Really Bad Joke

Ladies, such cattiness!!!!!!


If you're of a mind, why not entertain him at your leisure?

I'm sure if you were careful with the poor boy, you could save some for lunch too!
lewdandlicentious said:
I'm sure if you were careful with the poor boy, you could save some for lunch too!
Ah, but then there might be nothing left but the bones. :p

That's OK!

Dry them out and make something ornamental out of them.

Fancy your very own skeleton hanging in the corner of your front room? Great for biology lessons for the kids/grandchildren!

Better yet, use them on the fire and get some extra use!

At least then the poor boy will have contributed to your warmth in every way possible!
Hahaha! You've got the measure of him already. It took me a little longer to realise that. :D

Loulou :kiss:
.....................How about a bone xylophone??........................

.........or cut the top of his skull off, then turn it upside down and use it to eat your cereal out of in the morning??....................

.........or mount your very own tribute to pirate symbology over the fireplace??.........................

Don't start? You don't pay much attention, do you? I've almost finished.

Actually my post was my own really bad joke and I hope that no one's leg came away in my hand.

The really bad joke here is that we are all paying for a system that 'educated' the mental deficient who wrote the feedback I posted. The public educational system needs reforming. I am talking here revolution, not evolution.

As I have posted before, I grew up in the mean streets of inner cities. I have had to deal with criminal figures who use human attack dogs. In at least one case the atttack dog could not even speak, but only responded to its master's commands (as long as he could). In my none too humble opinion, the attack dog under discussion was more intelligent than Anonymous.