without a trace.

The wife and the man continue their affair undetected.
BlackSnake said:
I was giving this idea more thought. From the wife's POV. She is a happy wife. Kids not under foot, school age. Her husband has a stable career. They live in the burbs two cars and the wife doesn't have to work. The wife manages her home well, seeing her husband and kids off everyday happy and healthy.

Her affair is not with the usual suspects (i.e., the gardner, the plumer, the mailman, or milk man). It is with a stranger she picks up on the side of the road.

For some unknown reason she picks the man up own her way back from dropping her kids off to school. The man's story is that he is living with relatives while he looks for work. While they have an interesting coversation, the wife drives routinely to her house not realizing it until they are own her street. The wife offers to show the man her nice home.

They talk, mostly the man listens. They have coffee, and end up spending nearly the entire day together watching shows, and the man even helps her with her house work. The wife drops the man at his relative's home own her way to pick up her kids from school.

The woman all but forgets about the man as she settles back into her routine.

The next day, the wife sees the man walking at the same spot own her way home from dropping off her kids at school. She takes him straight to her home, this time proposeful.

The watch a movie together and end up having wild sex on the floor of her livingroom. Regret hits her after the after glow. She takes the man home promising herself that she would never do it again.

The wife begins to take alternate routes home after dropping off her kids at school to avoid the chance of seeing the man again, but the thoughts of their wild and passionate sex lingers with her.

Nearly a week goes by and she takes her normal route home from dropping off her kids at school. She finds herself looking for the man, but she doesn't see him in the usual area along the road. She get home and there is a knock on the door. It is the man.

The woman invites the man in, and the man pulls her into his arms before she can tell him how big of a mistake it was for her to be with him. She is sucked right into his passion, screwing all over her house.

A relative arrives at the woman's home to visit her. Before she could panic, the man is gone without a trace.

The wife and the man continue their affair undetected.

Sounds great, except the htichhiker part. Too dangerous nowadays, lol.
Bump. I'd like to change one thing about my original post. Have the woman feel guilt, but it doesn't consume her. The guilt possibly even makes her hornier, in a bizarre way, if that makes any sense.
Bump. I'd like to change one thing about my original post. Have the woman feel guilt, but it doesn't consume her. The guilt possibly even makes her hornier, in a bizarre way, if that makes any sense.

Aaaahhh, it's a zombie thread!

Anyway, can you be more specific with this thought. It's an interesting idea but I'm not sure how guilt and horniness would really relate to each other.
Resh your silly, it's sorta the same thing as a car wreck, you know you shouldn't look but you so can't not look.

Besides, taboo sex is pretty wild and enjoyable, because it's taboo. Take the taboo part out and it stops being wild and enjoyable, well wild anyway. So sleeping with the husband turns from being wild to just something that you do. So if say, a hot young stranger puts a move on a wife who's been having missionary sex with the same man for the last decade or more, if she has little to no chance of being caught, guess who is getting sex.

Of course she feels guilty after, she slept with someone not her husband. However, the sex she had was incredible, and hubby is still just giving her the missionary, so the memory of the affair sex will come back to her and of course if she gets an opportunity she is going to invite the stranger back into her. ;)
The reason cheating wives stories often get such negative assessment, in part, I think, compared to stories about open marriage or the like, is that they're just a little too close to reality to be entirely comfortable. Wild improbably sexual fantasies, that's one thing, but a lot of cheating wife stories are 'real' enough that they end up being judged according to something closer to 'real life' standards...and that's a whole other ball game.

Granted a lot of the commentary is nonsense, but it expresses a real rage and real fear.
i love the scenario of the story, I found that if I wanted to read this story I would have to write it myself, so I did. I have been working on some follow-ups and have several stories in various stages of completion.
The reason cheating wives stories often get such negative assessment, in part, I think, compared to stories about open marriage or the like, is that they're just a little too close to reality to be entirely comfortable. Wild improbably sexual fantasies, that's one thing, but a lot of cheating wife stories are 'real' enough that they end up being judged according to something closer to 'real life' standards...and that's a whole other ball game.

Granted a lot of the commentary is nonsense, but it expresses a real rage and real fear.
yeah, I agree. The issue however in 'cheating stories' here at Literotica seems two-fold: a) the responses tend to be lead by those who think any woman (mostly) who cheat are terrible and should be condemned, regardless of the motivation. b) men writing cheating stories are more about revenge, which I understand if they've been 'burned' but really, how much do the rest of us need to here the same thing over and over again?

The few cheating wife stories I've enjoyed show the real emotions she has..the guilt, but the excitement as well. Really folks, there is a LOT of this going on and not all of it 'leads' to some terrible destruction of the person or the marriage. In fact, the more subtle cheating story of a woman suddenly caught up in something wild and out of control a bit is quite sexy and even more so (IMHO) when she doesn't get caught but that it translates into strengthening her somehow.

Which I guess is part of the kind of story I like on literotica-- those that create a sense of play but also that allows you inside his/her head a bit especially when it's 'beyond what others would accept'.
yeah, I agree. The issue however in 'cheating stories' here at Literotica seems two-fold: a) the responses tend to be lead by those who think any woman (mostly) who cheat are terrible and should be condemned, regardless of the motivation. b) men writing cheating stories are more about revenge, which I understand if they've been 'burned' but really, how much do the rest of us need to here the same thing over and over again?

There are two or three 'flavors' of cheating wife story, too. I've seen some where a reconciliation happens under utterly unbelievable circumstances, such as when a wife hasn't just been cheating but clearly showed pure contempt for her spouse, or indifference to other people as part of her basic nature, and I've seen revenge scenarios ranging from plausible to sheerly bizarre. Sometimes a reconciliation is believable (and there is a chorus of WIMP!!! from the peanut gallery), sometimes it's not.

If a cheating wife story is written to sort of fit into the real world, it's different than one where it all turns into one big gang bang and everyone's improbably content with the situation with no bad side effects. It's two different kinds of CW story.
i love the scenario of the story, I found that if I wanted to read this story I would have to write it myself, so I did. I have been working on some follow-ups and have several stories in various stages of completion.
Are your stories posted here, or under another name?
Aaaahhh, it's a zombie thread!

Anyway, can you be more specific with this thought. It's an interesting idea but I'm not sure how guilt and horniness would really relate to each other.

I don't know. You are right. It is certainly an interesting idea.
i love the scenario of the story, I found that if I wanted to read this story I would have to write it myself, so I did. I have been working on some follow-ups and have several stories in various stages of completion.

Sounds cool. Where are your stories?
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